[PDF] SOPAC Secretariat mission to the Marshall Islands 21 January - 7

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June 2005. The Marshall Plan. The European Recovery Program (Marshall. Plan) has been recognized as the most successful foreign-aid program ever under-.

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51. y?l?n? geride b?rakan Marshall Boya Ve Vernik Sanayii A.?.'nin 2005 y?l? 2005 y?l? ba??ndan itibaren ?irketimizde Sat?? ... 1989 y?l?nda Plan Proje.

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SOPAC Secretariat mission to the Marshall Islands 21 January - 7

7 lut 2005 Hazard Mitigation Plan and a full list is attached to the Draft Standard Mitigation Plan. 2005-2007. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.

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  • Quel a été le but principal du plan Marshall ?

    Celui-ci a pour objectif de stimuler le redressement économique de l'Europe après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et de contribuer à freiner la menace posée par l'expansionnisme communiste.
  • Quel est le plan de Marshall ?

    Depuis les années 1970, le terme "plan Marshall" a été employé à de multiples reprises, pour désigner des programmes d'aide aux pays pauvres, notamment africains, ou pour des plans de relance économiques, comme l'injection massive d'aides aux États-Unis après le coup d'arrêt causé par la pandémie de Covid-19 en 2020.
  • Quels sont les 16 pays du plan Marshall ?

    Finalement, seize pays s'empressent d'accepter le plan Marshall : Autriche, Belgique, Danemark (avec les îles Féroé et le Groenland), France, Gr?, Irlande, Islande, Italie (et San Marin), Luxembourg, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Portugal (avec Madère et les Açores), Royaume-Uni, Su?, Suisse (avec le Liechtenstein) et Turquie
  • Au total, de 1948 à 1951, les États-Unis ont versé plus de 10 milliards de dollars, dont les trois quarts en dons sans contrepartie. Le reste est composé de dons conditionnels ou de crédits remboursables. Le Royaume-Uni a reçu plus de 26% du financement, la France 20%, l'Allemagne de l'Ouest plus de 11%, l'Italie 10%.
[SOPAC Trip Report 365 - Mearns]



21 January - 7 February 2005

SOPAC Trip Report 365

Alan Mearns

Programme Manager, Community Risk


Introduction: The Community Risk Programme Manager Alan Mearns accompanied by Litea Biukoto from the EU Project visited the Marshall Islands to provide technical assistance with the review of their National Hazard Mitigation Plan. This visit coincided with the delivery of an Introduction to Disaster Management Course and Training for Instructors Course conducted through The Asia Foundation/US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Regional Disaster

Management Training Programme based at SOPAC.


1. To provide technical assistance with the development of an updated National Standard

Mitigation Plan in line with the reporting requirements of the Federal Emergency

Management Agency (FEMA).

2. To ensure that the group discussions from the Introduction to Disaster Management

Course were factored into the development of the new plan. List of People: The following personnel were present at various meetings and consultations attended by the SOPAC technical advisors:

Hon Kessai Note - President;

Phillip Kabua - Chief Secretary;

Eldon Note - Mayor Bikini Atoll;

Clement Capelle - Director National Disaster Management Office;

Member of the National Disaster Committee;

Participants at the IDM course; and

A range of other stakeholders were also consulted during the review of the 1998 National Hazard Mitigation Plan and a full list is attached to the Draft Standard Mitigation Plan



A draft Standard Mitigation Plan was prepared by a small working group of the National Disaster Committee with assistance from the SOPAC technical advisors. [2] [SOPAC Trip Report 365 - Mearns] This draft plan is now being taken through the Government approval process before being forwarded to FEMA for their consideration. Before leaving the Marshall Islands, the Manager Community Risk and the TAF/OFDA Programme Director prepared a Strategic Action Plan to support the ongoing strengthening of disaster risk management in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. This was provided to the Chief Secretary and included ongoing capacity building support from SOPAC.




Review of the 1998 National Mitigation Plan

The SOPAC technical advisors assisted a small working group of the National Disaster Committee to review this document. None required Development of the Standard Mitigation Plan 2005-2007 The SOPAC technical advisors assisted with the development of this plan using the FEMA Mitigation Planning Guidelines CRP to finalise draft following additional input from staff at the SOPAC Secretariat

Strengthening of the disaster risk management

arrangements in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The CRP Manager drafted a strategic action plan for the Chief Secretary as the next steps to strengthening disaster risk management and supporting the endorsement of the Pacific Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2005-2015 by the Pacific Forum Leaders in Papua New Guinea in August 2005

CRP to continue to advocate

for support from the Republic of the Marshall Islands

CRP to ensure that the

agreed support is included in the CRP 2006 work plan and budget Annex

Reference Documents

Draft Republic of the Marshall Islands Standard Mitigation Plan 2005-2007 Strategic Plan for strengthening the disaster risk management arrangements Note: Annex document available on request from the Community Risk Programmequotesdbs_dbs45.pdfusesText_45
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