[PDF] Exercice radiation adaptative

What is adaptive radiation?

They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. adaptive radiation, evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized modes of life. Adaptive radiations are best exemplified in closely related groups that have evolved in a relatively short time.

What is adaptive radiotherapy for head and neck cancer?

David A. Elliott, ... John M. Holland, in Oral, Head and Neck Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery, 2018 Adaptive radiotherapy (ART) for head and neck cancer is an emerging tool to counter morphologic changes in patient and tumor anatomy during a course of radiotherapy by creating new radiation plans during the course of treatment.

What is the future of adaptive radiotherapy?

The future advancement of adaptive radiotherapy hinges on our ability to handle the rapidly increasing amount of data that we are obtaining as we see more images, contouring, dosimetric constraints, complexity of treatment plans, and handoffs between systems to integrate the process.

What tools are needed for adaptive radiotherapy?

The issue specifically focuses on advances in the tools needed for adaptive radiotherapy, including autosegmentation, deformable registration, and automated planning, advances in workflows, including offline, real-time, functional, and anatomical, and evidence of benefit in clinical sites, including head and neck, lung, and cervix.

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