[PDF] b cell differentiation

B cell differentiation is tightly controlled by a transcription regulation network. It involves the coordination of several transcription factors to promote the expression of antibody-secretion and plasma cell-related genes, and downregulate the B cell identity genes.
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  • What are the steps in B cell differentiation?

    B cell development takes place in a series of six main stages. First, they start as common lymphoid progenitor cells, which become early pro-B cells, then late pro-B cells, next large pre-B cells, then small pre-B cells, and finally, immature B cells.
  • What 2 types of cells do B cells differentiate into what are their functions?

    There are two main types of B-cells: plasma cells and memory cells. Both types help protect you from infection and disease. Plasma cells: Plasma cells release antibodies in response to antigens. Once a B-cell becomes a mature plasma cell, it can release up to 2,000 antibodies per second.
  • How are T and B cells differentiated?

    These two cell types can function independently or cooperatively to defend the body against pathogens. T-lymphocytes can be distinguished from other lymphocytes like B cells and natural killer cells (NK cells) by the presence of a T cell receptor (TCR) on the cell surface.
  • Antigens encountered on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) activate B cells through the B cell receptor (BCR), and the antigens are processed and presented to T cells at the T cell–B cell border, driving naive B cells to proliferate and differentiate into three main cell types: germinal centre (GC)-independent memory B
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B-Cell Development Activation


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Original Article - Adult Bone Marrow Three-Dimensional Phenotypic

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Perspective - Early B-Cell Differentiation in Merkel Cell Carcinomas

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MINI R EVI EW Cytokines Involved in B-Cell Differentiation and Their

B cells originate from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells and differentiate in the bone marrow into mature B cells. The differentiation of a stem cell