[PDF] X-ray equipment maintenance and repairs workbook

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A manufacturing facility is introducing the company's first straddle mount liquid metal spiral groove bearing (SGB) on a rotating anode x-ray tube.

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X-ray equipment maintenance and repairs workbook

tube anode during preparation? Note. The X-ray tube rating charts assume a cold anode. ... changer

X-ray equipment maintenance and repairs workbook

a) X-ray tube anode rotation. Note. The X-ray tube rating charts assume a cold anode. ... changer the vertical balance should be neutral.


Organization and Rotary a role which has been vital to its completion. A basic imaging department has one-X-ray machine

PLX7000B High Frequency Mobile X-ray C-arm System

tube current. 40kV?125kV 160mA. X ray tube. X-ray tube special for high frequency. Rotary anode focus 0.3/0.6 mm. Anode thermal capacity:212kJ. Imaging.


(1) Voltage distribution in the anode and latter stages . 12.2.1 Sensitivity to soft X-rays VUV

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for a molybdenum target the equivalent energy balance for the emission of X ray tube with a rotating compound anode and a glass envelope.

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accepts that responsibility and ensures that the programme happens effectively.

This workbook will be used by radiographers and

radiological technologists as well as other medical and technical staff members involved in diagnostic imaging, to: ?achieve a good working knowledge of equipmentmaintenance routines; ?adopt a logical and practical approach to diagnos-ing equipment problems;

?on returning to their respective areas after com-pleted training, teach other members of their staffto carry out the routines or techniques that they

have learned; ?assist in establishing, or implementing, a suitableroutine maintenance programme; ?be encouraged to directly carry out adjustments or minor repairs, or provide suitable assistance to other staff as needed; ?provide accurate reporting of problems to seniors or service engineers;

?assist in establishing criteria for equipment replace-ment, where it is not cost effective to continuemaintenance.

Expected beneÞts

It is expected that after going through the training and experiences discussed in this workbook, the knowledge and skills will be put into practise. If so: ?Heads of departments will find that the standardof radiography will be maintained at the highest level. ?There will be fewer equipment failures.This reduces costs.

?Where a failure does occur, local hospital staff maybe able to repair without an expensive service call.

?When an external service call is required,the servicetechnician can arrive fully informed to deal with the

situation, together with appropriate equipment or parts. This will reduce the possibility, and expense, of repeated visits.


3 It is preferred to call this a workbook rather than a manual or textbook, because the intent is to, not only give technical information, but to set practical exer- cises that students can work through, responding to specific questions. Above all, the students should feel that they have actually carried out the tasks them- selves and will be more confident to teach others and ensure that these exercises continue to be carried out in their respective areas.

The topic of this workbook is routine maintenance

and repairs. The material is designed to assist in the maintenance of equipment, and provide guidelines for locating equipment problems. In many cases this will allow local correction of fault situations. Where external assistance is required, good communication of the diagnosed problem will assist in reducing delay, or multiple service calls.

Routine maintenance

The overall maintenance programme;put in place

to ensure that a comprehensive range of mainte- nance procedures are systematically carried out.

Fault diagnosis and repairs

The means by which the cause of incorrect equip-

ment operation may be located. This includes adjustment where required, and simple repairs.

A Routine Maintenance Programme should be com-

prehensive, looking at all aspects of the work involved in ensuring equipment is properly maintained, and capable of producing accurate results. Such a pro- gramme can be cost effective, and contribute to minimum failure of equipment. By encouraging local staff to be actively involved in maintenance or minor repairs,delays and expensive service calls may be con- siderably reduced. The ultimate responsibility for setting up, running, evaluating and taking remedial action lies with the head of department, although appropriate delegation may be necessary. It is important that someone ?Where work is carried out by an external service organization,the maintenance inspection will ensure this has been carried out fully and effectively. ?Work environments will be improved. Tasks will become easier. ?Repeat films will be kept to a minimum. Staff job satisfaction will increase. ?Patients will receive less radiation and less inconvenience. ?A record and audit trail will exist as proof of highstandards.

Achieve some of these, and this workbook has been


What this workbook aims to achieve

?Provide the knowledge and skills required for main- tenance of imaging equipment. ?Increase awareness, interest and understanding of maintenance issues.

?Enable radiographers to establish and continue tocarry out an effective preventive maintenance programme.

?Provide the knowledge tools to assist in diagnosing equipment problems. ?Provide the knowledge and encouragement to carry out adjustments and minor repairs. ?Raise equipment performance standards. ?Reduce maintenance and service costs. ?Reduce the possibility of equipment malfunction causing injury. ?Improve job satisfaction through correctly func-tioning equipment.

Summary of the content of

this workbook ?Background information. ?A questionnaire seeking information about each student, and their own department. ?A pre test of student"s knowledge. ?13 modules related to routine maintenance of X-rayequipment. ?14 modules concerned with fault diagnosis andrepairs. ?A separate module, concentrating on the film processor. ?A revision of X-ray equipment design and operation. ?17 tasks the student must perform. ?A list of suitable tools and test equipment,and howto make simple test tools. ?Useful charts and forms. ?Copies of routine maintenance check sheets. ?Advice on teaching methods. ?Health and safety issues. ?A post test of student"s knowledge. ?Glossary of terms. ?Reference list.

How to use this workbook

The entire workbook can be used for self-study or

self-assessment, ideally as working material during a work shop or a seminar with individual tutors for the students. In either case, however, the book should be approached as indicated below.

The section headed STUDENT"S OWN DEPART-

MENT, should be completed by the studentbefore

commencement of the study or course.This takes the form of a questionnaire which,when completed should give the tutor a background knowledge of the student and their work environment. This background infor- mation will allow the tutor to apply the correct empha- sis when providing and supervising the training.

The student must complete a PRE TEST prior to

starting the course. This is an assessment of the student"s relevant knowledge before the course. This will be compared to the results of a similar POST TEST completed by the student after completion of the course. These tests are for student information and course evaluation only and are not used in student assessment.

The section on TEACHING TECHNIQUES first gives

a broad overview of teaching methods.This is followed by the recommended approach to teaching with this workbook. Both tutor and student should read this section.This is a reprint from the WHO 'Quality assur- ance workbook" and is included here for convenience.

The section on HEALTH AND SAFETY draws atten-

tion to all the health and safety issues appropriate to an X-ray department and how to make the work environment a safe and healthy one.This is an extract from the WHO 'Quality assurance workbook",edited for use with this workbook.

The workbook is divided into modules

?The modules are in three groups. a.Routine maintenance of X-ray equipment. b.Fault diagnosis and repairs of X-ray equipment. c.The automatic film processor, routine mainte- nance, fault diagnosis and repairs. ?The student should work through one module at a time,studying the technical information and testing methods.


4 E ?Note. Although the modules are designed as indi- vidual projects, due to the complexity of this work- book, it will be necessary at times to refer to other modules. Where this is required, a note is inserted pointing to the first page of the reference module. ?At the end of each module,tasks have been set.The student must carry out each task and answer the questions asked, and the teacher/tutor where available, will comment or correct these.

The APPENDICES contain information on making

simple test tools,report forms,record sheets,and test result sheets foruse in the student"s own depart- ment. The APPENDICES also contain information from the WHO 'Quality assurance workbook". This includes sensitometry,teaching techniques,andhealth and safety.The GLOSSARY contains a list of terms found in the text, with meanings. The REFERENCES provide a source of further reading.When used in the scope of a work shop or seminar,

The POST TEST must be answered, on completion of

the course.The workbook is then handed to the tutor for final assessment.

The student is encouraged to:

?complete all pre reading, discuss the material with colleagues and fill in the questionnaire,'STUDENT"S

OWN DEPARTMENT", before starting the course;

?carry out the PRETEST immediately before starting the course; ?carry out the POST TEST immediately upon com-pletion of the course/self-study. In daily routine work the workbook and newly gained knowledge and expertise should be used to establish a routine maintenance programme, and train col- leagues under the direction of their department manager.




StudentÕs own department

In order for this course to meet your needs, your tutor must know something about yourself, and the department

in which you work. Please answer the following questions in the spaces provided, before you commence the course.

1. Hospital name and address.

2. Your name and address.

3.Your education qualifications. Please include details of any additional training.

4. How many X-ray examination rooms are there?

5.How many mobile or portable X-ray generators are there?

6. Tell us what X-ray equipment you have.Eg,general-purpose table with Bucky etc.Please include the type,make

and model number.

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Mobile or portable units

4. How many darkrooms are there?


6 E

5.State the type of film processor in each darkroom. e.g. type, make, model, processing cycle.

Darkroom 1

Darkroom 2

6. How many staff act as radiographers? Qualified radiographers? Others?


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