[PDF] Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm

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Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm

30 oct. 2009 Our proposals are illustrated with the example of an algorithm to sort a. Java array. We choose this algorithm because every programmers ...

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Increased coverage of array lists including the replacement of uses of the class java.util.Vector with java.util.ArrayList. • Update of all Java APIs to 


ArrayList uses resizing array; java.util.LinkedList uses linked list. public interface List<Ite nterface List<Item> implements 

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EA 4269Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm

Elena Tushkanova - Alain Giorgetti - Olga KouchnarenkoRapport de Recherche no RR 2009-03 TH `EME 2 -

Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm

Elena Tushkanova, Alain Giorgetti, Olga Kouchnarenko Th `eme 2

Techniques Formelles et

`a Contraintes


typical example of a sorting algorithm. The first part introduces two specification languages for Java

programs. In the second part one of them is used to specify a sorting algorithm by selection. The suggested specifications are enhanced until obtaining a complete solution by the current automated theorem provers. This report is a part of Elena Tushkanova"s diploma project (equivalent to a master sity, Russia, translated from Russian into English. deling Language

Laboratoire d"Informatique de l"Universit

´e de Franche-Comt´e,

UFR Sciences et Techniques,

16, route de Gray, 25030 Besanc¸on Cedex (France)

T ´el´ephone : +33 (0)3 81 66 64 55 - T´el´ecopie : +33 (0)3 81 66 64 50 Sp

´ecifier et prouver un algorithme de tri

?????? ?Ce travail´etudie la probl´ematique de l"automatisation des preuves d"algorithmes,`a travers l"exemple typique d"un algorithme de tri d"un tableau en langage Java. Une premi `ere partie pr

´esente deux langages de sp´ecification pour Java. Dans la seconde partie l"un d"eux est utilis´e pour


´ecifier un tri par s´election. La sp´ecification est progressivement am´elior´ee jusqu"`a obtenir une

version enti `erement prouv´ee par les outils actuels de d´emonstration automatique. Ce rapport est la version anglaise d"une partie du m ´emoire de master d"Elena Tushkanova`a l"universit´e d"Etat de

Yaroslavl, Russie, intitul

´e "Modular Specification of Object Oriented Programs". guage, Krakatoa Modeling Language

Laboratoire d"Informatique de l"Universit

´e de Franche-Comt´e,

UFR Sciences et Techniques,

16, route de Gray, 25030 Besanc¸on Cedex (France)

T ´el´ephone : +33 (0)3 81 66 64 55 - T´el´ecopie : +33 (0)3 81 66 64 50 ??????? ?1? ?? ??m?

Laboratoire d"Informatique de l"universit

´e de Franche-Comt´e

UFR Sciences et Techniques, 16, route de Gray - 25030 Besanc¸on Cedex (France)

LIFC - Antenne de Belfort : IUT Belfort-Montb

´eliard, rue Engel Gros, BP 527 - 90016 Belfort Cedex (France)

LIFC - Antenne de Montb

´eliard : UFR STGI, Pˆole universitaire du Pays de Montb´eliard - 25200 Montb´eliard Cedex (France)http://lifc.univ-fcomte.fr

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