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Feb 3 2013 cHEck out otHEr 1001 InvEntIonS ExHIBItIonS coMIng to a. cIty nEar you Soon: http://www.1001inventions.com. AbouT The FoundATion For science ...

Download the Book “1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World

The 1001 Inventions project has proved its effectiveness to stimulate young people's interest in sci- ence and technology to instil confidence


1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim. Civilization sheds new light on the forgotten history and the innovations-of these men and women who.


1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in. Our World / Salim TS Al-Hassani. Includes manuscript list. 1. Technology-Islam-History. 2. Science-Civilisation.

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1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World / The Invention“ ?? ”De inventione veritatis“? ... Francaise Traduction Latine du XIIIe siècle


6 The Rise of an Industry: Papermaking

Page 1 of 232

1001 Inventions The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization. Salim T. S. Al-Hassani. 1001 Inventions The Le Saint Coran (Translation of Quran in French).

IYPT-Programme FR.indd

Jan 30 2019 En 1789


Mar 22 2018 similar protection for inventions which would be infringed by the use of ... employees

Fondation du savoir Europe – Méditerranée

Ahmad Jabbar L'age d'or des sciences arabes .Ed Le Pommier .Paris 2004. 2. Al Hassani Salim

What is 1001 Inventions?

1001 Inventions has developed a variety of educational materials to support teachers in their classroom in a fun and engaging manner. Our books, teachers’ guides, activity sheets and learning games aim to spark interest in science while promoting intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and mutual respect.

What is 1001 Inventions and the world of Ibn al-Haytham?

IbnAlHaytham.com is part of “1001 Inventions and the World of Ibn Al-Haytham” global educational campaign organised in partnership with UNESCO to celebrate the United Nations proclaimed International Year of Light and honour the remarkable 11th Century scientist. A set of 10 high quality educational posters aimed for 11-16 year olds.

Which 1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets films were enjoyed by visitors?

The ‘1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets’ film starring Sir Ben Kingsley and ‘11001 Inventions and the World of Ibn Al-Haytham’ film starring the legendary actor Omar Sharif were both enjoyed by visitors.

of the i 3PLA

4WD four-wheel drive

AAFA American Apparel & Footwear Association

ABA American Bar Association

ABC Agriculture Bank of China

ABPIA American Bridal & Prom Industry Association

ACC American Chemistry Council

AEI American Enterprise Institute

AGIC Asia-Germany Industrial Promotion Capital

AI artificial intelligence

AmCham American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai

AML Anti-Monopoly Law

AMSC American Superconductor Corporation

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

APT advanced persistent threat

AQSIQ Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

ATI Allegheny Technologies, Inc

AVIC Aviation Industry Corporation of China

AVICEM ACIF Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd

AWD all-wheel drive

BCM Bank of Communications

BEA U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

BGI Shenzhen Beijing Genomics Institute

BIO Biotechnology Innovation Organization

BIS Bureau of Industry and Security

BoC Bank of China

BRI Belt and Road Initiative

BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, and China

C&C command-and-control

CAAC Civil Aviation Administration of China

CAIGA China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co.

CAST China Association of Science and Technology

CCBC China Construction Bank Corporation

CCC China Compulsory Certification

CCCME China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery and Electronic Products

CCOIC China Chamber of International Commerce

CCP Chinese Communist Party

CCXR China Chengxin Securities Rating Company

CDB China Development Bank

CFIUS Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

CG Complete Genomics

CGCC China General Chamber of Commerce

CIC China Investment Corporation

CIGS copper indium gallium selenide

CIPL China Intellectual Property Law Society


CJV contractual joint venture

CMG Continental Motors Group Limited

CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

CNOOC China National Offshore Oil Corporation

CNY Chinese yuan

COMAC Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd

CompTIA Computing Technology Industry Association


CSI Coalition of Services Industries

CSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies

CSP cloud service providers

CTA Consumer Technology Association

DHH DHH Washington Law Office

DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DOJ U.S. Department of Justice

DRC Development and Reform Commission

EJV equity joint venture

EXIM China Export-Import Bank

FADEC full authority digital engine control

FAW First Automotive Workers

FDI foreign direct investment

FIE foreign-invested entities

FYP Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development

GA general aviation

GAC General Administration of Customs

GDP gross domestic product

GMO genetically modified organism

HNA Hainan Airlines

IaaS infrastructure as a service

IAM International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

IATA International Air Transport Association

IC integrated circuit

ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

ICT information and communications technology

ICTSD International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development

IDAR introduce, digest, absorb, and re-innovate

IDC internet data center

IDDS innovation-driven development strategy

IGBT insulated-gate bipolar transistors

IGCC University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

IMF International Monetary Fund

iML Integrated Memory Logic Limited

IP intellectual property

IPIRA Intellectual Property and Industry Research Alliances

ISS Imaging Solutions and Services

ISSI Integrated Silicon Solutions, Inc.

IT information technology

ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations

ITI Information Technology Industry Council

iii ITIF Information Technology & Innovation Foundation JCCT U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade

JV joint venture

M&A merger and acquisitions

MCF military-civil fusion

MCM multi-chip module

MEMA Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association

MEMS micro-electromechanical systems

MERICS Mercator Institute for China Studies

METI Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry

MIIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology MLP National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology

MLPS Multi-level Protection Scheme


MNE multinational enterprise


MOFCOM Ministr


MPS managed print services

MRO maintenance, repair, and overhaul


MW megawatt

NAM National Association of Manufacturers


NDRC National Development and Reform Commission

NEA National Energy Administration

NEV new-energy vehicle

NFTC National Foreign Trade Council

NHI Northern Heavy Industries Group

NPC (China)

NTE National Trade Estimate

OCTG oil country tubular goods

ODI overseas direct investment

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OFDI outbound foreign direct investment

PaaS computer platform as a service


PERC Passivated Emitter Rear Contact


PMA parts manufacturing and authorization

PMDD Permanent-Magnet Direct Drive

PPD-28 Presidential Policy Directive 28

PPP private-public partnership


PWM pulse width modulation

R&D research and development

RMB renminbi (official currency of China)

S&ED U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue


S&T science and technology

SaaS computer software as a service

SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange

SAIC State Administration of Industry Commerce

SASAC State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission SASTIND State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense

SAT State Administration of Taxes

SEI strategic and emerging industries

SIA Semiconductor Industry Association

SIGINT Signals intelligence

SIPO State Intellectual Property Office

SMIC Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation

SNPTC State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation

SOE state-owned enterprise

SSLP seamless standard line pipes

TIA Telecommunications Industry Association

TIER Regulations of the PRC on Administration of Import and Export Technologies

TRB technical reconnaissance bureau

TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

UAV unmanned aerial vehicle

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

USC United States Constitution

USCBC U.S.-China Business Council

USCIB U.S. Council for International Business

USD U.S. dollars

USITC U.S. International Trade Commission

USPTO U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

USW United Steel Workers

UT United Turbine

VAT value-added tax

VC venture capital

WFOE wholly foreign-owned entity


WNA World Nuclear Association

ZGC Zhongguancun


I. Overview ................................................................................................................................. 3

A. Core Elements of Section 301............................................................................................. 3

B. Background to the Investigation ......................................................................................... 4

1. Initiation of the Investigation ........................................................................................ 5

2. Refrain from State-Sponsored Cyber Intrusions and Theft .......................................... 6

3. Input from the Public .................................................................................................... 9

C. ................................................................................................ 10

II. ....................... 19

A. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 19

1. ............................................ 19

2. A Persistent Problem for U.S. Business...................................................................... 22

B. ........ 23

1. The Foreign Investment Catalogue and Technology Transfer ................................... 24


Technology Transfer ................................................................................................... 29


Regime .............................................................................................................................. 35

1. Technology Transfer Pressure in Administrative Approvals and Licensing .............. 36

2. Forced Disclosure of Sensitive Technical Information .............................................. 41

D. .................................................. 43

E. ....................... 45

III. atory Licensing Restrictions .................................................................... 48

A. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 48

B. ..................... 48

1. Different Outcomes for U.S. Companies versus Chinese Competitors ...................... 51

2. Indemnification Against Infringement Claims ........................................................... 51

3. Ownership of Improvements to Licensed Technology ............................................... 52

4. Use of Technology after the Technology Contract Expires ........................................ 53

C. Concerns Raised by Other Trading Partners ..................................................................... 54

D. Discriminatory ................................................. 55

1. Justifications for Discrimination ................................................................................. 55

2. Acts, Polices, and Practices of Other Countries ......................................................... 57

E. Policies, and Practices Burden U.S. Commerce ........................................ 60

IV. Outbound Investment ............................................................................................................ 62

A. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 62

B. Policy and Regulatory Framework ................................................................................... 66

1. Major Policies to Acquire Foreign Technology.......................................................... 66

2. The Chinese Outbound Investment Approvals System .............................................. 70

3. ........................................................ 77

4. Outbound Investment Policy in Technology and Sectoral Policies ............................ 78

5. State-Backed Actors.................................................................................................... 80

2 C. Impact of Policies and Implementing Measures on Chinese Investment in the United

States ................................................................................................................................. 97

1. Chinese Investment Activity in the United States: Analysis of Data ........................ 98

2. Effect of State Policies and Implementing Measures on Chinese Acquisitions ....... 102


Valley ........................................................................................................................ 142

D. ................................................. 147

E. Chi ...................................... 150

V. Unauthorized Intrusions into U.S. Commercial Computer Networks and Cyber-Enabled

Theft of Intellectual Property and Sensitive Commercial Information ............................. 153

A. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 153

B. Commercial Computer Networks and Cyber-Enabled Theft of Intellectual Property and

Sensitive Commercial Information ................................................................................. 154

1. .......................................... 154

2. The United States Department of Justice Indicted Chinese Government Hackers in

May 2014 .................................................................................................................. 157


Networks ................................................................................................................... 164

4. .... 167


Unreasonable................................................................................................................... 171


Burden U.S. Commerce .................................................................................................. 173

VI. Other Acts, Policies, and Practices of China ...................................................................... 177

A. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 177

1. Measures Purportedly Related to National Security or Cybersecurity ..................... 177

2. Inadequate Intellectual Property Protection .............................................................. 179

3. -Monopoly Law .................................................................................... 180

4. .................................................................................... 181

5. Talent Acquisition ..................................................................................................... 181

B. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 182

3 This investigation has been brought under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended the Trade Act.1 Section 301 is a key enforcement tool that may be used to address a wide variety of

unfair acts, policies, and practices of U.S. trading partners. Section 301 sets out three categories

of acts, policies, or practices of a foreign country that are potentially actionable: (i) trade agreement violations; (ii) acts, policies or practices that are unjustifiable (defined as those that are inconsistent with U.S. international legal rights) and that burden or restrict U.S. Commerce; and (iii) acts, policies or practices that are unreasonable or discriminatory and that burden or restrict U.S. Commerce. 2 The third category of conduct is most relevant to this investigation. which denies national or most-favored nation treatment to United States goods, service, or

3 An unreasonable act, policy, or practice is

violation of, or inconsistent with, the international legal rights of the United States is otherwise

4 The statute further provides that i

practices are unreasonable, reciprocal opportunities to those denied U.S. firms into account, to the extent appropriate5 If the USTR determines that the Section 301 investigation ,and if that trade agreement includes formal dispute settlement procedures, USTR may pursue the investigation through consultations and dispute settlement under the trade agreement. Otherwise, USTR will conduct the investigation without recourse to formal dispute settlement. Moreover, if the USTR determines that the act, policy, or practice falls within any of the three categories of actionable conduct under Section 301, the USTR must also determine what action, if any, to take.6 For example, if the USTR determines that an act, policy or practice is unreasonable or discriminatory and that it burdens or restricts U.S. commerce, The Trade Representative shall take all appropriate and feasible action authorized under [Section 301(c)], subject to the specific direction, if any, of the President regarding any such action, and all other appropriate and feasible action within the power of the President that the President may

1 Section

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