[PDF] a final class can be extended. true false

The main purpose of using a class being declared as final is to prevent the class from being subclassed. If a class is marked as final then no class can inherit any feature from the final class. You cannot extend a final class.
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  • Can final class be extended?

    Final classes cannot be extended or inherited. If we try to inherit a final class, then the compiler throws an error during compilation. We can simply define a final class using the final keyword and can write the class body code according to our needs.
  • Can a final class be extended True or false?

    final classes can extend other classes but cannot be extended from. You cannot declare a class that extends from a final class. abstract classes can only be extended by other classes and not used directly to create objects.27 jan. 2017
  • Can you extend a final defined class in Java?

    A final class cannot extended to create a subclass. All methods in a final class are implicitly final . Class String is an example of a final class.
  • What is true of final class? Explanation: Final class cannot be inherited. This helps when we do not want classes to provide extension to these classes.
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