[PDF] AP World History Timelines - University of Illinois system

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Timeline of the American Revolution 1763

After the French and Indian War Britain initiated policies aimed at bringing the colonists under closer control. Tensions grew. Many Americans stood firm in 


Timeline. 1778-1780. The City of Louisville (Kentucky) was named after Louis XVI (1754-1793) Louis XVI was executed during the French Revolution.

French History in Florida

French History in Florida French crown on February 18


1789: French Revolution begins. 1808: Napoleon invades Spain. While art and science were flourishing in Europe explorers from Spain.

Timeline of Oklahoma History

claims Louisiana Territory including present-day Oklahoma

History of the Meskwaki Timeline 2004

1735: French soldiers under Des Noyelles fight battle with Sac and Fox Indians near present Des. Moines. Paul Revere is born. 1737: French grant a general 

Labor History Timeline

This labor history timeline was produced by the Labor Education Service at the. University of Minnesota. European goods with the English and French.

Crow Reservation Timeline Crow Tribe 2017

the text of both the history projects and the Montana Tribal Histories: 1743 – French-Canadian traders the La Verendrye brothers

Timeline of Events c. 1400–1850

1500s–1600s Portugal Spain

Timeline of Events: English–French Rivalry

1713. Treaty of Utrecht ends war between. English and French in Europe. England controls Nova Scotia Newfoundland

The French Revolution: Illustrated Timeline

The French Revolution: Illustrated Timeline Using your notes from The French Revolution and Sections 3-5 in Chapter 20 your textbook create an illustrated timeline of the French Revolution Include each of the events listed below as well 5 other significant events of your choice from the French Revolution & rule of Napoleon

Timeline of the French Revolution - University of Oregon

Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 May 5 Estates General convened in Versailles Jun 17 National Assembly Jun 20 Tennis Court Oath Jul 11 Necker dismissed Jul 13 Bourgeois militias in Paris Jul 14 Storming of the Bastille in Paris (official start of the French Revolution) Jul 16 Necker recalled Jul 20 Great Fear begins in the countryside

History of France Facts Timeline & Mind Maps - Edrawsoft

The French Revolution: Illustrated Timeline Using your notes from The French Revolutionfilm and Sections 1-4 in Chapter 7 your textbook create an illustrated timeline of the French Revolution Include each of the events listed below as well 5 other significant events of your choice from the French Revolution & rule of Napoleon For each of

AP World History Timelines - University of Illinois system

Timeline - 1750-1914 May 4 2009 Place the following events people empires etc on the timeline giving approx dates where appropriate Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color (e g all People written in blue Gov’ts in green etc ) Also be sure to place all of the “Must Know Dates” events on this timeline

Timeline - Key Events of the French Revolution (1789-1794)

Timeline - Key Events of the French Revolution (1789-1794) Over four years after the start of the French Revolution France descended into a period commonly known as the “Reign of Terror” when over 16000 people were executed for allegedly opposing the Revolution The Reign of Terror began when

Rulers of France Timeline - Warren Township Schools

France for seventy-two years — the longest reign of any French or other major European monarch Louis attempted to increase the power of France in Europe fighting four major wars: the War of Devolution the Franco-Dutch War the War of the Grand Alliance and the War of the Spanish Succession 1710 - 1774 King of France (1715 Louis XV of France

French Revolution Timeline - Mr Knutson's History

French Revolution Timeline French Revolution Timeline 1661 --> Louis XIVspends $100 million to build palace at Versailles 1715 -->Louis XIV dies leaving France in debt 1750s --> Enlightenmentor Age of Reason reaches its height 1770 --> Louis XVImarries Austrian Marie Antoinette


1768 Rebellion of 1768: pro-French mob runs off new Spanish Governor Ulloa who is not permitted to fly the Spanish Flag 1769 Spanish Governor Alejandro O'Reilly (originally from Ireland) ends pro-French rebellion and ushers in benign Spanish rule with enormous concessions to the French population Builds Cabildo in Jackson Square

Timeline of Illinois History

Frenchexplorers Jacques Marquette (1637-1675) and Louis Jolliet (1645-1700) descend the Mississippi to the Arkansas River and return to Wisconsin via the Illinois River—the first Europeans to reach the Illinois country Marquette founds a mission at the Great Village of the Illinois near present Utica

Chapter 1 The French in Indochina - University of Houston

Over a period of more than 350 years the French gradually extended their control over Vietnam Cambodia and Laos As early as the 16th century European missionaries were welcomed in Indochina for their technical skills and connections to European suppliers of modern weapons and western merchandise

What are some key events in the history of France?

  • The main events that comprise the history of France are the following: Clovis I founded the French tribe and considered them under the banner of the French people. He is the founder of the Kingdom of France. The French king was born in a Pagan family but later in life explored Arianism.

Who were the first people to settle in France?

  • The first trace of human occupation in France is dated more 1.57 million years ago. The earliest known fossil man is Tautavel Man, dating from 570,000 years ago. Neanderthal Man is attested in France from about 335,000 years before present. Homo sapiens, modern humans, are attested from 42,000 years ago.

How was France formed?

  • In the 4th century, the Franks, which is where the name France comes from, began to take power. In 768 Charlemagne united the Franks and began to expand the kingdom. He was named the Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope and is today considered the founder of both the French and German monarchies.

What wars did France fight in?

  • France suffered greatly in both World War I and World War II. During World War II France was defeated and occupied by the Germans. Allied forces liberated the country in 1944 after four years of German rule. A new constitution was set up by Charles de Gaulle and the Fourth Republic was formed.

AP World History Timelines

Bill Strickland

East Grand Rapids High School

Setting the Stage

I assigned these timelines this year for the first time, and I have yet to see how effective they are in

helping my students organize APWH content. (Note: I use Bentley & Zeigler's Traditions & Encounters,

2 Ed. so the chapters numbers are all keyed to that textbook.)

nd I use this timeline together with the "Must-Know Dates." Basically I require students to place the selected information on the timeline. Students tell me it helps them visualiz e where and when each event

is located in the "tapestry" of world history. Students will often ask, "Where [in what geographic region]

does NATO belong? Americas or Europe?" I usually reflect the question right back to them and ask

them to interpret the evidence for themselves. This is an important step in them discovering their own

interpretive "voice" re: history.

Ideally, if students complete the timelines for all five eras (Foundations, 600-1450, etc.) they should

have a chronological "map" that they should be able to use at the end of the year for review. Note that

the timelines themselves are printed on 8-1/2" x 14" (legal size) paper. When I use this in class, I enlarge

the legal size paper to 11" x 17" (tablet) size so students have more room to write.

For the last page, "World History Empires at a Glance" I tried to give a condensed version of all the

information on all the timelines. I created this page just before the Lesson Jamboree deadline, and I

haven't used it in class yet, so I don't know how effective it will be. It's obviously not a list of all

empires, just the ones I've spent class time studying.

Teachers should feel free to add, delete, edit any/all names to suit their own emphasis and historical


Hope this helps,

Bill Strickland

East Grand Rapids HS

East Grand Rapids, MI

These chapter number are from the "Bentley Brief" textbook packets.

1AP World History1Name ______________________

Timeline - FoundationsMay 4, 2009

Place the following events, people, empires, etc. on the timeline, giving approx. dates where appropriate.

Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color. (e.g. all People written in blue, Gov'ts ingreen, etc.) Also be sure to place all of the "Must Know Dates" events on this timeline.

Chapter People Gov't/ Empires Events

Ch 1

Prehistory -



1Neandertal Cro-MagnonSargon HammurabiAbrahampastoralistsAgricultural Rev.Çatal HüyükEpic of Gilgameshbronzeiron

Ch 2 Egypt MenesOld, Middle, New1


Ch 3 Ancient

India & China

1HarappaMohenjo-DaroShia (Xia), Shang, &

Zhou Dynasties

Era of Warring StatesVedas Upanishads"Solidification" of Caste


oracle bones

Ch 4 Ancient

Americas &


1OlmecsChavínMochicaNazcaMaya(n)"land bridge" migration to


Popul Vuh

settlement of islands throughout Oceania

Ch 7 Persia DariusCyrun Achaemenid Empire

Ch 8 Classical

ChinaConfucius MenciusLaoze Ban ZhaoQi ShuhuangdiQin DynastyHan Dynasty


Daoism Legalism

Yellow Turban Rebellion

Ch 9 Classical

IndiaAshoka MauryaChandra GuptaSiddhartha GautamaMauryan DynastyGupta Dynasty


Ch 10 Greece Pericles Socrates


Alexander the Great

Ch 11 Rome Julius & Augustus Caesar

Trajan Constantine

Jesus of NazarethRoman RepublicRoman Empire

Pax Romana


"split" of Roman Empire

Ch 12 Silk

RoadsDiocletianAttilaGermanic Invasions"Fall" of Rome

AP World History2Name ______________________

Timeline - 600-1450May 4, 2009

Place the following events, people, empires, etc. on the timeline, giving approx. dates where appropriate.

Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color. (e.g. all People written in blue, Gov'ts ingreen, etc.) Also be sure to place all of the "Must Know Dates" events on this timeline

UnitPeople Gov't/ Empires Events

Ch 13 Byzantium Justinian & Theodora


Prince VladimirByzantineJustinian's CodeHagia SophiaGreat Schism

Ch 14 Islam Muhammad


Abu BakrAbbasid CaliphateUmayyad Caliphate


Ch 15 Tang/Song


Song Taizu

Tang TaizongSui DynastySong DynastyTang DynastyNara JapanHeian Japanblock printingNeo-Confucianismcivil service examinations"flying cash"fast-ripening riceGrand Canal

Ch 16 Post-

Classical IndiaSultanate of DelhiAngkor WatIslam º India

Bhakti movement

Ch 17 Feudal


Ch 18 Mongols Temujin (Genghis Khan)

Khubilai Khan

Marco Polo

Mehmet the Conqueror

TamerlaneYuan DynastyOttoman Empire

Battle of Manzikert

Bubonic Plague(s)

Ch 19 pre-1500


Mansa Musa

BantusAxumGreat Zimbabwe

Ch 20 Medieval

EuropeLeif EricssonThomas AquinasPope Urban IIWilliam the ConquerorHoly Roman Empirereconquistascholasticism

Ch 21 Pre-1500



AtahualpaAztec EmpireInca Empire

Ch 22 Silk

Routes (trans-

regional)Bartelomeo DiasVasco da GamaChristopher ColumbusIbn BattutaMichelangeloLocation(s) of Portu-

guese, Spanish,

Dutch, French,

English, & Chinese

explorationsBlack Plague(s)Hundred Years WarYongle Encyclopedia

AP World History3Name ______________________

Timeline - 1450-1750 (Early Modern)May 4, 2009

Place the following events, people, empires, etc. on the timeline, giving approx. dates where appropriate.

Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color. (e.g. all People written in blue, Gov'ts ingreen, etc.) Also be sure to place all of the "Must Know Dates" events on this timeline

ChapterPeopleGov't/Empires Events

Ch 23 Age of

ExplorationVasco de BalboaChristopher ColumbusVasco da GamaBartolomeu DiasPrince Henry the NavigatorFerdinand MagellanSpain PortugalFrance England

Columbian Exchange

joint stock company

7 Years' War

East India company

Ch 24 Early



Louis XIV

Peter/Catherine the Great

Gutenberg Machiavelli



Rouseau Copernicus

Galileo Martin Luther

Loyola John CalvinHRE FranceEngland Russia

Protestant Reformation

Catholic (Counter)


Council of Trent


Spanish Inquisition

Ch 25 Colonial


Atahualpa Montezuma

CortesPizarroAztec Inca Treaty of Tordesillas



Ch 26 Early

Modern AfricaSunni AliSonghayTriangle Tradediaspora

Ch 27 Early


E. AsiaKangxi Matteo RicciQianlong Zheng HeTokugawa IeyasuMing QingTokugawa Shogunate


Forbidden City

"Dutch learning"

Ch 28 Muslim


EmpiresAkbarMehmed II


Battle of Chaldiran

AP World History4Name ______________________

Timeline - 1750-1914May 4, 2009

Place the following events, people, empires, etc. on the timeline, giving approx. dates where appropriate.

Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color. (e.g. all People written in blue, Gov'ts ingreen, etc.) Also be sure to place all of the "Must Know Dates" events on this timeline

Chapter People Gov't/EmpiresEvents

Ch 30 Age of

RevolutionSimón BolívarJosé de San MartínGeorge WashingtonNapoleon BonaparteOtto von BismarckMaximilien RobespierreAlfred DreyfusOlympe de GougesElizabeth Cady StantonPrince Klemens von


Theodore Herzl7 Years WarAmerican Revolution/

Independence Struggle

French Revolution


Russian invasion


Haitian Revolution

Congress of Vienna

Age of Metternich

Latin American Revolutions

Ch 31


RevolutionHenry FordIndustrial RevolutionWhitney's cotton ginMarx's Communist Manifesto

Ch 32 1800s

AmericasAbraham LincolnBenito JuárezJuan Manuel de RosasPorfirio Díaz"Pancho" VillaJohn MacDonaldCanada (Dominion

of Canada)Louisiana PurchaseManifest DestinyMexican Revolution 1823La ReformaMexican Revolution, 1910

Ch 33 1800s

Asian Empires

Muhammad Ali

Alexander II

Dowager Empress Cixi

"Young Turks"Qing Dynasty Tanzimat Reforms

Taiping Rebellion

Meiji Restoration

Boxer Rebellion

Russo-Japanese War

Ch 34

ImperialismCharles DarwinQueen VictoriaSocial Darwinism"White Man's Burden"Spanish-American WarSuez CanalPanama CanalMonroe DoctrineOpium War(s)Battle of OmdurmanBerlin ConferenceOpen Door Policy

AP World History5Name ______________________

Timeline - 1914 - presentMay 4, 2009

Place the following events, people, empires, etc. on the timeline, giving approx. dates where appropriate.

Suggestion: color each column of information a unique color. (e.g. all People written in blue, Events ingreen, etc.) Also be sure to place all of the "Must Know Dates" events on this timeline


Ch 35 World

War IKaiser Wilhelm IMustafa Kemal "Ataturk"Nicholas IVladimir LeninWoodrow WilsonSchlieffen Plan Sinking of the Lusitania

Easter Rebellion Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

February Revolution October Revolution

Wilson's 14 Points Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations

Ch 36 Age of

AnxietySigmund FreudJohn Maynard KeynesJoseph Stalin Mohandas GandhiMuhammad Ali JinnahSun Yatsen Mao ZedongChiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi)Augusto César SandinoAnastacio Somoza GarciaRussian Civil War Stalin's 5-Year Plan(s)Mein KampfAmritsar Massacre

May Fourth Movement

Three Principles of the People

Great Depression the "Long March"

Mukden Incident Good Neighbor Policy

Ch 37 World

War II

Winston Churchill

Franklin Roosevelt

Harry Truman Joseph Stalin

Hideki Tojo Adolf Hitler

Benito MussoliniSpanish Civil War Austrian Anschluss

Munich Conference Rape of Nanjing

Battle of StalingradD-Day


Ch 38 The Cold


Nikita Khrushchev

Leonid Brezhnev

Mikhail Gorbachev

Boris Yeltsin Vladimir Putin

Ho Chi Minh

Kim Il SungYalta & Potsdam Conf's United NationsTruman DoctrineMarshall Plan

Berlin Blockade/Airlift

NATO & Warsaw Pact

Korean War

Berlin WarCuban Missile Crisis

Vietnam War

Ch 39 Retreat

from EmpireJomo Kenyatta Gamal NassarNelson MandelaJawaharlal Nehru Anwar SadatAyatollah KhomeiniSaddam Hussein Yasser ArafatRichard NixonDeng Xiao PingIndependence of India Birth of IsraelBandung Conference Great Leap ForwardCultural Revolution Tiananmen SquareIndependence of (much/most) of African


Ch 40 World

without Borders

Osama bin Laden

Indira GandhiGlobalization European Union (EU)World Trade Org. (WTO)N. Am. Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

AP World History

World Empires at a Glance

Region Foundations -



1450 C.E.1450-

1750 C.E.1750-

1914 C.E.1914 C.E.-




Spain Dutch






East Asia

Shang Zhou Qin Han




South Asia




SE Asia


SW Asia





N & Central






RomePortugalSpainBritainHoly Roman

EmpireHoly Roman




N. America



S. America




Bill Stricklandbstrickl@egrps.orgAP World History Timeline - Foundations Prehistory 2,000 B.C.E.1,500 1,000 5000 C.E. 200 400600 C.E.

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia


N & C Asia






Bill Stricklandbstrickl@egrps.orgAP World History Timeline 600-1450 C.E.

600 C.E.700 800 900 1000110012001300 1400 1500

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia


N & C Asia






Bill Stricklandbstrickl@egrps.orgAP World History Timeline 1450-1750 C.E.

1450 C.E.150015501600165017001750

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia


N & C Asia






Bill Stricklandbstrickl@egrps.orgAP World History Timeline 1750-1914 C.E.

1750 C.E.177518001825185018751900

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia


N & C Asia






Bill Stricklandbstrickl@egrps.orgAP World History Timeline 1914-Present

1914 C.E.193019451960197519902005

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia


N & C Asia






Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids High Schoolbstrickl@egrps.orgWorld History Empires at a GlanceMay 4, 2009

8,000 BCE1,000 0 CE600 1450175019142000

E Asia

SE Asia

S Asia

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