[PDF] The icon-appr Package - University of Washington

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The icon-appr Package - University of Washington

This method requires the Acrobat application to open the newly created PDF ?le after Distiller (or ps2 pdf ) has created the PDF ?le Any supported graphics ?le format can be used The method is explained in detail in Section 3 1 •Purely EPS approach: We can use exclusively EPS ?les for icon appearances; in

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The icon-appr PackageAcroTEX.Net


D. P.Story

Copyright ©2020 dpstory@acrotex.netwww.acrotex.net

Prepared: June27, 2020Version 1.2.1,2020/06/13

The icon-appr PackageTable ofContents

1 Introduction3

1.1 Whatnew: Version1.2 (2020/06/05)....................... 3

2 Methodsfor non-

pdfmarkdrivers 4

3 Methodsfor pdfmarkdrivers 5

3.1 TheJavaScript approach............................... 5

3.2 Thepurely EPSapproach .............................. 7

4 Parameterscontrolling theicon appearancefor pushbuttons 8

The icon-appr PackageIntroduction3

1. Introduction

In thispackage, weprovide commandsand methodsfor creatingicon appearancesfor form fieldbuttons, whichincludes pushbuttons, checkbox buttons,and radiobuttons. Below areexamples ofthe threetypes ofbuttons havingicon appearances,rather than their customaryappearances:

For thecheck boxand radio

buttons, theGirl is'off" and the Manis 'on"

Push buttonCheck boxRadio buttons

The twosections thatfollow documentthe environment,commands, andmethods for producing theabove results.The abovebuttons areused inthe demofiles, theseare found inthe examplesfolder:


The firstone listedabove isfor thepd"atex,lualatex, andxelatexdrivers (applications), the latterthree aredesigned forusers ofthe dvips->distillerworkflow. Theeformspackage, dated2018/11/10 orlater, isrequired tocreate buttonswith icon eformspackage required appearances, thisis because,as ofthis writing,the formfields producedby hyperref do notsupport thenecessary markupto produceicon appearances.

1.1. Whatnew: Version1.2 (2020/06/05)

The basicfunctionality ofthis packageis unchanged,as documentedin subsequent sections. Inthis version,the APentry isadded tothe Namesdictionary ofthe PDF catalog. Forthis manual,the followingcode appears,new bitsare highlightedin bold.

The secondline isthe Namesdictionary.

124 0obj

/AP 1170 R /Dests 850 R/JavaScript125 0R>> endobj

117 0obj

<> endobj TheAPentry referencesthe indirectobject Namesdictionary consistingof theicon names andtheir indirectreferences. Thetricky partis thatthe namesin thisNames The icon-appr PackageMethods fornon- pdfmarkdrivers4 array mustbe listedin alphabeticalorder. Thedatatoolpackage isused forthis pur- pose. 1 This meansthat thenames ofthe iconsimported inthe embeddingenvironment are knownto Acrobat/Adobe Reader. Italso allowsthe iconsto bemanipulated using JavaScript methods;for example,use thebutton belowto cyclethrough allicons inthis document. The underlyingJavaScript ofthe pushbutton usesthe this.getIcon(icon-name) method. Touse thismethod, theicons mustbe known,and nowthey are!All icons appearing inthis documentare EPSfiles, BION, 2 yet wecan stillmanipulate theirim- ages usingJavaScript. Adobe ReadersupportsDoc.getIcon(icon-name).Open the JavaScriptconsole , placeyour cursoron this.icons, andpress Ctrl+Enter,Acro- bat/Readergives areadout ofthe iconsknown tothis document.The aboveexample is reproducedin icon-appr-exmpl.texandicon-appr-eps.tex.

2. Methodsfor non-


The supported'non-

pdfmark" driversare pd"atex,lualatex, andxelatex. Tocreate pd"atex lualatex xelatex icon appearances,embed theicon fileswith the\embedIconcommand fromwithin the embeddingenvironment. Thisoccurs inthe preambleof thedocument. \begin{embedding} \embedIcon[


path \end{embedding} The\embedIconembeds theicon file( path) inthe document;it canthen berefer- enced multipletimes withoutsignificantly increasingthe filesize. Thetwo relevantkey- values (


) arename=nameandhyopts={various}. Internally,nameis


made intoa controlsequence ( name ) whichis usedto referencethe embeddedicon file inthe formfield markup.Normally, nameconsists ofletters, noactive char- acters allowed;if namecontains non-letters,its namemay bereferenced usingthe \csOfcommand (\csOf{name}). Theother key-valuepair ishyopts={various},



1 https://ctan.org/pkg/datatool 2

Believe itor not

The icon-appr PackageMethods forpdfmarkdrivers 5

the valuevariousare key-valuesof the\includegraphicscommand, whichis used in thebackground. Passingany key-valuethrough to\includegraphicsmay ormay not havean effect.One usefulkey isthe pagekey; whenpathleads toa multi-page PDF file,and xelatexisnot beingused ,page=numretrieves pagenumfrom thePDF document. Example.We reproducepart ofthe fileicon-app-exmpl.tex. First,in thepreamble, embed allicon filesto beused. \begin{embedding} \embedIcon[name=mani]{graphics/man1.pdf} \embedIcon[name=girl]{graphics/girl.pdf} \embedIcon[name=scot]{graphics/scot.pdf} \end{embedding} From thesedeclarations, thecommands \mani,\girl, and\scotare defined.Now in the bodyof thedocument, wecreate apush button: \pushButton[% \TP{1}\BG{}\S{S} \I{\csOf{mani}} %normal appearance,where weuse \csOfto demonstrateits use \RI{\girl} %rollover appearance,here, wereference theicon using\girl \IX{\scot} %down appearance,we referencethe iconusing \scot ]{myButton}{50bp}{50bp} The sametechniques workfor choiceboxes andradio buttonfields. Referto sample fileicon-appr-exmpl.texfor aworking example.

3. Methodsfor pdfmarkdrivers

For thepdfmarkdriverdvips, thereare twotechniques thathave beendeveloped. Thesedvips techniques weredeveloped becauseEPS filesare theonly graphicsfiles dvipswork with. €JavaScript approach:Acrobat JavaScripthas amethod forembedding anumber of graphicsfile formatsas icons,which canthen beused asicon appearancefaces. This methodrequires theAcrobatapplication toopen thenewly createdPDF file, afterDistiller(orps2pdf) hascreated thePDF file.Any supportedgraphics file format canbe used.The methodis explainedin detailin Section 3.1. €Purely EPSapproach: We canuse exclusivelyEPS filesfor iconappearances; in fact, theexamples givenin theIntroductionsection onpage 3were createdby this method.Details arefound inSection 3.2.

3.1. TheJavaScript approach

Requirements:The L

A TEX packageaeb_prois requiredas itsupplies theJavaScript aeb_propackage code.Distillerorps2pdfis usedto createthe PDF.Open thefile inAcrobatwhere


andAcrobat the JavaScriptis executedto embedreferenced filesas iconobjects andassociate icon files withpush buttonappearances. This methodonly appliesto pushbuttons, notto checkbox orradio buttonfields. push buttonsonly

The icon-appr PackageMethods forpdfmarkdrivers 6

Again, thebasic elementsto useare theembeddingenvironment inthe preambleand the\embedIconcommand. \begin{embedding} \embedIcon[


path \end{embedding}

The setof key-valuepairs (


)of\embedIconis alittle differentthan theones listed inSection 2, theseare (1)the placementkey informsthe underlyingJavaScript placementkey where toplace theicon file;(2) thepagekey canbe usedfor multi-pagePDF iconsfiles pagekey to specifythe numberof thepage tobe used,this isa 0-basedpage number. Syntax forthe valueof theplacementkey:Theplacementkey "places"the im- age onthe buttonfaces ofthe fieldnames listed( myButton ). Apush buttonhas three appearance faces:normal appearance,rollover appearance,and downappearance. As a resultof this,there isan optionalargument thatprecedes thefield namethat deter- mines theface ofthe buttonthe iconis toappear on;the valuesare [0](default, normal icon); 3 [1](down icon);and [2](rollover icon).The optionalargument precedesthe field name,and isshown inthe examplebelow. Theremust beno spacebetween the optional argumentand thefield name;if youtype ' [2] myButton", forexample, the field nameis interpretedas ' myButton", whichis incorrect. Example.This isa modifiedversion ofthe examplethat appearsin thesample file icon-appr-pb.tex . Webegin byembedding theicon filesin thedocument. Thetarget field hasname ' myButton " andwe placethe imageson it:man1.pdfis thenormal ap- pearance;scot.gifis thedown appearance;and girl.pngis therollover appearance. \begin{embedding} \end{embedding}

Note thevariety oficon fileformats used.

In thebody ofthe document,we createa pushbutton. Atthe timethe buttonis created, theicon fileshave notbeen importedor embedded,but weindicate thatthis button usesicon appearancesby passing\importIcons{y}as anoptional argument, this isimportant


\pushButton[\BC{}\BG{}\S{S} \importIcons{y} \FB{true}\TP{1}]{myButton}{50bp}{50bp} When thenewly createdPDF isfirst openedin Acrobatsome JavaScriptwill execute and embedthe iconfiles inthe PDF,then populatethe specifiedbutton faceswith the specified icons. By theway, asingle \embedIconcommand canprovide multiplepush buttonswith its icon;the valueof placementcan bea comma-delimitedlist offield names(with optional argumentpreceding). Forexample, 3 When nooptional argumentprecedes the“eld name,it isunderstood tobe thenormal appearance.

The icon-appr PackageMethods forpdfmarkdrivers 7

\begin{embedding} \end{embedding}

Refer toicon-appr-pb.texfor aworking example.

3.2. Thepurely EPSapproach

Requirements.The EPSmethod requiresthe useof thegraphicxsppackage, dated graphicxsp required

2018/11/20 orlater. Distillerorps2pdfcan beused toproduce thePDF file;Acrobat

isnot required(unless anotherpackage requiresit). Itis stronglyrecommended that when creatingcheck boxesor radiobutton fieldsthat thenewly createdPDF beopened inAdobe ReaderDC (or, optionallyAcrobatitself) andsaved. Thiswill enableusers of save thePDF! PDF-XChange Viewer/Editorto viewthese buttonscorrectly.

The techniqueis similarto thatof thenon-

pdfmarkdrivers. Again,we usethe embeddingenvironment inthe preamble,but the\embedEPScommand withinthe en- vironment isused insteadof \embedIcon. \begin{embedding} \embedEPS[


path \end{embedding} Where?path?points toan EPSfile. Thename=?name?key-value isrequired inthe op-namekey required tional argument?KV-pairs?, otherkey-value pairsare passedto \includegraphics. Internally,?name?is madeinto acontrol sequence( \?name?) whichis usedto ref- erence theembedded iconfile inthe formfield markup.Normally, ?name?consists of letters, noactive characters;if ?name?contains non-letters,its namemay bereferenced using the\csOfcommand (\csOf{?name?}).


Example.This isa modifiedversion ofthe examplethat appearsin thesample file icon-appr-eps.tex \begin{embedding} \end{embedding} Here, wepass thehiresbbkey to\includegraphics. Fromthis declarations,the command\mani,\girl, and\scotare defined.Now inthe bodyof thedocument, we create apush button: \pushButton[% \TP{1}\BG{}\S{S} \I{\csOf{mani}} %normal appearance,where weuse \csOfto demonstrateits use \RI{\girl} %rollover appearance,here, wereference theicon using\girl \IX{\scot} %down appearance,we referencethe iconusing \scot ]{myButton}{50bp}{50bp}

The icon-appr Package8

Note thatthis isthe samemarkup aswas presentedin Section 2. Thesame techniques work forchoice boxesand radiobutton fields.Refer tosample fileicon-appr-eps.tex for aworking example. When EPSmethods areused, theAdobe transparencymodel canbe used( Distiller required). Seethe samplefile icon-appr-eps-transp.tex.

4. Parameterscontrolling theicon appearancefor pushbuttons

TheMKentry isused toprovide anappearance characteristicdictionary containing additional informationfor constructingthe annotation"sappearance. Theeformspack- age haskey-value pairsthat populatesthe MKdictionary; wedescribe theentries inthe dictionary, theseentries areentered throughthe optionalargument ofa \pushButton command. Inthe listingbelow, wegive thekey-value pairs,the firstis theoriginal key scheme, thesecond isthe moreuser-friendly key.Additional detailscan befound in eformman.pdf , thedocumentation ofthe eformpackage. IIndirect referenceto thenormal appearanceof anicon. Thekeys usedby eformsare\Iandnormalappr. RIIndirect referenceto therollover appearanceof anicon. Thekeys are\RIand rollappr IXIndirect referenceto thedown appearanceof anicon. Thekeys are\IXand downappr Note.When importingicon appearancesusing JavaScript( Section 3.1), theabove three keys arenot usedexplicitly (JavaScriptsets thesekey-value entries);use insteadthe key-value pair\importIcons{y}, asseen inthe examplegiven inSection 3.1. IFTheicon “tdictionary . Theentries ofthe IFfollow:

SW(name; optional)The circumstancesunder whichthe iconshould bescaled inside theannot rectangle.The keyis either\SWorscalewhen.

Aalways scale(the defaultvalue). KVP:\SW{A}orscalewhen=always. BScale onlywhen theicon isbigger thanthe annotationrectangle. KVP:\SW{B}ofscalewhen=iconbig. SScale onlywhen theicon issmaller thanthe rectangle.KVP:\SW{S}orscalewhen=iconsmall.

NNever Scale.KVP:\SW{N}orscalewhen=never.

S(name; optional)The typeof scalingto usethe annotrectangle. Thekey touse is\STorscale. AAnamorphic scaling:Scale theicon tofill theannotation exactly,without regard tothe originalaspect ratio.


The icon-appr PackageParameters controllingthe iconappearance forpush buttons9 PProportional scaling:Scale theicon tofit thewidth orheight ofthe rect- angle whilemaintaining theicon"s originalaspect ratio(ratio widthto height) (thedefault).


A(array; optional)An arrayof twonumbers between0 .0 and1 .0 indicatingthe fraction ofthe leftover spaceto allocateat theleft andbottom ofthe icon.A valueof [0.00.0]positions theicon atthe bottom-leftcorner; avalue of

[0.50.5]centers itwithin therectangle. Thisentry isonly usedof theicon is scaled proportionally.The defaultis [0.50.5]theannotrectangle. Thekey is either\PAorposition. Thedefault is\PA{.5 .5}(no commabetween numbers), inthe userfriendly styleposition={.5 .5}(no commabetween numbers). FB(Boolean; optional)If true, indicatesthat thebutton appearanceshould be scaled tofit fullywithin thebounds ofthe annotationwithout takinginto consideration theline widthof theborder. Thedefault isfalse. Thekey is \FBorfitbounds; thedefault is\FB{false}orfitbounds=false. TPa codeindicating positionof textrelative toicon. Thekey iseither \TPorlayout.

0 Noicon; captiononly. KVP:\TP{0}orlayout=labelonly.

1 Nocaption; icononly. KVP:\TP{1}orlayout=icononly.

2 Captionbelow icon.KVP: \TP{2}orlayout=icontop.

3 Captionabove icon.KVP: \TP{3}orlayout=iconbottom.

4 Captionto theright oficon. KVP:\TP{4}orlayout=iconleft.

5 Captionto theleft oficon. KVP:\TP{5}orlayout=iconright.



overlaid onthe icon.KVP: \TP{6}orlayout=labelover.

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