[PDF] The grammatical and conceptual ingredients of what happens next

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Be going to and will: a pragmatic account

11-Jul-2017 Alternatively we could adapt Reichenbach's proposal for French future time expressions to the English constructions. (13) (a) Futur proche: ...

Forward-shifted Time Reference in Reported Speech

as it may seem simply looking at languages such as English or Russian future tense and its grammatical expressions in the languages we are focusing on ...

Cristina Grisot - Cohesion Coherence and Temporal Reference

verbal tenses in languages such as English French and Spanish (see e.g. Consequently

Cristina Grisot - Cohesion Coherence and Temporal Reference

verbal tenses in languages such as English French and Spanish (see e.g. Consequently

Thesis Reference

05-May-2017 Pronominal anaphora and verbal tenses in machine translation ... we show that the English personal pronouns it and they can be translated ...

Thesis Reference

Direct objects of any kind in Tunisian Arabic can be either unmarked or appear preceded by the particle 'fi'. The dissertation describes and analyzes this 

a corpus-based comparison of advanced Bulgarian and German

future time and to address the notion of 'aspect' as a feature of verbs which English and as such it will focus on the formal expressions of aspect in ...

The grammatical and conceptual ingredients of what happens next

28-Apr-2015 Aspectualized futures in Indonesian and English (Copley ... If we treat will as a tense we use it to designate a future time on a.

Coberta CJL 17

translation for this form will be simple future in English (but crucially not future perfective):. (i) My budem myt' posudu. we will.1PL wash dishes.ACC.


To Laura Demsey always a ray of positivity when things looked bleak. Thank you for being there to compare notes about French in New England and the Valley

What is the tense of futur proche?

The futur proche (nnear future) tense describes what is going to happen with certainty. To form the futur proche, use the present tense of aller (to go) plus an infinitive. To make it negative and say something is not going to happen, put ne … pas or n’… pas around the conjugated verb aller.

Why did Reichenbach characterize conventions?

One puzzle about Reichenbach’s view of conventions is why characterizing them remained important to him, since they are, in his mature view, only a feature of the reconstruction of a theory, not an intrinsic logical or semantical feature of any proposition.

What influence did Reichenbach's comments have on linguistics?

Kamp (2013) lays out in some detail the enormous influence in linguistics of Reichenbach’s short comments in Elements of Symbolic Logic (pp. 289–298) that recognized the distinction between speech time, reference time and event time in the logical analysis of tense.

What is Reichenbach's concern in the direction of time?

Reichenbach did not doubt that we have a definite psychological separation of time into past and future, corresponding respectively to events that can and cannot be remembered. His concern in The Direction of Time is for a physical basis for the same asymmetry: The problem which the physicist faces can be formulated as follows.

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