[PDF] FAHRENHEIT 451 You think you can walk

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Fahrenheit 451 Part Two Summary Notes “The Sieve and the Sand

Faber continues to talk to Montag through the ear device telling him it was foolish to yell at Millie and her friends

Fahrenheit 451 : résumé complet du livre de Ray Bradbury

4 déc. 2020 En attendant la mise en place d'un tel plan Montag doit faire face au capitaine Beatty pour lui remettre le livre. Faber lui donne un écouteur ...

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle

Montag has stored the knowledge of the Book of. ______ in his head. 12. Granger and his men have stored classic books inside their ______. 14. The ______ ______.

Les figures du désir dans Fahrenheit 451 - Lamiaa Missaoui (Thèse

Faber donne alors une oreillette à Montag permettant aux deux de s'entendre mutuellement et de pouvoir communiquer. De retour chez lui Montag trouve Mildred en.

Fahrenheit 451 Part 3: “Burning Bright” Summary (pages 107 - 119

Beatty continues to attack Montag with words Faber directs him to run; Montag tries but is Fahrenheit 451 Summary (pages 119 – 130).

F451?Key Passage Analysis Key passage: “He would be Montag

F451?Key Passage Analysis. Key passage: “He would be Montag-plus-Faber fire plus water


You think you can walk on water with your books.” a. Captain Beatty b. Faber c. Granger d. Guy Montag. 12.

To Build a Mirror Factory: The Mirror and Self-Examination in Ray

Considered along with all the other mirrors in Fahrenheit 451 Granger's sug- gestion begins to make metaphorical sense. Perhaps Bradbury's mirror imagery is 

A Study of “The Other” in Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

Although Clarisse and Faber are the outcasts of the society from the beginning of the story it is not the case for the fireman Guy Montag. At first

FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury - McKinley Technology High School

Aug 14 2019 · FAHRENHEIT 451: The temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burns CONTENTS one The Hearth and the Salamander 1 two The Sieve and the Sand 67 three Burning Bright 107 PART I It was a pleasure to burn It was a special pleasure to see things eaten to see things blackened and changed

What was Faber's invention in Fahrenheit 451? - eNotescom

life Fahrenheit 451's second section traces his growing dissatisfaction with the society he is paid to defend He seeks out the counsel of an old man named Faber whom he once let off easy on a reading charge Together they agree to copy a salvaged Bible in case anything should happen to the original

What does Faber invent in Fahrenheit 451?

Faber, a former English professor, invented a small, bullet-shaped, two-way communication device that sits inside Montag's ear. The two can hear and speak to each other without anyone else knowing ...

What was Faber's invention in Fahrenheit 451?

The old retired professor, Faber, has invented a device that is similar to a walkie-talkie, only it is a mere ear-piece. With this device, he can transmit messages and the receiver of these messages can hear him. In this way, Faber protects himself and others who treasure the value of works of history and of literature.

Why does Montag go see Faber Fahrenheit 451?

Short answer: Montag visits the old professor Faber because he knows the man has books and reads; therefore, he hopes Faber can teach him to comprehend what he reads. His meeting with Christine on his walk home from work has deeply affected Montag as he begins to question his...

What's the deal with Fahrenheit 451?

Various characters in Fahrenheit 451 experience different external and internal conflicts and have their own unique ways of dealing with their personal issues. Montag is conflicted about his marriage, occupation, and society's shallow culture. Montag rebels by stealing books, reading them, and becoming a fugitive after killing Captain Beatty.


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®1. What is the primary duty of the ?remen in

the novel? a. To ?ght ?res b. To protect free speech c. To burn illegal books d. To burn people who defy laws 2. What is the imposing threat throughout this novel? a. Nuclear meltdown b. Natural disasters c. War d. Alien invasion3. Why is Clarisse unique? a. She loves the TV family b. She likes conversation c. She goes to therapy d. She goes to school 4. Which of the following is a highly motivating force of change for Montag? a. The Mechanical Hound's growling b. Millie's suicide attempt c. Admonishment by Beatty d. The old woman's death

5. Faber is a former professor of which subject?



b. English c. History d. Law6. What poem does Montag read to his wife, Mrs. Phelps, and Mrs. Bowles? a. "Dover Beach" b. "Leda and the Swan" c. "Ulysses" d. "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

7. In what century does the story take place?

a. Twenty-?rst b. Twenty-second c. Twenty-fourth d. Twenty-ninth 8. What is Captain Beatty's relationship with books? a. He doesn't know how to read and is ashamed of it b. He hates books vehemently and is proud he has never read one c. He thinks they are a good form of entertainment if not taken too seriously d. He is well read but enforces the state views about books 9.

Who is the leader of the social outcasts

and criminals? a. Stoneman b. Granger c. Black d. Clara Phelps 10. Which character says the following: "Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." a. Clarisse b. The old woman c. Captain Beatty

d. Mildred11. Who says the following: "Give a man a few lines of verse and he thinks he's the Lord of

all Creation. You think you can walk on water with your books." a. Captain Beatty b. Faber c. Granger d. Guy Montag 12. Who says the following: "Books aren't people. You read and I look around, but there isn't anybody!" a. Mildred b. Faber c. Granger d. Guy Montag

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Who says the following: "Those who don't

build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents." a. Captain Beatty b. Faber c. Granger d. Guy Montag 14.

Who attempts suicide but denies it the

next day? a. Faber b. Mildred c. Granger d. Clarisse 15. Who is the story's antagonist, who quotes literature and displays extensive knowledge of books? a. Professor West b. Granger c. Faber d. Captain Beatty

16. The protagonist of the story is

a. Captain Beatty b. Faber c. Granger d. Guy Montag

17. Montag thinks the answer to life will be

a. books b. television c. war d. sugar 18.

Who does Montag meet as he escapes the

city, and who helps him evade the Hound? a. Captain Beatty b. Faber c. Granger d. Professor West

19. What is the opposite of utopian?

a. Myopian b. Dystopian c. Harmony d. Cacophony 20. Who does Montag meet that makes him start questioning his life? a. Clarisse b. Granger c. Professor West d. Clara Phelps 21.
Bradbury never once uses the word "censorship" in the novel. a. True b. False 22.
How many walls of television do Guy and Mildred have in their house? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 23.

Who is the main enforcer of the society's rules?

a. Granger b. The Mechanical Hound c. Faber d. Clarisse 24.
Which is one of the ways Guy realizes that Mildred doesn't have much regard for human life? a. She cries when a TV character dies, but not when a real person does b. She drives too recklessly c. She quits eating dessert d. She lets her skin get too pale

25. Mildred's favorite television personality is a

a. musician b. talk-show host c. clown d. televangelist

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(1) c (2) c (3) b (4) d (5) b (6) a (7) c (8) d (9) b (10) b (11) a (12) a (13) b (14) b (15) d (16) d (17) a (18) c (19) b (20) a (21) a (22) c (23) b (24) b (25) c


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