[PDF] The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction - University of Texas at Dallas

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Greenhouse-Geisser Correction

The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction. Hervé Abdi. 1 Overview and background. When performing an analysis of variance with a one factor repeated.

Repeated Measures ANOVA

? When ? < 0.75 or nothing is known about sphericity at all

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Which correction should I use? ? Look at the Greenhouse-Geisser estimate of sphericity (?) in the SPSS handout. ? When ? > .75 then use 

Greenhouse—Geisser Adjustment and the ANOVA-Type Statistic

house and Geisser?has become statistical tradition under the name Greenhouse-Geisser correction or Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon. F tests adjusted in this 

Greenhouse–Geisser Correction

Greenhouse–Geisser Correction. By:Hervé Abdi. Edited by: Neil J. Salkind. Book Title: Encyclopedia of Research Design. Chapter Title: "Greenhouse–Geisser 

Some Comments and Definitions Related to the

The sphericity assumption states that the variance of the difference scores in a The Geisser-Greenhouse correction referred to in SPSS is.


those papers testing and correcting for sphericity ('Mauchly's test' 'Greenhouse-Geisser'

Chapter 14: Repeated-measures designs

SPSS produces three corrections based upon the estimates of sphericity The Greenhouse–Geisser correction varies between 1/(k?1) (where k is the number ...

Variance Component Estimation a.k.a. Non-Sphericity Correction

Variance-Covariance Matrix. • What is (and isn't) sphericity? • Why is non-sphericity a problem? • How do proper statisticians solve it?

A Note on the Geisser-Greenhouse Correction for Incomplete Data

KEY WORDS: Geisser-Greenhouse correction; Growth curves;. Missing data; Regression; Split-plot analysis; Wear curves. 1. INTRODUCTION.

The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction - University of Texas at Dallas

Greenhouse and Geisser (1959) suggest to use a stepwise strategyfor the implementation of the correction for lack of sphericity If FAis not signi?cant with the standard degrees of freedom there is noneed to implement a correction (because it will make it even leigni?cant)


correction to apply – the one you choose depends on the extent to which you wish to control for Type I errors Fuller explanations can be found elsewhere but a good rule of thumb is to use the Greenhouse-Geisser estimate unless it leads to a different conclusion from the other two Some

RM ANOVA - SPSS Interpretation - Northern Arizona University

the Greenhouse-Geisser correction which multiplies 3 and 33 by epsilon which in this case is 544 yielding dfs of 1 632 and 17 953 You can see in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table that these corrections reduce the degrees of freedom by multiplying them by Epsilon In this case 3 · 544 = 1 632 and 33 · 544 = 17 953

Searches related to greenhouse geisser correction filetype:pdf

• Greenhouse–Geisser correction/epsilon If the sphericity assumption is vio-lated in an ANOVA involving within-subjects factors you can correct the df for any term involving the WS factor (and the df of the corresponding error term) by multiplying both by this correction factor Often written ?ˆ where 0 < ?ˆ ? 1

What is the Greenhouse-Geisser method?

    The Greenhouse-Geisser method is based on work of Box, who studied the effects of dependence on the sampling distribution of analysis of variance F ratios and derived adjustments to the degrees of freedom. In separate

Is Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment better than Huynh-Feldt correction?

    Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment provides better type I error protection than the Huynh-Feldt correction (Muller and Barton 1989; Kirk 1995, p. 279). Considering the algebraic identity of both test statistics, one

Can Greenhouse-Geisser F test be used for nonparametric tests?

    has the useful consequence that software implementations of the Greenhouse-Geisser F test (which are relatively common, as noted in the introduction) can also be employed to perform many of the nonparametric tests discussed in Brunner and Puri

How do you calculate box-Greenhouse-Geisser numerator degrees of freedom?

    and tr(C;iQ)=tr(Qi)=tr(CfV), and substituting these expressions into (8), the equality of the two test statistics Fn and Gn is clear. The numerator degrees of freedom of the ANOVA-type sta tistic are calculated as ;= (tr(C^2. (9) tr(C(VQV) The estimated Box-Greenhouse-Geisser numerator degrees of freedom are dfi = rank(C,)e, where
The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction - University of Texas at Dallas In Neil Salkind (Ed.),Encyclopedia of Research Design.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2010

The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction

Herve Abdi

1 Overview and background

When performing an analysis of variance with a one factor repeated measurement design, the effect of the independent variable is tested by computing anFstatistic which is computed as the ratio of the of mean square of effect by the mean square of the interaction between the subject factor and the independent variable. For a design withS subjects andAexperimental treatments, when some assumptions are met, the sampling distribution of thisFratio is a Fisher distribution withν1=A1 andν2= (A1)(S1) degrees of freedom. In addition to the usual assumptions of normality of the error and homogeneity of variance, theFtest for repeated measurement designs assumes a condition called\sphericity."(Huynh & Feldt,

1970; Rouanet & L´epine, 1970). Intuitively, this condition indicates

that the ranking of the subjects does not change across experimental treatment. This is equivalent to stating that the population correla- tion (computed form the subjects' scores) between two treatments

Herv´e Abdi

The University of Texas at Dallas

Address correspondence to:

Herv´e Abdi

Program in Cognition and Neurosciences, MS: Gr.4.1,

The University of Texas at Dallas,

Richardson, TX 75083-0688, USA

E-mail:herve@utdallas.edu http://www.utd.edu/∼herve

2The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction

Table 1:A data set for a repeated measurement design. a












M a:54423628M::= 40 is the same for all pairs of treatments. This condition implies that there is no interaction between the subject factor and the treatment. If the sphericity assumption is not valid, then theFtest becomes too liberal (i.e.,the proportion of rejections of the null hypothesis is larger than theαlevel when the null hypothesis is true). In order to minimize this problem, Greenhouse and Geisser (1959) elaborating on early work by Box (1954) suggested to use an index of deviation to sphericity to correct the number of degrees of freedom of theF distribution. We first present this index of non sphericity (called the Box index, denotedε), then we present its estimation and its appli- cation known as the Greenhouse-Geisser correction. We also present the Huyhn-Feldt correction which is a more efficient procedure. Fi- nally, we explore tests for sphericity.

2 An index of sphericity

Box (1954a & b) has suggested a measure for sphericity denoted εwhich varies between 0 and 1 and reaches the value of 1 when the data are perfectly spherical. We will illustrate the computation of this index with the fictitious example given in Table 1 where we collected the data fromS= 5 subjects whose responses were measured forA= 4 different treatments. The standard analysis of variance of these data gives a value ofFA=600 112
= 5.36, which, with

1= 3 andν2= 12, has apvalue of.018.


Table 2:The covariance matrix for the data set of Table 1. a










t a:13813814-2 t ::= 72 ta:-¯t::6666-58-74 In order to evaluate the degree of sphericity (or lack thereof), the first step is to create a table called acovariance matrix. This matrix comprises the variances of all treatments and all the covariances between treatments. As an illustration, the covariance matrix for our example is is given in Table 2. Box (1954) defined an index of sphericity, denotedε, which applies to apopulation covariancematrix. If we callζa,a′the entries of this AAtable, the Box index of sphericity is obtained as aζ a,a) 2 (A1)∑ a,a ′ζ2a,a′.(1) Box also showed that when sphericity fails, the number of de- grees of freedom of theFAratio depends directly upon the de- gree of sphericity (i.e.,ε) and are equal toν1=ε(A1) and


2.1 Greenhouse-Geisser correction

Box's approach works for thepopulationcovariance matrix, but, un- fortunately, in general this matrix is not known. In order to estimate εwe need to transform the sample covariance matrix into anesti- mateof the population covariance matrix. In order to compute this estimate, we denote byta,a′the sample estimate of the covariance

4The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction

between groupsaanda′(these values are given in Table 2), by t a.the mean of the covariances for groupaand by t ..the grand mean of the covariance table. The estimation of the population covariance matrix will have for general termsa,a′which is computed as s a,a′= (ta,a′ t t a,. t t a′,. t ..) =ta,a′ t a,. t a′,.+ t ...(2) (this procedure is called "double-centering"). Table 3 gives the double centered covariance matrix. From this matrix, we can compute the estimate ofεwhich is denotedbε(com- pare with Equation 1): bε=( as a,a) 2 (A1)∑ a,a ′s2a,a′.(3)

In our example, this formula gives:

bε=(90 + 90 + 78 + 78)2 (41)(902+ 542++ 662+ 782)2=3362



=.4460.(4) We use the value ofbε=.4460 to correct the number of degrees of freedom ofFAasν1=bε(A1) = 1.34 andν2=bε(A1)(S

1) = 5.35. These corrected values ofν1andν2give forFA= 5.36 a

probability ofp=.059. If we want to use the critical value approach, we need to round the values of these corrected degree of freedom to the nearest integer (which will give here the values ofν1= 1 and

2= 5).

2.2 Greenhouse-Geisser Correction and eigenvalues

The Box index of sphericity is best understood in relation to the eigenvalues (see, e.g., Abdi, 2007 for an introduction) of a covari- ance matrix. Recall that covariance matrices belong to the class of


Table 3:The double centered covariance matrix used to estimate the population covariance matrix. a




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