[PDF] A guide to your Virgin Mobile Plan

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Your Virgin Phone guide

27 Aug 2021 Call us on 150 from a Virgin Media home phone or mobile or 0345 454 1111* from any other phone. * For details about how much it costs to ...

Consumer Complaint Code of Practice - Virgin Media

*Find out call costs to our team from a Virgin Media home phone at virginmedia.com/callcosts. Call costs from other networks and mobiles may vary. **Please note 

A guide to your Virgin Mobile plan

Standard UK. Call Charges. Starter. Tariff. Big Talk &. Big Data and Texts. Included within reward? Calls to UK Landlines1 including calls to. Channel Islands 


1 Apr 2020 Virgin Mobile calls are free for the first 60 minutes standard ppm rates apply thereafter. Re-dial before 60 minutes to avoid call charges. 2 ...

Your Virgin Phone guide

27 Aug 2021 Call us on 150 from a Virgin Media home phone or mobile or 0345 454 1111* from any other phone. * For details about how much it costs to call ...

Everyday call charges

Calls to 'active' Virgin Mobile numbers are free. As with your landline calls re-dial before 60 mins to avoid call charges. To be “active”

Everyday Call Charges - Virginmedia.com

Calls to 'active' Virgin Mobile numbers are free. As with your landline calls re-dial before 60 mins to avoid call charges. To be “active”


1 Call connection fee does not apply. Virgin Mobile calls are free for the first 60 minutes standard ppm rates apply thereafter. Re-dial before 60 minutes to 

Everyday Call Charges

1 Feb 2020 1 Call connection fee does not apply. Virgin Mobile calls are free for the first 60 minutes standard ppm rates apply thereafter. Re-dial before ...

A guide to your Virgin Mobile Plan

Standard UK call charges. Cost of call made outside of allowance. Included within allowance? Calls to UK Landlines1 Including calls to Channel Islands and Isle.

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You are responsible for keeping the contact and payment information you provide to Virgin Mobile for yourself and any authorized users (including name mailing 

Contact Us - Virgin Plus

Contact us by phone email facebook Twitter or visiting a Virgin Mobile store (PDF) > · Check if Virgin Plus Internet is available at your address 

[PDF] Your Virgin Phone guide - Broadband Deals

27 août 2021 · Call us on 150 from a Virgin Media home phone or mobile or 0345 454 1111* from any other phone * For details about how much it costs to call 

[PDF] A guide to your Virgin Mobile Plan

Should you have any questions then do not hesitate to call us for free on 789 from your Virgin Mobile or on 0345 6000 789 from any other phone

[PDF] Formulaire de réclamation Virgin Mobile - SFR

Remplissez ce formulaire en y indiquant vos coordonnées permettant de vous identifier ainsi que l'objet de votre réclamation - Imprimez ce formulaire et 

Entente de Membre Virgin Mobile PDF Télécommunications - Scribd

Communiquez avec nous en ligne virginmobile ca/nousjoindre partir de votre tlphone mobile en composant 611 ou my vmobile ca VOS AJOUTS Restriction appel 

Virgin Mobile Membership Agreement PDF - Scribd

Mobile Number: (431) 336-7436 You'll need to register for My Account to view your bill online Default Voicemail Password: 5913 virginmobile ca/register Email: 

[PDF] Virgin Mobile révolutionne le marché et lance les premiers forfaits

10 jui 2009 · Avec seulement sept forfaits allant de 9€90 à 89€90 l'offre de Virgin Mobile est une fois de plus simple complète et extrêmement compétitive


A guide to

your Virgin

Mobile Pl?n

Ch?rges for our P?y Monthly pl?ns

Ch?rges e?ective from 1st Dec 2020

T?ri? guide

We've put together this h?ndy guide to give you ?ll the inform?tion you need ?bout the cost for services outside your Virgin Mobile P?y Monthly Pl?n, both within ?nd outside your pl?n including c?lls, texts, picture mess?ging ?nd d?t? in the UK, c?lls ?nd texts to intern?tion?l numbers or whilst ro?ming. Should you h?ve ?ny questions then do not hesit?te to c?ll us for free on

789 from your Virgin Mobile or on 0345 6000 789 from ?ny other phone

(check your provider"s t?ri guide for ch?rges). Your pl?n will include ? monthly ?llow?nce for Voice, Texts ?nd D?t? for use within the UK (to st?nd?rd UK l?ndlines st?rting with 01, 02, 03 ?nd UK Mobiles). Note th?t ?ny unused Voice ?nd Text ?llow?nce will not roll over to the following month. If you ?re on one of our f?nt?stic 4G t?ris ?ny unused d?t? ?llow?nce will rollover to the following month. E?ch July your Airtime Contr?ct will incre?se in line with the Ret?il Price Index r?te of in?tion ?nnounced the April before ?nd we will ?lw?ys give you 30 d?ys" notice of the ex?ct incre?se e?ch ye?r. All ch?rges include UK V?lue Added T?x (VAT) unless st?ted otherwise.

Us?ge ch?rges

UK c?ll ch?rges

There ?re cert?in types of c?lls within the UK not included within your monthly ?llow?nce - these ?re det?iled below. There is no dierence between o-pe?k or pe?k times. After ?ny minimum c?ll ch?rge th?t ?pplies our c?lls ?re billed per minute ?nd our ch?rges ?re rounded up to the ne?rest penny. The ?ccess ch?rge for service numbers ?nd c?lls to L?ndlines ?re ch?rged per minute for the rst 60 seconds (or p?rt of) ?nd per second ?fter th?t ?nd rounded up to the ne?rest penny. St?nd?rd UK c?ll ch?rgesCost of c?ll m?de outside of ?llow?nce Included within ?llow?nce?

C?lls to UK L?ndlines



c?lls to Ch?nnel Isl?nds ?nd Isle of M?n (st?rting with 01, 02 or 03)

58p per minuteYes

C?lls to Virgin Mobiles & Other

UK Network Mobiles

58p per minuteYes

C?lls to Mobiles within Ch?nnel

Isl?nds ?nd the Isle of M?n


58p per minuteNo

C?lls to Virgin Medi? Directory

Enquiries (118180)

150p per minute plus 58p per

minute ?ccess ch?rge No

Voicem?il Retriev?lFreeYes


C?lls to Freephone numbers

(116, 0800, 0808)


C?lls to Virgin Medi? on 789

whilst in the UK (including

Pre-recorded Inform?tion)


C?lls to 101 (police



C?lls to Emergency Services



Access ch?rge - numbers

beginning with 084, 087, 09 & 118 3

58p per minute ?ccess ch?rge

plus service ch?rge No Text Rel?y ServiceC?lls to UK l?ndline ?nd mobile numbers, m?de vi? the TextDirect service with the

18001 prex, get ? 50% discount.

C?lls to S?tellite Phones600p per minuteNo

Video c?lls to UK mobiles 58p per minuteNo

Person?l numbers

(numbers beginning 070)

75p per minuteNo

P?gers (numbers beginning 076) 58p per minuteNo

Texts to ?ll UK Networks Mobiles

excluding texts to Ch?nnel

Isl?nds ?nd Isle of M?n (up to

160 ch?r?cters)

15p per textYes

Picture mess?ges to UK


50p per Mess?ge - The cost of sending ?n

MMS is 50p, but if your h?ndset settings

?re incorrect you m?y incur the d?ily r?te for d?t? if you do not h?ve ? d?t? ?llow?nce No 1

Including calls to Channel

Islands and Isle of Man


Channel Islands and

Isle of Man Mobile ranges:

07937/ 079240 / 079241/

079242/ 079243/ 079244/

079246 / 079247/ 079248/

079249/ 074184/ 074520/

074521/ 074522/ 074523/

074524/ 074525/ 074526/

077003/ 077007/ 077008/

077810/ 077811/ 077812/

077813/ 077814/ 077815/

077816/ 077817/ 077818/

077819/ 079111/ 079117/

075090/ 075091/ 075092/

075093/ 075094/ 075095/

075096/ 075097/ 077977/

077978/ 077979/ 078297/

078298/ 078299/ 078391/

078392/ 078397/ 07624/



The cost of calling these

numbers will be formed of a combined access and service charge: we set the access charge and the company you"re phoning set the service charge. Your access charge for these numbers will be shown on your bill and is 58p per minute.

The service charge will be

advertised by the company that you are calling. If any of these numbers are included in your bundle you will not be charged the access or service charge. 4

Included in allowance for

PAYM contracts taken out

from 21st July 2010 5

Mobile data is measured in

Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes

(MB) or Gigabytes (GB). A

MB is 1024 KB, and a GB

is roughly 1024 MB. If Data usage is less than 1KB it"ll be rounded to the nearest

Kilobyte(KB). If your plan

includes a data allowance, once your allowance is used up you"ll be charged for any extra data you use.

UK Mobile D?t? (4G)

If you exceed your d?t? ?llow?nce you will move onto the d?ily d?t? r?te: Using the internet outside ?ny ?llow?nce£3 per Gig?byte per d?y 5 Speed ?nd ?v?il?bility of internet ?ccess within the UK ?nd when ?bro?d will depend on ? number of f?ctors, including the network you"re ro?ming on ?nd the services they h?ve ?v?il?ble. Other f?ctors th?t m?y ?ect speeds include your dist?nce from the ne?rest m?st, where you ?re in ? building, loc?l geogr?phy ?nd the device you ?re using. Our Mobile D?t? us?ge policy c?n be found on our website:

Intern?tion?l Destin?tionCh?rge

Europe?n Union ?nd The Republic of Irel?nd19p per minute Alb?ni?, Andor?, Armeni?, Bel?rus, Bosni? ?nd Herzegovin?, F?roe Isl?nds, M?cedoni?, Moldov?, Montenegro, S?n M?rino, Serbi?, Switzerl?nd, Turkey USA C?n?d?, Austr?li? ?nd New Ze?l?nd, Chin?, Hong Kong, J?p?n, M?l?ysi?, Sing?pore,

South Kore? ?nd T?iw?n

120p per minute

Rest of the World150p per minute

C?lls to S?tellite Phones613p per minute

Intern?tion?l Text Mess?ges

Europe?n Union ?nd The Republic of Irel?nd6p per text

Rest of World30p per text

Intern?tion?l Video C?ll S?me r?te ?s ? st?nd?rd Intern?tion?l Voice C?ll

Intern?tion?l Costs (from UK to ?bro?d)

C?lls ?nd Text mess?ges to intern?tion?l numbers ?re not included within your ?llow?nce. The cost will depend on which country you ?re c?lling.

Intern?tion?l Destin?tions

Europe?n Union

Austri?, Belgium, Bulg?ri?, Cro?ti?, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denm?rk, Estoni?, Finl?nd, Fr?nce, Germ?ny, Gibr?lt?r, Greece, Gu?deloupe, Hung?ry, Icel?nd, It?ly, L?tvi?, Liechtenstein, Lithu?ni?, Luxembourg, M?lt?, M?rtinique, Mon?co, Netherl?nds, Norw?y, Pol?nd, Portug?l, Réunion Isl?nd, Rom?ni?, Slov?ki?, Sloveni?, Sp?in, Sweden, V?tic?n.

Rest of the World

Afgh?nist?n, Algeri?, Angol?, Anguill?, Antigu? ?nd B?rbud?, Argentin?, Arub?, Austr?li?n Extern?l Territories, Azerb?ij?n, B?h?m?s, B?hr?in, B?ngl?desh, B?rb?dos, Belize, Benin, Bermud?, Bhut?n, Bolivi?, Bon?ire/ Cur?ç?o/ S?int Eust?tius ?nd S?b?, Botsw?n?, Br?zil, British Virgin Isl?nds, Brunei D?russ?l?m, Burkin? F?so, Burundi, C?mbodi?, C?meroon, C?pe Verde, C?ym?n Isl?nds, Centr?l Afric?n Republic, Ch?d, Chile, Colombi?, Comoros, Congo, Cook Isl?nds, Cost? Ric?, Cub?, Diego G?rci?, Djibouti, Dominic?, Dominic?n Republic, DR Congo, E?st Timor, Ecu?dor, Egypt, El S?lv?dor, Equ?tori?l Guine?, Eritre?, Ethiopi?, F?lkl?nd Isl?nds, Fiji, French Gui?n?, French Polynesi?, G?bonese Republic, G?mbi?, Georgi?, Gh?n?, Greenl?nd, Gren?d?, Gu?m, Gu?tem?l?, Guine?, Guine?- Biss?u, Guy?n?, H?iti, Hondur?s, Indi?, Indonesi?, Intern?tion?l Sh?red Code, Ir?n, Ir?q, Isr?el, Ivory Co?st, J?m?ic?, Jord?n, Keny?, Kirib?ti, Kuw?it, Kyrgyz Republic, L?o, Leb?non, Lesotho, Liberi?, Liby?, M?c?o, M?d?g?sc?r, M?l?wi, M?ldives, M?li, M?rsh?ll Isl?nds, M?urit?ni?, M?uritius, Mexico, Micronesi?, Mongoli?, Montserr?t, Morocco, Moz?mbique, My?nm?r, N?mibi?, N?uru, Nep?l, New C?ledoni?, Nic?r?gu?, Niger, Nigeri?, Niue, North Kore?, Northern M?ri?n? Isl?nds, Om?n, P?kist?n, P?l?u, P?lestine, P?n?m?, P?pu? New Guine?, P?r?gu?y, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Q?t?r, Russi? ?nd K?z?khst?n, Rw?nd?, S?int Helen?, Ascension ?nd Trist?n d? Cunh?, S?int Kitts ?nd Nevis, S?int Luci?, S?int Pierre ?nd Miquelon, S?int Vincent ?nd the Gren?dines, S?mo?, S?o Tome ?nd Principe, S?tellite, S?udi Ar?bi?, Seneg?l, Seychelles, Sierr? Leone, Solomon Isl?nds, Som?li, South Afric?, South Sud?n, Sri L?nk?, Sud?n, Surin?me, Sw?zil?nd, Syri?, T?jikist?n, T?nz?ni?, Telecommunic?tions for Dis?ster Relief, Th?il?nd, Togolese Republic, Tokel?u, Tong?, Trinid?d ?nd Tob?go, Tunisi?, Turkmenist?n, Turks ?nd C?icos Isl?nds, Tuv?lu, Ug?nd?, Ukr?ine, United Ar?b Emir?tes, United St?tes Virgin Isl?nds, Univers?l Person?l Telecommunic?tion Service, Urugu?y, Uzbekist?n, V?nu?tu, Venezuel?, Vietn?m, W?llis ?nd Futun?, Yemen, Z?mbi?, Zimb?bwe. Applic?ble to c?lls m?de to intern?tion?l Mobile ?nd L?ndline numbers

Ro?ming Destin?tion

M?king ? c?ll

(Per Minute) Texts (Per Text) D?t? (Per MB)

Receiving c?lls

(Per Minute)

Picture mess?ging

Ro?m Like Home Destin?tionsRo?m Like HomeRo?m Like HomeRo?m Like HomeRo?m Like HomeRo?m Like Home

Ch?nnel Isl?nds

(Jersey, Guernsey)

Isle of M?n


USA, C?n?d?, Austr?li?

?nd New Ze?l?nd


Turkey, Switzerl?nd100p50p50pFree50p

Rest of World Zone 1260p50p500p150p50p

Rest of World Zone 2500p60p500p150p50p

Rest of World Zone 3480p120p1250p150p50p


When tr?velling ?bro?d we will text you inform?tion on the costs for the country in which you ?re ro?ming upon ?rriv?l. To help you st?y in control of your d?t? us?ge whilst ro?ming we h?ve set up ? £52.02 per month d?t? spend c?p. You c?n remove the c?p if you wish to continue d?t? use by texting ‘No" to 23457. With Ro?m Like Home, you c?n use your mobile wherever you go in the EU ?nd p?y no more for your texts, d?t? ?nd minutes th?n you would in the UK (subject to our f?ir us?ge policy). On top of this, you"ll p?y nothing extr? for c?lling ?nd mess?ging other mobiles ?nd l?ndlines in the EU. And if you go over your ?llow?nces, or need ? bit more d?t?, you"ll still p?y no more for extr? minutes, texts ?nd d?t? th?n you would b?ck home. Virgin Medi? F?ir Us?ge will ?pply for d?t? when ro?ming within our Ro?m Like Home Region - see virginmedi?.com/leg?lstu? for further det?il.

Applic?ble to c?lls ?nd texts to the UK

Picture mess?ging whilst ro?ming 50p per mess?ge from ?ny country.

Ro?m Like Home destin?tions

Austri?, Belgium, Bulg?ri?, C?n?ry Isl?nds, Cro?ti?, Cyprus, Denm?rk, Estoni?, Finl?nd, Fr?nce, French Gui?n?, Germ?ny, Gibr?lt?r, Greece, Gu?deloupe, Hung?ry, Icel?nd, Irel?nd, It?ly, L?tvi?, Liechtenstein, Lithu?ni?, Luxembourg, M?deir?, M?lt?, M?rtinique, M?yotte, Mon?co, Norw?y, Pol?nd, Portug?l, Reunion Isl?nds, Rom?ni?, S?int B?rthelemy, S?n M?rino, Slov?ki?, Sloveni?, Sp?in, Sweden, The Czech Republic, The Netherl?nds,

The French Antilles, V?tic?n City (It?ly).

Rest of World Zone 1

Anguill?, Antigu?, Argentin?, Armeni?, B?h?m?s, B?rb?dos, Bermud?, Br?zil, British Virgin Isl?nds, C?ym?n Isl?nds, Chile, Chin?, Columbi?, Cost? Ric?, Dominic?, Dominic?n Republic, El S?lv?dor, Gren?d?, Gu?m, Gu?tem?l?, Guy?n?, H?iti, Hong Kong, Indi?, Indonesi?, J?m?ic?, J?p?n, M?l?ysi?, Mexico, Mongoli?, Montserr?t, Nep?l, P?kist?n, P?n?m?, P?pu? New Guine?, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russi?, S?int Kitts ?nd Nevis, S?int Luci?, S?int Vincent ?nd the Gren?dines, Sing?pore, South Kore?, Sri L?nk?, T?iw?n, T?jikist?n, Th?il?nd, Trinid?d ?nd Tob?go, Urugu?y, Venezuel?, Vietn?m.

Rest of World Zone 2

C?pe Verde, Egypt, Isr?el, Keny?, M?uritius, Morocco, Nigeri?, Om?n, Q?t?r, S?udi Ar?bi?, South Afric?, Sw?zil?nd, T?nz?ni?, United Ar?b Emir?tes.

Rest of World Zone 3

Afgh?nist?n, Alb?ni?, Algeri?, Andorr?, Angol?, Azerb?ij?n, B?hr?in, B?ngl?desh, Bel?rus, Belize, Benin, Bhut?n, Bolivi?, Bosni? ?nd Herzegovin?, Botsw?n?, Brunei, Burkin? F?so, Burundi, C?mbodi?, C?meroon, Ch?d, Congo, Cook Isl?nds, Cub?, Djibouti, Ecu?dor, Equ?tori?l Guine?, Ethiopi?, F?lkl?nd Isl?nds, F?roe Isl?nds, Fiji, G?bon, G?mbi?, Georgi?, Gh?n?, Greenl?nd, Guine?, Guine? Biss?u, Hondur?s, Ir?n, Ir?q, Ivory Co?st, Jord?n, K?z?khst?n, Kuw?it, Kyrgyz Republic, L?os, Leb?non, Liberi?, Liby?, M?c?u, M?cedoni?, M?d?g?sc?r, M?l?wi, M?ldives, M?li, M?urit?ni?, Moldov?, Montenegro, Moz?mbique, N?mibi?, Nic?r?gu?, Niger, P?r?gu?y, Rw?nd?, Seneg?l, Serbi?, Seychelles, Sierr? Leone, Sud?n, Surin?me, Syri?, The St?te of P?lestine, Togo, Tunisi?, Ug?nd?, Ukr?ine,

Uzbekist?n, Yemen, Z?mbi?, Zimb?bwe.

Other Ro?ming Ch?rges:

Retrieving Voicem?ilEU - FreeOutside EU

C?lls will cost the s?me ?s the

st?nd?rd c?ll r?te for the region you"re in

Our te?m on: +447458333789C?lls will cost the s?me ?s the st?nd?rd c?ll r?te for the region you're in

Recorded ro?ming inform?tion

line +447458333202 Free

Text services:

eg. 5 digit shortcodes Loc?l ro?ming r?te for ? st?nd?rd SMS. UK ch?rges will ?pply when the

UK ch?rge is gre?ter th?n the loc?l ro?ming r?te.

C?lls to service numbers

beginning with 084, 087, 09 & 118: Loc?l ro?ming r?te for ? st?nd?rd c?ll. UK ch?rges will ?pply when the

UK ch?rge is gre?ter th?n the loc?l ro?ming r?te.

Europe?n Emergency service

112 (When ro?ming in EU):


Intern?tion?l C?lls whilst

ro?ming - i.e. c?lling ?ny country except the UK S?me r?te ?s st?nd?rd c?ll from the country you ?re ro?ming in. Inst?nces where ? domestic r?te is gre?ter th?n ro?ming r?te the domestic r?te will prev?il - per minute billing ?pplies Video C?ll whilst ro?mingLoc?l ro?ming r?te for ? st?nd?rd voice c?ll. UK ch?rges will ?pply when the UK ch?rge is gre?ter th?n the loc?l ro?ming r?te - per minute billing ?pplies

Receiving Video C?ll

whilst ro?ming

150p per minute throughout ?ll ro?ming regions - per minute

billing ?pplies

Intern?tion?l c?lling when ?bro?d:

Ro?ming Destin?tionM?king ? c?ll (Per Minute)

Europe?n Zone19p - Austri?, Belgium, Bulg?ri?, Cro?ti?, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denm?rk, Estoni?, Finl?nd, Fr?nce,

Germ?ny, Gibr?lt?r, Greece, Gu?deloupe, Hung?ry, Icel?nd, It?ly, Irel?nd, L?tvi?, Liechtenstein, Lithu?ni?, Luxembourg, M?lt?, M?rtinique, Mon?co, Netherl?nds, Norw?y, Pol?nd, Portug?l, Reunion Isl?nd, Rom?ni?, Slov?ki?, Sloveni?, Sp?in, Sweden, V?tic?n City

120p - Alb?ni?, Andorr?, Armeni?, Austr?li?, Bel?rus, Bosni? ?nd Herzegovin?, C?n?d?, Chin?,

F?roe Isl?nds, J?p?n, Hong Kong, M?cedoni?, Moldov?, M?l?ysi?, Montenegro, New Ze?l?nd, S?n M?rino, Serbi?, Sing?pore, South Kore?, Switzerl?nd, T?iw?n, Turkey, USA

150p - Rest of World

Ch?nnel Isl?nds

(Jersey, Guernsey)

Isle of M?n

60p - Irel?nd

120p - Alb?ni?, Andorr?, Armeni?, Austr?li?, Austri?, Bel?rus, Belgium, Bosni? ?nd Herzegovin?,

Bulg?ri?, C?n?d?, Chin?, Cro?ti?, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denm?rk, Estoni?, F?roe Isl?nds, Finl?nd, Fr?nce, Germ?ny, Gibr?lt?r, Greece, Gu?deloupe, Hong Kong, Hung?ry, Icel?nd, It?ly, Irel?nd, J?p?n, L?tvi?, Liechtenstein, Lithu?ni?, Luxembourg, M?cedoni?, M?l?ysi?, M?lt?, M?rtinique, Moldov?, Mon?co, Montenegro, Netherl?nds, New Ze?l?nd, Norw?y, Pol?nd, Portug?l, Reunion Isl?nd, Rom?ni?, S?n M?rino, Serbi?, Sing?pore, Slov?ki?, Sloveni?, South Kore?, Sp?in, Sweden, Switzerl?nd, T?iw?n, Turkey, USA, V?tic?n City.

150p - Rest of World

Turkey, Switzerl?nd100p - Irel?nd

120p - Alb?ni?, Andorr?, Armeni?, Austr?li?, Austri?, Bel?rus, Belgium, Bosni? ?nd Herzegovin?,

Bulg?ri?, C?n?d?, Chin?, Cro?ti?, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denm?rk, Estoni?, F?roe Isl?nds, Finl?nd, Fr?nce, Germ?ny, Gibr?lt?r, Greece, Gu?deloupe, Hong Kong, Hung?ry, Icel?nd, It?ly, Irel?nd, J?p?n, L?tvi?, Liechtenstein, Lithu?ni?, Luxembourg, M?cedoni?, M?l?ysi?, M?lt?, M?rtinique, Moldov?, Mon?co, Montenegro, Netherl?nds, New Ze?l?nd, Norw?y, Pol?nd, Portug?l, Reunion Isl?nd, Rom?ni?, S?n M?rino, Serbi?, Sing?pore, Slov?ki?, Sloveni?, South Kore?, Sp?in, Sweden, Switzerl?nd, T?iw?n, Turkey, USA, V?tic?n City.

150p - Rest of World

USA, C?n?d?, Austr?li?

?nd New Ze?l?nd

200p - ?ll intern?tion?l destin?tions

Rest of World Zone 1260p - ?ll intern?tion?l destin?tions Rest of World Zone 2500p - ?ll intern?tion?l destin?tions

Mobile Bro?db?nd - cost for use within the UK:

4G D?t? Pl?n

£3 ? d?y for 1GB

Texts - 15p ? text

Texts to intern?tion?l mobiles ?nd l?ndlines - 30p ? text

3G D?t? Pl?n

£15 per GB

Texts - 10p ? text

Texts to intern?tion?l mobiles ?nd l?ndlines - 20p ? text

Ro?m Like Home F?ir use

Our f?ir us?ge policy ?pplies when ro?ming within the EU, if you exceed the f?ir us?ge limit we might need to ch?rge you these fees:

M?king ? c?ll 3.3p per minute

Sending ? SMS 1p per mess?ge

D?t? £3.65 per GB

For reference the current EU d?t? wholes?le r?te is £3.04 (ex VAT) per GB. For full Terms ?nd Conditions go to: virginmedi?.com/leg?lstu?


SIM Repl?cement Fee £5.00

P?per b?sed billing £1.50 per month

J4081v3 PAYM

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