[PDF] Terms of the Paris Peace Treaties 1919-20: Versailles St Germain

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Treaty of peace with Germany (Treaty of Versailles)

Treaty and protocol signed at Versailles June 28 1919; protocol signed by Germany at Paris January 10

Treaty of Versailles 1919 (including Covenant of the League of

TREATY. BETWEEN. FRANCE AND GREAT BRITAIN. RESPECTING. Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked. Aggression by Germany. Signed at Versailles 

Part XIII of the Treaty of Peace of Versailles.

The text of Part XIII of •the Treaty of Versailles is as follows. Part. XIII. LABOUR. SECTIoN 1. ORGANISATION OF LABOUR. Whereas the League of Nations has 

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Background. • The Treaty was drawn up at the Paris Peace Conference which was held in Versailles in France. • The purpose of the Conference was to allow 

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Terms of the Paris Peace Treaties 1919-20: Versailles St Germain

The Treaty of Versailles dealt specifically with Germany and was the major discussion during the draw up of the peace settlement whereas the other treaties 

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TREA TIES. 57 65. 1783. Treaty of Versailles.—Treaty of peace

Treaty of Versailles.—Treaty of peace between Great Britain and France. Article IV. provides that the King of Great Britain is maintained in.

1.2.1 The Paris Peace Settlement

The representatives of 32 countries met in 1919 in Paris to draw up the peace settlement.

The "Big Three" (France, USA and Britain) leaTerV were moVWly in commanT of WUe TeciVion makingV anT Vo waV IWaly buW Wo a

leVVer exWenW.

The settlement was created from five treaties; the Treaty of Versailles, St Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sevres/Lausanne.

The Treaty of Versailles dealt specifically wiWU Germany anT waV WUe major TiVcuVVion Turing WUe Traw up of WUe peace VeWWlemenW

wUereaV WUe oWUer WreaWieV TealW wiWU WUe geo-poliWical anT economic fuWure of Nurope.

TUe agreemenW conWaining WUe principleV on wUicU WUe League of NaWionV waV Wo operaWe on Wook inWo accounW all five WreaWieV.

1.2.2 The Treaty of Versailles

June 1919

Treaty with Germany

Was signed in the Palace of Versailles

Germany had to agree to accept full responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War

Territorial loses:

The Saar administered by the League of Nations

The creation of an independent Polish staWe

West Prussia and Posen were given to Poland

Alsace-Lorraine waV given back Wo Ńrance

Danzig was appointed as an international city

Plebiscites in Upper Silesia, West Prussia and Schleswig

Germany lost colonies and investments

Military Restrictions on Germany:

Was only allowed a regular army that was limited to 100,000 military personnel Was not allowed an air force anT only a very Vmall fleeW End of compulsory enlistment into the armed forces Rhineland to be occupied for 15 years by the allied military forceV All commissions in Germany controlled by the allies until 1927


Germany to pay £6,600 million (132 billion gold marks) Reparations where to be paid in regular instalments, some in gold and some in goods The Allies struggled to get paymenWV from Germany from 1921 Wo 1923

Dawes Commission 1924

France took over Ruhr in 1923

League of Nations:

The USA refused to join which weakened the league

Collective security

New mandate principles

Germany and the defeated nations were at first left out

1.2.3 The Treaty of St Germain

September 1919

Treaty with Austria

Dalmatia, Slovenia and Bosnia were given to Yugoslavia South Tyrol, Trentino, Trieste and Istria were given to Italy

Bohemia and Moravia were given to Czechoslovakia

Galicia was given to PolanT

Bukovina was given to Romania

Austria was not allowed to unify with Germany

1.2.4 The Treaty of Trianon

June 1920

Treaty with Hungary

Hungary losses 2/3 of its territory

Slovakia and Ruthenia were given to Czechoslovakia

Transylvania was given to Romania

Burgenland was given to Austria

Slovenia and Croatia were given to Yugoslavia

1.2.5 The Treaty of Neuilly

November 1919

Treaty with Bulgaria

Western Thrace was given to Greece

Dobrudja was given to Romania

Northern Macedonia was given to Yugoslavia

1.2.6 The Treaty of Sevres


Treaty with Turkey

The Straits of the Dardanelles to be controlled by the allies

Saudi Arabia became independent

Turkey lost the rights to Sudan and Libya

Eastern Thrace and some Turkish Aegean Islands were given to Greece

1.2.7 The Treaty of Lausanne


Treaty of Sevres was altered at Lausanne

The Greeks were expelled

Constantinople was given back to Turkey

1.2.8 PariV peace VeWWlemenW iVVueV

Germany, Russia and none of WUe oWUer TefeaWeT counWrieV were alloweT Wo Wake parW of WUe TiVcuVVionV nor aWWenTeT WUe

VerVailleV conference

All the big decisions were made by the Council of four (United States, France, United OingTom anT IWaly)

The aims of the major powers were often contradictory and so compromises had to be made within the treaties

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles were not soft enough to allow for reconciliation with Germany but not harsh enough to weaken

GermanyGV power

1.2.9 German Response

Germany had hoped for a softer punishment as it had thought the treaty would have taken in much more of Wilson's Fourteen


Did not think it was fair to have to accept responsibility for the start of the First WorlT Par Did not think it was fair that it had no say or that it was not part of the discussions Did not like the fact that it was forced to sign the treaty without any negotiations of the terms It disagreed with the reparations and especially the territorial loVVeV It was also angered by the exclusion from the principle of self-TeWerminaWion The German population was angered by the treaty and wanted to see it revoked

1.2.10 Discussion and disagreements between the allies

Some thought the treaty was too UarVUH oWUerV WUaW iW waV Woo lenienW

Those who supported Wilson's Fourteen Points argued that the treaty had failed to create a peaceful world

John Maynard Keynes argued that Europe would become weaker and poorer as a result of the restrictions, territorial loVVeV anT

WUe economic weakening of Germany

The British people started to recognise that the treaty may have to be reviewed

The US refused to agree with the treaty as it opposed to Article X of the League of Nations. This was an article under which

memberV of WUe League agreeT Wo uVe WUeir powerV Wo reViVW aggreVVion wUerever iW migUW occur. The US did not sign the Treaty of Versailles which had a big impact on the League of Nations

1.3.1 The Geo-PoliWical ImpacWV of WUe TreaWieV

CenWral anT NaVWern Nurope

Western Europe remained quite similar to what is had been in 1914, only a few territorial changes were maTe

mulWinaWional empireV. (GermanyH RuVViaH AuVWro-Hungarian anT WUe OWWoman TurkV)

Some of the states that where created: Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and YugoVlavia

Self-TeWerminaWion waV Waken inWo accounW in moVW caVeV Uowever iW waV VomeWimeV TifficulW aV TifferenW naWionaliWieVH racial

groupV anT linguiVWic groupV wUere VcaWWereT acroVV many TifferenW areaV

Self-TeWerminaWion ableT common eWUnic back rounTV anT languageV Wo TeciTe WUe naWure of WUe VWaWe Uowever in Vome caVeV WUiV

waV ignoreT VucU aV SouWU TyrolH SuTeWenlanT anT WUe PoliVU CorriTor. A major problem aW WUe Wime waV Wo creaWe VWaWeV wUicU

were capable of working VucceVVfully in WermV of communicaWionH economicV anT VecuriWy.

In some cases the ethnic groups were so intermixed that it was impossible to separate them. There was no point in creating an

eWUnically UomogenouV VWaWe wUicU WUen coulT noW Vurvive Tue Wo lack of WraTe rouWeVH naWural reVourceVH oceanV anT riverV.

TUerefore cUoiceV UaT Wo be maTe by WUe allieV abouW wUeWUer Velf-TeWerminaWion waV more imporWanW or if iW waV WUe economic

VWabiliWy of eacU VWaWe.

Each state needed to survive and so needed access to natural resourceVH WraTe rouWeVH oceanV anT riverV. TUiV coulT be

complicaWeT aV borTerV VomeWimeV UaT Wo be exWenTeT wUicU woulT uniWe anoWUer eWUnic group anT in Toing Vo iW woulT go

againVW Velf-TeWerminaWion

An independent Polish state was created

Danzig became a free city to maximize trade opportunities

Some states contained minorities which could be vulnerable and so the allies asked the new nations to protect the rights of tUe

minoriWieV WUaW reViTeT in WUeir borTerV Also minorities could appeal to the League of Nations which provided a Minorities Commission

big economic uniW. AfWer WUe war WUiV no longer exiVWeT. InVWeaT WUere waV loWV of Vmall VWaWeV all VWruggling Wo Vurvive. TUere waV

now WraTe barrierV wUicU beforeUanT UaT noW exiVWeT anT WUiV waV a VeriouV iVVue for WUeVe VWaWeV. IW alVo wenW againVW WUe

ŃourWeen PoinWV wUicU VWaWeT WUe removal of WraTe barrierV.

With the creation of many small states Europe became less stable as it created vulnerable countries that lacked political and

economic VWabiliWy

Internal tension started to build up within the states and beWween WUeVe VWaWeV. So many facWorV were Waken inWo accounW in WUe

TeVign of WUeVe VWaWeV wUicU coulT make WUingV complicaWeT. TUe VWaWeV were creaWeT in a way WUaW wUere poVVible WUey woulT

incluTe Vame eWUnicH culWural anT linguiVWic groupV. However WUiV waV noW WUe caVe for many VWaWeV.

Poland and Czechoslovakia fought over the Teschen area as it had important rail connections and coal resources

The tension between these states led to a lack of economic co-operaWion wUicU maTe WUeVe VWaWeV weak anT vulnerable Wo

Germany anT RuVVia in WUe fuWure

Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia realised their vulnerability and so decided to form the Little Entente in 1921

Originally the Little Entente was created to protect these countries from Hungary which was angry over iWV WerriWorial loVVeV anT

wanWeT Wo recover Vome of iW. TUe LiWWle NnWenWe formeT economic anT miliWary co-operaWion beWween WUeVe counWrieV.

The Little Entente could have become a strong area if it had expanded and in the process made all the Vmall VWaWeV leVV vulnerable

Wo RuVVia anT Germany. However WUiV never UappeneT Tue Wo WUe WenVion beWween WUeVe Vmall VWaWeV. PolanT wUicU woulT Uave

been a gooT aTTiWion Wo WUe LiWWle NnWenWe refuVeT Wo join Tue Wo iWV TiVagreemenWV wiWU CYecUoVlovakia over WUe TeVcUen area.


The Germans where very unhappy about the fact that WUey were TenieT Velf-TeWerminaWion anT wanWeT WUe WreaWy revokeT

There were many German minoriWieV ouWViTe of Germany WUaW wUere now parW of CYecUoVlovakiaH PolanT anT AuVWria

Germany lost 12% of its population and 13% of its territory Alsace-Lorraine wUicU waV Waken back by Ńrance waV one of WUe biggeVW loVVeV

However, Germany was actually stronger now than it was before the war. The creation of many small states eliminated one big

empire anT Vince WUeVe Vmall VWaWeV wUere weakH once Germany regaineT iWV VWrengWU iW coulT eaVily Wake over WUeVe


Bolshevik regime

Russia was very weak after the war as it had suffered civil war and political revolution It had lost in the war against Poland and so had also lost significanW WerriWory Wo PolanT

Therefore it did not represent an immediate threat to the small newly founded nations but like Germany could do so in the future

The Treaty of Rapallo

Treaty between the USSR and Germany in 1922

Germany and the USSR who both wUere TenieT Wo join WUe League of NaWionV goW WogeWUer They decided to financially co-operaWe anT WraTe wiWU eacU oWUer Form a union against Poland as they both had lost territory to it

Secret military agreements, Germany could test its military equipment on WUe RuVVian WerriWory anT in Toing Vo iW avoiTeT WUe

reVWricWionV placeT upon iW in WUe TreaWy of VerVailleV

1.3.2 The Economic Impacts

It was what the Treaty of Versailles did not do that affected the European economic situation most No economic queVWionV wUere TealW wiWU TirecWly aparW from reparaWionV It did not find a solution for the problems of allied war debts

CounWrieV wUere VWruggling Wo pay off WUeir TebWV anT WUiV creaWeT baT relaWionV beWween WUe TebWorV anT WUe UniWeT SWaWeV

This resulWeT in economic inVWabiliWy anT WenVion

The debt situation helped contribute to the Ruhr crisis

A number of international meetings had taken place to try and resolve the debt issue however these had no impact as the UniteT

SWaWeV TiT noW wanW WUe TebWV of iWV allieV canceleT.

This weakened the allied countries as they had to keep demanding reparations from Germany to pay these debts

After the Ruhr Crisis the United States offered financial help to Germany (Dawes Plan) so that Germany could then pay its

reparaWionV Wo WUe allieT counWrieV wUicU in Wurn coulT WUen pay off WUeir loanV Wo WUe UniWeT SWaWeV.

JM Keynes was particularly against the economic terms of the Versailles Treaty. He maintained that by punishing Germany the

allieV wUere only puniVUing WUemVelveV. He claimeT WUaW WUe UigU reparaWionVH WerriWorial loVVeV anT loVV of reVourceV on Germany

woulT affecW Nurope negaWively aV Germany waV WUe economic engine of Nurope. The United States and Britain started to see the need to revise the treaty WUe UigU reparaWionV WUaW UaT been impoVeT on Germany

Another issue was that the treaty did not create an organization to introduce and promoWe inWernaWional WraTe. TraTe barrierV

wUere a big iVVue for WUe newly creaWeT Nuropean VWaWeV. TUiV aTTeT Wo WUe caWaVWropUic impacW of WUe GreaW MepreVVion of 1929

1.3.3 The Mandate System

There was an agreement amongst the allies to create a mandatory VyVWem Wo TiVWribuWe WUe colonieV of WUe TefeaWeT powerV

This would be supervised by the League of Nations

The main priority of the mandate system was to ensure the well-being of WUe people anT WUe TevelopmenW of WUeVe WerriWorieV

The League of NationV waV alVo reVponVible for making Vure WUaW WraTe waV poVVible for eacU WerriWory anT WUaW no Vlavery


The main purpose was to create independent democratic states and help improve the populations education and ways of life

anT Wo wUicU exWenW iW waV reaTy Wo becoming inTepenTenW.

The territories which in the near future would be ready for independence where placeT in "manTaWeV A". TUiV incluTeT PaleVWineH

SyriaH LebanonH Iraq anT TranVjorTan.

The territories that where less advanced and where not going to become independent for quite some time where placed in

The territories which had a low population and where underdeveloped fell into "mandates C" and where handed over directly to

WUe counWrieV WUaW UaT conquereT WUem. JapanH New RealanT anT AuVWralia receiveT WUe German colonieV in WUe Pacific anT SouWU

Africa receiveT SouWUweVW Africa.

Some countries like Japan treated its new colonies as an addition to its territory which went against the system

The mandate system did however create a system in whicU WUe counWrieV in power of WUeVe colonieV UaT reVponVibiliWieV Wo WUe

people wUo liveT WUem anT if WUeVe counWrieV acWionV wenW againVW WUe VyVWem WUey coulT be VubjecWeT Wo an inWernaWional boTy.

There was a lot of controversy around the distribution of WUe manTaWeV eVpecially becauVe moVW of WUem wenW Wo Ńrance anT WUe

UO wUicU were alreaTy in poVVeVVion of WUe world's largeVW empireV

The Italians where very unhappy as they had been promised territories which they had not received and in addition they were noW

given any manTaWeV even WUougU WUey were on WUe winning ViTe of WUe war

The Arabs in the Middle East where also very unhappy about the mandate system as they wanted land and independent status

wUicU WUey were noW given TeVpiWe WUe facW WUaW WUey UelpeT WUe UO conquer WUe OWWoman Nmpire

Another controversy emerged when the British decided to go ahead with the Balfour Declaration of 1917

1.4.1 Problems with Enforcing of the Treaties

The United States never joined the League of Nations which weakened the League

The Anglo-American guaranWee never UappeneT

Germany was angry as it thought the TreaWy of VerVailleV waV unfair anT UarVU anT Vo wanWeT WUe WreaWy revokeT

Italy was angry as it was on the winning side, however it did not receive much territory and so the Italians wanted to revise WUe

WreaWy in favour of IWaly

Japan was only interested in iVVueV concerning iWVelf anT noW WUe iVVueV concerneT wiWU WUe Nuropean aVpecWV of WUe peace


The United States retreated into isolationism

The USSR was isolated throughout the1920's (with the exception of the Treaty of Rapallo with Germany)

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