[PDF] Master’s exams – Summer 2021 session - UNIL

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Si la réponse à votre question ne figure pas ci-dessous merci d'adresser celle-ci au secrétariat Masters. HEC à hecmasters@unil.ch. A. EN GÉNÉRAL. 1. Si je 

FAQ Admissions en Master

Pour savoir si vous êtes admissible vous devez vous inscrire selon la procédure et les délais officiels. http://hec.unil.ch/hec/Masters/presentation.

FAQ Admissions en Master

études en Master HEC doivent utiliser le formulaire de demande d'immatriculation. • J'AI DÉJÀ ÉTUDIÉ À L'UNIL : ME RÉINSCRIRE. Si vous souhaitez vous 


Masters HEC à hecmasters@unil.ch. A. EN GÉNÉRAL. 1. Si je réussis brillamment mon MDE est-ce qu'une mention comme « cum laude » sera.

Maîtrise universitaire ès Sciences en management Master of

préaviser à l'attention du doyen de la Faculté des HEC l'admission des 3 Si le Baccalauréat universitaire Bachelor


ET DE MASTER (MAITRISE UNIVERSITAIRE). PREAMBULE. Le Règlement général des études de l'UNIL (ci-après RGE) a pour but de proposer un cadre à.


24 juin 2019 Si le mémoire est refusé (= note inférieure à 4) ... Le secrétariat HEC Master lui en confirme la bonne réception par courriel.

Session automne 2021 – Examens Master

23 août 2021 Si vous rencontrez un problème signalez-le à l'Ingénieur ... Informatique ou l'ingénieur pédagogique de HEC (voir leurs coordonnées ...

Examens Master – Session Été 2021

14 juin 2021 https://hecnet.unil.ch/hec/exatables/list_exa?dyn_lang=fr ... Cependant si l'étudiant ne se sent pas suffisamment en bonne santé pour ...

Convention de stage dans le cadre du Master of Science in

Il peut faire appel au Centre de. Carrière HEC et consulter les offres de stages en ligne sur la plate-forme hecjobs@unil.ch. Il détermine le sujet du stage et 


In order to attend Master courses ( graduate ) exchange students must have completed a Bachelor’s degree or a minimum of 3 years’ specialized study ( a minimum of 180 ECTS credits ) Some courses may require specific prerequisites and the approval of the Master programs director General course catalogue http://hec unil ch/hec/timetables

Guidelines to MSc students - carrierescmsunilch

HEC Lausanne 1/3 Guidelines to MSc students ON-SITE PAPER AND DIGITAL EXAMS - WINTER 2022 SESSION – This directive explains the procedures that HEC students must follow for the paper and digital (on your laptop) exams Please read all sections for all in-class exams and read the paper or digital sections depending on the

What shape - heccmsunilch

Master of Science (MSc) in information systems GENERAL INFORMATION Organiser HEC Lausanne: www unil ch/hec Information Systems Department (DESI): www hec unil ch/desi Degree awarded Master of Science (MSc) in Information Systems ECTS credits 90 Duration 3 semesters Teaching language French and English Recommended levels : C1 Study advisor

Le Guide de l’Etudiant ·e·x en Géosciences et Environnement

· Master ès Sciences en sciences de la Terre ELSTE (avec l'Université de Genève) · Master ès Sciences en géographie avec quatre orientations : · Urbanisme durable et aménagement des territoires · Géomorphologie et aménagement des régions de montagne · Développement et environnement · Analyse spatiale et systèmes complexes


Master's exams - Summer 2021 session

This document aims to provide you with information about the 2021 Summer exam session which will take

place from June 14 to July 10, 2021. Please note that exam conditions may change depending on the evolution of the pandemic. Please check your @unil.ch emails regularly.


All Master's program exams will be done online through MoodleExam. Please refer to the information on Moodle for more details Most oral exams will take place on Zoom interviews' orders for the oral on-line exams will be displayed in the respective website of each topic (moodle). Please be ready IMPERATIVELY at least 30 minutes BEFORE your turn for written on-line exams, please login 20 minutes BEFORE the official beginning time of the exam (identity check and/or issues with the connection)

Absence due to Covid

in case of Covid-19, a delay of 3 days is granted to you to send to the administration, the letter of

the Cantonal Doctor

as a reminder, for any other illness, a medical certificate must be sent to the administration within 3 days after the appearance of the illness


Students mobilized for Army or Civil Defense will receive either: a. an absence from exams that do not result in a single failure with an opportunity to retake the exams (August 2021) or b. an alternative assessment at the discretion of the professor . For example, a student may be required to take an oral exam rather than a written exam. Upon receipt of your convocation, it should be sent to HECmasterExamen@unil.ch


Students who are quarantined because of COVID infection of a member of the same household will receive the same benefits as those who are mobilized (see the "Mobilization" section). Only the certificate from the Cantonal Doctor of the infected person with whom you live will be accepted as a proof of quarantine. The dates on the certificate are taken into consideration and must correspond to the date of the examination(s).

You will also need to provide proof of cohabitation (such as a lease, certificate of residence, joint

invoices) with the person placed in isolation. The certificate and proof of cohabitation must be sent to HECmasterExamen@unil.ch no later than three days after the first absence. 2

Isolation (COVID patients only)

Students placed in isolation by the Cantonal Doctor receive the same benefits as those mobilized (see the "Mobilization" section) However, if the student does not feel healthy enough to take an alternative assessment, variant

"a" of the benefits listed in the "Mobilization" section applies. A student who is placed in isolation

and decides to take the assessment anyway accepts the risks a nd consequences Only the official certificate of the Cantonal Doctor for isolation is accepted. The dates on the certificate are considered and must correspond to the date of the exam(s). The certificate must be sent to HECmasterExamen@unil.ch no later than three days after the first absence.

Attempts to exams

Normal HEC Faculty rules apply .

Results notification

to comply with the UNIL Board instructions, currently in force results of the Summer exams session 2021 will be at your disposal on July 17, 2021, from 9:00 am via https://hecnet.unil.ch/resultats login: HEC network account; in case of problem, 021 692 34 15 or hecinfocentre@unil.ch only the "second and final" failure will be sent by registered mail please print or save a copy to your personal computer

Identity verification and proctoring

Some online exams will be proctored live via Zoom (but without specific proctoring software) for the duration of the assessment; any recording on the ZOOM Cloud is prohibited

Use of Compilatio for plagiarism detection

Connection problems

Written exams: a connection problem lasting more than 10 minutes is considered a justified reason for withdrawal Oral exams: a connection problem will result in the exam being rescheduled for the Fall 2021 session

Mock pre-examination test

In order to avoid problems during your exam, a mock test (dry run) will take place from Monday, June 7,

2021, 08:00 am to Wednesday June 9, 2021, 06:00 pm. This test will take a few minutes and will allow you

to check that you have mastered the procedure for accessing MoodleExam and the examination procedure.

If you encounter problems during the dry run, please report it to the Faculty's pedagogical engineer whose

contact details are at the end of this document. We advise you to do the following actions during the dry run: Access Moodle Exam via this link: https://moodleexam.unil.ch/ Make sure that all the exams you have to take online appear on your MoodleExam account. Click on each of your exams to make sure the links work. Make a note of the phone numbers to contact in case of technical problems that appear on MoodleExam. 3 Read in advance the 'Honour Pledge' document that every student will be asked to accept just before each exam. Test downloads from the server (not all exams will require downloads). Practice the procedure for uploading the test to the server (not all exams will require uploading). For some exams you will be asked to scan your test with your phone and upload it to MoodleExam.

In the quiz of the mock test, a specific question will be there to practice you doing this. Try to scan

several pages to make sure this procedure works well and to check the quality of your scan (it must be readable). Only a few exams require the use of Zoom. If this is the case, you have already been informed by your teacher. You will need to check whether you are accessing Zoom via MoodleExam. When you click on a Zoom session you will be asked for your UNIL credentials. For the Zoom session to work properly, make sure that the browser installed on your computer is Firefox or Google Chrome. Also, if your exam uses Zoom, you must create your Zoom account, ideally a few days before the exam at https://unil.zoom.us/. If necessary, refer to the Zoom login procedure and read the Zoom user manual regarding the activation and deactivation of the Camera and Microphone functions

Upon taking the exam

Make sure that your computer or tablet is connected to the power grid. Do not take the exam on your laptop battery. Log on to https://moodleexam.unil.ch/ approximately 20-30 minutes before the exam begins to

start the exam without any access or technical problems and, if it is the case for your exam, to have

your identity verified. For those who start their exam late, no extra time will be granted under any circumstances.

Read and accept the "Honor Pledge".

Begin the exam as instructed.

PLEASE NOTE: No question of either form or substance may be asked during the examination. If you

feel that there is a mistake in the test, report it to your professor after the exam by email explaining

the problem, and make a hypothesis to answer the question. Do not stay on a question that you have a comprehension problem with. If there really was an error in the statement, it will be considered when marking the test. In all cases, the material and technical conditions under which you take the exam are your responsibi lity. In the event of an interruption in your connection to MoodleExam or a failure of your

WIFI network, it will not be possible to have extra time. If you can reconnect, please do your best in

the time you have available.

If you are unable to reconnect, you can contact either the helpdesk or the HEC's pedagogical engineer (see their contact details below).

Manage your time well. Copies should be dropped off on time. The system will automatically close at the announced time.

Students benefiting from special arrangements

For students benefiting from special arrangements, in accordance with the email you received (or will

receive), the extra time allocated to you will simply be added at the end of the exam.

Contact details in case of problems

Problems accessing Moodle: HEC's pedagogical engineer, 021 692 34 27,


General technical problems: Helpdesk (Centre Informatique), 021 692 22 11 ; helpdesk@unil.ch Problems related to exam content: Report the problem by email to your professor at the end of the exam.quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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