[PDF] Les relations internationales de laprès-guerre froide: une mutation

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1 Les transformations du système international : nature et théories

Le système international avait été marqué au xixe siècle par des guerres natio- l'analyse des relations internationales revêt une valeur universelle ...


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Les relations internationales de laprès-guerre froide: une mutation

The reader will also find afresh look at the doctrinal debate about international System theory and about the epistemology of the discipline that deals with it.

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[PDF] 1 Les transformations du système international : nature et théories

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Le texte de cet exposé paraît simultané ment dans la revue « Relations Internationales » publiée par le Centre des Hautes Etudes Internationales de l' 

  • C'est quoi le système international ?

    Le système international d'unités (SI) est un ensemble de grandeurs physiques qui permet de tout mesurer, de l'infiniment petit à l'infiniment grand. Il compte sept unités primaires, et leurs unités dérivées par « filiation ».
  • Quel système international ?

    Le Système international d'unités (abrégé en SI), inspiré du système métrique, est le système d'unités le plus largement employé au monde ; il n'est pas officiellement utilisé aux États-Unis, au Liberia et en Birmanie.
  • Quelles sont les 4 approches théoriques majeures pour traiter des relations internationales ?

    Les approches réaliste, libérale et constructiviste sont les paradigmes (c'est-à-dire les modèles) dominants des relations internationales. À partir du critère de l'anarchie et à travers des propositions qui se veulent universelles, ils visent à identifier des régularités et à les comprendre.
  • Les auteurs des relations internationales

    Deux grandes variantes sont perceptibles : Un courant solidariste prééminent qui met l'accent sur le droit international et sur la sécurité collective ; Un courant particulariste qui met davantage l'accent sur la coopération interétatique.
Les relations internationales de laprès-guerre froide: une mutation Tous droits r€serv€s 'tudes internationales, 1996 Cet article est diffus€ et pr€serv€ par 'rudit. 'rudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif compos€ de Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.

https://www.erudit.org/fr/Document g€n€r€ le 27 sept. 2023 04:46€tudes internationales

mutation globaleInternational Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, A SweepingChange

Irnerio Seminatore

Volume 27, num€ro 3, 1996URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/703631arDOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/703631arAller au sommaire du num€ro'diteur(s)Institut qu€b€cois des hautes €tudes internationalesISSN0014-2123 (imprim€)1703-7891 (num€rique)D€couvrir la revueCiter cet article

Seminatore, I. (1996). Les relations internationales de l'apr...s-guerre froide: une mutation globale. €tudes internationales 27
(3), 603†638. https://doi.org/10.7202/703631ar

R€sum€ de l'article

The author analyzes the post-Cold War international arena thoroughly, be delineating one by one Us different systemic, geopolitical, hegemonic, and strategic metamorphoses. The emergence of a fragmented transnational subsystem the social component of the international System has made this era fertile ground for third-wave conflicts, i.e. cultural conflicts or shocks between civilizations. The lack of any recognized leadership and the collective exercise of the system's governability may lead one to observe that armed violence is being waged by means other than those of major inter-state wars. In such a context, one may deduce that emphasis on the concept of collective security is working to the detriment of defence-minded thinking and to the benefit of strategies for active and very early conflict prevention. The entire realm of strategy is thus open to a wide-ranging, Worldwide arena. The main consequences have been an end to the old custodial arrangements of geopolitics, thereby transforming NATO in Europe, and a renewed activism in Asia, where the trend is towards creation of a specific security subsystem. These transformations of the international System have brought about metamorphoses in the notions of enemy, boundary, conflict, and power. Such changes also highlight the ‡ rationality deficit ˆ now affecting the System and the proliferation of the notion of ‡ meaning ˆ, which is everywhere lacking in consistency. The shifting of the security dilemma to the subnational, internal level has accordingly resulted from the breakup of nations and the decolonization of empires. The author concludes that it may prove useful, even valuable, to try and identify the normative elements of the post-Cold War international System and to outline, however imperfectly, the new distribution of international power. The reader will also find afresh look at the doctrinal debate about international System theory and about the epistemology of the discipline that deals with it.

Les relations internationales

d e l'après-guerr e froid e : un e mutatio n global e






in the Post-Cold War Era, A Sweeping Change The author analyzes the post-Cold War international arena thoroughly, be delineating one by one Us différent systemic, geopolitical, hégémonie, and stratégie métamorphoses. The émergence of afragmented transnational subsystem - the social component ofthe international


has made this era fertile groundfor third-wave conflicts, i.e cultural conflicts or shochs between civilizations. The lack ofany recognized leadership and the collective exercise of the system's governability may lead one to observe that armed violence is being waged by means other than those of major inter-state wars. In such a context, one may deduce that emphasis on the concept of collective security is working to the détriment of defence-minded thinking and to the benefit of stratégies for active and very early conflict prévention. The entire realm of strategy is thus open to a wide-ranging, Worldwide arena. The main conséquences hâve been an end to the old custodial arrangements of geopolitics, thereby transforming NATO in Europe, and a renewed activism in Asia, where the trend is towards création of a spécifie security subsystem.


transformations of the international


hâve brought about métamorphoses in the notions of enemy, boundary, conflict, and power. Such changes

also highlight the " rationality déficit » now affecting the System and the prolifération of

the notion of " meaning », which is everywhere lacking in consistency. The shifting of the security dïlemma to the subnational, internai level has accordingly resultedfrom the breakup of nations and the decolonization of empires. The author concludes that it may prove useful, even valuable, to try and identify the normative


of the post-Cold War international


and to outline, however imperfectly, the new distribution of international power. The reader will alsofind afresh look ai the doctrinal debate about international


theory and about the epistemology of the discipline that deals with it.


e froide Un e mutation systémique géopolitique hégémoniqu e e t stratégiqu e L a mutatio n global e d u systèm e internationa l don t nou s vivon s le s syn drome s depui s 1989
s'inscri t dan s l e sillag e d e quatr e dimension s majeures au x aboutissement s incertains systémique géopolitique hégémoniqu e e t stratégique

* Professeur, Institut européen de prospective et Relations internationales, Université Paris 8, France.

Texte rédigé et revu en préparation de la "journée d'études » de l'Institut d'Études Politques de

Grenoble du 21 février 1996

Revue Études internationales, volume xxvu, n° 3, septembre 1996 60

604 Irnerio SEMINATORE

A L a premièr e grand e mutatio n es t systémique I l s'agit de la mutation politiqu e essentiell e d e cett e fi n d e siècle ca r ell e concern e l a gouvernabilitquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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