[PDF] AB SEB bankas Independent auditors report Annual report and

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May 2015 a joint investigation by Romania and France fo- cused on the criminal activities of an organised crime group active in Bordeaux. The victims were 


Le Figaro Vin [En Ligne] 2015. [Consulté Le 7 Avril 2021]. Disponible Sur Https://Avis-Vin.Lefigaro.Fr/Vins-Champagne/Bordeaux/Rive-Droite/Saint-Emilion-.

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AB SEB bankas Independent auditors report Annual report and

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Translation note

Financial statements have been prepared in Lithuanian and English languages. In all matters of

interpretation of information, views or opinions, the Lithuanian language version of the financial

statements takes precedence over the English language version.

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT P CLUSLRFHAPEH AUUYAR IE2LIP L0 AB SEB BAU6AS 0LI PNE DEAI X1TO

1. Iiclourne ciorlf mlgioif bt uhi Clnslprfauif Annwap Iiclou

pRst bmutmlshAneh cuuoAl Ueymwn (RewesuABnew nRe UeymwnT RAt Seeu yweyAweh Bmw nRe keAw euheh f- ,ereaSew g2-3L cll uoaSewt yweteuneh Awe

At mB f- ,ereaSew g2-3 mw Bmw nRe keAw nReu euhehd oulett tyersBseh mnRew)steL ct mB - tn mB CAuoAwk g2-0 1snRoAusA 6msueh eowm 4mueL iowm

SerAae A uAnsmuAl rowweurk mB 1snRoAusAL

2. Fsswio Golwc mlvcanrisd mlnuamu fiuarps anf utcis lQ uhiro mloi amurgrurisV

Fsswio/s navi AB SEB bankas

conRmwsteh rAysnAl iEU g..d03fd323Lg2

1e5Al Ahhwett Nehsasum ADeL-gd 1pQ2--2f Vslusot

peleyRmue (G 0T g3Gg G22 vArtsasle (G 0T g3Gg fff iQaAsl Ahhwett suBmIteSLln

1e5Al Bmwa -oSlsr lsasneh rmayAuk

Ue5stnwAnsmu hAne Auh ylAre g. "mDeaSew -..2d nRe jAuz mB 1snRoAusA bmayAuk rmhe --g2g-gfG bmayAuk we5stnwAnsmu uoaSew cj.2QY xeStsne Ahhwett )))LteSLln

cj Wij SAuzAt (RewesuABnew nRe OjAuzPTd A yoSlsr lsasneh rmayAukd st A rwehsn sutnsnonsmu myewAnsu5 mu tRAwe rAysnAl SAtst Auh st lsreuteh nm

eu5A5e su torR nkyet mB ArnsDsnset At ArreynAure mB heymtsnt Auh mnRew weBouhASle aeAut Bwma umuQywmBettsmuAl aAwzen yAwnsrsyAunt Auh Bouht

leuhsu5d Altm sn st eunsnleh nm eu5A5e su mBBewsu5 mnRew BsuAursAl tewDsret Auh Attoaet weleDAun welAneh wstzt Auh lsASslsnkL

cn nRe rlmte mB nRe weymwnsu5 yewsmhd nRe cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy su 1snRoAusA (RewesuABnew nRe ONwmoyPT rmutstneh mB cj Wij SAuzAt Auh n)m

toStshsAwk rmayAuset/ Ecj 8Wij suDetnsrs6H DAlhkaAtF Auh Ecj 8Wij Veunowe bAysnAlFL

Uavi YAB MSEB :inuwoi Cacruapj

pkye mB rmwe ArnsDsnset 7)u Atten suDetnaeun sunm mnRew rmayAusetP e;osnk Auh Atten aAuA5eaeun mu nwotn


1e5Al Bmwa -wsDAne lsasneh rmayAuk

Ue5stnwAnsmu hAne Auh ylAre -3 7rnmSew -..qd Vslusot bmayAuk rmhe -gY-G3g-. ,masrsle Ahhwett Nehsasum ADeL -gd 1pQ2--2f Vslusot

7BBsre Ahhwett CL jAlMszmusm ADeL fd 1pQ2GgYq Vslusot

peleyRmue (G 0T g3Gg Y2q vA" (G 0T g3Gg Y2g iQaAsl Ahhwett zAysnAlAtIteSLln xeStsne Ahhwett )))LteSLln

Uavi YAB MSEB rngisurmryz gapftvasj

pkye mB rmwe ArnsDsnset VAwsmot suDetnaeun aAuA5eaeun tewDsretd rmutolnAurk tewDsret

1e5Al ' mw5AustAnsmuAl Bmwa -wsDAne lsasneh rmayAuk

Ue5stnwAnsmu hAne Auh ylAre f KAk g222d Vslusot

bmayAuk rmhe -g0gqq.G- ,masrsle Ahhwett Nehsasum ADeL -gd 1pQ2--2f Vslusot

7BBsre Ahhwett CL jAlMszmusm ADeL fd 1pQ2GgYq Vslusot

peleyRmue (G 0T g3G- 0gG vA" (G 0T g3G- 0q0 iQaAsl Ahhwett suBmLIteSLln xeStsne Ahhwett )))LteSLln

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

3. Loeanr.aurlnap suowmuwoi lQ uhi Golwc

4. Aeoiivinus biu,iin uhi Fsswio anf simworuris" cwbprm lQQiorne aeinus

pRe jAuzd su nRe ywmrett mB A yoSlsr sttoe mB Smuhtd aotn e"erone Au A5weeaeun )snR nRe telerneh yoSlsr mBBewsu5 A5eun Bmw nRe ywmnernsmu mB

sunewetnt mB nRe m)uewt mB Auk weleDAun sttoe mB SmuhtL

ct mB f- ,ereaSew g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt RAh -3 A5weeaeunt )snR cj :sAolsH SAuzAt (le5Al eunsnk rmhe --g2g0g0Yd Ahhwett psl9Jt tnwL -Y.d 1pQ

q3fYG :sAolsAsTL

5. Haua ln uoafi rn simworuris lQ uhi Fsswio Golwc mlvcanris rn uhi oiewpauif vaokius

WRAwet mB cj Wij SAuzAt Awe umn surloheh su esnRew nRe aAsu mw termuhAwk lstn mB 8"cW,c• VslusotF e"rRAu5e mw su nwAhsu5 lstnt mB mnRew

we5olAneh aAwzent Auh nResw lstnsu5 st umn ylAuueh su nRe ueAwetn BonoweL

ct mB f- ,ereaSew g2-3d n)m umuQe;osnk terowsnset sttoet mB cj Wij SAuzAt )ewe surloheh su nRe nwAhsu5 lstn mB nRe heSn terowsnset lstn mB

8"cW,c• VslusotF e"rRAu5e/

2aoaviuios Fsswi

FSFU mlfi 1p2222Y202qG

Uwvbio lQ simworuris rsswif 3wnrus7 fGdG0q

Ulvrnap gapwi cio wnru 3EYI7 2L2-

Pluap nlvrnap gapwi 3EYI7 -d-g0dfq3L02

EQQimurgi faui lQ uhi rsswi g- ,ereaSew g2--

Iifivcurln faui . CAuoAwk g2-q

2aoaviuios Fsswi

FSFU mlfi 1p2222Y202G3

Uwvbio lQ simworuris rsswif 3wnrus7 Yqd2fg

Ulvrnap gapwi cio wnru 3EYI7 2L2-

Pluap nlvrnap gapwi 3EYI7 -df3gd-Y2LG3

EQQimurgi faui lQ uhi rsswi f2 KAk g2-g

Iifivcurln faui -f Coue g2-q

Werowsnset mB nRe jAuz toStshsAwk rmayAuset Awe umn nwAheh su nRe we5olAneh aAwzentL

6. FnQlovaurln ln uhi Fsswio"s boanmhis anf oicoisinuaurgi lQQrmis

ct mB f- ,ereaSew g2-3d nRe jAuz RAh f SwAurRet/ cj Wij SAuzAt iAtnewu Ue5smu jwAurR (Ahhwett/ iowmymt t;L - cd 1pQ2.f2G VslusotTd cj Wij

SAuzAt Kshhle Ue5smu jwAurR (Ahhwett/ 1AstDJt ADeL Gg' KAswmusm tnwL -qd 1pQYYg02 KAouAtTd Auh cj Wij SAuzAt xetnewu Ue5smu jwAurR

(Ahhwett/ pAszmt ADeL fgd 1pQ.-gY3 KlAsyJhATL

pRe SwAurRet rmutstneh mB A uen)mwz mB fY rotnmaew tewDsre ousnt (0 ReAh SwAurRet Auh g. toSQSwAurRetT All mDew 1snRoAusAL

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

7. Lbyimurgi lgiogri, lQ uhi rsswio eolwc suauwsd amurgruris anf figiplcvinu

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy su 1snRoAusA mBBeweh A Boll wAu5e mB SAuzsu5 tewDsret nm ywsDAne suhsDshoAl Auh rmwymwAne rotnmaewt At )ell At

BsuAursAl sutnsnonsmutL

cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy su 1snRoAusA rmutstneh mB cj Wij SAuzAt Auh n)m rmayAuset M Ecj 8Wij suDetnsrs6H DAlhkaAtF Auh Ecj 8Wij Veunowe

bAysnAlFL cltmd nRewe Awe mnRew Wij Nwmoy rmayAuset myewAnsu5 su 1snRoAusAd uAaelk/ lsBe sutowAure rmayAuk Ecj 8Wij 5kDkSJt hwAohsaAtFd

weAl etnAne aAuA5eaeun rmayAuk Ecj 81snernotFd NwmoyPt tRAweh tewDsre reunwe su Vslusot (WzAuhsuADstzA iutzslhA jAuzeu cjd VslusAot

BslsAlAtTd )RsrR ywmDshet Sotsuett toyymwn tewDsret (rAwwset mon nwAutArnsmutd ywmDshet Lpd RoaAu wetmowret AhasustnwAnsmu Auh Arrmounsu5

tewDsretT nm nRe Wij Nwmoy N snt toStshsAwk rmayAuset Auh toShsDstsmut su n)eunk rmounwset )mwlh)sheL

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt NwmoyPt Attent 5we)d snt myewAnsmuAl eBBsrseurk saywmDehd nRewe )At 5wm)nR su surmae Auh ywmBsn At )ell At su rwehsn Auh

heymtsn ymwnBmlsmd nRewe )At A wste su nRe uoaSew mB Wij Rmae SAuz rotnmaewt Auh Au surweAte su nResw ywmQArnsDeuettL

Lu g2-3d Aohsneh uen ywmBsn eAwueh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt )At iEU .YL0 asllsmud Auh nRAn eAwueh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy )At iEU .fL- asllsmuL Lu

g2-0d Aohsneh uen ywmBsn eAwueh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt )At iEU 3gL- asllsmud Auh nRAn eAwueh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy )At iEU 0GLG asllsmuL

i"rlohsu5 mueQmBB heAltd nRe keAw g2-3 Aohsneh uen ywmBsn mB cj Wij SAuzAt )At iEU 3GLf asllsmud Auh nRAn mB cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy )At iEU

3qL2 asllsmuL

ct An f- ,ereaSew g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt NwmoyPt e;osnk )At iEU q.3 asllsmu (At An f- ,ereaSew g2-0d sn )At iEU G2Y asllsmuTd sL eL herweAteh

Sk - yew reunL

ct An f- ,ereaSew g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt NwmoyPt Attent )ewe )mwnR iEU qL0 Ssllsmu (At An f- ,ereaSew g2-0d nRek )ewe )mwnR iEU 3L. SsllsmuTd

sL eL surweAteh Sk -2 yew reunL Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt Auh cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy ls;oshsnk we;osweaeunt )ewe aenL

Lu nRe keAw g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt NwmoyPt surmae )At iEU -G-L0 asllsmu (su g2-0d sn )At iEU -0-Lq asllsmuTL i"rlohsu5 mueQmBB surmae su nRe Bswtn

RAlBQkeAw mB g2-3 (At A wetoln mB tAlet mB VstA iowmye 1sasneh tRAwetTd nRe jAuz NwmoyPt surmae )At iEU -32L- asllsmud sL eL surweAte Sk 3 yew

reun At rmayAweh nm nRe keAw g2-0L

ct mB f- ,ereaSew g2-3d uen )mwnR mB cj Wij SAuzAt NwmoyPt lmAut Auh leAtsu5 ymwnBmlsm )At iEU 0Lf Ssllsmu (At mB f- ,ereaSew g2-0d sn )At

iEU YL. SsllsmuTd sL eL surweAteh Sk . yew reunL Lu g2-3d nRe Aamoun mB lmAut sttoeh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt nm taAll Auh aehsoa eunewywstet )At iEU

Y30 asllsmud sLeL surweAteh Sk -3 yew reun At rmayAweh nm g2-0d nRAn nm lAw5e rmwymwAne rotnmaewt M iEU .GG asllsmud sL eL surweAteh Sk Y yew

reun At rmayAweh nm g2-0L Lu g2-3d rmayAuset nRAn )ewe amwe ywmQArnsDe su sayleaeunsu5 heDelmyaeun Auh suumDAnsmu ywm6ernt )ewe nRmte

weyweteunsu5 nwAutymwnd )RmletAle nwAhed Bmmh suhotnwkd euew5k A weAl etnAne ternmwtL pRe Aamoun mB amwn5A5e lmAut sttoeh nm ywsDAne suhsDshoAl

rotnmaewt )At iEU fYG asllsmud sLeL surweAteh Sk g0 yew reun At rmayAweh nm nRe keAw g2-0d Auh rwehsn ;oAlsnk weaAsueh 5mmhL

ct An f- ,ereaSew g2-3d nRe jAuzPt heymtsn ymwnBmlsm (surlohsu5 Bouht mB BsuAursAl sutnsnonsmutTd we5Awhlett lm) sunewetn wAne euDswmuaeund )At

iEU 0Lg Ssllsmu (At An f- ,ereaSew g2-0d sn )At iEU YLG SsllsmuTd sL eL surweAteh Sk G yew reunL

botnmaew SeRADsmow )At rRAu5su5 Auh rmayensnsmu su hs5snAl SAuzsu5 aAwzen )At surweAtsu5d nReweBmwed nRe jAuz weaAsueh Rs5Rlk Bmroteh mu

nRe heDelmyaeun mB weamne tewDsret Auh telBQtewDsret At )ell At mu hs5snAl tmlonsmutL -wsDAne suhsDshoAlt )ewe ywmDsheh )snR A ymttsSslsnk nm

mSnAsu A rmutoaew lmAu mulsue Auh )snRsu A Be) asuonet 5en Au Aut)ew we5Awhsu5 rAw leAtsu5L

-emyle yweBew nm RADe Arrett nm hAslk SAuzsu5 tewDsret Sk weamne aeAut )snRmon RADsu5 nm Dstsn A SAuz SwAurRd sLeL DsA nRe Lunewuen mw Sk yRmueL

..L0 yew reun mB rAtR nwAutArnsmut Awe e"eroneh Sk nRe jAuz rotnmaewt mu nResw m)ud Rm)eDewd )ReueDew nRek ueeh BsuAursAl AhDsre nRek nowu

nm ywmBettsmuAlt An nRe jAuzL pReweBmwed ueAwlk Y2 yew reun mB cj Wij SAuzAtP toSQSwAurR uen)mwz RADe telBQtewDsre AweAtd Auh jAuz eaylmkeet

heDmne nResw nsae Bmw ywmDshsu5 BsuAursAl AhDsre nm rotnmaewtL cn nRe rlmte mB ,ereaSew g2-3d nRe jAuz RAh fY rotnmaew tewDsre ousnt All mDew

1snRoAusAd mB )RsrR uoaSew M -f BsuAursAl AhDsre ousntd )RsrR hm umn e"erone Auk rAtR nwAutArnsmutL

cn nRe rlmte mB g2-3d nRe uoaSew mB we5stneweh otewt mB Wij Lunewuen jAuz su 1snRoAusA )At -LgY asllsmud sL eL surweAteh Sk Y- nRmotAuh mw Sk f

yew reun keAwQmuQkeAwL cn nRe rlmte mB ,ereaSew g2-3d Au surweAte su nRe uoaSew mB Wij Lunewuen jAuz otewt lm55su5 su nm nRe Lunewuen SAuz DsA

amSsle heDsret )At gG yew reun At rmayAweh nm ,ereaSew g2-0TL

crrmwhsu5 nm nRe hAnA mB g2-3d nRewe )At Au surweAte su nRe tRAwe mB yAkaeunt Sk rAwh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt su 1snRoAusA rotnmaewtd At rmayAweh

nm yAkaeunt su rAtRL Lu g2-3d weleDAun wAnsm )At f. yew reund Auh su g2-0 sn )At f0 yew reunL

cj Wij SAuzAt rotnmaewt RADe Arrett nm Au cpK uen)mwz nRAn st nRe lAw5etn mue su 1snRoAusAd rmaSsusu5 Wij Auh ,"j cpKt/ At An f-

,ereaSew g2-3d nRe cpK uen)mwz surloheh 0f- cpKtL cltmd )Reu yAksu5 Sk rAwh An tRmyt rotnmaewt aAk )snRhwA) rAtR Bwee mB rRAw5e M An

nRe rlmte mB g2-3d nRe uoaSew mB torR tRmyt )At ASmon -Y22 All mDew 1snRoAusAL

pm eutowe At Rs5R At ymttsSle cpK terowsnkd cj Wij SAuzAt rmunsuoeh suDetnsu5 su nRe amhewustAnsmu mB nRe cpK uen)mwz lAourRsu5 oyQnmQhAne

terowsnk tktneatd Bmw sutnAured suz rAwnwsh5et nRAn su rAte mB Au Anneayneh SweAzQsu )sll tywAk All nRe rAtR rmunAsueh su Au cpKL

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy rmunsuoeh sayleaeunsu5 WijPt rmwymwAne totnAsuASslsnk tnwAne5kd )RsrR tent es5Rn rmwymwAne totnAsuASslsnk

ywsmwsnset )snRsu nRwee aAsu AweAt mB wetymutsSslsnk (wetymutsSle Sotsuettd euDswmuaeund yemyle Auh rmaaousnkdT/ wetymutsSle tellsu5 Auh

aAwzensu5d nArzlsu5 BsuAursAl rwsaed wetymutsSle m)uewtRsyd wehorsu5 mow Bmmnywsund totnAsuASle BsuAure Auh suDetnsu5d Arrett nm BsuAursAl

tewDsretd A 5weAn ylAre nm )mwz Auh suDetnsu5 su rmaaousnsetL

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy lAourReh ue) Auh saywmDeh snt e"stnsu5 tewDsret Auh RAh tyersAl Bmrot mu Sesu5 AhDstmwk nm ywsDAne suhsDshoAl

Auh rmwymwAne rotnmaewtL

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt yweteuneh nRe Uensweaeun UeAhsuett Luhe" Auh bAw cBBmwhASslsnk Luhe"L cltmd nRe jAuz heDmneh amwe Anneunsmu nm

kmou5 yemyle Asasu5 nm ywmDshe nRea )snR AhDsre mu BsuAure aAuA5eaeun sttoet Sk mw5Aus4su5 kmou5 yemylePt mysusmu towDekt Auh yweteunsu5

nResw wetolnt nAzsu5 sunm rmutshewAnsmu nResw e"yernAnsmut we5Awhsu5 tADsu5td BsuAure aAuA5eaeund tAlAwkd enrLd suDsnsu5 teusmw 5wAhe

trRmmlrRslhweu nm sunewArnsDe hstrottsmut mu yewtmuAl BsuAursAl sttoetd nRe jAuz eaylmkeet Dstsneh 1snRoAusAu trRmmlt Auh RAh hstrottsmut )snR

yoyslt mu yewtmuAl BsuAure ylAuusu5L

cj Wij SAuzAt nmmz ArnsDe Arnsmut Asaeh An eurmowA5su5 yemyle nm nRsuz ASmon nResw Bonowe yeutsmu Auh ASmon nRe saymwnAure mB tADsu5 Bmw

wensweaeunL Etsu5 A tyersAl ylAkBol yeutsmu BmwerAtn nmml hets5ueh Sk Ecj 8Wij 5kDkSJt hwAohsaAtF Auh Ecj 8Wij suDetnsrs6H DAlhkaAtF yemyle

rAu tee nResw BmwerAtneh Bonowe yeutsmuL

cj Wij SAuzAt rmunsuomotlk weDstet Auh tsaylsBset snt BsuAursAl tewDsre A5weeaeuntL Wsure g2-3d nRe jAuz rotnmaewt mSnAsusu5 A rmutoaew lmAu

um) e"erone A aewe - yA5e A5weeaeun sutneAh mB nRe yweDsmot -gQyA5e A5weeaeund Auh ywsDAne leAtsu5 rotnmaewt M A aewe n)mQyA5e

A5weeaeun sutneAh mB nRe Bmwaew g0QyA5e A5weeaeunL

Lu g2-3d nRe jAuz rmunsuoeh sayleaeunsu5 snt AhDstmwk ywm5wAaae Bmw ywsDAne suhsDshoAl rotnmaewtd 5sDsu5 amwe Bmrot mu wAstsu5 nResw

A)Aweuett ASmon BsuAursu5 Bmw rmutoaynsmu ueehtL Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAtP ywsDAne suhsDshoAl rotnmaewt AhDstmwk ywm5wAaae )mu nmy A)Awh

su nRe sune5wAneh rmaaousrAnsmu rAayAs5u rAne5mwk (-AUA'LayArn c)Awht g2-3TL

cj Wij SAuzAt BownRew aAsunAsueh snt tnwmu5 Bmrot mu Sesu5 AhDstmwk nm Sotsuettet Sk ywmDshsu5 AhDsre nm ue) Sotsuettet Auh nm nRmte nRAn

heDelmy nResw ArnsDsnsetL vmw taAll Auh aehsoaQts4eh eunewywstetd nRe jAuz AwwAu5eh snt nRswh 8LuumDAnsmut 1ASF eDeund howsu5 )RsrR rmayAuset

)ewe lmmzsu5 Bmw Aut)ewt mu Rm) suumDAnsmut rmolh Rely nRea 5wm)d Altm nRek rmolh nwk tyersAl suumDAnsmut AyylsrAnsmu aenRmhmlm5setL

Lu g2-3d nRe jAuz rAwwseh mon Auh yweteuneh hAnA mB snt towDek 8jAlnsr jotsuett 7onlmmz g2-3F mB jAlnsr taAll Auh aehsoa eunewywstetd snt

wetolnt weDeAlsu5 e"yernAnsmut mB 1snRoAusAud 1AnDsA Auh itnmusAu rmayAusetd nResw ylAuueh suDetnaeunt Auh euDstA5eh rRAu5et su nRe uoaSew

mB nResw tnABBL Lu g2-3d nRe jAuz suDsneh snt rmwymwAne rotnmaewt nm snt 8jAlnsr jotsuett Woaasn g2-3F eDeund Altmd yweteuneh snt BmownR towDek mB

rRseB BsuAursAl mBBsrewt mB nRe jAlnsr lAw5e eunewywstetd )Rewe bv7t ywmDsheh nResw suts5Rnt At nm nRe ymttsSle rRAu5et su Sotsuett euDswmuaeun An

nRe ueAwetn ts"QamunR Rmws4mud nowumDew BmwerAtnt Auh ymsuneh mon zek rRAlleu5etL

Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy )At teezsu5 nm ywmDshe snt rotnmaewt )snR DAloASle suBmwaAnsmu nRAn rAu tewDe At A toyymwn Bmw nRea su rweAnsu5

Ahheh DAloeL cj Wij SAuzAt AwwAu5eh A yweteunAnsmu mB nRe 81snRoAusAu KArwmermumasr UeDse)F yoSlsrAnsmut nm rotnmaewtd nm5enRew )snR nRe

1snRoAusAu "AnsmuAl pV rmunsuoeh sayleaeunsu5 nRe ywm6ern 81snRoAusA xsll ,m LnOF )snR nRe Asa nm eurmowA5e ywmQArnsDe suhsDshoAlt nm tnAwn

Sotsuett su we5smut Auh rweAne 6mStL pRe jAuz sttoeh yoSlsrAnsmut Bmw snt rotnmaewtd uAaelkd nRe 8jAlnsr PmoteRmlh 7onlmmzFd nRe 8PmoteRmlh

vsuAursAl cttent jAwmaenewFd yewsmhsr ue)tlennew 8WADsu5 Auh LuDetnaeunFd Auh zeyn snt rotnmaewt suBmwaeh mu BsuAursAl aAwzentd

aArwmermumasr tsnoAnsmud enrL cn snt )eStsne )))LteSLlnd cj Wij SAuzAt lAourReh Auh heDelmyeh A rmloau 8LuBmSAuzAtFd yewsmhsrAllk

ywmDshsu5 weleDAun suBmwaAnsmu mu BsuAure aAuA5eaeun sttoetL Lu g2-3d nRe jAuz weleAteh ue)tlennewt nm ywsDAne suhsDshoAlt Auh teyAwAnelk M

Bmw kmou5 yemyle Auh Bmw rmwymwAne rotnmaewtd su )RsrR sn tRAweh weleDAun suBmwaAnsmu mu BsuAure aAuA5eaeunL

cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy nmmz yAwn su nRe sayleaeunAnsmu mB ts5usBsrAun tmrsAl Auh rmwymwAne totnAsuASslsnk ywm6ernt M Bmw nRe BmowneeunR nsae

nm5enRew pVf neleDstsmu sn AwwAu5eh Auh rAwwseh mon nRe g2-3 8,weAat bmae pwoeF bAayAs5ud Bmw nRe eleDeunR keAw su A wm) A)Awheh uAnsmuAl

nmy ArRseDewt M termuhAwk trRmml 5wAhoAnetd Auh rmunsuoeh snt yAwnsrsyAnsmu su nRe ArnsDsnset mB Keunmw 1senoDA cttmrsAnsmuL

cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy su g2-3 )mu ts5usBsrAun 5lmSAl Auh uAnsmuAl A)Awht/ cj Wij SAuzAt )At A)Awheh )snR nRe nsnle mB nRe jetn jAuz su

1snRoAusA (iowmamuekd iKic vsuAureTd nRe jetn Lunewuen jAuz su 1snRoAusA (NlmSAl vsuAureTd nRe jetn ,eSn Auh i;osnk Pmote (NlmSAl vsuAured

NlmSAl LuDetnmwTd nRe jetn vQ jAuz su 1snRoAusA (NlmSAl vsuAureTd nRe jetn -wsDAne jAuz su nRe jAlnsrt (pRe jAuzewT Auh )mu nRe A)Awh Bmw nRe

jetn -wsDAne jAuzsu5 WewDsret su 1snRoAusA (iowmamuekTL Wij LuDetnaeun KAuA5eaeun cjd A rmayAuk nRAn aAuA5et Wij suDetnaeun Bouht

mBBeweh su 1snRoAusAd )At wAuzeh nRe Setn Atten aAuA5eaeun rmayAuk su W)eheu (vmuhaAwzuAheuLteTd Auh Wij suDetnaeun Bouht )ewe

werm5usteh nm Se nRe Setn muet su W)eheu (Kmwusu5tnAw8TL Wij suDetnaeun Bouht mBBeweh su 1snRoAusA )ewe wAuzeh nRe Setn muet su iowmye


Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt SerAae mue mB nRe amtn AnnwArnsDe eaylmkewt su 1snRoAusA M Arrmwhsu5 nm A towDek rAwwseh mon Sk hAslk Vewtlm Ssusmt Auh

DArAurkQumnsre ymwnAl rDLln su 8pRe Kmtn cnnwArnsDe iaylmkewF elernsmu sn )At wAuzeh uoaSew n)m )snRsu lAw5e rmwymwAnet rAne5mwkL Lu A towDek

8pRe Kmtn ,etswASle iaylmkew g2-3F rAwwseh mon Sk 6mS teAwrR ymwnAl bV KAwzend wetymuheunt werm5usteh cj Wij SAuzAt nm Se nRe amtn

hetswASle eaylmkew su 1snRoAusAL Lu g2-3d cj Wij SAuzAt )At nRe uAnsmuAl BsuAlstn su nRe iowmyeAu jotsuett c)Awht rmutshewsu5 snt totnAsuASslsnk


AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

8. Anaptsrs lQ uhi Fsswio Golwc"s Qrnanmrap anf nln-Qrnanmrap amurgrut oiswpus

Vmloae Auh rRAu5et mB nRe NwmoyPt ArnsDsnset Awe yAwnsAllk weBlerneh Sk nRe Selm) hAnA mB nRe SAlAure tReen Auh ywmBsn Auh lmtt tnAneaeunt

hwABneh su ArrmwhAure )snR nRe LunewuAnsmuAl vsuAursAl Ueymwnsu5 WnAuhAwht (LvUWT/ cj Wij SAuzAt 5wmoy Lurmae Auh "en ywmBsn RAt surweAteh sB rmayAwe nRe keAw g2-3 nm nRe keAw g2-0/

EYI vrpprln X1TO X1Tq Chanei

Lurmae -Gg -0g g2T

bmtnt (GgT (qGT 0T

Iiswpu biQloi plssis T11 "" ?q@

bwehsn lmttet (-T (0T QGYT

Lcioaurne oiswpu AA OA ""@

-wmBsn nA" (3T (-2T QYgT

Uiu colQru A? qA qB@

Lurmae surweAte howsu5 nRe keAw g2-3 )At welAneh nm/ AT tAle mB VLWc iowmye 1nh tRAwed ST surweAtsu5 leuhsu5 Dmloaet )snR nRe tnASle aAw5sud rT

uen rmaasttsmu surmae weBlernsu5 surweAteh rotnmaewtO ArnsDsnkL pRe aAsu BsuAursAl wAnsmt/

X1TO X1Tq Chanei

"en ywmBsn (iEU asllsmuT .f 0. 0GT bmtn ' Lurmae wAnsm 2LY0 2L0- Q3 SLyL "e) lmAut (iEU SsllsmuT -d. -d3 -2T

1mAut U leAtsu5d uen DAloe (iEU SsllsmuT 0Lf YL. .T

,eymtsnt (iEU SsllsmuT 0Lg YLG GT

1euhsu5 ymwnBmlsm surweAte )At rAoteh mB surweAteh heaAuh SmnR su ywsDAne Auh su Sotsuett te5aeuntL

Wmae wAnsmut weyweteunsu5 nRe jAuzPt Auh nRe Nwmoy Ot wetoln Awe yweteuneh su nRe nASle Selm)/

Phi Golwc Iaurl Phi Bank

?T-TX-X1T" ?T-TX-X1Tq ?T-TX-X1TO ?T-TX-X1T" ?T-TX-X1Tq ?T-TX-X1TO -L2q yew reun 2LG. yew reun -Lf- yew reun Uenowu mu cttent 2L.3 yew reun 2L.Y yew reun -Lfg yew reun

.LY- yew reun qL00 yew reun -gL-g yew reun Uenowu mu i;osnk GL0g yew reun GL2g yew reun -gLfY yew reun

YL3. fLG- 3L2f iAwusu5t yew tRAwed iEU YLgf YL2g 3L-g

0-L32 0gL2. 0-L00 jmmz DAloe yew tRAwed iEU 0-L-g 0-LGg 0-Lfq

9. Caylo iginus srnmi uhi inf lQ Qrnanmrap tiao

7u T 0ibowaot X1T"d nRe jAuz Auumoureh nRAn Arrmwhsu5 nm ywelsasuAwk hAnAd ouAohsneh uen ywmBsn eAwueh mDew nRe keAw g2-3 Sk cj Wij

SAuzAt st iEU .Yd0 asllsmu Auh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy M iEU .fd- asllsmuL pRe wetoln RAt Seeu rAlrolAneh su ArrmwhAure )snR nRe

we;osweaeunt ten Sk nRe Arnt mB nRe jAuz mB 1snRoAusA Auh le5Al Arnt mB nRe UeyoSlsr mB 1snRoAusAL 7Dew nRe keAw g2-0d Aohsneh uen ywmBsn eAwueh

Sk cj Wij SAuzAt nmnAlleh iEU 3gd- asllsmu Auh Sk cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy M iEU 0GdG asllsmuL

7u Tq 0ibowaot X1T"d nRe jAuz Auumoureh nRAn csDAwAt VsMelstd KeaSew mB nRe KAuA5eaeun jmAwh mB nRe jAuz Auh nRe PeAh mB bmwymwAne

jAuzsu5 ,sDstsmu mB nRe jAuz )At Ayymsuneh At nRe PeAh mB jotsuett Woyymwn ,sDstsmu Auh bRseB vsuAursAl 7BBsrew mB nRe jAuzL csDAwAt VsMelstd

)Rm )sll rmunsuoe At nRe KeaSew mB nRe KAuA5eaeun jmAwh mB nRe jAuzd tRAll tnAwn ue) ymtsnsmu Bwma nRe g2nR mB veSwoAwk g2-qL pRe SAuz )sll

elern ue) jmAwh KeaSew )Rm )sll Se wetymutsSle Bmw nRe ArnsDsnset mB bmwymwAne jAuzsu5 ,sDstsmuL

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

10. Fsswio Golwc"s amurgrut cpans anf Qloimasus

pRe cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy su 1snRoAusA Asat An lmu5Qnewa Auh aonoAllk SeueBsrsAl welAnsmut )snR All rotnmaewt mB nRe NwmoyL vmw nRst yowymted

nRe jAuz sayleaeunt snt tnwAne5k nm Se nRe Pmae jAuz Bmw snt rotnmaewtd )Rewe nResw hAslk BsuAursAl aAnnewt Awe aAuA5ehL ct A welAnsmutRsy

SAuzd cj Wij SAuzAt mBBewt amhewu Auh ousDewtAl SAuzsu5 tewDsret Auh ywmDshet nRea su A ywmBettsmuAl Auh rmuDeuseun )Ak )snR suQheynR

ouhewtnAuhsu5 mB eArR rotnmaewPt ueeht Auh e"yernAnsmutL

pRe Nwmoyd teezsu5 nm sayleaeun snt tAsh tnwAne5kd Altmd nAzsu5 sunm Arrmoun nRe mS6ernsDet mB nRe Wij Nwmoyd euDstA5et nRe Bmllm)su5 zek

nweuht mB ArnsDsnset/

• botnmaew welAnsmutRsy tnweu5nReusu5L pm ArRseDe nRst mS6ernsDed nRe SAuz )sll BownRew yowtoe snt Pmae jAuz tnwAne5k Asaeh Bmw

nRe SAuz nm Sermae nRe aAsu SAuzd sLeL Rmae SAuzd Bmw snt rotnmaewt M A SAuz nRAn mBBewt tmouh tmlonsmut nRAn Aut)ew nRe

rotnmaewtP BsuAursAl ueehtL 7ow zek Bmrot st mu Rmlstnsr rotnmaew welAnsmutRsy Sk Sesu5 AhDstmwkd DAlosu5 tsaylsrsnk Auh tRm)su5

wetyernL pRe SAuz sayleaeunt nRst tnwAne5k Sk heDelmysu5 ue) Auh AnnwArnsDe tewDsret Auh AnnwArnsDe ywmhorn mBBewsu5t nm snt

e"stnsu5 Auh ymneunsAl rotnmaewt SAteh mu nRe ueeht mB weleDAun rotnmaew te5aeuntL pRe SAuz we5olAwlk aeAtowet tAnstBArnsmu

mB snt ywsDAne suhsDshoAl Auh rmwymwAne rotnmaewt M "en -wmamnew Wrmwe ("-WTL

• xmwz rolnowe Auh yemyleL pRe SAuzd At SeBmwed )sll Asa An rweAnsu5 Au AnamtyRewe mB aonoAl nwotn Auh wetyern euASlsu5 snt

eaylmkeet nm saywmDe Auh weDeAl nResw ymneunsAl nm A Boll e"neunL vmw aeAtowsu5 snt eaylmkee tAnstBArnsmud nRe jAuz Ayylset

Luts5Rn aenRmhmlm5k oteh An nRe eunswe Wij 5wmoy leDel M sn Allm)t Attettsu5 eaylmkee suDmlDeaeun su nRe ArnsDsnset mB nRe

mw5AustAnsmu At )ell At nRe eaylmkee yewBmwaAure eBBsrseurkL

• 7yewAnsmuAl eBBsrseurk saywmDeaeunL Lu mwhew nm weaAsu Au eBBsrseunlk myewAnsu5 Auh rmayensnsDe SAuzd nRe jAuz ylAut nm RADe

snt zek Bmrot mu nRe Bmllm)su5 AweAt/

o Lurmae 5wm)nRd Sk sT ywmtyernsu5 ue) surmae tmowretd ssT Sesu5 amwe AhDstmwkd sssT mynsastsu5 ywsrsu5 mB nRe jAuzPt


o pm eutowe snt ywmBsnASslsnkd nRe jAuz RAt Bmwaeh snt nwAutBew ywsrsu5d SAteh mu Sotsuett rAysnAl rmureynW Sotsuett rAysnAl

Awe wetmowret we;osweh Bmw e"eronsu5 A nwAutArnsmud Auh )RsrR Awe Attetteh nAzsu5 sunm Arrmoun nRe wstz leDel mB A weleDAun

nwAutArnsmuL jotsuett rAysnAl st AnnwsSoneh nm eArR rotnmaewd An nRe tAae nsae nm A weleDAun toShsDstsmu mB nRe jAuzL

o iutowsu5 rmtn eBBsrseurkd Sk sT wAnsmuAl tennsu5 mB ywsmwsnset SmnR Bmw hAslk Auh ywm6ern nAtztd ssT ouhewnAzsu5 we5olAw tnmrzQ

nAzsu5 mB nRe )mwzt su ywm5wett )snR nRe Asa nm elsasuAne mDewlAyysu5 mB nAtzt (BournsmutT nRot rmunwsSonsu5 nm)Awht

saywmDeaeun mB nRe sunewuAl ywmrettet mB nRe mw5AustAnsmuL

• Ustz aAuA5eaeun saywmDeaeunL UstzQnAzsu5 st umn A teyAwAne mS6ernsDed wAnRew sn st Asaeh An rweAnsu5 Ahheh DAloe nm rotnmaewt

Auh Au AhhsnsmuAl wenowu nm tRAweRmlhewtL pRe jAuzPt Nwmoy Ayylset A welsASle wstz aAuA5eaeun tktnea )snR lmu5Qnewa

suheyeuheun wstz rmunwml Bournsmut tsure nRe hAne mB snt rweAnsmu nRAn Awe toyyleaeuneh )snR teDewAl AhDAureh sunewuAl amhelt

Auh A henAsleh herstsmuQnAzsu5 tnwornowed e"relleun wstz A)Aweuett Aamu5 nRe tnABBd ousBmwa heBsusnsmut Auh ywsursyletd wstzQ

nAzsu5 rmunwml )snRmon e"reehsu5 weleDAun ten lsasnt Auh Rs5R he5wee mB nwAutyAweurk su hstrlmtsu5 e"newuAl BArnmwt )snR zek

Bmrot mu/

o Kmusnmwsu5 mB nRe SAuzXt Kek Ustz LuhsrAnmwt (KULtTd o bmaylsAure )snR nRe we;osweaeunt mB toyewDstmwk sutnsnonsmut (eL5Ld jAtel LLL we;osweaeuntTL

11. FnQlovaurln ablwu uhi inurut"s oisiaomh anf figiplcvinu 3IDH7 amurgruris

cj Wij SAuzAt Nwmoy hsh umn ouhewnAze Auk UU, ArnsDsnsetL

12. Caylo rngisuvinus vafi lgio uhi oiclourne ciorlf

pRe NwmoyPt suDetnaeunt mDew nRe keAw g2-3 sunm nAu5sSle Auh sunAu5sSle Attent hsh umn aAze amwe nRAu -2 yew reun mB nRe AonRmwsteh rAysnAlL

cj Wij SAuzAt 5wmoy Ar;ostsnsmut mB nAu5sSle Auh sunAu5sSle Attent howsu5 nRe keAw g2-3 Awe At Bmllm)t/

EYI vrpprln X1TO

LunAu5sSle Attent -L3

VeRsrlet 2L0

bmayonewt gLg

7nRew nAu5sSle Attent 2L-

Uermutnwornsmu mB leAteh Attent 2L0

Pluap "VA

13. 0rnanmrap orsk vanaeivinu lbyimurgisd hifei rnsuowvinus rn masi lQ ,hrmh hifei ammlwnurne rs accprif as ,ipp as uhi

inurut"s cormi orskd prEwrfrut orsk anf vlniuaot orsk smapi

pRe Nwmoy aAuA5et snt BsuAursAl wstz At hetrwsSeh su ternsmu Financial risk management policy su "mne f nm nRe YeAw g2-3

rmutmlshAneh BsuAursAl weymwnsu5L WAsh ternsmu surlohet Altm A hetrwsynsmu mB BsuAursAl wstz aAuA5eaeun mS6ernsDetd Reh5su5 nwAutArnsmut Ayylseh

At )ell At nRe NwmoyPt rwehsn wstz Auh aAwzen wstz leDelL

AB SEB bankas


(All Aamount su iEU nRmotAuhd oulett suhsrAneh mnRew)steT

14. FnQlovaurln ln mlvcpranmi ,ruh uhi Clocloaui Glgionanmi Clfi

pRe jAuzd At Au sttoew mB umuQe;osnk terowsnsetd ASshet Sk nRe wermaaeuhAnmwkQrRAwArnew bmwymwAne NmDewuAure bmhe mu nRe aAuA5eaeun mB

rmayAuset lstneh 8"cW,c• VslusotFd nm )RsrR sn AhRewet su toStnAureL UeAtmut Bmw nRe ywmDstsmut nRAn sn hmet umn AhRewe nm Awe suhsrAneh su nRe

bmwymwAne NmDewuAure bmhe (tee cuue" - mB AuuoAl BsuAursAl tnAneaeunt Bmw nRe keAw g2-3TL pRe bmwymwAne NmDewuAure bmhe Auh mnRew

suBmwaAnsmu mu nRe ywArnsre mB nRe 5mDewuAure mB cj Wij SAuzAt st Auumoureh An nRe jAuzXt )eStsne )))LteSLln Auh An nRe reunwAl hAnASAte mB we5olAneh suBmwaAnsmu mB nRe aAwzen myewAnmw (8"cW,c• VslusotF tnmrz e"rRAu5eTL

15. FnQlovaurln ln orsk pigip anf rus vanaeivinu

Wij tnwsDet Bmw A Rmlstnsr 5mDewuAured ylAuusu5 Auh Bmllm)Qoy tktnea su )RsrR Sotsuett ylAuusu5d wstz aAuA5eaeund rAysnAl aAuA5eaeund

ls;oshsnk Auh Bouhsu5 ylAuusu5d Auh wetoln Auh yewBmwaAure aAuA5eaeun Awe rleAwlk sunewrmuuerneh Auh sunewArnsDe mDew nsaeL Wij aAuA5et

nRe BsuAursAl rmute;oeuret mB Sotsuett herstsmut Sk Bmrotsu5 mu nRwee aAsu Atyernt/ (-T 5wm)nRd as" Auh wstz mB Sotsuett Dmloaetd (gT rAysnAld

Bouhsu5 Auh ls;oshsnk we;osweaeunt hwsDeu Sk nRe Sotsuettd Auh (fT ywmBsnASslsnkL pAw5ent Awe ten Auh weDse)eh mu A we5olAw SAtst nm aAuA5e Auh

mynsaste wetmowret su wetyern mB nRete nRwee AtyerntLquotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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