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2016) is set in the unrealised building of the “Topographie des Terrors” in Berlin which was initially planned by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor in 1993.


wir freuen uns Sie im Dokumentationszentrum Topographie des Terrors begrüßen zu dürfen. Um allen Besucherinnen und Besuchern und ihren Interessen gerecht 

Freiwilligendienst in Kultur und Bildung in der Topographie des

Durch ein freiwilliges soziales Jahr Kultur in der Topographie des Terrors ist es möglich einen intensiven. Einblick in die deutsche und internationale 

Topographie des Terrors : Peter Zumthor entwirft eine Gedenkstätte

Topographie des Terrors : Peter Zumthor entwirft eine Gedenkstätte über den ehemaligen Gestapo-Kellern in Berlin. Autor(en):.

Eröffnung der Ausstellung „Der kalte Blick“ in der Stiftung

Oct 19 2020 Topographie des Terrors in Berlin. Naturhistorisches Museum zeigt letzte Bilder jüdischer Familien aus dem Ghetto von Tarnów.

Rede von Klaus Hesse langjähriger Mitarbeiter der „Topographie

Dec 2 2019 einunddreißig Jahre Arbeit für die „Topographie des Terrors“

Humanistische Union - Die Berliner Topographie des Terrors in der

Topographie des Terrors der Gedenkstätte Deut-scher Widerstand und dem Haus der Wannseekonferenz – um die großen Fragen der deutschen und europäischen 


Dec 5 2013 Stiftung Topographie des Terrors / Topography of Terror Foundation. Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas / Memorial to the ...

Bericht für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Rollstuhlfahrer

May 29 2015 Bericht „Topographie des Terrors“ 1/7 ... Dokumentationszentrum „Topographie des Terrors“. Niederkirchnerstraße 8. 10963 Berlin.

NEVER AGAIN On view from 28 February until 4 - ELISA CALDANA

conceived as part of the cycle Topography of Terror initiated in 2017 in are set in the never-realised building for “Topographie des Terrors” Foundation.

What is the topography of Terror Foundation?

The library of the Topography of Terror Foundation is a special library focusing on the police, SS, Gestapo in the Third Reich and on the National Socialism in general. It currently comprises about 25 800 media elements, about 120 regularly and 100 closed magazines. It is situated around a fountain reminding of Zen gardens and freely accessible.

Was ist die Topographie des Terrors?

Mit über einer Million Besuchern im Jahr gehört die „Topographie des Terrors” zu den meist besuchten Erinnerungsorten in Berlin. An diesem Ort befanden sich während des „Dritten Reichs” die Zentralen der Geheimen Staatspolizei, der SS und des Reichssicherheitshauptamts.

Who won the topography of Terror?

In 2006 the competition for the Topography of Terror was won by the architect Ursula Wilms and the urban planner Heinz Hallmann. In some ways, it integrated the project of Peter Zumthor, which won the first competition in 1993, but was stopped after eleven years because of technical and financial problems (funding and risky cost explosion).

What is Peter Zumthor's project for the topography of Terror Foundation?

This paper discusses Peter Zumthor's project for the Topography of Terror foundation in Berlin, an institution that aims to research, and communicate, the atrocity of Nazi crimes and to work against the forgetting of history.




Advanced Teacher Seminar

for Italian speaking teachers and educators

Participants 25 Italian teachers*

Date 4-8 December 2013

Venue Berlin

Language English and French (simultaneous translation into and from Italian)

Coordinator Laura Fontana, Head of the Italian Department *The seminar is open to Graduates of the Italian University "Pensare e insegnare la Shoah" of the Mémorial de la Shoah

In cooperation with:

Memorial and Educational Site

DHI Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom / German Historical Institute in Rome Stiftung Topographie des Terrors / Topography of Terror Foundation Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas / Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and information Center stance Memorial Center Kindly supported by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany


Niederkirchnerstraße 8

10963 Berlin

Telefon 030 254509-0

Fax 030 254509-99 info@topographie.de www.topographie.de



Arrival of the participants at the Hotel Sylterhof (*** superior), Kurfürstenstraße 114-116, 10787 Berlin (www.sylterhof-berlin.de) and room check in.

7 to 8 pm Welcoming of the participants.

Registration and Introduction by

Laura FLaura FLaura FLaura Fontanaontanaontanaontana, EHRI scientific coordinator and head of the Italian

Department of the Mémorial de la Shoah, and

Bruno Bruno Bruno Bruno BoyerBoyerBoyerBoyer head of the International Department Mémorial de la Shoah

8.30 pm Welcome dinner at the hotel


Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, Niederkirchnerstraße 8 - 10963 Berlin

8.20 am Departure from the Hotel

9 - 9.30 am

Welcome address by

Andreas N

Andreas NAndreas NAndreas Nachamaachamaachamaachama, director Stiftung Topographie des Terrors

9.30 am Session I : Developments of perpetrator images in Germany

The concept and Picture of "the" Perpetrators from

The concept and Picture of "the" Perpetrators from The concept and Picture of "the" Perpetrators from The concept and Picture of "the" Perpetrators from

Nurnberg to the 1990s

Nurnberg to the 1990sNurnberg to the 1990sNurnberg to the 1990s IngoIngoIngoIngo LLLLooseooseooseoose, Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin

Memorial Museums in Germany: Specificall

Memorial Museums in Germany: SpecificallMemorial Museums in Germany: SpecificallMemorial Museums in Germany: Specificallyyyy dealingdealingdealingdealing with with with with

perpetrators. Overview and Questions

perpetrators. Overview and Questionsperpetrators. Overview and Questionsperpetrators. Overview and Questions


Thomas Thomas Thomas Lutz, Lutz, Lutz, Lutz, head of Memorial Museums Department,

Topography of Terror Foundation

Coffee break (15 to 30 min).

Then debating and working with the participants

12.45 am - 2.15 pm Lunch at the restaurant "Gropius" (Martin Gropius Bau)

2.30 - 4 pm GuGuGuGuided tour ided tour ided tour ided tour (in 2 groups) (in 2 groups) (in 2 groups) (in 2 groups) of the of the of the of the exhibitionexhibitionexhibitionexhibition in Italian in Italian in Italian in Italian

by Tom WernerTom WernerTom WernerTom Werner and Tommaso STommaso STommaso STommaso Speccherpeccherpeccherpeccher , Topographie des


4 - 4.15 pm Break

4.30 - 6.30 Session II : Dealing with Perpetrators:

Perceptions of the Perpetrators in Teaching of the Nazism

WWWWorkshop in two groups (orkshop in two groups (orkshop in two groups (orkshop in two groups (eacheacheacheach 12121212----13 persons)13 persons)13 persons)13 persons) on the

biography on the perpetrators and discussion on the differences and similarities of the pedagogical approach in Italy, Germany and France regarding the teaching of

Nazism and the question of the perpetrators.

Participants can choose one of the following topics (in


The institutions of terror: SS (Protection Squad) and The institutions of terror: SS (Protection Squad) and The institutions of terror: SS (Protection Squad) and The institutions of terror: SS (Protection Squad) and

Gestapo (Secret State Police)Gestapo (Secret State Police)Gestapo (Secret State Police)Gestapo (Secret State Police) / / / / Le istituzioni del terrore: SS Le istituzioni del terrore: SS Le istituzioni del terrore: SS Le istituzioni del terrore: SS

e Gestapo e Gestapo e Gestapo e Gestapo

"The Pe"The Pe"The Pe"The People´s Community" (Volksgemeinschaft)ople´s Community" (Volksgemeinschaft)ople´s Community" (Volksgemeinschaft)ople´s Community" (Volksgemeinschaft): : : :

mechanisms of inclusion and exclusionmechanisms of inclusion and exclusionmechanisms of inclusion and exclusionmechanisms of inclusion and exclusion / / / / La La La La """"comunità comunità comunità comunità

popolare" popolare" popolare" popolare" "Volk"Volk"Volk"Volksgemeinschaftsgemeinschaftsgemeinschaftsgemeinschaft": meccanismi di inclusione ": meccanismi di inclusione ": meccanismi di inclusione ": meccanismi di inclusione

ed esclusioneed esclusioneed esclusioneed esclusione by Tom WWWWernerernerernererner and Tommaso SSSSpeccherpeccherpeccherpeccher

Return to the hotel

Free evening


Stiftung Topographie des Terrors- Niederkirchnerstraße 8 - 10963 Berlin

8.50 am Departure from the Hotel

9.30 am -1.30 pm SESSION III : What is Nazism?

Antisémitisme d'Allemagne

Antisémitisme d'AllemagneAntisémitisme d'AllemagneAntisémitisme d'Allemagne : la force du ressentiment: la force du ressentiment: la force du ressentiment: la force du ressentiment / / / /

Antisemitism in G

Antisemitism in GAntisemitism in GAntisemitism in Germany: the force ermany: the force ermany: the force ermany: the force of resentmentof resentmentof resentmentof resentment

Georges B

Georges BGeorges BGeorges Bensoussanensoussanensoussanensoussan, historian at the Mémorial de la

Shoah, director of the

Revue d'histoire de la Shoah

What is Nazism? What is Nazism? What is Nazism? What is Nazism? / Qu'est/ Qu'est/ Qu'est/ Qu'est----ce que le nazisme?ce que le nazisme?ce que le nazisme?ce que le nazisme?

Johann C

Johann CJohann CJohann Chapoutothapoutothapoutothapoutot, , , , historian /maître de conférences en

histoire à l'université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble

Discussion with the participants

Discussion with the participants Discussion with the participants Discussion with the participants

Coffee break


SESSIONSESSIONSESSION IV : IV : IV : IV : The German Resistance to Nazism The German Resistance to Nazism The German Resistance to Nazism The German Resistance to Nazism


NationalsozialismusNationalsozialismusNationalsozialismus / / / / ((((Too little and too late? Too little and too late? Too little and too late? Too little and too late? The German The German The German The German

Resistance to Nazism

Resistance to NazismResistance to NazismResistance to Nazism Ekk

Resistance Memorial Center


CHAIR: CHAIR: CHAIR: Christine Christine Christine Christine MuellerMuellerMuellerMueller----BotschBotschBotschBotsch, , , , The German Resistance

Memorial Center

1.30 - 2.30 pm Lunch at the Restaurant "Gropius" (Martin-Gropius-Bau)

2.45 - 3.00 pm

Transfer (by foot/bus) from the Topographie des Terrors to the

Memorial Center

---- Stauffenbergstraße 13 - 14-Eingang über den

Ehrenhof-10785 Berlin.

3.15 - 6.30 pm SESSIONSESSIONSESSIONSESSION V : V : V : V : What could they do? The German ResistaWhat could they do? The German ResistaWhat could they do? The German ResistaWhat could they do? The German Resistance against nce against nce against nce against



Welcome address and short introduction of the pedagogical approach of the memorial by Christine Christine Christine Christine MuellerMuellerMuellerMueller----BotschBotschBotschBotsch

Guided tour

Guided tourGuided tourGuided tour of the exhibition of the exhibition of the exhibition of the exhibition

by Ugo F Ugo FUgo FUgo Fazioazioazioazio, , , , Italian guide of the German Resistance

Memorial Center


German ResistanGerman ResistanGerman ResistanGerman Resistance in comparisonce in comparisonce in comparisonce in comparison


Workshops Workshops Workshops in two groups

Feed back

Feed backFeed backFeed back of the two groups with Ugo FAZIOUgo FAZIOUgo FAZIOUgo FAZIO

Return to the hotel

7.30 Dinner at the hotel

8.30-10.30 pm SESSIONSESSIONSESSIONSESSION VI : VI : VI : VI : New challenges facing Holocaust educationNew challenges facing Holocaust educationNew challenges facing Holocaust educationNew challenges facing Holocaust education

Making sense of history when touring class groupMaking sense of history when touring class groupMaking sense of history when touring class groupMaking sense of history when touring class groups in Berlin. s in Berlin. s in Berlin. s in Berlin.

Round table discussion

Round table discussionRound table discussionRound table discussion with some elements of workshops: with Italian and German guides in Berlin

Coordinator : Claudio C

Claudio CClaudio CClaudio Cassettiassettiassettiassetti, , , , Italian guide in Berlin, researcher on the history of XX century


14109 Berlin

14109 Berlin14109 Berlin14109 Berlin

8 am Departure by private bus

9 am SSSSESSIONESSIONESSIONESSION VII : VII : VII : VII : TheTheTheThe Genocide of the European JewsGenocide of the European JewsGenocide of the European JewsGenocide of the European Jews

The Wannsee Conference in Holocaust history and

The Wannsee Conference in Holocaust history and The Wannsee Conference in Holocaust history and The Wannsee Conference in Holocaust history and

education education education education

Welcome Address and Introducand Introducand Introducand Introduction to the Htion to the Htion to the Htion to the Hausausausaus der der der der

Wannsee Konferenz

Wannsee KonferenzWannsee KonferenzWannsee Konferenz by


Wolf KAISERWolf KAISERWolf KAISER, Deputy-Director of the Wannsee House and

Head of the Pedagogical Department

Guided tour of the exhibition

Guided tour of the exhibition Guided tour of the exhibition Guided tour of the exhibition by Tommaso Speccher Tommaso SpeccherTommaso SpeccherTommaso Speccher, , , , Italian guide of the Haus der


Coffee break

11.30 am Der Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung für den Massenmord an Der Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung für den Massenmord an Der Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung für den Massenmord an Der Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung für den Massenmord an

the mass murder of the European Jewry

the mass murder of the European Jewrythe mass murder of the European Jewrythe mass murder of the European Jewry

Peter KPeter KPeter KPeter Kleinleinleinlein,,,, historian, Touro College Berlin


Wolf KWolf KWolf KWolf Kaiseraiseraiseraiser, , , , Deputy-Director of the Wannsee House

1 - 2 pm Lunch at the Cafeteria of the Wannsee House

2.15 - 3.45 pm

SessionSessionSessionSession VIII : VIII : VIII : VIII : Methodology of Holocaust Education Methodology of Holocaust Education Methodology of Holocaust Education Methodology of Holocaust Education

Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops in 2 groups (each 12-13 persons). Participants can choose one of the following topics :

Using photos as prima

Using photos as primaUsing photos as primaUsing photos as primary source material in Holocaust ry source material in Holocaust ry source material in Holocaust ry source material in Holocaust

education educationeducationeducation

by Christoph KChristoph KChristoph KChristoph Kreutzmullerreutzmullerreutzmullerreutzmuller, historian and educator, Haus

der Wannseekonferenz

Confronting Nazi crimes as human rights education? A Confronting Nazi crimes as human rights education? A Confronting Nazi crimes as human rights education? A Confronting Nazi crimes as human rights education? A

multidisciplinary approach multidisciplinary approachmultidisciplinary approachmultidisciplinary approach by Constanze J Constanze JConstanze JConstanze Jaiseraiseraiseraiser, expert in Holocaust and human rights education, Haus der Wannseekonferenz.

Coffee break

4.30 - 6.30 pm

SESSIONSESSIONSESSIONSESSION IX : IX : IX : IX : Dealing with the History of Nazism in GermanyDealing with the History of Nazism in GermanyDealing with the History of Nazism in GermanyDealing with the History of Nazism in Germany


FranceFranceFrance andandandand ItalyItalyItalyItaly ---- aaaa ttttentative entative entative entative comparative approachcomparative approachcomparative approachcomparative approach

Round Table Discussion

The Nazi past today

The Nazi past today The Nazi past today The Nazi past today ---- culture of remembrance andculture of remembrance andculture of remembrance andculture of remembrance and

historical learning in Germany historical learning in Germanyhistorical learning in Germanyhistorical learning in Germany,

Wolf K

Wolf KWolf KWolf Kaiseraiseraiseraiser, Haus der Wannseekonferenz, Berlin

Learning and Teaching the history of Nazism in

Learning and Teaching the history of Nazism in Learning and Teaching the history of Nazism in Learning and Teaching the history of Nazism in



Johann C

Johann CJohann CJohann Chapoutothapoutothapoutothapoutot , Université Grenoble

Remembering Nazism and the Second World War in

Remembering Nazism and the Second World War in Remembering Nazism and the Second World War in Remembering Nazism and the Second World War in

Italian political culture

Italian political cultureItalian political cultureItalian political culture Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz KKKKlinkhammerlinkhammerlinkhammerlinkhammer, Deutsches Historisches Institut

Rome (German Historical Institute Rome)


6.45 pm Return to Berlin centre by private bus

8.30 pm Dinner at the restaurant Kartoffelkiste at the Europacenter

Tauentzienstr. 9 - 12, 10789 Berlin



FoundationFoundationFoundation---- Straße der Nationen 22Straße der Nationen 22Straße der Nationen 22Straße der Nationen 22----DDDD----16515 Oranienburg16515 Oranienburg16515 Oranienburg16515 Oranienburg

8 am Departure by private bus to Sachsenhausen Memorial and


9 am - 1 pm

SESSION SESSION SESSION SESSION X : X : X : X : "The People´s Community" "The People´s Community" "The People´s Community" "The People´s Community"

(Volksgemeinschaft) and Nazi Concentration Camps

(Volksgemeinschaft) and Nazi Concentration Camps(Volksgemeinschaft) and Nazi Concentration Camps(Volksgemeinschaft) and Nazi Concentration Camps

9 - 9.30 am Welcome address and introduction to the history of

the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum by GüntGüntGüntGünter Mer Mer Mer Morschorschorschorsch, director of Brandenburg

Memorials Foundation and head of the

Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum

9.30 - 11 am Guided tour Guided tour Guided tour Guided tour ((((in two groupsin two groupsin two groupsin two groups)))) with a general overview with a general overview with a general overview with a general overview

of the memorial and a specific issue:of the memorial and a specific issue:of the memorial and a specific issue:of the memorial and a specific issue:

TTTThe former cohe former cohe former cohe former concentration camp presented in a ncentration camp presented in a ncentration camp presented in a ncentration camp presented in a


decentraldecentraldecentralized ized ized ized museological and educationalmuseological and educationalmuseological and educationalmuseological and educational conceptconceptconceptconcept

by Arne P Arne PArne PArne Pannenannenannenannen, Italian speaking guide of the

Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum and

by Claudio Claudio Claudio Claudio CassettiCassettiCassettiCassetti Italian guide and collaborator of the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum, guide in Berlin and researcher on the history of XXth century.

11 am Coffee Break

11.15 - 12 am VideoVideoVideoVideo----Material from the exhibition in the Tower E, Material from the exhibition in the Tower E, Material from the exhibition in the Tower E, Material from the exhibition in the Tower E,

about the relationship between the

about the relationship between the about the relationship between the about the relationship between the ConcentrationConcentrationConcentrationConcentration

Camp and the town of Oranienburg, with consecutive

Camp and the town of Oranienburg, with consecutive Camp and the town of Oranienburg, with consecutive Camp and the town of Oranienburg, with consecutive

translation translationtranslationtranslation

12 am - 1 pm Discussion with the participants: questions and answers on the visit and the pedagogical approach

by Arne PArne PArne PArne Pannenannenannenannen and Günter MGünter MGünter MGünter Morschorschorschorsch

1 - 2 pm Lunch at the cafeteria

2 - 5.30 pm SESSIONSESSIONSESSIONSESSION XI :XI :XI :XI : Deportation from Italy to the Nazi camps of Deportation from Italy to the Nazi camps of Deportation from Italy to the Nazi camps of Deportation from Italy to the Nazi camps of

Sachsenhausen and RaveSachsenhausen and RaveSachsenhausen and RaveSachsenhausen and Ravensbrück. nsbrück. nsbrück. nsbrück.

New research and perspectives

New research and perspectivesNew research and perspectivesNew research and perspectives

Italiani nel KZ di Sachsenhausen, le vittime, ma

Italiani nel KZ di Sachsenhausen, le vittime, ma Italiani nel KZ di Sachsenhausen, le vittime, ma Italiani nel KZ di Sachsenhausen, le vittime, ma

anche i carnefici (Italians in

anche i carnefici (Italians inanche i carnefici (Italians inanche i carnefici (Italians in KZ Sachsenhausen, the KZ Sachsenhausen, the KZ Sachsenhausen, the KZ Sachsenhausen, the


victims, victims, victims, but also some Executioners)but also some Executioners)but also some Executioners)but also some Executioners)

by Claudio CASSETTIClaudio CASSETTIClaudio CASSETTIClaudio CASSETTI, , Italian guide and collaborator of the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum, guide in Berlin and researcher on the history of XX century.

Prigioniere italiane a Ravensbrück (Itali

Prigioniere italiane a Ravensbrück (ItaliPrigioniere italiane a Ravensbrück (ItaliPrigioniere italiane a Ravensbrück (Italiaaaan women n women n women n women

emprisoned in Ravensbrück) emprisoned in Ravensbrück)emprisoned in Ravensbrück)emprisoned in Ravensbrück)

By Johanna KOOTZ

Johanna KOOTZJohanna KOOTZJohanna KOOTZ, , , , sociologist, collaborator of the

Ravensbrück Memorial.

Discussion with the participants

Return by private bus to Berlin and free evening


Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden EuropasStiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden EuropasStiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden EuropasStiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas, , , , Georgenstraße 23 D-10117 Berlin

8.30 am Departure from the hotel

9 - 12.30 am SESSIONSESSIONSESSIONSESSION XII : XII : XII : XII : RememberinRememberinRememberinRemembering the genocide: commemorate g the genocide: commemorate g the genocide: commemorate g the genocide: commemorate

and educate? and educate?and educate?and educate?

Guided tour

Guided tourGuided tourGuided tour of the Memorial and the information center

Welcome and introduction


Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe


Coffee break

Contemporary art andContemporary art andContemporary art andContemporary art and aaaarrrrchitecture for memorials chitecture for memorials chitecture for memorials chitecture for memorials

dedicated to victims of Nazi persecution and new dedicated to victims of Nazi persecution and new dedicated to victims of Nazi persecution and new dedicated to victims of Nazi persecution and new

constellations in German remembrance policyconstellations in German remembrance policyconstellations in German remembrance policyconstellations in German remembrance policy

Lecture by Stefanie ENDLICH

Künste, Berlin

Discussion with the participants and conclusion

by Laura FontanaLaura FontanaLaura FontanaLaura Fontana

Ebertstraße 24, 10117 Berlin

In the afternoon, departure of the participants from Berlin to Italy


Hotel Sylter Hof

Kurfürstenstrasse 114-116

10787 Berlin


Tel.: +49 (0)30 21 200

Web: http://www.sylterhof-berlin.de/

Technical organisationTechnical organisationTechnical organisationTechnical organisation and consultingand consultingand consultingand consulting

by Senzarete Netzlos, Claudio Cassetti www.senzarete.de

Tel.: 0049 173 6459661 (Claudio Cassetti)

Con la partecipazione di Silvia Richter

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