[PDF] Rapport de lEASO relatif à linformation sur le pays dorigine

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Les médias (tous étatiques) utilisent quatre langues : anglais arabe

Phonologie du tigrigna

Le tigrigna est une des langues officielles de l'Érythrée. Difficultés dans l'apprentissage du français pour les apprenants de langue native tigrigna.

Les langues en Erythrée Panorama de la situation linguistique en

C'est le cas pour les locuteurs de langue maternelle tigrigna ou arabe. Ce qui distingue l'Erythrée n'est cependant pas cette situation plurilingue et.


LGIDF. Le projet Langues et Grammaires en (Île-de) France propose : o un SITE INTERNET (http://lgidf.cnrs.fr/) conçu par des linguistes des.

Cours de langue et culture dorigine (LCO)

20 avr. 2021 Cours de langue et culture d'origine (LCO). 2021-2022 ... Langue. Organisme. Élèves concerné-e-s. Téléphone ... tigrigna. ????.


d'entretenir ou de transmettre leur langue ou leur culture d'origine. disponible en sept langues (français anglais

Rapport de lEASO relatif à linformation sur le pays dorigine

Bien que le tigrigna soit la langue dominante dans les villes des hauts plateaux notamment à Asmara

LANGUES DISPONIBLES Albanais Allemand Amharique Anglais


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D'autres informations sur l'Union européenne sont disponibles sur l'internet http://europa.eu Luxembourg: Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 2015

ISBN 978-92-9243-446-5

doi:10.2847/34099 © Bureau européen d'appui en matière d'asile, 2015 Ni l'EASO ni aucune personne agissant en son nom n'est responsable de l'usage qui pourrait être fait des informations contenues dans le présent rapport.

Printed in Italy


Table des matières

Remerciements ..............................................................................................................................................3


Glossaire et abréviations

Introduction et évaluation des sources


Définition du contenu

Collecte d'informations

Contrôle de la qualité

Carte de l'Érythrée

1. Inf ormations générales relatives au pays ...............................................................................................12

1.1 Géographie ............................................................................................................................................12

1.2 Démographie .........................................................................................................................................12

1.3 Histoire ..................................................................................................................................................15

1.4 Str ucture administrative ........................................................................................................................18

1.5 Éducation ...............................................................................................................................................20

1.6 Médias ...................................................................................................................................................23

1.7 Sy stème de santé ...................................................................................................................................24

1.8 Transports ..............................................................................................................................................25

1.9 Monnaie ................................................................................................................................................26

2. St ructure et politique de l'État ..............................................................................................................27

2.1 In stitutions de l'État ...............................................................................................................................27

2.2 Pa rtis politiques .....................................................................................................................................29

2.3 As sociations et société civile ................................................... ...............................................................30

2.4 Cr itique du gouvernement .....................................................................................................................31

3. Se rvice national .....................................................................................................................................33

3.1 Structure ................................................................................................................................................33

3.2 Exemptions ............................................................................................................................................34

3.3 Recrutement ................................................... .......................................................................................35

3.4 Do uzième année scolaire à Sawa ..........................................................................................................38

3.5 Ser vice militaire ................................................... ..................................................................................39

3.6 Se rvice national civil ..............................................................................................................................40

3.7 Durée ....................................................................................................................................................41

3.8 Désertion ..............................................................................................................................................43

3.9 Armé e populaire ....................................................................................................................................45

4. Pri sons et détention .............................................................................................................................46

4.1 Con ditions de détention .........................................................................................................................46

4.2 Torture ...................................................................................................................................................48

5. Religion .................................................................................................................................................49

6. Do cuments d'identité et sortie du territoire ..........................................................................................51

6.1 Ci toyenneté érythréenne .......................................................................................................................51

6.2 Ca rte d'identité ......................................................................................................................................51

6.3 Passeport ...............................................................................................................................................52

6.4 So rtie du territoire .................................................................................................................................53

6.5 Ca rte de résidence .................................................................................................................................56

6.6 Do cuments officiels relatifs à l'état civil ................................................................................................56

6.7 Do cuments religieux relatifs à l'état civil ...............................................................................................57

Annexe: Bibliographie


Glossaire et abréviations



Introduction et évaluation des sources

round tripping

(² Oral Update by Mr. Mike Smith, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea at

the 28 session of the Human Rights Council, Service for Life. State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea,

Temanotat Eritrea: Nasjonaltjeneste,The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political

Development in Eritrea,

Denmark: Eritrea Immigration Report Deeply Flawed, Fact Finding Mission report of the Danish Immigration

Service, “Eritrea - Drivers and Root Causes of Emigration, National Service and the Possibility of Return. Country of Origin Information for Use in the Asylum

Determination process", UNHCR's perspectiveEritrea: Professor Gaim Kibreab replies to the Danish Report,

Statement on EU Asylum and Aid Policy to Eritrea,

round tripping

Common EU guidelines for processing COI

( Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, Sheila B. Keetharuth,

Eritrea: 20 years of independence, but still no freedom, Service for Life. State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in

Eritrea,The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea,

2013 Human Rights Report: Appendix A - Notes on Preparation of Report,


Définition du contenu

Collecte d'informations

Contrôle de la qualité

Carte de l'Érythrée


( Landmine Impact Survey - 2004 [map], Eritrea International Boundary between the State of Eritrea and the Federal

Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

International Boundary between the State of Eritrea and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Africa's Cuba: Eritrea Endures 13 Years of Illegal Occupation and Sanctions,

1. Informations générales relatives au pays

1.1 Géographie

1.2 Démographie

1.2.1 Groupes ethniques

Les Tigrignas

Les Tigréens

Eritrea at a Glance, The World Factbook, Eritrea, People and Society, Eritrea, Africa South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition,

Africa South of the Sahara,Eritrea,


Demographic and Health Survey 1995, Politics of Census,

Politics of Census,

The World Factbook, Eritrea, People and SocietyAfrica South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition,

Eritrea at a Glance,

Les Afars

Les Sahos

Les Bilens )

Les Rashaïdas

Répartition des groupes ethniques et des langues, en Érythrée et dans les régions frontalières, sans tenir compte des relations linguistiques

dans les villes (jaune = langues sémitiques, rouge = langues couchitiques, vert = langues nilo-sahariennes) ().


Eritrea. A Dream Deferred, Peoples of the Horn of Africa. Somali, Afar and Saho, Eritrea, Languages,Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea

Les Hidaarebs

Les Naras )

Les Kunamas

1.2.2 Langues

(fidal) ( Eritrea, Eritrea at a Glance, Eritrea's 9 ethnic groups, Eritrea, Languages,The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea, The African Garrison State.

Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea,

The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea,

The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea, Opposing Issayas, The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea, Freedom in the World 2014: Eritrea,The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea, Eritrean

opposition parties and civic organisations, The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development

in Eritrea,


( Eritrea,

Eritrea, Eritrea, Status,Eritrea. A

Dream Deferred,

The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea, The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea, Eritrea. A Dream Deferred,

1.2.3 Noms érythréens

patronyme (

1.3 Histoire

( Eritrea,

Eritrea, Languages,Eritrea,

Respons Eritrea/Etiopia: Tigrinja-språk langs grensenProceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Ethiopian

Studies, UCLA Language Materials. Tigrinya, Tigrinya, ( Eritrea, ( Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea: The Siege State,The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea, ( Eritrea, Historical Dictionary of Ethiopia and Eritrea,

Eritrea: The Siege State,

Eritrea, Eritrea: The Siege State,

Der lange Schatten der EPLF, From Guerillas to Government, The African Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea, Historical Dictionary of Eritrea, Against All Odds. A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution, Eritrea, Eritrea: The Siege State,From Guerillas to Government, Evil Days. 30 Years of War and Famine in


From Guerillas to Government, Eritrea, Kriege am Horn von Afrika. Historischer

Befund und friedenswissenschaftliche Analyse

( Eritrea,

Historical Dictionary of Eritrea,

The Horn of Africa War: Mass Expulsions and the Nationality Issue (June 1998 - April 2002), The Horn of Africa War: Mass Expulsions and the Nationality Issue (June 1998 - April 2002), Africa South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition, Eritrea. A Dream Deferred, Ethiopia Affirms Readiness for Dialogue With Eritrea, International Boundary between the State of Eritrea and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia The Horn of Africa War: Mass Expulsions and the Nationality Issue (June 1998 - April 2002),

Eritrea: The Siege State,

Africa South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition,

Eritrea: Scenarios for Future Transition, Service for Life. State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in

Eritrea,Africa's Cuba: Eritrea Endures 13 Years of Illegal Occupation and Sanctions, Eritrea: The Siege StateThe lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea

Service for Life. State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea, Eritrea: Scenarios for Future Transition,

Eritrea: Scenarios for Future Transition,

Freedom in the World 2014: Eritrea,Amnesty International Annual Report 2014/15 - Eritrea, Eritrea: A Nation Silenced, Where is Eritrea heading? World Report 2015 - Eritrea, Eritrea ‘desolate' - Catholic bishops,

Security Council Imposes Sanctions on Eritrea over Its Role in Somalia, Refusal to Withdraw Troops Following Conflict with Djibouti, SC/9833,

Resolution 2023 (2011). Adopted by the Security Council at its 6674 meeting,

Eritrea: Scenarios for Future Transition,

Letter dated 11 July 2012 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee Pursuant to Resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) Concerning

Somalia and Eritrea Addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2012/545), Where is Eritrea heading?

BTI 2014. Eritrea Country Report, Eritrea: Scenarios for Future Transition,

Africa South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition,

Where is Eritrea heading?

1.4 Structure administrative


Division administrative de l'Érythrée en et

Les zobasnus-zobas

kebabiskebele ( Eritrea,

Landmine Impact Survey - 2004 [map],


The lasting struggle for freedom in EritreaEritrea, Les kebabisadis zobasnus-zobas et les kebabis) zobas (baito)(megaba‘aya) nus-zobas statut de nus-zoba Divisions administratives de l'Érythrée jusqu'en 1996, avec les et leurs capitales (). ( zoba ( zoba ( Eritrea (Political)Historical Dictionary of Ethiopia and Eritrea,

Location and Geography of Eritrea

mmhidar kebabis des nuszobas awrajascommissariati awrajasnusawrajas woredas adis

1.5 Éducation

1.5.1 Écoles publiques

mebaeta dereja bet timhrti maekelay dereja bet timhrti kaelay dereja bet timhrti awkaf pour les musulmans ou

( En état de siège. Ethnographie de la mobilisation nationale et de la surveillance en Érythrée National Service

and State Structures in Eritrea zoba ( Historical Dictionary of Eritrea,

The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea

Eritrea: Essential Education Indicators 2011/12, World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea, ICT in Education in Eritrea, Eritrea, Report on recognition of higher education in Eritrea and Ethiopia,Eritrea,

Back to School,

ICT in Education in Eritrea, Eritrea,

Eritrea, National Education Profile 2014 Update, Eritrea: Basic Education

Statistics 2011/12,

Temanotat Eritrea: Nasjonaltjeneste,

Service for Life. State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea,En état de siège. Ethnographie de la mobilisation

nationale et de la surveillance en Érythrée; Eritrea - Drivers and Root Causes of Emigration, National Service and the Possibility of Return, Appendix editionSawa: Center of

Empowerment For Young Eritreans,

Eritrea: Take me to prison - they have food,

Report on Child Rights Violations in Eritrea,

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

zobas ( World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea, Eritrea, National Education Profile 2014 Update, Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea, Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12, World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea, Eritrea, National Education Profile 2014 Update,

BTI 2014. Eritrea Country Report,

Temanotat Eritrea: Nasjonaltjeneste,

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

Eritrea, National Education Profile 2014 Update, Country Reports on Human Rights

Practices for 2013 - Eritrea,

Ciao Asmara. A Classic Account of Contemporary Africa World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea, ICT in Education in Eritrea, Africa South of the Sahara, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 - Eritrea,Young and Astray: An Assessment of

Factors Driving the Movement of Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents from Eritrea into Ethiopia, Sudan and Beyond,

Young and Astray: An Assessment of Factors Driving the Movement of Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents from Eritrea

into Ethiopia, Sudan and BeyondAfrica South of the Sahara Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012 - Eritrea ( Back to School, Eritrea, ICT in Education in Eritrea, The lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea,

Eritrea: Basic Education Statistics 2011/12,

The lasting struggle for freedom in EritreaWorld Data on Education. VII Ed.

2010/11. Eritrea,

Eritrea. A Dream DeferredThe lasting struggle for freedom in Eritrea

World Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11. Eritrea

The lasting struggle for freedom in EritreaWorld Data on Education. VII Ed. 2010/11.


keremtawi maetot

1.5.2 Universités

( Report on Child Rights Violations in Eritrea, Trafficking in Persons Report 2014.

Eritrea, Eritrea, Back to School,

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 - Eritrea,

Country Reports on Human Rights

Practices for 2013 - Eritrea,

Report on recognition of higher education in Eritrea and Ethiopia, Education not Incarceration: Build Schools not Prisons, Eritrea: Ending the Exodus? Eritrea. A Dream Deferred, Report on recognition of higher education in Eritrea and Ethiopia,

Africa South of the Sahara 2015,

44 edition,


Report on recognition of higher education in Eritrea and Ethiopia,Eritrea,

Africa South of the Sahara 2015, 44 edition,

Eritrea: Ending the Exodus? The African

Garrison State. Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea, The Open-Ended Eritrean National Service: The Driver of Forced MigrationEritrea,

Eritrea. A Dream Deferred,

( Eritrea: Take me to prison - they have food, Drivers and Root Causes of EmigrationNational Service and the Possibility of Return, Appendix edition ( Eritrea: Take me to prison - they have food,quotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_11
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