[PDF] average exchange rate usd to cad 2014

This is the US Dollar (USD) to Canadian Dollar (CAD) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2014, covering 365 days of USD CAD historical data. Best exchange rate: 1.1656 CAD on 15 Dec 2014. Average exchange rate in 2014: 1.1048 CAD. Worst exchange rate: 1.0633 CAD on 01 Jul 2014.
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  • What was the average CAD to USD in 2014?

    This is the Canadian Dollar (CAD) to US Dollar (USD) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2014, covering 365 days of CAD USD historical data. Best exchange rate: 0.9405 USD on 05 Jan 2014. Average exchange rate in 2014: 0.9056 USD. Worst exchange rate: 0.8579 USD on 15 Dec 2014.
  • What is the average conversion rate USD to CAD?

    Canada Exchange Rate against USD averaged 1.352 (USD/CAD) in May 2023, compared with 1.348 USD/CAD in the previous month.
  • What is the average exchange rate for the dollar to the Canadian dollar in 2016?

    Highest: 1.3684 CAD on 07 Sep 2023.
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Annual Average Exchange Rates for the United States (U.S.) Dollar

1.0299. 2014. 1.1045. 2015. 1.2787. Source: Bank of Canada http://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/annual-average-exchange-rates/

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Annual Report 2014 side 1 til 29_25Februar.indd

USD. AUD. GBP. CAD. JPY. Effect on EBIT 5% positive exchange rate impact*. * Estimated