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Television Advertisements as a Window on Culture for Teaching

Keywords: Advertising Television Commercials

Teaching English through the Language of Advertising

hence they value it more. Another thing I have noticed is that students respond best to advertisements from their own environment. I am now teaching in Arizona 

TeachingEnglish Lesson plans

Is this good advertising? • I put the students back in pairs and explain that I am going to give them some ads for two minutes per ad. I 

Seeing Believing


Are su

Media Studies 120 is an elective course within the discipline of English Language The Media Studies 120 teacher is especially encouraged to use and ...

The Use of Advertisements in Teaching English to Secondary

Language Teaching (ELT) especially for secondary school learners whose background of English basic grammar has been taught. The printed advertisements.

Effectiveness of Using Advertisement in Improving Writing Skills

The use of advertisements as teaching media in English writing classes among students of the. Islamic senior high schools have been rarely investigated thus 

Critical Discourse Analysis and Its Potential for English Language

His research interests are in English teacher education English Keywords: Beauty Advertisement

2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design Advertisement

25 nov. 2014 more money but also a useful instrument for teaching English

2014/2015 Award Scheme on

Instructional Design

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Serial No.: C093

Subject: English

Level: Form 5

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 2

Table of Contents

3 4

3. Lesson plans

5 . 6 .. 7 .. 8 ... 10 . 11

5. Appendix

A passage about advertisement ... 12

Advertisement in written . 14

Photos .. 15

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 3


Advertisement is something that students have been exposed much in the daily life. It can be used as an educational tool for the cultural value in teaching foreign languages. Culture and language learning are good friends, which usually go together. Leiss et al (2006) have emphasized that culture or the lifestyle of the people can be reflected in society that loosened up and diversified the range of approved cultural models that guide the search for personal satisfaction. These models were later baptized Teachers shouldnt underestimate the power of advertisement. Heather Tucker (2009) believed that advertisement is not only the device for businessmen to earn more money, but also a useful instrument for teaching English, Advertisements are not just for selling things, they can also be used to allow children to practice their It can be used in consolidating speaking and writing skills. In addition, it can arouse students interests and develop the students critical thinking. For this project Advertisement with Us, it allows students to practice with their 4 skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) including grammar. Since making their videos, it is required to have knowledge of the IT skills; interdisciplinary learning may happen. I have designed this series of lessons for the senior secondary students. This activity is worth doing even in traditional classes with around 40 students. During the lessons, students are required to read an article about what advertisement is and how to make it be successful. This can arouse the student interest as advertisement is something that accompanies them to grow up roughly counting, one student may have seen more than 1000 advertisements in their secondary school life. Furthermore, students need to have a brainstorm and create their own advertisement. Therefore, they can gain an insight of the social and cultural values of their own community. Moreover, they can experience the use the language in a communicative way. Finally, they need to present their videos and share their ideas. This can develop their confidence in presentation and I believe that they enjoy it a lot. Through this project, students can realize how vital it is to use English effectively in an authentic environment. It can be a good experience for them to use English outside the classroom.

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 4

Teaching Plan

Level: Senior Secondary (Form 5)

Subject: English

Theme: Advertisement

Class size: 25 students

No. of lessons: 4

Lesson Length: 40 minutes per lesson


Dates Theme

25th November 2014 (1) An introduction to what advertisement is and what

the advantages and disadvantages are of using it. (2) Let students discuss the differences between the written ones and the video ones.

26th November 2014 (1) Let students read a passage related to advertisement.

(2) What is the purpose of making an advertisement and how it can be successful.

27th November 2014 (1) Students discuss among themselves of deciding what

kind of advertisement they want to make. (2) Students write their own scripts and give a brief presentation on it.

2nd December 2014 (1) Students show their own video clips and choose the

advertisement they like most. (2) Students give their self-reflection presentation.

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 5

Lesson plan 1 (25th November 2014)

Objectives of the lesson:

Y Students will have a clear idea of what advertisement is, including its advantages and disadvantages. Y Students are able to use English to compare the advertisement in written and the video forms.


Y Advertisements in written and video forms



warm up 1. T shows the advertisement in video forms to arouse Ss interests & allows Ss to guess what the topic is for the lesson. (T > Ss, S > Ss)

5 mins

Main themes

1. T shows the advertisement in written forms. Let Ss

know that advertisement is not only in video forms. T asks Ss what other forms of advertisement can be. (T > Ss. S > Ss)

2. T asks Ss to divide into groups and discuss what the

advantages and disadvantages of using advertisement. (S > Ss)

3. Ss discuss what the differences between the written

and video forms of the advertisement. They tell one another which form they like and the reason. (S > Ss)

8 mins

15 mins

10 mins

Conclusion 1. T concludes what Ss have learnt in this lesson. (T > Ss)

2. T assigns Ss to read an article about Advertisement

in their text book as homework. (T > Ss)

2 mins

Date: 25th November 2014

Time & duration: 40 mins.

Class: Form 5D

Number of students: 25

Type of lesson: Speaking and Listening

Topic: Advertisement

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 6

Lesson plan 2 (26th November 2014)

Objectives of the lesson:

Y Students will be able to develop reading skill and answer the questions through comprehend a passage related to advertisement. Y Students will be able to share ideas and participate in a classroom discussion.


Y A passage in the textbook



warm up 1. T asks Ss which advertisement they like and the reasons for that. (T > Ss, S > Ss)

7 mins

Main themes

1. T asks Ss to skim and scan the passage in the

textbook. (T > Ss)

2. T asks Ss randomly or voluntarily answer the

questions which are shown on the PowerPoint. (T > S, S > Ss)

3. T asks Ss randomly or voluntarily answer the

definitions which are shown on the PowerPoint. (S > Ss)

4. Ss do the questions on the textbook on p.50 with Ts

help. (T >Ss, S > Ss)

5. T asks Ss whether they agree to the point of view of

the writer and the reasons. (T >Ss, S > Ss)

2 mins

6 mins

6 mins

8 mins

8 mins

Conclusion 1. T concludes what Ss have learnt in this lesson. (T > Ss)

2. T assigns Ss to find their group members for the

group work next lesson. (T > Ss)

3 mins

Date: 26th November 2014

Time & duration: 40 mins.

Class: Form 5D

Number of students: 25

Type of lesson: Reading

Topic: Advertisement

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 7

Lesson plan 3 (27th November 2014)

Objectives of the lesson:

Y Students will be able to produce their own advertisement video clips (including

English subtitles).

Y Students will be able to share ideas and participate in a classroom discussion.



warm up 1. T asks Ss to sit in their group, gives instructions and shows them some examples of how to make video clip. (T > Ss)

8 mins

Main themes

1. Ss brainstorm and write the scripts for their

advertisement. T walks around the classroom in case

Ss need help. (Ss > Ss)

2. T asks each group to present their idea in brief in

front of the classroom. (T > Ss, S > Ss)

20 mins

10 mins

Conclusion 1. T reminds Ss the deadline for submitting their video clips. (T > Ss)

2 mins

Date: 27th November 2014

Time & duration: 40 mins.

Class: Form 5D

Number of students: 25

Type of lesson: Writing and Grammar

Topic: Advertisement

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 8

Lesson plan 4 (2nd December 2014)

Objectives of the lesson:

Y Students will be able to share ideas and participate in a classroom discussion. Y Students will be able to learn from one anothers creativity and English.


Y The video clips



warm up 1. T gives instructions of how the presentation will be done and how Ss grade one another. (T > Ss)

5 mins

Main themes

1. Ss show their video clips group by group. Then give

their self-reflection on doing this presentation (Ss > Ss)

2. Ss comment on the presentation and choose the one

that they like most. (Ss > Ss)

20 mins

10 mins

Conclusion 1. T gives her opinions and praises Ss hard work. (T > Ss)

5 mins

Date: 2nd December 2014

Time & duration: 40 mins.

Class: Form 5D

Number of students: 25

Type of lesson: Speaking and Listening

Topic: Advertisement

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 9

Reflection and Suggestions

For language learning, it is very important for students to put what they have learnt into practice. For this reason, I consider that my lessons went well and my objectives were met. Besides, I believe that student-centered teaching method can encourage students to learn. The students were actively participating and responding to the lessons. They were motivated to learn by making their own video clips students worked well with their partners and really enjoyed showing the rest of the class what they had done on their project. It was the first time that students tried to give comments and grades to one another, so it took times for explanation but it was valuable to do that because it allowed students to have critical thinking and more participated in the lesson. This was a unique learning experience to remember and to put in practice. After all, I asked students to give feedbacks for the lessons. Most of them found the time allowance for making the video clips was too short. Recording the video with voices was quite difficult for them; therefore, there were some grammar and pronunciation mistakes in their videos. However, they enjoyed the lessons and loved having the project and discussion. The next time I do this lesson, I would give more time for students to prepare their video clips. In addition, some improvements I would made on this series of lesson. First, I would allow students to do their own research on finding the advertisements and share with others. It is also a kind of learning outside the classroom, which can develop their capability to learn by themselves and have the critical thinking to choose what advertisements are suitable to share with one another. Second, I will add one more lesson for the grammar and vocabulary. I can use their scripts or their English subtitles as the teaching materials. Learning from one anothers mistakes is quite useful as it is more authentic and also, those mistakes are usually the common ones among students. In addition, the vocabulary that students used in the video clips is quite simple; in order to enrich their pool of vocabulary, I can teach them some synonyms. With that, they can produce a better writing in the future. In conclusion, what students learnt in the lessons not only English but also how to have critical thinking and working cooperative with peers, and also consolidate their IT skills. It helped the students to have a better relationship with one another as

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 10

one student shared in her self-reflection, have a better understanding of X, and I like peer work as it can lessen the workload. Finally, it is not only students were enjoying what they were learning but also I enjoyed the lesson.

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 11

Reference and Internet resources

1. Leiss,William, Stephanie Kline, Sut Jhally and Jackie Botterill (2006)

Social Communication in Advertising: Consumption in the Mediated marketplace

2nd edition London: Routledge

2. Tucker, Heather (2009)

Using Advertisements To Teach English


3. Advertisement video clips

trainers jewellery

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 12

Appendix 1 Advertisement

Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two-hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $6000 a second. And that does not include cost of paying for air time. Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money and making money is what television is all about the commercial is by far the more important. Research, market testing, talent, time and moneyall come together to make us want to buy a product. No matter how bad we think a commercial is, it works. The sales of Charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head. We, in turn, buy the product. And the ads work because so much time and attention are given to them. Here are some rules of commercial ad making. If you want to get the low middle-class buyer, make sure the announcer has a tough, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell to upper-class audience, make sure that the house, the furniture, and the hair style are the types that the group identifies(孮⇓) with. If you want the buyer feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself. But evidence show we are kidding ourselves. The making of a TV commercial that think, what we need, and what to buy. To put it simply, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing.

Answer the follow questions.

1. TV commercials are more important than other programs to television because


A. they bring in great profits

B. they require a lot of money to make

C. they are not difficult to produce

D. they attract more viewers than other programs

2. The purpose of all the efforts made in turning out TV commercials is _______.

A. to persuade people to buy the product

B. to show how valuable the product is

C. to test the market value of the product

D. to make them as interesting as TV movies

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 13

3. From the rules set for making commercial ads, we can see that_______.

A. the lower-middle-class buyer likes to work with his hand B. the more stupid the characters, the more buyers of the product C. ad designers attract different people with different skills D. an upper-class buyer is more interested in houses and furniture than a lower-middle-class buyer 4.

A. behaving as a child C. making fun of

B. laughing at D. not telling the truth to

5. It is believed by the writer that _______.

A. few people like to watch TV commercials

B. TV commercials are a good guide to buyers

C. TV commercials often make people laugh

D. people do not think highly of TV commercials

(Answer: 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D)

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 14

Appendix 2 Advertisement in written

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 15

Appendix 3 Photos

The students were having group discussion of making a video clip.

The students were presenting their video.

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2014/2015 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 16

The students were giving their own reflections on making their own video.

The students were enjoying the presentation.

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