[PDF] 1.e. Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime

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1.e. Amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime

10 nov. 1984 adopted on 17 November 1917 ... (0) consequential amendments to Articles 3 12

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CHAPTER Chapter XII. Navigation

TITLE 1. e). Amendments to the Convention on the

International Maritime Organization relating to the institutionalization of the Committee on Technical Co operation in the Convention. London. 17 November 1977 J 'INTER-GOVERNMENTAL MARITIME


-lOth session

1>gend" items l;(a) and l;(b)





RECIILLmG Resolution of its ninth session by 'Nhich it decided to take the necessary steps at the tenth scooion to adopt atlondments to the UiCO Convention in order to institutionalize the Cot:u::li ttee on Technical Co-operation in the il"iCO Convention, RECALLING FURTHER Resolution A.359(IX) of the same ninth session by which it-decided to convene in 1917 on Ad Hoc "lorking Group open to all Member Covernoents of the Organization to study end eubDit to the tenth regular"' of the Assc!!ibly proposals' for aoending i1I't1cles 2, 40 and

52 of the Convention, proposals for the Convention in order

to institutionalize tho Committee on Technical Co-operation Dnd any other proposals for aoending the Convention which tlay be suboi ttcd by i1eo.bers. HAVING CONSIDERED the Report of the i\,d Hoc WorkinG Croup, includinl) _the Working Group 1 s recot:ilDendo.tions on proposed ODcnd8cnts to the


H.WING CONSIDERED ALSO further proposals for ar:acndin,3 the I1'1CQ Convention subtli. tted by the Goverru:aent of the United' States of l.Llerica, RECI.LLING the aoendments it adopted by Resolution a.;5S(IX) at the ninth regular session held in Noveober 1975, lillOPTED a.t its tenth regular sODsion, held in London frOB

7 to 17 Novcobor 1977, ac0ndQents to the Convention on the Intcr-Governnental

l'iJarititle Consultative Organization, the texts of !;,hieh ore contained in the Annex to this Resolution, consisting of: -2 - (a) the deleticm of Article 2; (b) the addition of a now Part (PlIRT X) con"sisting of now l.:rticlcD 42 to 46; (0) consequential amendments to Articles 3, 12, 16, 22, 26, 42 and 43i

Cd) other amendments to Articles 1, 3, 45 and 52;

(e) consequential renumbering of Parts VIII to XVII (renumbered X to

XIX pursuz.nt to Resolution A. 358( IX»;

(r) consequential rcnUlilbcring of Articles 3 to 31; (g) consequential renumbering of Articles 33 to 63 (renumbered 43 to

7, pursuant to Rosolution A.,58(IX»;

(h) consequential changes to the references to Articles in following Articles: (i) 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 27, 29, ", 5" 54, 56, 58, 59 and 60; (ii) ,2, ,4, ,7. ,9 end 42 (added by Rosolution A.,58(IX»; (i) a consequGntial change to the number of tho Article referred to in AppendiX II, REQUESTS the Secretary-Gencral of the Organization to deposit the adopted amendments with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordcnce with Article .5}_ of ,.the 1I'1CO Convention and to receive instruments of acceptance and declarations as provided for in f"rticle ,54, INVITES NCQber GoverIl8ents to a.ccept these amendments at the earliest possible date after recoiving copies theroof by cooounicating the appropriate of acceptance to the Secretary-General in accordanco with

Article 54 of the Convention.



Article 1

(i) The text of paragraph (a) is replaced by the following: 'To provide Llo.chincry for co-operation aDong Govcrru'lonto in the field of rc(;Uln.tioll and prn.cti(!CD l,'olntincr to technical matters of all kinds affecting engaged in international trade; to encourage and facilitate the general cdoption of the highest practicable standards in oatters concerning safety, efficienoy of navigation and prevention and control of mo.rine pollution troo ships; and to donI \-lith aduinistr2.tivc and le"al tl.?tters rolated to tho purposes set out in this lIrticlo; (i1) The text of paragraph (d) is replaced by the following: To provide for the consideration by the Organization of any uattara concerning shipping and the effect of shipping on tho carine environoent that Day be referred to it by any organ or agency of the Unitod Nations;

Article 2

The text is deleted.

Articles ; to ;1 orc rcnuobcrcd Articles 2 to 30.

2 (renuobered as 2)

The text is replaced by the following: In order to achieve the purposes set out in Part 1, the

Organization shall:

(a) to the provisions of Article 3, consider and recor~endetions upon matters arising under lea), (b) and (e) that may be to it by Meobers, by any organ or specialized of the United Nations or by any other inter organization or upon oattars referred to it under

Article l( d);

-4- (b) Provide for ~afting of agrce~0nts, or other suitable instruoents, and recomccnd these to Govcrnoents and to inter-govcrnoental organizations, end convene such conferences as be necessary; (c) Provide f.:la.chinery for consul ta.tion aoong Hellibers and the exchange ot infornation DlJong Governments; (d) Ferraro functions uising in o011n,,:-::ion with Cr.), (b) and (0) ot this Article, in particular those assigned to it by or under international instruocnts relating to uettcrs ond effect of shipping on the marine environoont; (e) Facilitate as necessary, and in accordance with Part X, co-operation within the scope of the Organization. (renlE,jbered, as Article 11) text is replaced by the followingt The Orgcnization shall consist of an Asseobly, a Council, a Hori tine Saf'ety Corm ttee, a Lecal Cot."U.1i ttee, a Hc'U'ine Envirom1ent Protection Couoittce, a Technicnl Co-operation CoDDittce and Buch subsidiary organs ns the OrlJmlization T.lay at nny tit-10 consider necessnry; and a Secretariat. crticlc 16 (renuubered as 15) text is replaced by the following:

The functions of the l .. sseo.bly shnll bo:

(c) To elect at each regular eession fron <:!:long its IVlecbers, other than Associate I'!cobers, its Prcsi9-ont and two Vice-Presidents ,·,ho shall hold office until the next regular session; (b) To deteroine its own Rules of Procedure except as provided in the Convention; (c) To establish any tcopore.ry or, upon recot.loendation of tho Council, peroancnt subsidiary bodies it cay consider to be necessary; (d) To elect the i:k:obars to be represented on the Council as provided in lcrtic1e 17; - 5 - (e) To receive and consider tho reports of the Council, and to decide upon any question referred to it by the Council; (f) To approve the work progracuc of the Organization; (g) To vote the budget and detcroina tho financial arraneenents of the Organization, in accordance with Port XII; (h) To review thQ expenditures and a.pprove the accounts of the


(1) To perion) the functions of the Orcanizotion, provided that in fmtters relating to Article 2(0.) and (b), the Asseobly shall refer such uatters to the Council for foroulation by it of any rccor::oendations or instrunents thereon; provided further that ony recotJ;;.lcndations or instrucents suboi tted to the Assenbly by tho Council and not accepted by the Assenbly shall be referred baclt to the Council for further consideration with such observations as

Asseobly ~ake;

(j) To recoQlJend to r-ieobers for adoption rcrrulations and guidelines concernina f.lari tiDe safety, the prevention and control of oarino pollution' free-ships' and other Datters concernincr the shipping-on the :Jarina onvironoent assilJDcd to the 'OrGCrii'zatiCin by or under international instruoents, or aocndocnts to Buch rcculutions

ODd guidelines which have boen referred to it;

(k) To take such action ea it Day deeD appropriate to pronote technical co-operation in with 2(0), takinJ into account the special needs of developing countries; (1) To take decisions in recrard to conveninG any international conference or following any other appropria.te procedure ,f9X'_, 't;he . ,";' adoption of international conventions or of aoendnents to any international conventions which' have been developed by tho IlJ&itine - -. ,_ ,;.-" '0.;-:",_ -,-' Safety COLm ttoc, the LeGnl Co::mi ttee, the Harine Environocnt Protection Coooittee, the Technical Co-operation Cooo1ttce, or other organs of the Oreanization. (n) To refer to' the Council for consideration or decision any, Detters within the scope of the Organization. except that the rWlctiQn .' -6- of caking recOCIDG-Matlons under parllCTaph (j) of this Article shall

Dot be •

.Ax.ticle 22 (rcDuobered as Article 21)

The text ia replaced by the following:

,(a.) The Council shall consider the draft work progrcnue and budget estiDates prepared by thd Sccretary-Gencrnl in tho liSht of the proposals of the Hari tine Safety CanDi ttec, the Lctra1 Co;:u-Ji ttee, the HarinG EnviroIl!:lent Protection Couoittec, the Technical Co-operation Coowittae and other orgons of the Oreanizntion end, taking those into account, shall establish and subnit to the Assembly the work progracoe qnd budect of the Orsnnization, r~Gard to the interest and priorities of the OrJOnization. (b) The Council shall receive the reports, and recomendations of the Mari tir'.lc Safety Com)i ttee, the Le;;al CotJOittec, tho l'iarine Environr.lcnt Protection COIloitteo, tho Technical Co-operation Coouittoe and other of tho Orennization end shall tranSl."Ji t theu to the Asseobly and, when the t .. sseubly is not in session, to the I'teubers for inforcation, together with ,the cOClllcnts and rococcendatioDs of the Council. (c) Matters ;'ithintM SOOP" of IIrticlco 28. JJ. J8 and 4J sholl be considerad by Council only after obtninine the views of tho r·mi tine Safety CoLlIJ.i ttee, the Locnl Cor:::ui ttce, the Merine

Protection Cocoitteo, or tho Co-oper~tion

COooittoo, as oay be appropriato.

26 t~ticlc 25)

The text is replnoed by tho £ollowin":

(a) Tho Council oay enter into acreeoonts or arrangeoonts the rolationship of tho Organization with other as provided for in Part XV. Such atJreouents or arrancc>lcnts shall subject to approval by the Asscobly. (b) Having recrard to the provisions of Part XV and to the relations' Daintained with other bodies by the respective CoDUittocs under - 7 - Articles 28, 33, 38 and 43, the Council shall, between sessions of the be responsible for relations with other orcanizo.tions.- Ne" Ilrticles ,2 to 42 (cdded pursuant to Res.A.,l5(ES.V) and Rcs.A;,58(IX».

These are renuobercd as llrticles 31 to 41.

Article 29(c) adopted by Resolution n.358(IX) (to be rcnuobercd as Article 20( c» is aucndcd by tho inclusion ot a. rcfercnco to tho Ascc:'.\bly. Article ,4(c) adopted by Resolution A.,58(IX) (to bc renuobcred as l..rticle 33( c» _is coendcl! by the inclusion of a to the !.sscobly.

New Part X

11 new Pert X, consisting of new Articles 42-46, is added after Parts VIII

and IX (cdded by Rcs.A.,58(IX» os follows:


T8chnical Co-operation Counittee

l.rticle 42 The Technical Co-operation Conoittee shall consiat of all the Hoobers. .Ilrticle 4, (0) The Technical Co-operation Coooittee shall consider, as appropriate, any oatter witt-in tho scope of the Or6anizetion concerned with the if.lpleflcntation of technical co-operation projecta funded by the relevant United Nations procraooe for which the ncts ' as the executing or co-operating aeency or by funds-in-trUst voluntarily provided to tho Or:a,nizetion, and Dny other Llaftcrs· related to the Oramuzationls activities in the ,toclmical (b) The Technical Co-operation Coooittec shall'keep -under- war!t of the Secretariat concernincr techniccl. -, _ ,'.:. __ -_ •• -" (c) The Technical Co-operation Cocoittee shall pcrfonl those functions assigned to it by this Convention or by the Asseubly or tho Council, or any duty within the scope of this llrticle which Cny be assiGned to it by or under any other international ace;epted, the ,., -s - (d) Havine to tho provisions of Jirticlc 2;, the T(,)clmicc.l Co-operation Conoittoe, upon request by the 1.sSGobly ond Councilor, if it deeDs such notion useful in the interests of its own ",ork, shall Qaintain such close relationships with other bouies o.s uo.y further the purposes of the OrGanization.

M.tiola 44

The Technical Co-operation Collllitt.zoc oho.11 (:ubuit ,tv th,;


(a) RccoJ..:lQendations \"hieh th£! COr.:.I..littee developed; (b) A report on the work of the COrrlittco since the previous session of the Council. :crticle 45 The Technicel Co-operation COOLuttcc shall Doot at least once a year. It shall elect its officers once a yeur and shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

Article 46

Notwi thstendine anythine to tho contrary in this Convention, but subject to the provisions of fxticle 42, the Technicnl Co-opera.tion COrJr.littee, when cxercisin3 -the -functions conferred upon it by or under any international convention or other inntruuent, sho.l1 confore to the relcvont provisions of thc convention or instruoent in question, particularly as reeards the rules govcrnina the procedures to be .rollot'IOd. Parts VIII to XVI.! (rcnoclberod X to XIX pursucnt to Rcs'.A.358{IX)) arc rcnuubcred Parts XI to XX. Articles to 63 (renUDbered 43 to 73.pursuant to nes.A.315(ES.V) and

Res.358(IX)) arc renunbered 47 to 77.

lhrtic1e 42·(renur.lbered as Article 41 by·Res.f •• 3l5{ES.V) end 1\rticle 52 by Res.A.358(IX)) is rcmu.:ibered as lIrUclc 56 '-and replaced by the followin{t text: Any l'icuber which fails to discharee its financiil-l obliGation to the Oreanization within one year troD the date on \-rhich it-is shall have no vote in the AssoD'uly, the Council, the Nari tine Safety Comi ttee, the Leaal CoODi ttcc, the Harine Protoction Comi ttoc or the Technical Co-operation CorDi ttec unloss the Assenbly, <:!.t its discretion, waives this provision.

43 (rcnuuberad as Article 42 by Ros.h.;15(ES.V)end·Article 5;

by Res.l .. 35S(IX»is reutlObered as l..rticle 57 ond rcplnccc:. by the followina text: Except as otherwise provided in tho Convention Or in any. international 38Toenent which confers functions on the i'-.s3cc.bly, tho Council, the lIIaritino Safety the LeGal the Marino Environocnt Protection CoDIli ttcc, or the Tcclmica.l Co-operction Cownittcc, the following provisions to votinG in these oreana: (a) Each Menber shall have one vote. (b) Dcoisionn shall be by a :::l!ljority vote of the llieube1"s prclJent and votincr and, for dc'cisions where 0. two-thirds r:.cjority vote is raqnircd, by a two-thirds iJajority vote of those present. (0) Fer the purpose of the ConvGntion, the phrase I1Heubers present and ueans lll'1enbers present end castine; en c:ffirontive or neGative votc". 1'leTJbers which abstcin froD votina shall be conSidered as not votincr. Artlcle-42 (renunbered as 44 by Re:.n.31S(ES.V) and Article 55 by Hes.1I..358(IX» is rcnuobered as il.rticle 59 and rcplacet: by the

£0110win6 text:

.The OrGanization shall be brouGht into relo.tionship with the United No.tions in acoordance with ,\rticlc 57 of the Charter of the United Nations as specialized o.ecncy in the field of shippina and tho effect of ship;>ina on the Darino environccnt. ,This relationship be effected through on.acrreeucnt with the United Nations \mder l!l:'ticle 63 ,of the Che.rter of the United Hations, \-lhich eereeccnt shell be concluded as provided in 25. -10 - A£ticle (renumbered as Article 51 by Res.A.315(ES.V) and Article 62 by Res.A.35e(IX)) is renumbered as Article 66 and replaced by the fo:low"ing text; Texts of proposed amendments to the Convention shall be communicated by the Seeretary-General to Members at least six months in advance of consideration by the Assembly. Amendments shall be adopted 'by a two-thirds majority vote of the Assembly. T\-lelve months after its acceptance by two-thirds of the Members of the Organization, other thon Associate l"iembers, each amendment come into force for all Members. The Articles referred to in the following Articles arc changed as follows: l.rtlcle 6 (now renumbered Article I)); the reference to Article 51 is changed 11. Article 1 (now renumbered 6): tho roference to Article 57 is changed to l\rticlo 71. Article a (now renumbered 7): the :eferencos to 6, 7 and

51 are ohMs-cd to Articles 5, 6 and 11-

/lxticle 9 (noW' &,.ticle 8): the reference to ru:tic1e 58 is changed to Article 12. Article 19 ( .. 0"" renumbered Article 18); the reference to J'.rticlo 17 is changed to 16. Article 27 (no\" renumbered J\rticle 26): the reference to Article is changed to 15(j). llrticlc 29 (amGndc.d by Res.t •• 358(IX)-, now renumbered gticlc 2e}; the reference to Part XII is changed to ilrticle 25.

32 (added by Ros.A.358(IX), now renumbered llrticle 21): tho

reference to Article 28 is changed to Article 27. l.rticle 34 (added by Res.A.358(IX), now rcnumbut'ed '~~~): 'tho reference in pa=agraph (c) to 26 is changed to Article 25. I.z:ticle 37 (added by Res.l' ... 358(IX), no .. ! renumbered .':.rticle the reference to Article 33 is chcrngod to Article 32. -11- l.xtiole :39 (added by Res.A.358(lX) t now renumbered Article the references in paragraphs (d) and (0) to Article 26 ere chanced to article 25. Article 42 (added by ReB.a.}58(IX), now renumbered Article 41): the reference to Lrticlo 38 is changed to .trticle 37. Article 33 (now renumber-od'"1ttticle 47):' thc"_roference' to 2; is changed to Article 22.

53 (now renumbered Articlo 61): tho reference to 52 is

changed to 66. Article 54 (now renumbered txticle 66): tho reference to 52 iG changed to Article 66. Artiole 56 (now xcnumbered 70); the reference to 55 is changed to Article 69. lu:ticle 58 ~e~~Q.e;od l~ticle 72):, in,paragraph (d) to .51 is changed to Article 71.

59 (now renumbered 13): the reference in'parngraph (b)

to 58 is changed to Article 72. Article 60 (no ... , ,renumbered Il!>ticlo 14):· the' roference to l.rticlo 57 is changed to lorticle 71.


The reference to Article 51 is changed to lorticlo 65.

Certified true copy of the Resolution A.400(X)

on Amendments to the Convention on the Inter

Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization

adopted on 17 November 1971 by the tenth session of the Assembly of the Inter-Governmental Maritime

Consultative Organization, held in London from

7 to 17 November 1977, together with the texts of

the Amendments to the Convention on the Inter

Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization.

Copie certifi6e conforme de la R6so1ution A.400(X) sur les amendements a la Convel'ition portant creation de llOMCI adoptee Ie 17 novembre 1977 par de llOrganisation intergouvernementale consultative de 1a navigation maritime lars de sa d:Lxi?!me session, tenue a Londres du 7 au 17 novembre 1977, des textes des amendements a la Convention portant de 1 t

Organisation intergouvernementa1e

consultative de 1a navigation maritime.

Copia cer'ti'ficada. de 1a Reso1uci6n A.400(X)

sabre enmiendas a 1a constitutiva de 1a OCMl, aprobada e1 17 de noviembre de 1977 por 1a Asamblea de la Organizaci6n Consultiva Maritima Intergubernamental durante su perIodo de sesiones celebrado en Londres del 7 al 17 de noviembre de 1977, y de los textos de las enroiendas a 1a Convenci6n relativa a la Organtzaci6n Consult iva MarItima Intergubernamental. For the Secretary-General :

Pour Ie ~n6ral :

PoI' e1 Secretario General :




16 'f..\\

ti -ORGANI.SA 11:-iN




adoptee le 17 noveobro 1977



L ' t.SSEllBLEE,

RilPPELt.NT la. resolution lh360(IX.) oooptee a. sa. ncuvibtte session et pC,r loquol1e clle a. decide de prendre, a sa dixione session ordinaire, les mesuresquotesdbs_dbs45.pdfusesText_45
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