[PDF] BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries Bronwyn Alma

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Past perfect en be + ing. (pluperfect continuous). Had + been + V-ing. Il sert à repérer une action antérieure au past simple perçue en cours de déroulement.


Aug 20 2009 PAST PERFECT SIMPLE ET EN BE +ING. Valeur : Le past perfect a la même valeur que le present perfect

The Future Pluperfect: Double Tenses in American English Auxiliaries

THE FUTURE PLUPERFECT. FIGURE 1. Chomsky's AUX Rule's Deep Structure. S. NP. AUX. VP. Tense Modal have en be ing with which they co-occur 

BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries Bronwyn Alma

Sep 2 2011 26In several Romance languages (including Spanish

BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries Bronwyn Alma

Sep 2 2011 26In several Romance languages (including Spanish


Prétérit simple – Prétérit be + ing – Pluperfect (Gr: 5 9) .......................... 19. ROUNDUP. Pioneers' Expeditions .

Tout pour le TOEIC®

Le pluperfect en –ING. 238. Chapitre 13 : Le futur. 241. 1. Will. 241. 2. Shall. 243. 3. Shall et will dans les propositions circonstancielles subordonnées.

A Semantics and Pragmatics for the Pluperfect

the simple past and pluperfect while still maintain- ing that these tenses play different roles in discourse

Tout pour le TOEIC®

Chapitre 12 : Le pluperfect. 237. 1. Le pluperfect simple. 237. 2. Le pluperfect en –ING. 238. Chapitre 13 : Le futur Le conditionnel présent en –ING.

Perfect Subjunctive.pages

Pluperfect Tense. The pluperfect subjunctive is formed by adding the personal endings to the perfect infinitive. amavissem amavissemus docuissem docuissemus 

[PDF] FICHES RECAPITULATIVES présent simple et présent en be+ing

Past perfect en be + ing (pluperfect continuous) Had + been + V-ing Il sert à repérer une action antérieure au past simple perçue en cours de déroulement

Present perfect en BE + ing - Anglais : 3ème - PDF à imprimer

Cours exercices et évaluation avec correction de la catégorie Present perfect en BE + ing - Anglais : 3ème pdf à imprimer fiches à modifier au format doc 

Present Perfect - BE -ING - 3ème - Cours - PDF à imprimer

Cours d'anglais pour la 3ème sur le present perfect - BE -ING Comme il existe deux présents (simple et BE-ING) et deux prétérits (simples et BE-ING) 


20 août 2009 · Le past perfect a la même valeur que le present perfect mais les évènements se sont passés encore avant Ils sont antérieurs Construction :

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Présent en BE + ING - Cours + Exercice PDF - Scribd

- They are playing football (Ils jouent au football) Principal emploi : action en cours au moment où l'on parle Syntaxe : Auxiliaire BE (conjugué 

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b- Past perfect en be + ing On retrouve ici les valeurs de have/has been + ing mais dans le révolu (continuité temporelle entre 2 moments ou conséquences 

Prétérit simple/ prétérit Be+ING - cours - Anglais facile

exemple : Did he smile? A-t-il souri ? NB : Pour l'auxiliaire être (to be) une simple inversion sujet-verbe suffit - 

exercice anglais preterit simple et preterit be ing

Par opposition au prétérit simple qui ne contient qu'une forme verbale (par ex: I Exercice d'anglais 'Prétérit en BE + ING - cours' créé par webmaster avec 

BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries Bronwyn Alma

BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries


Bronwyn Alma Moore Bjorkman

B.A., Linguistics and Philosophy, McGill University, 2006 Submitted to the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

at the


September 2011

c Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2011. All rights reserved. Author ............................................................................

Department of Linguistics and Philosophy

September 2, 2011

Certified by........................................................................

Sabine Iatridou

Professor of Linguistics

Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by .......................................................................

David Pesetsky

Professor of Linguistics

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BE-ing Default: The Morphosyntax of Auxiliaries


Bronwyn Alma Moore Bjorkman


arbitrary be be structural isolate stranded be downward markedness havebe be do

In memory of my Nana,

Gertrude Theora "Sully" Moore

Whence auxiliaries?

If they are stranded features,

many things follow.



Contents1 Overview17

2 The Morphosyntax of Auxiliarybe21


3 Auxiliaryhave: auxiliary selection and related issues 125

havebe 0 0 have have be have have


do do Do do do

5 Verbal inflection and the left periphery: Counterfactuals 207

0 0

6 Conclusion237

List of Abbreviations

absabsolutive accaccusative adeadessive aoraorist clclass marker (Bantu agreement) condconditional contcontinuative datdative defdefinite detdeterminer ergergative ffeminine futfuture gengenitive habhabitual impimperative impfimperfective incpinceptive infinfinitive mmasculine modmodal negnegative marker nomnominative ptcpparticiple passpassive pastpast perfperfect pfvperfective plplural prespresent progprogressive sgsingular

Chapter 1Overview

be havedo be be 1 0

0 0 be 0


1De Interpretatione

2 0

0 0 be 0 be 0 selectional approach be selected for be failures be be be overflow pattern be be havedo Do have havebe have be have be originates divest do be do do do v0 0

Chapter 2The Morphosyntax of Auxiliarybe

2.1 Two patterns of auxiliary use

overflow pattern combinations



perf.passsum1sg.pres additive pattern always was reading was read was being read pastprogressivepassive

Additive Pattern:

be be bebe

Overflow Pattern:

?be ?be be repair be v additiveoverflow

2.1.1 Additive auxiliary patterns

1 be be behave2 English progressive uniformly requires be:Finite: were

Non-finite: be

Perfect: been

English passive uniformly requires be:Finite: was

Non-finite: be

Perfect: been

English progressive passive occurs with two be"s:

1 benot

2 have have

be have have be have have post-syntactic

Finite: was being

Non-finite: be being

Perfect: been being


Basque present perfective:ergpfvdau.auxpres

Basque past imperfectiveimpfsa-n.auxpast

olla ovatpresptcp

Present Perfect

olivatpastptcpPast Perfect

3 be izan have edunezan

any have

2.1.2 Overflow auxiliary patterns

individual combinations be 4





4 5









Recent Past + Progressive



inflectional final suffixfinal vowel 6 plnomaccconsumpserunt7 plpfvPerfect nomconsumitur prespassPassive nomconsumptumpassptcpest be3sgpresPerfect + Passive pastpfv3sgm 6 7 mimpf past3sgmmimpf be

2.2 Accounting for the overflow pattern: "default" auxiliaries

be not syntactic hybrid descriptive be selection locality

2.2.1 Inadequacy of additive accounts

be 0 be 0 be 0 overflow 8 be

8 do be

be do do do do not be do

Syntactic Structures

9 10 11 be be 9 10 be be be 11 0 be 0 be 0 0 havebe be be be have be eating eaten identified unifies selected for select be combination be be single be combination 0 0 0 0 local be12 12 indirect 0 0 0 be morphological selected repair

2.2.2 Morphology-driven selection: further issues

deverbal explanationjustification be input lexi- calist output post-syntacticinterpretive

0 0 0 0does

0 0 0 values

0not 0

13 explained read also being cannot readquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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