[PDF] TUTORIEL Qualit Eval. Introduction :


Chapter 9 discussed assessment, a crucial step in Backward Design that allows us to measure student learning. The terms “evaluation” and “assessment” are often used interchangeably, but while assessment focuses on learning and student progress toward identified learning outcomes, evaluation involves “determining the quality of the service or activi...

Planning For Evaluation

As with assessment, instructors can use data from evaluations to identify areas for improvement. Evaluation data can also help library managers determine the effectiveness of an instruction program and inform allocation of resources in support of the program, and it can demonstrate the value of the program to library stakeholders. Some studies have...

Creating Evaluation Tools

A number of methods exist for evaluating instruction. In fact, some of the assessment methods described in Chapter 9 could be readily adapted for evaluation. This section highlights several evaluation tools, with a focus on those most likely to be used in library instruction.

Program Evaluation

The bulk of this chapter focuses on evaluation of individual instruction sessions or self-reflective evaluation of ourselves as instructors. However, evaluation should also be carried out at the program level. Program evaluation allows us to improve services, provide evidence of our value to stakeholders, and inform managerial decisions such as all...


While our priority for library instruction is student learning, evaluation can provide us with useful insights into learners’ satisfaction with and perceptions of the quality of our sessions. The main takeaways from this chapter are as follows: 1. Evaluation data can tell us how satisfied learners are with our instruction sessions and provide us wi...

Suggested Readings

Applegate, R. (2013). Practical evaluation techniques for librarians. Libraries Unlimited. Although not specific to instruction, this text offers thorough, clear, and straightforward guidance on developing and implementing evaluation methods, including surveys, interviews, use analysis, and focus groups. Advice on analyzing and interpreting results...

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What is a course evaluation?

Evaluation is what is obtained at the end of a course that is used to determine whether students have mastered the course objectives , and the evaluations may be based on tests and other assessment procedures.

What is evaluation based on?

According to Braun et al. , evaluation is the process of reaching conclusions regarding abstract entities. These intangible units can range from curricula to institutions. Thus, evaluation calls for undertaking a process to provide information to be used as a basis for judging a situation.

How do you evaluate instruction?

Identify the criteria by which we will evaluate the instruction. For assessment, we use our learning outcomes. In evaluation, as described in more detail later in this chapter, we explore other criteria that impact the perceived quality or success of the session. Find or develop a tool to gather data related to those criteria. Analyze the findings.

How do you evaluate a college course?

Surveys are probably the most popular method of evaluation. In fact, anyone who has been through a college course in the United States is probably familiar with the end-of-semester course evaluation survey.

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1 INTRODUCTION In the teaching-learning environment there is a constant need to gauge the outcome or the quality of responsiveness of the teaching and learning process [1] This important symbiotic process generally referred to as assessment does not only occur after teaching but can also be undertaken before teaching is affected or




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