[PDF] Max-min procedure to convert indicators into indices In order to

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Max-min procedure to convert indicators into indices In order to

In order to construct indices whose values can range between 0 and 100 the minimum and maximum admissible values—also known as lower and upper bounds—must 


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12 nov 2022 · _{1\leqslant j\leqslant n}\max(ij)\qquad \qquad c)\\sum _{1\leq ij\leq n}\min(ij)\qquad \qquad d)\\sum _{1\leq ij\leq n}i-j}

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grand (resp plus petit) élément icelui est unique et on le note max(E) (resp Pour tout (? ?) ? R2 on appelle (E??) l'équation f(x y)=(? ?) d'in-

  • Comment calculer la somme de K ?

    k = n (n + 1) 2 . La variable k est appelée indice de la somme; on utilise aussi fréquemment la lettre i comme variable d'indice.
  • Comment calculer les sommes doubles ?

    Pour calculer une somme double, on peut : si la famille à sommer s'écrit sous la forme ai,j=bi?j a i , j = b i × c j , reconnaître un produit de deux sommes : n?i=1p?j=1bicj=(n?i=1bi)(p?j=1cj).
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une double somme ?

    Observez que la borne peut être une des variables de la quantité à sommer. Une double somme est une somme de sommes, et on peut toujours intervertir les deux.
  • Le produit est le résultat d'une multiplication. La somme est le résultat d'une addition. Le quotient est le résultat d'une division.

Max-min procedure to convert indicators into indices In order to construct indices whose values can range between 0 and 100, the minimum and

maximum admissible values - also known as lower and upper bounds - must first be determined. The CDP bases these bounds on the distribution of indicator values among all developing countries (see tables III.1 and III.4 in the Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category explaining the calculations of HAI and EVI for the exact bound values). However, in order to reduce the impact of extreme outliers on the distribution of index values, the bounds may be set higher (lower) than the actual minimum (maximum) value of the indicator's data set. The bounds are generally kept constant across triennial reviews. Additionally, for a few indicators

(population and victims of natural disasters) the values are transformed using the natural

logarithm in order to address possible distortions caused by highly skewed distributions of

indicator values, or to account for the fact that the associated impediments are clearly non-linear in indicator values. The basic formula for converting an indicator value (V) into an index score (I) is: = 100 × _ _ _ where min_value is the minimum admissible value (lower bound) and, max_value is the maximum admissible value (upper bound). For countries with indicator values below (above) the lower (upper) bound, the actual indicator value is replaced with the lower (upper) bound resulting in an index score of 0 (100). In a few cases, indicator and criteria point in opposite directions. For example, a high under-five

mortality rate signifies a low (rather than high) level of human assets. In these cases, the

following alternative formula is used. ∗= 100 - = 100 ×_ - _ - _ Again, actual indicator values are replaced with lower or upper bounds, if necessary.quotesdbs_dbs45.pdfusesText_45
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