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A walk to remember time period

Verified purchase'A Walk to Remember' was the film that first The film is based on the book of the same name by Nicholas Sparks being based in the ...

Language Functions Based on Gender Differences in A Walk to

male character and Jamie as female character in A Walk to Remember movie. The examples of written discourse are articles novel


This novel also known as best- selling and even have made the film version. In addition to the romantic the story is truly touching novel where innocent girl


27 nov. 2020 Jamie and Landon utterances in A Walk to Remember novel by Nicholas Sparks. ... movie use four types of politeness strategy from Brown and ...


Adam Shankman's A Walk To Remember Movie: A Psychoanalytic. Approach. It focused on the main character of the novel through a movie version.


The major character in Nicholas Spark's A Walk to Remember although the content of novel only focused on major character (Landon Carter). When he was.


8 avr. 2019 Behavior Reflected in Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember Novel (1999): ... were focused on the main character of the novel through a movie ...


This thesis discusses A Walk to Remember a novel written by Nicholas In the movie



Submited to the Department of Languge Studies,

Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirentments for the Degree of Master of Education By


S200170 006









Written by


ID No. S 200170 006





Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S




Submitted by


ID No. S 200170 006

Has been examined by the board of examiners on 28th March 2019. All feedback, corrections and suggestion recomended by the examiner have been considered and revision has been accordingly made by the students. The board of examiners certifies that the thesis is eligible for submission.

The Board of Examiners

1. Dr. AbdillahNugroho, M.Hum

(Primary supervisor)

2. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S.


3. Dr. Phil Dewi Candraningrum, M.Ed.


Surakarta, 8th April 2019

The Director of Graduate School

Prof. Dr. Bambang Sumardjoko, M.Pd.



Behavior Reflected

Behaviorist Perspectiveis an original and authentic work written by myself and it has satisfied the rules and regulation of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta with respect to plagiarism. I certify that all quotations and the sources of information have fully referred and acknowledged accordingly. I confirm that this thesis has not been submitted for the award of any previous degree in any tertiary institutions in indonesia or abroad.

Surakarta, March 28th 2019

The Writer


S 200170 006




Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan Perspektif Perilaku yang menggambarkan perubahan perilaku London Carter yang Tercermin dalam Novel A Walk to Remember karya Nicholas Sparks. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan perilaku berdasarkan Perspektif Perilaku.penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul A Walk to Remember.Sumber data berasal dari data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer adalah A Walk to Remember novel dan sumber data sekunder dari penelitian ini adalah biografi penulis, situs web, dan sumber lain tentang Behavioristik yang mendukung analisis. Metode untuk menganalisis data ini adalah metode deskriptif. Berdasarkan Perspektif Perilaku, Pertama, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ada tiga faktor yang menyebabkan perubahan perilaku Landon Carters (1) Lingkungan Keluarga, (2) Lingkungan Pendidikan, (3) Lingkungan Sosial. Kedua, ada tiga perubahan perilaku yang digambarkan dalam novel (1) Perubahan perilaku melalui karakter, (2) Perubahan perilaku melalui tempat (3) Perubahan Perilaku Melalui kegiatan. Yang ketiga adalah alasan penulis menyebutkan perubahan tingkah laku dalam novel A Walk to Remember (1) ia ingin pembaca mengetahui tentang kehidupan saudara perempuannya, (2) ia ingin menceritakan bahwa untuk menjadi lebih baik itu membutuhkan perjuangan dan keinginan dari diri sendiri, (3) ia ingin agar semua pembaca tahu tentang betapa luar biasanya hal yang pernah dilakukan oleh suami saudara perempuannya. Kata kunci: Perilaku, Novel A Walk to Remember, Perspektif Perilaku


This research paper is analyzed by using behaviorst Perspectivethat describe the changes of London Carterbehavior Reflected in Nicholas SparksA Walk to Remember Novel. The objective of the research is to analyze the novel based on Behaviorist Perspective. This research paper belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research is the novel entitled A Walk to Remember. The data source comes from primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is A Walk to Remember novel and secondary data source of the research are biography of the author, websites, and other source about Behaviorist that support the analysis. The method to analyze this data is descriptive analysis. Based on the Behaviorist Perspective, Firstly, The researcher concludes that there are mily Environment, (2) Education Environment, (3) Social Environment. Secondly, there are three ways changes of behavior Depiction in the novel (1) Changes of behavior through characters, (2) Changes of behavior through setting, (3) Changes 2 of Behavior Through Events. Thirdly is the reason of author addressing changes behavior in A Walk to Remember novel (1) The Author writing the novel is that he wants all readers know about his sister wrote the novel because he wants to tell that to be better it requires struggle and desires from ourself, (3) The author wrote this novel in order all the readers would know about what a wonderful thing Key words: Behavior, A Walk to Remember Novel, Behaviorist Perspective


A Walk to Remember novel tells about Landon Carter who recalled his memories when he was 17 years old in 1958 in his city. Even though it's been 40 years, he can still clearly remember what happened. He can still clearly remember what happened. Landon Carter was a young man raised in the city of Beaufort, North Carolina; he was rich and unhappy with the rules. He grew up with his father who rarely accompanied him because busy with his work. Whereas Jamie Sullivan is the daughter of a pastor who does not understand about the fashion where every day she always carries the Bible in her arms so this makes her have no friends. Even so, he is a loving and helpful person. In the beginning, Landon didn't have date's friend to go to the homecoming dance, but in the end, the choice fell on Jamie because only that girl was left. After the dance party, both of them got closer. Exactly when Jamie asks Landon's helped to fill the role of drama as a father. Jamie even often asked Landon to accompany him home even on foot. In the end, Landon was aware of his feelings at Christmas time that he liked girls like Jamie. In the days approaching Christmas, they visited the Orphanage several times, takes the charity box that already spread out across the city and giving attractive prizes to children at the Orphanage. Landon became more aware of his feelings. He even invited Jamie on Christmas Eve to owndinner along with his family. But right on the day that Landon expresses his love all changed. Jamie was sick Leukemia. And everything changed except his love for Jamie. And the novel was written by Nicholas Sparks in United States and published in United States in October 1999Warmer Books for English Version and for Indonesian version publish Grand Central Publishing. 3 Some researchers used different various perspective in analyzing this novel. Some researchers had studied the Landon psychological in the novel, it was studied by Auroria, 2010; Juwati, 2014; Arini, 2011; Sari, 2010; Widodo, 2011; Puspitasari, 2006; Islia, 2017; Ulinnuha, 2015; Ungari, 2018; Abidin,2017. They were focused on the main character of the novel through a movie, Landon Carter's personality development. Some researcher have studied about pragmatic in the novel. It was studied by Savia A.N, 2016; Kholila, 2014; Mesita, 2013; Krismanti, Lestari, 2016; they were focused on the Request Head Acts and External Modifications, find the romance formula based on the readers' responses, and identify strategies used to translate three grammatical features. Two researchers has studied about Literacy and Secondary Morality. It was conducted by Triwardani and Wicandra, 2008. One researcher has studied about translation method. It was studies by Basari, 2013 he focuses on finding out the translation method used in the novel and finding out the reasons for the method that are used in translating the novel. One researcher has studied about formalistic; the researcher focus is more about the values of love in the novel it was conducted by Christina, 2007. One researcher has studied about Subtitling Strategy of the English Indonesian in A Walk to Remember Movie. It was conducted by Eka,

2018. One researcher has studied about Psychosexual Development. It was

conducted by Mukminin, 2017. Three researchershas studied about Figurative


Selalu. It was conducted by Andriani, Suardhana, and Brata, 2017. One researcherhas studied about review book of Nicholas SparksIt was conducted by Andriani, 2017.One researcher was studied about Comparison of the Compliments and Compliment Responses between a Walk to Remember (American Movie) and Love Actually (British Movie). It was conducted by Nugraha, 2018. And the last two researchershas studied about Literary Love by Spanich, Bryant, 2006. 4 The previous studies about the personality development, readers' responses, identify strategies used to translate three grammatical features, translation method, values of love, Subtitling Strategy, Psychosexual Development, Figurative Senses, book review, Comparison of the Compliments and Compliment Responses, and Literary Love. So, the previous studies above left or provided an opportunity to more emphasizes on the changes behavior describe in the novel. It was the reason why in this thesis would raise and chooses to focus on analyze the changes behavior of the main character in the novel. In this novel, the researcher would try to analyze the indicators of changes behavior, and How are the changes of behavior described in the novel on the main character by using Behaviorist Perspective, and the reason of author addressing changes behavior in A Walk to

Remember novel.

Behavior in language is a way to do or run something in accordance with the characteristics that are appropriate for humans. Behavior is also often called moral. Behavior is an action or human activity such as walking, talking, laughing, working, studying, etc. Human behavior is a set of behaviors that are owned by humans and are influenced by customs, attitudes, persuasion, and genetics. skinner states that everyone's behavior can be controlled based on where the person lives (Ziegler and Hjelle, 1992: 299).This means that an environment in

A behavioristic theory is

a theory that studies human behavior. Behavioral perspectives emphasize human behavior as a result of interactions between stimulus and response. According to this theory, the behavior is entirely determined by rules, predictable, and can be determined. According to this theory, a person engages in certain behavior because they have learned it, through previous experiences, linking that behavior with gifts. Someone stops a behavior, maybe because the behavior has not been rewarded or has been punished. Because all behaviors that are beneficial or destructive are behaviors learned.


This study uses a descriptive qualitative analysis. According to (Moleong, 2000:

32) Qualitative analysis is research that embrace any

5 calculation or enumeratingA Walk to Remember novels. While the secondary data are taken from other source such as the net, journals of articles, encyclopedias books, or some info connected by the theory. The technique of data collection is done through documentation of library research. Creswell (2007:118) explained that documentation is "A quite data assortment that all of the info sources, the first and secondary data analysis all data have been collected, then analyze the data used descriptive analysis. As Miles and Huberman explained (1994: 245) the methods of data analysis includes several steps. The step are collecting the data by Reading A Walk to Remember novel, Reading and learning all sentences from the novel texts, Read some references related to the research title, Underlying of necessary elements in each primary and secondary data, and Read the biography of the author Nicholas



The result of this research includes

Behavior, Depiction of changes of behavior, and the Reason of author addressing of changes behavior in A Walk to Remember novel. The indicators of changes Landon grew up into a rebellious and naughty person, because he lacked love from his father. From childhood to adulthood Landon grew up without a father. In addition, Landon also grew up into a Disrespectful person. When still young Landon and his friends mocked Hegbert someone who the deserved to ange more better it was happened when Landon doesn't have a date that he can invite to a dance homecoming party. Until finally he invite Jamie as date friend. But before they go to homecoming party, Landon should ask permission to Hegbert, father. This become the first moment for Landon to talk closer and more respect to Hegbert after what he had done when he was a teenager with his friends. Landon is a type of person who is selfish; he always limits his association with each other. For him, with whose he make friend in school was one thing, and with whose he make friend after school was something completely different, and 6 Jamie had never been on my social calendar. But even though he was a little selfish, at least he still had feelings for other people and he knew how to repay the kindness of others. Besides selfish, Landon behavior that was initially undisciplined student. On the first day of class he was one of the last to arrive, coming in just a few seconds before the bell rang. But after Landon was voted becoming the head of the school organization, he is became disciplined student. He spent most of his time in school just to help the others to prepare the dance, and he also followed all agenda which held by his school. environment. They just spent their nights at the funeral to eat boiled peanuts discussing Henry Preston, the one-armed lumberjack father. not commendable, because as we know graveyard is not a place to made joke, playing in a graveyard is the same us disturbing the peace of others. Besides Eric Hunter, his best friend, Jamie also has a big role in Landon's social environment. The presence of Jamie's in his social environment made his behavior slowly changed to be better than before. Landon who initially did not care about others became more caring. Landon's tries to shows his caring for the orphan by accompanying Jamie to the orphanage to meet Mr. Jenkins. Because of Jamie's sincere kindness and her polite words even though he had said harshly to her made him a little sorry about what he had done. In fact, he felt that worse because of his attitude towards Jamie. Jamie's attitude that always seemed nice to him and not disappointed with what he had and sorry. Then he apologized to Jamie he became inferior in this matter. Landon's behavior becomes wiser because of Jamie's attitude that remains good to him even though he made a mistake. He even promised he would do his best to make amends for Jamie. Landon's attitude now to be a helper, respect to others, care for others, Jamie Sullivan's kindness has changed his heart which used to be soft and soft. He really changed London's behavior towards a far better one. London's behavior that is far more polite and respectful towards Hegbert. Which is far different from his previous behavior, which always mocked Hegbert by saying it as an quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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