[PDF] Sujet du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2018 - Centres

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Sujet du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2017 - Métropole


Corrigé du bac S-ES-L Anglais LV1 2017 - Polynésie

Corrigé du bac 2017 : Anglais LV1. Séries S-ES-L – Polynésie. BACCALAURÉAT GÉNÉRAL. SESSION 2017. ANGLAIS. LANGUE VIVANTE 1. Durée de l'épreuve : 3 heures.


9 mars 2017 STMG. 1ères. 2nde. Epreuve bac CO. Anglais+Esp/All 13h-15h (1/3. Tps compris) ... Anglais. LV1 - 8h20 - 11h20. LV2 - 8h20 - 10h20. Anglais.


4 mai 2017 1ère Bac Pro Commerce. ? Terminale ES ou L ou S(SVT). ? Terminale STMG. Terminale Bac Commerce. LV 1 : ? Anglais ou ? Allemand.

Programme de langues vivantes de première et terminale générales

baccalauréat. Différentes formes d'évaluation peuvent contribuer à Volume complémentaire (2017) du CECRL propose d'envisager l'évaluation de la maîtrise.

Les acquis des élèves en langues vivantes étrangères

11 nov. 2019 D. Les évaluations CEDRE en fin d'école primaire en anglais et allemand ... Moyenne des notes à l'épreuve écrite LV1 du baccalauréat 2017 .


2 févr. 2017 QUESTIONS. Baccalauréat technologique. SÉRIE. ÉPREUVE. MODALITÉ DLÉVALUATION. STMG. LV1 écrit terminal + oral (évaluation en cours d'année).

Sujet du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2018 - Centres

A N G L A I S. LANGUE VIVANTE 1 STMG STHR – Durée de l'épreuve : 2 heures – coefficient : 3 ... Adapted from www.redcross.org.uk

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30 juin 2017 délibération du baccalauréat technologique session 2017 (47 pages) ... LV1 - ECRIT ANGLAIS ... Lycée Gabriel FAURE – ANNECY (STMG ST2S).

Annales dAnglais LV1 en 2017 au bac STMG - Sujet de bac

Cette page rassemble les annales de l'année 2017 pour l'épreuve d'Anglais LV1 au bac STMG Pour les révisions en ligne voici 4 annales et 2 corrigés qui 

[PDF] Corrigé du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2017 - Métropole


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Sujet et corrigé Anglais LV1 – Bac STMG - Studyrama

Retrouvez le sujet d'Anglais LV1 du Bac STMG 2017 Téléchargez ce sujet et ce corrigé en pdf ainsi que toutes les annales des années précédentes 

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19 jui 2017 · Bac 2017 : sujet et corrigé de l'épreuve d'anglais LV1 de STI2D STD2A STL ST2S et STMG Publié par Elsa Doladille Juin 19 2017  

[PDF] Sujet du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2017 - Métropole

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True: “India has a history of producing internationally successful prize-winning authors” (l 20) Page 3 Corrigé Bac 2017 – Séries S-ES-L – Anglais LV1 – 

  • Quel niveau d'anglais en terminale Stmg ?

    Les chapitres importants en LV1 et LV2 au bac STMG
    Le niveau exigé en LV1 correspond au niveau B2 du cadre européen commun de référence, soit un niveau dit "avancé" ou "indépendant". Le niveau exigé en LV2 en terminale correspond, lui, au niveau B1/B2 (B1 correspond à un niveau dit "seuil").
  • Fran?is anticipé de Première (coef 5 pour l'écrit, coef 5 pour l'oral) - Philosophie (coef 4) - Spécialité Droit et économie (coef 16) - Spécialité Management, sciences de gestion et numérique (coef 16) - Grand Oral (coef 14) RAPPEL : Les dates et horaires des épreuves du Bac STMG.
Sujet du bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S Anglais LV1 2018 - Centres

18ANT1TEG11 Page 1 sur 6

Baccalauréat Technologique

Session 2018



STI2D, STD2A, STL, ST2S coefficient : 2

STMG, STHR : 2 heures coefficient : 3

électronique et du dictionnaire est interdit.

Dès que ce sujet vous est remis, assurez-

Ce sujet comporte 6 pages numérotées de 1/6

à 6/6.

Répartition des points

10 points

Expression écrite 10 points

18ANT1TEG11 Page 2 sur 6

Document 1

Several years ago, when I was working as a reporter based in Haiti, I came upon a group of older Christian missionaries in the mountains above Port-au-Prince, struggling with heavy shovels to stir a pile of cement and sand. They were there to build a school alongside a Methodist church. Muscular Haitian masons stood by watching, perplexed and a bit amused at the sight of men and women who had come all the way from the 5

United States to do a construction job.

Such people were a familiar sight: they were voluntourists. They would come for a - a temporary medical clinic, an orphanage visit or a school construction. A few are celebrities supporting their cause du jour, who drop in to meet locals and witness a project that often bears their name. Many more come to teach 10 English during high school, college vacations or during a gap year. Others are sun- seeking vacationers who stay at beachside resorts but country beads, jewelry or clothes. Volunteering seems like an admirable way to spend a vacation. Many of us donate 15 money to foreign charities with the hope of making the world a better place. Why not use our skills as well as our wallets1? And yet, watching those missionaries make concrete blocks that day in Port-au- intentions were misplaced. These people knew nothing about how to construct a building. Collectively they had spent thousands of dollars to fly here to do a job that 20 Haitian bricklayers could have done far more quickly. Imagine how many classrooms might have been built if they had donated that money rather than spending it to fly down themselves. Perhaps those Haitian masons could have found weeks of employment with a decent wage. Instead, at least for several days, they were out of a job.25 Adapted from The New York Times Magazine, Jacob Kushner, March 22, 2016

1. wallets: where you keep your money and credit cards

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Document 2

Morgan Mead, 24, shares her experience of volunteering in Reykjavik, Iceland. As I write, I'm over halfway through my project. My placement is at a small house intended for those with mental health issues. The idea is that it provides a place to socialise, use computers, cook, take part in subsidised cultural activities and so on, to break the isolation that having mental illness can sometimes bring. 5 My role there is mainly social, and I am essentially there to talk with the patients, do a little cooking once or twice a week, help out with any cleaning in the house, and lead or get involved with any small groups or activities. As an example, I run a (very small!) baking group once a week, and also bring my laptop to work so that patients can play music of their choice. 10 I also started a long-term project where patients are audio-recorded talking about their experiences of the mental health system in Iceland. For the patients, having a volunteer there breaks up the routine in a positive way, especially a volunteer from another country. Some of the patients have been teaching me Icelandic in exchange for English, for example. 15 Being a volunteer had some unexpected benefits. While I had worked with marginalised groups before, I had never had a job that required me to spend 100% of my time interacting with people. This can be incredibly exhausting some days, but has hugely increased my levels of patience and ability to deal with alternative types of behaviour and conversational topics! 20 I will take away lessons of humility, kindness, patience, openness, and tolerance, as well as the knowledge that a sense of humour is sometimes the most important thing in diffusing1 tense or difficult situations. Looking towards the future, I know that volunteering will remain an important part of my life. I will go home knowing that I have the ability and the confidence to move to a 25 new country, start from scratch, and build an incredible circle of friends while living a fulfilled and genuine life - and that is an immeasurable benefit of this experience.

Adapted from www.redcross.org.uk, 2017

1. diffusing tense or difficult situations: helping solve problems

18ANT1TEG11 Page 4 sur 6


Les candidats traiteront les exercices sur la copie qui leur sera fournie et veilleront : - sur la copie (exemple : I- 1), II- A- 1), etc.), - à faire précéder les citations demandées du numéro de ligne dans le texte.

I. COMPREHENSION (10 points)

Document 1

1- Give information about the narrator:

a) His job: b) The country where he worked as a reporter: c) The people he met:

2- Choose the correct answer. A voluntourist who:

a) spends all their time on the beach. b) visits a family member in a foreign country. c) is involved in a humanitarian project abroad. d) goes on a business trip.

3- Are the following statements about voluntourists true or false? Justify

each answer with a quote from the text. a) They usually stay in the country for a long time. b) Some famous people decide to be voluntourists. c) The voluntourists who are involved in building are all experts. d) Being a voluntourist can cost a lot of money.

4- List three volunteering projects mentioned in the text.

5- Focus on the last paragraph. Find the three problems raised by

voluntourism and explain them in your own words. (about 40 words)

18ANT1TEG11 Page 5 sur 6

Document 2

6- Choose the correct answer.

The document is:

a) an extract from a novel b) an interview c) a personal story d) a speech 7-

Morgan Mead is :

a) a reporter b) a patient c) a nurse d) a volunteer

8- List three activities that Morgan Mead does in the mental health house.

9- Are the following statements about Morgan Mead true or false? Justify

each answer with a quote. a) Her role at the mental health house is medical. b) Her presence lives less monotonous. c) It is her first experience with people who are isolated. d) Her experience can sometimes be very tiring.

10- In your own words explain how Morgan Mead feels about this experience.

(about 30 words)

Documents 1 and 2

11- What theme is common to BOTH documents?

12- Do the two narrators have the same opinion on their experiences?

Justify. (about 40 words)

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otre copie, vous ne devez pas signer votre composition, citer votre


Choose ONE subject (200 words)

1) Imagine that you are Sam Walker, a voluntourist in a foreign country. You are

interviewed by a local journalist who wants to know about your experience.

Write the conversation.


2) Would you like to be a voluntourist? Explain why ou why not.

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