[PDF] topographie des terrors


2016) is set in the unrealised building of the “Topographie des Terrors” in Berlin which was initially planned by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor in 1993.


wir freuen uns Sie im Dokumentationszentrum Topographie des Terrors begrüßen zu dürfen. Um allen Besucherinnen und Besuchern und ihren Interessen gerecht 

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Bericht für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Rollstuhlfahrer

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NEVER AGAIN On view from 28 February until 4 - ELISA CALDANA

conceived as part of the cycle Topography of Terror initiated in 2017 in are set in the never-realised building for “Topographie des Terrors” Foundation.

What is the topography of Terror Foundation?

The library of the Topography of Terror Foundation is a special library focusing on the police, SS, Gestapo in the Third Reich and on the National Socialism in general. It currently comprises about 25 800 media elements, about 120 regularly and 100 closed magazines. It is situated around a fountain reminding of Zen gardens and freely accessible.

Was ist die Topographie des Terrors?

Mit über einer Million Besuchern im Jahr gehört die „Topographie des Terrors” zu den meist besuchten Erinnerungsorten in Berlin. An diesem Ort befanden sich während des „Dritten Reichs” die Zentralen der Geheimen Staatspolizei, der SS und des Reichssicherheitshauptamts.

Who won the topography of Terror?

In 2006 the competition for the Topography of Terror was won by the architect Ursula Wilms and the urban planner Heinz Hallmann. In some ways, it integrated the project of Peter Zumthor, which won the first competition in 1993, but was stopped after eleven years because of technical and financial problems (funding and risky cost explosion).

What is Peter Zumthor's project for the topography of Terror Foundation?

This paper discusses Peter Zumthor's project for the Topography of Terror foundation in Berlin, an institution that aims to research, and communicate, the atrocity of Nazi crimes and to work against the forgetting of history.

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