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Trigonometric Identities

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B ? sin A sin B that cos(?B) = cos B (cos is even) and sin(?B) = ? sin B (sin is odd). Similarly (7) ... A = B = ?.

sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB

Trignometrical Formulae sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB sin(A ? B) = sinA cosB ? cosA sinB cos(A + B) = cosA cosB ? sinA sinB.


sin (A+B)=sinA cos B+ cos Asin B sin (A-B) - sin A cosB -cos AsinB. 636 Trigonometry - Equations and Identities Lesson #6: Sum and Difference Identities.

4.6 The sine rule and cosine rule

sin C. Example. In triangle ABC B = 21?

Trigonometric Identities

sin acos b =}[sin (a+ b )+ sin (a - b )] sin a sin b =}[oos(a-b)-cos(a+b)] ... TRIGONOMETRIC VALUES FOR COMMON ANGLES sin 8.


a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2). sin t sect = 1 cos t cott = 1 tan t. = cos t sin t . Table 6.1: Reciprocal and Quotient Identities.

Eulers Formula and Trigonometry

cos(?1 + ?2) = cos ?1 cos ?2 ? sin ?1 sin ?2 sin(?1 + ?2) = sin ?1 cos where a b are real numbers


Cuboid : Total surface area = 2 (ab + bh + lh); Volume = lbh. sin ? ? . sin2? + cos2? = 1;? sin2? = 1- cos2?; cos2? = 1- sin2?;.

Spherical Trigonometry

Suppose both AB and AC have a length of ?. 2 radians. The Spherical Law of Cosines says cos(BC) = cos(AB)cos(AC) + sin(AB)sin(AC)cos(ZBAC).

Mathematical Tables

sin(A $ B) ? sinAcosB $ cosAsinB sin .-/. ( cos ? $ '. ( ? %sin? sin ? $ '. ( ? $cos? sin (90o ?) ? cos? cos (90o ... [cos (A B) + cos (A + B)].

[PDF] sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB

Trignometrical Formulae sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB sin(A ? B) = sinA cosB ? cosA sinB cos(A + B) = cosA cosB ? sinA sinB cos(A ? B) = cosA cosB 

[PDF] Trigonometric Identities

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B ? sin A sin B that cos(?B) = cos B (cos is even) and sin(?B) = ? sin B (sin is odd) Similarly (7) A = B = ?

[PDF] PCSI2 Formulaire de trigonométrie tan(x) = sin(x) cos(x) définie si x

sin(x) cos(x) définie si x = ? 2 (?) cotan(x) = 1 tan(x) = cos(x) sin(x) définie si x =0 (?) cos2(x) + sin2(x) = 1 1 + tan2(x) = 1 cos2(x) si x =

[PDF] Application du produit scalaire : trigonométrie - Parfenoff org

cos (a + b) = cos(-b) cos a + sin(-b) sina or cos (-b) = cos b et sin(-b) = - sin b On obtient donc : cos (a + b) = cos b cos a – sinb sina • sin(ab) 

[PDF] Trigonométrie circulaire

S'il existe ? tel que cos(?) = a et sin(?) = b le théorème 3 montre que a2 +b2 = 1 Réciproquement si a2 + b2 = 1 le point M(a b) est un point du cercle 

[PDF] Sur les formules qui donnent les expressions de sin(ab) cos(ab)

Le but de cette note est de simplifier la discussion des for* ' mules qui donnent sin (a±b) cos {a±b) On n'a besoin d'y considérer aucune relation de 

[PDF] Démonstration des formules qui donnent sin(a + b) etc - Numdam

On aurait aussi dès lors : DF==ADcosD mais DF = AD sin A ; donc sin A = cos D = cos (90°— A) ; ce qui montre que le sinus d'un angle est égal au cosinus du


1. Introduction

Anidentityis an equality relationship between two mathematical expressions. For example, in basic algebra students are expected to master variousalgbriac factoring identitiessuch as a 2 -b 2 =(a-b)(a+b)or a 3 +b 3 =(a+b)(a 2 -ab+b 2 Identities such as these are used to simplifly algebriac expressions and to solve alge- briac equations. For example, using the third identity above, the expression a 3 +b 3 a+bsimpliflies toa 2 -ab+b 2 :The rst identiy veries that the equation (a 2 -b 2 )=0is true precisely whena=b:The formulas or trigonometric identities introduced in this lesson constitute an integral part of the study and applications of trigonometry. Such identities can be used to simplifly complicated trigonometric expressions. This lesson contains several examples and exercises to demonstrate this type of procedure. Trigonometric identities can also used solve trigonometric equations. Equations of this type are introduced in this lesson and examined in more detail inLesson 7. For student's convenience, the identities presented in this lesson are sumarized in

Appendix A

2. The Elementary Identities

Let (x;y) be the point on the unit circle centered at (0;0) that determines the angle trad:Recall that the denitions of the trigonometric functions for this angle are sint=ytant= y x sect= 1 y cost=xcott= x y csct= 1 x These denitions readily establish the rst of theelementaryorfundamental identitiesgiven in the table below. For obvious reasons these are often referred to as thereciprocalandquotientidentities. These and other identities presented in this section were introduced in Lesson 2 Sections2and3. sint= 1 csct cost= 1 sect tant= 1 cott sint cost csct= 1 sint sect= 1 cost cott= 1 tant cost sint

Table 6.1: Reciprocal and Quotient Identities.


Section 2: The Elementary Identities 5

Example 1Use the reciprocal andquotient formulas to verify sectcott= csct:

Solution: Sincesect=

1 cost andcott= cost sint we have sectcott=1 costcostsint=1sint= csct: Example 2Use the reciprocal andquotient formulas to verify sintcott= cost:

Solution: We have

sintcott= sintcost sint= cost:

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 6

x y ),(yx t t ),(yx- Several fundamental identities follow from the sym- metry of the unit circle centered at (0;0). As indicated in the gure, if (x;y) is the point on this circle that determines the angletrad;then (x;-y) is the point that determines the angle (-t)rad:This suggests that sin(-t)=-y=-sintand cos(-t)=x= cost. Such functions are calledoddandevenrespectively 1 . Sim- ilar reasoning veries that the tangent, cotangent, and secant functions are odd while the cosecant function is even. For example, tan(-t)=-y x=-yx= tant:Identi- ties of this type, often called thesymmetry identities, are listed in the following table. 1 A functionfisoddiff(-x)=-f(x) andeven iff(-x)=f(x) for allxin its domain. (See section 2insection 5for more information about these two properties of functions.

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 7

sin(-t)=-sintcos(-t) = costtan(-t)=-tant csc(-t)=-csctsec(-t) = sectcot(-t)=-cott

Table 6.2: The Symmetry Identities.

The next example illustrates an alternate method of proving that the tangent function is odd: Example 3Using the symmetry identities for the sine and cosine functions verify the symmetry identitytan(-t)=-tant:

Solution: Armed with theTable 6.1we have

tan(-t)=sin(-t) cos(-t)=-sintcost=-tant: This strategy can be used to establish other symmetry identities as illustrated in the following example and inExercise 1.) Example 4The symmetry identity for the tangent function provides an easy method for verifying the symmetry identity for the cotnagent function. Indeed, cot(-t)=1 tan(-t)=1-tant=-1tant=-cott:

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 8

The last of the elementary identities covered in this lesson are thePythagorean identities 2 given inTable 6.3.Again let (x;y) be the point on the unit circle with center (0;0) that determines the angletrad. Replacingxandyby costand sintrespectively in the equationx 2 +y 2 = 1 of the unit circle yields the identity 3 sin 2 t+ cos 2 t= 1. This is the rst of the Pythagorean identities. Dividing this last equality through by cos 2 tgives sin 2 t cos 2 t+cos 2 t cos 2 t=1cos 2 t which suggest the second Pythagorean identity tan 2 t+ 1 = sec 2 t. The proof of the last identity is left to the reader. (SeeExercise 2.) sin 2 t+ cos 2 t=1tan 2 t+ 1 = sec 2 t1 + cot 2 t= csc 2 t

Table 6.3: Pythagorean Identities.

2 These identities are so named because angles formed using the unit circle also describe a right tri- angle with hypotenuse 1 and sides of lengthxandy:These identities are an immediate consequence of the Pythagorean Theorem. 3

The expression sin

2 tis used to represent (sint) 2 and should not be confused with the quantity sint 2

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 9

The successful use of trigonometry often requires the simplication of complicated trigonometric expressions. As illustrated in the next example, this is frequently done by applying trigonometric identities and algebraic techniques. Example 5Verify the following identity and indicate where the equality is valid: cos 2 t

1-sint= 1 + sint:

Solution:By rst using the Pythagorean identitysin

2 t+ cos 2 t=1and then the factorization1-sin 2 t= (1+sint)(1-sint);the following sequence of equalities can be established: cos 2 t


2 t

1-sint=(1 + sint)(1-sint)1-sint= 1 + sint;1-sint6=0:

As indicated, the formula is valid as long as1-sint6=0orsint6=1. Sincesint=1 only whent= 2 +2kwherekdenotes any integer, the identity is valid on the set <-ft:t=

2+2kwherekis an integerg:

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 10

The process of using trigonometric identities to convert a complex expression to a simpler one is an intuitive mathematical strategy for most people. Sometimes, however, problems are solved by initially replacing a simple expression with a more complicated one. For example, in some applications the expression 1+sintis replaced by the more complex quantity cos 2 t

1-sint. This essentially involves redoing the steps

inExample 5in reverse order as indicated in the following calculations:

1 + sint=(1 + sint)(1-sint)


2 t


2 t


In particular, the rst step would be to multiply 1 + sintby the fraction1-sint


(which has value one as long as 1-sint6= 0) to obtain the quantity(1 + sint)(1-sint)


The reader is advised to review the calculatons above while keeping in mind the in- sights required to perform the steps. The strategy of replacing seemingly simple expressions by more sophisticated ones is a rather unnatural and confusing process. However, with practice the strategy can be mastered and understood. The next example further illustrates this type of problem.

Section 2: The Elementary Identities 11

Example 6Determine the values oftsuch that2sint+ cos 2 t=2: Solution: Equations such as these are usually solved by rewriting the expression in terms of one trigonometric function. In this case it is reasonable to use the rst identity inTable 6.3to changecos 2 tto the more complicated expression1-sin 2 t: This will produce the following equation involving only the sine function:


2 t=2: This last equation should remind the reader of the corresponding quadratic equation


2 =2which can be solved by factoring. That is what we will do here. First, subtract2from both sides of the above equation and then multiply through by(-1)to obtainsin 2 t-2sint+1=0:Factoring this expression yields (sint-1) 2 =0: The only solution to this last expression is given bysint=1ort= 2 +2kwherek is any integer.

3. The sum and dierence formulas

This section begins with the verication of thedierence formulafor the cosine function: cos(-) = coscos+ sinsin where-denotes the measure of the dierence of the two anglesand:Once this identity is established it can be used to easily derive other important identities. The verication of this formula is somewhat complicated. Perhaps the most dicult part of the proof is the complexity of the notation. A drawing (Figure 6.1)should provide insight and assist the reader overcome this obstacle. Before presenting the argument, two points should be reviewed. First, recall the formula for the distance between two points in the plane. Specically, if (a;b) and (c;d) are planer points, then the distance between them is given byp (a-c) 2 +(b-d) 2 :(1) Second, the argument given below conveniently assumes that 0<-<2. The assumption that-<2is justied because complete wrappings of angles (integer multiples of 2) can be ignored since the cosine function has period 2:The assump- tion that the angle-is positive is justied because theSymmetry Identities guarantee that cos(-) = cos(-):We can now derive the formula.

Section 3: The sum and dierence formulas 13

xy a ba-b (x 1 ,y 1 (x 2 ,y 2 xy a-b(w, z) ab Figure 6.1: Dierences of angles.First, observe that the angle -appears inFigure 6.1(a) and (b)and is in standard position inFigure 6.1b. This angle deter- mines achordor line segment in each drawing (not shown), one con- necting (x 1 ;y 1 )to(x 2 ;yquotesdbs_dbs45.pdfusesText_45
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