[PDF] 2-Connected Graphs Definition 1 A graph is connected if for any two

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2-Connected Graphs Definition 1 A graph is connected if for any two

The connectivity of G denoted ?(G) is the smallest size of a vertex set S such that G?S is disconnected or has only one vertex. Two paths connecting two 

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1.1. What is a graph? 1.1.2. Definition. A graph G is a triple (V(G) E

A graph is finite if its vertex set and edge set are finite. A graph G is connected if each pair of vertices in G belongs to a path;.

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2-Connected GraphsDefinition 1A graph isconnectedif for any two verticesx,y?V(G), there is

a path whose endpoints arexandy. A connected graphGis called2-connected, if for every vertex x?V(G),G-xis connected.

2-connected graph 1-connected graph

1 Aseparating setorvertex cutof a connected graphGis a set

S?V(G) such thatG-Sis disconnected.

TheconnectivityofG, denotedκ(G) is the smallest size of a vertex setSsuch thatG-Sis disconnected or has only one vertex. Two paths connecting two given verticesxandyare calledinter- nally disjointifxandyare the only common vertices for the paths. Adisconnecting setof edgesFis such thatG-Fhas more connected components thanGdoes. xy 2 A connected graphGis calledk-edge-connectedif every discon- necting edge set has at leastkedges. Theedge-connectivityof a connected graphG, writtenκ?(G), is the minimum size of a disconnecting set.

Anedge cutis a set of edges of the form [S,

S] for someS?V(G).

Here [S,

S] denotes the set of edgesxy, wherex?Sandy?S.

3 Theorem 1(Whitney, 1927) A connected graphGwith at least three vertices is 2-connected iff for every two verticesx,y?

V(G), there is a cycle containing both.

Proving?(sufficient condition): If every two vertices belong to a cycle, no removal of one vertex can disconnect the graph. Proving?(necessary condition): IfGis 2-connected, every two vertices belong to a cycle. We will prove it by induction on the distancedist(u,v) between two vertices in the graph. BASE. Since the vertices are distinct, the smallest distance is 1.This means that the verticesuandvare adjacent. Letzbe any vertex inGdifferent fromuandv. Because of the removal ofu(resp.v) does not disconnectG, there is a pathP1 (resp.P2) which connectsu(resp.v) withzand does not containv (resp.u). The cycle containinguandvconsists of the edge (u,v) and a path fromutovobtained from the walk fromvtoz, usingP2followed by the reverse of the pathP1fromztou(see figure below. 4 uv z


Now, let the proposition be true for all pairs of vertices on the dis- shortest path fromutovand letwbe the vertex on the path which is adjacent tov. Sincedist(u,w) =k, there is a cycleCcontaining uandw. Furthermore, since the removal ofwdoes not disconnectufromv, let here is a pathPwhich connectsuwithvbut does not contain w. A cycle containinguandvcan be constructed fromCandPthe way it is illustrated in the figure below (give a rigorous description 5 C P u wv v wu Problem 1LetGbe a connected graph, and letHbe obtained fromGby adding edgesxyiffdistG(x,y) = 2. Prove thatHis


Problem 2Let graphGsatisfy the following condition: for ev- ery edgexythere are two cyclesC1andC2such that their in- tersection isxy. Prove thatGis 3-edge-connected. Problem 3Prove that Petersen graph is 3-edge-connected 6quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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