[PDF] Unix/Linux Command Reference Unix/Linux Command Reference. File

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linux commands handbook (pdf)

ctrl-Z . The command will immediately stop and you get back to the shell terminal. You can resume the execution of the command in the background

Linux command line for you and me Documentation

01-Sept-2023 Now you know a few really basic Linux commands. Before we can learn ... Now

vi Editor “Cheat Sheet”

z. Reposition window: cursor in middle z-. Reposition window: cursor at bottom Any of these commands leaves vi in input mode until you press Esc. Pressing ...


[command] &. >> [fileA]. > [fileA] echo -n xargs. 1>2& fg %N jobs ctrl-z. Basic commands. Pipe (redirect) output run < command> in superuser mode run < command> 

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* The Alt+Click gesture may not work on some Linux distributions. You can change the modifier key for the Insert cursor command to. Ctrl+Click with the “editor.

The Linux Command Line

03-Oct-2009 ... Z. A defunct or “zombie” process. This is a child process that has ... pdf. ○ A Wikipedia article on Bill Joy the creator of vi.: http://en ...

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exrc or_vimrc file as a default vi/vim configuration.In Unix/Linux it is called vi/vim. In Windows it is called vi/gvim. .exrc is always kept in user's <HOME> 

linux commands handbook (pdf)

ctrl-Z . The command will immediately stop and you get back to the shell terminal. You can resume the execution of the 

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It is required/neccessary/mandatory to learn Linux Programming (commands shell -z: filter the archive through gzip (adds/requires extension .gz).

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Conditionally perform a command cat. Display the contents of a file cd. Change Directory cfdisk. Partition table manipulator for Linux.

Unix/Linux Command Reference

Unix/Linux Command Reference. File Commands. 1. ls. Directory listing. 2. ls -al 2. ctrl+z. Stops the current command resume with fg in the.


Linux Command Cheat Sheet.


Show Command Palette Alt+Z. Toggle word wrap. Rich languages editing. Ctrl+Space Ctrl+I. Trigger suggestion ... Keyboard shortcuts for Linux.

Linux command line for you and me Documentation

May 24 2022 In Linux the shell (or terminal) is the lifeline of the developer

The Linux Command Line

Oct 3 2009 Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. ... The PDF ver- ... Ctrl-z. Let's try it. At the command prompt

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Sep 18 2019 Configuring command completion on Linux or macOS . ... time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by including a Z after the time.

Unix/Linux Command Reference

Unix/Linux Command Reference

File Commands

1.lsDirectory listing

2.ls -alFormatted listing with hidden files

3.ls -ltSorting the Formatted listing by time modification

4.cd dirChange directory to dir

5.cdChange to home directory

6.pwdShow current working directory

7.mkdir dirCreating a directory dir

8.cat >filePlaces the standard input into the file

9.more fileOutput the contents of the file

10.head fileOutput the first 10 lines of the file

11.tail fileOutput the last 10 lines of the file

12.tail -f fileOutput the contents of file as it grows,starting with

the last 10 lines

13.touch fileCreate or update file

14.rm fileDeleting the file

15.rm -r dirDeleting the directory

16.rm -f fileForce to remove the file

17.rm -rf dirForce to remove the directory dir

18.cp file1 file2Copy the contents of file1 to file2

19.cp -r dir1 dir2Copy dir1 to dir2;create dir2 if not present

20.mv file1 file2Rename or move file1 to file2,if file2 is an existing


21.ln -s file linkCreate symbolic link link to file

Process management

1.psTo display the currently working processes

2.topDisplay all running process

Unix/Linux Command Reference

3.kill pidKill the process with given pid

4.killall procKill all the process named proc

5.pkill patternWill kill all processes matching the pattern

6.bgList stopped or background jobs,resume a stopped

job in the background

7.fgBrings the most recent job to foreground

8.fg nBrings job n to the foreground

File permission

1.chmod octal fileChange the permission of file to octal,which can

be found separately for user,group,world by adding, •4-read(r) •2-write(w) •1-execute(x)


1.grep pattern fileSearch for pattern in file

2.grep -r pattern dirSearch recursively for pattern in dir

3.command | grep

patternSearch pattern in the output of a command

4.locate file Find all instances of file

5.find . -name filenameSearches in the current directory (represented by

a period) and below it, for files and directories with names starting with filename

6.pgrep patternSearches for all the named processes , that

matches with the pattern and, by default, returns their ID

System Info

1.dateShow the current date and time

2.calShow this month's calender

3.uptimeShow current uptime

4.wDisplay who is on line

5.whoamiWho you are logged in as

Unix/Linux Command Reference

6.finger userDisplay information about user

7.uname -aShow kernel information

8.cat /proc/cpuinfoCpu information

9.cat proc/meminfoMemory information

10.man commandShow the manual for command

11.dfShow the disk usage

12.duShow directory space usage

13.freeShow memory and swap usage

14.whereis appShow possible locations of app

15.which appShow which applications will be run by default


1.tar cf file.tar fileCreate tar named file.tar containing file

2.tar xf file.tarExtract the files from file.tar

3.tar czf file.tar.gz files Create a tar with Gzip compression

4.tar xzf file.tar.gzExtract a tar using Gzip

5.tar cjf file.tar.bz2Create tar with Bzip2 compression

6.tar xjf file.tar.bz2Extract a tar using Bzip2

7.gzip fileCompresses file and renames it to file.gz

8.gzip -d file.gzDecompresses file.gz back to file


1.ping host Ping host and output results

2.whois domainGet whois information for domains

3.dig domain Get DNS information for domain

4.dig -x host Reverse lookup host

5.wget fileDownload file

6.wget -c fileContinue a stopped download

Unix/Linux Command Reference


1.ctrl+cHalts the current command

2.ctrl+zStops the current command, resume with fg in the

foreground or bg in the background

3.ctrl+dLogout the current session, similar to exit

4.ctrl+wErases one word in the current line

5.ctrl+uErases the whole line

6.ctrl+rType to bring up a recent command

7.!!Repeats the last command

8.exitLogout the current session

Unix/Linux Command Reference

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