[PDF] ergo-suite


ErgoAI is an advanced system for representing and reasoning about knowledge. It is a commercially supported, enterprise platform for deep AI reasoning and semantic rules, with a uniquely comprehensive set of capabilities. Developed by Coherent’s team of industry leaders in semantic reasoning, it is based on major advances in these technologies. Erg...

Rulelog and Textual Rulelog

ErgoAI is based on Rulelog, an advanced logical language for semantic rules. Ever since the advent of relational databases and business rule systems in the 1980’s, researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence and semantic technology sought a computationally affordable logical language with much richer expressiveness than what databases and ...

Ergoai Reasoner

ErgoAI Reasoner is a reasoning engine that executes queries to produce answers with explanations, and provides other reasoning services. The reasoner is a sophisticated layer on top of XSB, a well-established commercial open source deductive engine. Ergo AI Reasoner’s sophisticated algorithms include: 1. Caching of conclusions and their incremental...

Ergoai Studio

ErgoAI Studio is a user interface (UI) and integrated development environment (IDE) that includes an array of advanced features for querying, editing, and debugging knowledge. Ergo Studio provides: 1. A uniquely powerful and easy-to-use explanation facility, that enables users to drill down to as much detail as desired and understand each step in t...

Connectors, Interfaces, and Standards Support

Coherent takes an open, standards-based approach that builds on open source components. Overall, ErgoAI is implemented primarily in Java, Rulelog, and C. 1. Coherent supports the Rulelog draft industry standard from RuleML(a submission to W3C & Oasis in preparation). ErgoAI has a set of API’s that enable its components’ services, notably ErgoAI Rea...

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What is ergosuite?

ErgoSuite is an easy-to-use state-of-the-art software toolset designed for Windows 10, Windows 11, MacOS or completely Web-based use – elegantly crafted for Office, Hybrid and Remote Employees. With ErgoSuite, you will significantly improve comfort, safety and productivity while reducing risk exposures, cases and injuries.

Who is Ergo office?

Ergo Office specialises in office furniture in New Zealand including Sit/Stand desking & Ergonomic chairs at the best prices. Visit us ONLINE today! We do not have a Physical Showroom/Shop. We ... commercial furniture, tertiary furniture, chair repairs, business equipment, whiteboards, bambach...

How to install ergo client?

One way to install it is to use Oracle implementation of Java. The next step is to download the latest Ergo client release jar file and create a node configuration file. Note that instead of downloading the jar, you can clone the repository and create the jar yourself using SBT by issuing the sbt assembly command.

What makes ergo SRL unique?

ERGO Srl bases its know-how on a network of legal-financial and technical-scientific expertise developed within the scope of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, capable of providing qualified interdisciplinary services to deal with the complex issues of sustainability at 360°.

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ERGO-SUITE. Accessoires ergonomiques. Ergonomische Zubehör. Ergonomic accessories. Nouvelle génération d'accessoires ergonomiques pour le mobilier horloger.

Dossier de presse ERGOROOM ERGOCOOK - Salon EquipHotel

8 nov. 2018 Le pavillon « ERGO ROOM – ERGO COOK » : Trait d'union entre problématiques sociales et solutions techniques. Lors de la précédente édition ...

Prévention des risques professionnels et handicap à lhonneur au

8 nov. 2018 ERGO ROOM – ERGO COOK (Hall 4 stand D107) de la Caisse Régionale d'Assurance Maladie d'Ile-de-. France (Cramif) pour découvrir une chambre ...

ERGO Insurance S.A.

En décembre 2020 suite à l'annonce de « Munich Re Group Ambition 2025 »

ERGO Insurance S.A.

financière d'ERGO Insurance S.A. au 31 décembre 2021 (c'est-à-dire que la période Suite à notre annonce du nouveau plan stratégique pour mettre fin à la ...


Si des données personnelles sont compromises à la suite d'une violation de données personnelles ERGO effectuera les notifications requises sous le RGPD.

Conseil détablissement

20 oct. 2021 Projet ergo (suite au point 14) ... Formation aux parents / projet Ergo – site Aidesauxparents.com du CSSDN ou formation Consultante aux ...

Demande dindexation automatique

Vos données à caractère personnel sont traitées par ERGO Insurance sa durée de plus de six mois

La place des soins personnels en service de soin de suite et de

Eh puis il y a un vrai travail avec les AS derrières aussi. Elles peuvent dire « ah non j'ai vu avec l'ergo. Vous y arrivez donc il faut continuer à faire tout 

Rulelog: Highly Expressive Semantic Rules with Scalable Deep

The most complete system today for Rulelog is Ergo Suite (Ergo) from Coher- In this tutorial on Rulelog as it is implemented in Ergo we will cover some ...