[PDF] books by islamic scholar SHAYKH IMRAN N HOSEIN

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book the actual Arabic text of the Qur'ān which has been preserved Āmīn! Imran N. Hosein. Geneva. Rabī al-Thānī 1437; February 2016. [. Page 16. imranhosein.

Untitled Untitled

Here is Maulānā Imran Hosein's explanatory translation that is clearer and (Books written by Imran N. Hosein). 1. The Prohibition of Ribā in the Qur'ān ...

The-Quran-Dajjal-and-the-Jasad.pdf The-Quran-Dajjal-and-the-Jasad.pdf

May Allah make it easy for me to complete the remaining books to be written on the subject of Dajjāl the false Messiah. Maulānā Imran Hosein's interpretation ...


Jun 23 2021 Imran N Hosein's pioneering books in Islamic eschatology have ... (Arabic: Quds or Bait al-Maqdis) does not appear in the Book— despite the fact ...


Surah Al-Kahf Arabic Text - Translation And Modern Commentary by Imran N. might protect books (such as this humble quartet of books on Sūrah al-Kahf) ...

An Islamic view of Gog and Magog in the Modern World

Shaykh Imran Hosein has done just that. In this book Shaykh Hosein challenges the scholars to revisit the The Arabic word 'Qarn' can have the meaning of ' ...


Muhammad Fazlur. Rahman Ansari (ﷲ ﻪﻣﺣﺭ) the teacher of Imran N. Hosein. [There are few older books missing from this list. They are waiting to be edited in 

Constantinople in the Qurān

vouch to the fact that Shaykh Imran Nazar Hosein is today the foremost Imran has logically structured the chapters in his book and that at the end of ...

Al-Quds Front Matter

© Imran N. Hosein 2002. ﺣﻘﻮﻕ ﺍﻟﻄﺒﻊ ﳏﻔﻮﻇﺔ. ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ ﻥ . ﺣﺴﲔ. 2002. ﺍﻟﻄﺒﻌﺔ ﺍﻷﻭﱃ. 2002 books. / com . islaam . www. //: http. ) ﻭﳑﺎ ﻳﺴﺎﻋ. ﺪ. ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺭﺉ ﺍﻟﻜﺮﱘ ﻛ. ﺍﹰﲑﺜ.


imranhosein.org. [. [. Dedication. If you have not been reciting the Qur'?n. (in Arabic) regularly from cover-to-cover and if


Muhammad Fazlur. Rahman Ansari (? ????) the teacher of Imran N. Hosein. [There are few older books missing from this list. They are waiting to be edited in 


might protect books (such as this humble quartet of books on S?rah Surah Al-Kahf Arabic Text - Translation And Modern Commentary by Imran N. Hosein.

s?rah al-kahf and the modern agee

Imran N. Hosein (Trinidad West Indies)

The Qur?n the Great War and the West

Imran N. Hosein Shaban 1439 (Hijri); 2018 (Gregory) Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ... book on Dajj?l the False Messiah entitled

Dajj?l The Qur?n and Awwal Al-Zam?n

Imran N. Hosein's interpretation of the verse. ............... 201 ... the Arabic text of every verse of the Qur'?n quoted in this book.

The Worlds 500 Most Influential Muslims 2020 - The Muslim 500

notations of words in the Arabic language). thored more than 80 books in Arabic English


Imran N. Hosein Bint Jabeel in Arabic


Imran Hosein has done just that. In this book Shaykh Hosein challenges the scholars to revisit the belief that Gog and Magog have not been released yet. He.


Imran N Hosein's pioneering books in Islamic eschatology have (Arabic: Quds or Bait al-Maqdis) does not appear in the Book—.

books by islamic scholar SHAYKH IMRAN N HOSEIN

Imran Hosein’s pioneering books in Islamic eschatology have provided vitally important information knowledge and guidance to large numbers of people both Muslim and non-Muslim allowing them to ‘connect the dots’ and thus recognize and understand the reality of the modern age

Dreams in Islam - Imran N Hosein

PREFACE This book on the subject ‘Dreams in Islam’ is published in the Ansari Memorial Series in honor of my teacher and Shaikh of blessed memory Maulana Dr Muhammad Fadlur Rahman Ansari Al-Qaderi


Allah Ta’ala reward Brother Imran Hosein for writing this scholarly document which will indeed fill up this intellectual and religious gap and serve as an academic reference to Muslims in all parts of the world As I write this introduction this book that was published only this year is already being translated to Arabic and Bosnian In

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Future of Money Sheikh Imran Hosein Islam and the Future of Money

Future of Money – Sheikh Imran Hosein Australian Islamic Library www australianislamiclibrary 8 true Messiah he would have to: • liberate the Holy Land for the Jews • bring the Jews back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own • restore a State of Israel in the Holy Land and deceive the Jews into

Islamic Spirituality - The Forgotten Path - Imran N Hosein

Downloaded from: www imranhosein 1 Islamic Spirituality - The Forgotten Path A lecture delivered by Maulana Imran Nazar Hosein at the Maulana Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui Masjid Singapore Transcribed by Irshad Soofi Downloaded from: www imranhosein 2 Allah ? tells us in the Holy Qur'aan in the 29thSura al-Ankabuut(The Spider): in Verse69:

Sheikh Imran Hosein Pdf Book Pdf - Trilhoscacao

Sheikh Imran Hosein Pdf Book Pdf is available in our digital library an online access to it is set as public so you can download it instantly Our books collection hosts in multiple locations allowing you to get the most less latency time to download any of our books like this one

Who is Imran Nazar Hosein?

  • Imran Nazar Hosein (born ) is an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Jerusalem in the Quran; An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age; The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham – Islam and Future of Money. An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age has 94 ratings and 12 reviews.

Is Imran Hosein a Shia?

  • Imran Hosein is not a shia (as per his own statement) but he is a Pro Iranian mullah for sure who’s main agenda is to always glorify Iran and abuse or malign the image of Saudi Arabia. You may call him Iranian agent. If you mean Imam Hosein I should say yes. Imam Hossein (A.S.) is the third Imam of shia.

What is the story of Imam Hossein?

  • The story of Imam Hossein’s battle in Karbala, an unfair war which made one the most important effects in Islam history. Admin Do You Have arabic subtitles? In film chera farsish nist? Does anyone know where we can watch the film with English subtitles? film mage sakhte Iran nist pas chera version farsi nist ?? are the subtitles available?

Does the Book of Imran address itself to Christians?

  • The family of Imran was a blessed family that also included the Prophet Christians refer to as John the Baptist, thus this chapter has particular relevance for Christians and does indeed address itself to them.

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com


books by islamic scholar


Imran Hosein's pioneering books in Islamic

eschatology have provided vitally important information, knowledge and guidance to large numbers of people, both Muslim and non-Muslim, allowing them to 'connect the dots' and thus recognize and understand the reality of the modern age. ?e result has o?en been that many have been awakened from sleep, and many lives have changed. Among those books are his best-seller entitled Jerusalem in the Qur'ān, as well as An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World , Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age, ?e Gold Dinār and Silver Dirham - Islam and the Future of Money , etc. ?ese books are an excellent addition to every home's library.

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com


3, Calcite Crescent,

Union Hall Gardens,

San Fernando.

Trinidad and Tobago

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com

Website: www.imranhosein.org

YouTube Channels

www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein

Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com


About the Author

the books 1. ?e Strategic Importance of Dreams and Visions in Islam 2. Jerusalem in the Qur'ān - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem 3. ?e Gold Dinār and Silver Dirham - Islam and the Future of Money 4.

Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age


Methodology for Study of the Qur'ān


Dajjāl the Qur'ān and Awwal al-Zamān

7. An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World 8.

Explaining Israel's Mysterious Imperial Agenda

9. In Search of Khidr's Footprints in Ākhir Al-Zamān 10. ?e Importance of the Prohibition of Ribā in Islam 11. ?e Prohibition of Ribā in the Qur'ān and Sunnah 12. One Jamaat One Ameer: ?e Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan 13. ?e Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A View from the Qur'ān 14. ?e Strategic Importance of Isra' and Mirāj 15. ?e Caliphate the Hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhābi Nation-Statev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 iii

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

16. Fasting and Power - be Strategic Importance of the Fast of Ramadcn 17. be Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug



George Bernard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar


A Muslim Response to the 9/11 Attack on America


Shrah al-Kahf: Text and Commentary


Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age

be Islamic Travelogue: Travelling through the South in the Mission of Islam 23.

Iqbal and Pakistan"s Moment of Truth


Madunah returns to Center-stage in rkhir al-Zamcn


Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World

be Qur"cn the Great War and the West 27.

be Quranic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society in 2 volumes; a book written by Maulcnc Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahmcn Anscru (teacher of Imran N. Hosein)


Dajjal and Money

From Jesus the True Messiah to Dajjcl the False Messiah15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

about the author

Shaykh Imran N Hosein

Imrān N. Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in

1942. He studied Islam brie?y at Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt,

during the academic year 1963-64, and then travelled to Pakistan to become the student of the Islamic scholar and Su? Shaikh, Maulānā Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahmān Ansārī, at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi. ?e Institute was established in honour of Maulānā Muhammad 'Abdul 'Aleem Siddiqui, who was the Shaikh and

Spiritual Master of Dr. Ansārī.

He also studied Philosophy at the University of Karachi, and International Relations at the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies, and at the Graduate Institute of

International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

He can, perhaps, be recognized as the pioneer of Islamic Eschatology in the modern age, with several of his books breaking new ground in Islamic thought as they explain the reality of the modern world - its politics, economy, monetary a?airs, and the movement of history at the end of history. He warns, for example, that Pax Brittanica and Pax Americana were meant to pave the way, brutally so, for a Pax Judaica in which the State of Israel would attempt to impose its rule over all of mankind. ?is, in turn, would permit the false Messiah to declare in Jerusalem that he is the Messiah. He has already completed the ?rst of ?ve books he would like to write on the subject of Dajjāl the false Messiah. ?is non-sectarian Islamic scholar recognizes the greatest gi? which he has ever received in his scholarly life to be the methodology for study of the Qur'ān which he received from his teacher, Maulānā Dr. Ansārī, the distinguished Islamic scholar and Su? Shaikh of the

Qaderiyah Spiritual Order.


Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

bok. sy. i ?e Strategic Importance of Dreams and Visions in Islam

Eschatological and Epistemological

Implications of True Dreams and Visions

- A View from Islam (1997)

Revised edition, 2015

ISBN: 978-976-95683-1-0

No. of pages: 185

Price (GBP): 13.00

?e Prophet (peace be upon him) declared that al-Nabuwwah (i.e., the institution of Prophethood) is comprised of 46 di?erent parts and that a?er him nothing would remain in the world of Prophethood except for one part. He identi?ed that last remaining part to be true and good dreams and visions. He also said that: "When the time (of the end of the world) draws close, the dreams of a believer will hardly fail to come true, and a dream of a believer is one of the forty-six parts of

Prophethood." (Sahīh, Bukhārī)

Despite this absolutely strategic importance of the subject of dreams and visions, it has mysteriously remained a forgotten branch of knowledge in Islam. ?is book redirects attention to the subject of dreams and visions in the Qur'ān and Sunnah and argues that the phenomenon of a true dream or vision is proof that knowledge can come from a source that lies beyond the scope of the scienti?c method. ?e book also discloses what the Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained concerning the di?erent kinds of dreams that we can have, and, more importantly, how we should respond to them. ?ose who never dream, or whose dreams are of no importance, are a people who are either spiritually dormant or, worse, spiritually dead. 1

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

bok. sy. l

Jerusalem in the Qur'an

An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem

Revised edition, 2009

ISBN: 978-976-95683-8-9

No. of pages: 404

Price (GBP): 15.00

?e Qur'ān invites mankind to inquire why the name 'Jerusalem' (Arabic 'Quds' or 'Bait al-Maqdis') does not appear in the Book - despite the fact that so many of the Prophets of Allah Most High had links with that Holy City - and in it is located the only House of Allah (apart from those built in Makkah and Madina), ever built by a Prophet of Allah. Not only is that House of Allah (Masjid al-Aqsā) mentioned in the Qur'ān, but so, also, is the miraculous night-time journey in which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was taken from Makkah to Jerusalem and to that House of Allah. ?e reason for this mysterious silence concerning name of the city is located in the Islamic view that Jerusalem is destined to play the central role in Ākhir al-Zamān (i.e., the Last Age). ?e divinely-placed veil over the city and of its destined role in the movement of history would not be li?ed until the time came when Jerusalem would be ready to play its role in the end of History. ?is best-selling pioneering book in Islamic eschatology explains Jerusalem's destiny to deliver a spectacular End-time validation of the claim of Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary (peace be upon her) to be the true Messiah who was sent by the One God to the Israelite people. ?e Qur'ān con?rms that claim, and this book explains the phenomenon of Dajjāl the false Messiah, who would precede the return of the true Messiah, and who would attempt to impersonate him while ruling the world from a bogus state of Israel. 2

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

bok. sy. a ?e Gold Dinar and Silver


Islam and the Future of Money

Edition, 2007

ISBN: 978-976-95683-4-1

No. of pages: 78

Price (GBP):

5.00 It is embarrassing that even at this late hour when enemies are about to weld into place the ?nal iron gate of a ?nancial Guantanamo, so many Muslims remain ignorant about the devilish nature of European-created money in the modern world. ?ere seems to be little understanding of the role that a European-created monetary system has been playing in delivering to enemies of Islam the capacity to engage in massive legalised the? of the wealth of mankind. Nor is there realization that those enemies have designed a monetary system that would eventually deliver to them ?nancial dictatorship over the whole world. ?ey have already succeeded in enslaving millions of Muslims (as well as others amongst mankind) with slave wages and even destitution, while pursuing a sinister global agenda on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of


?is book uses the Qur'ān and Sunnah to explain what is 'money' in Islam, and identi?es such money as the gold Dinār and Silver Dirham. In the process of doing so it exposes the money which we now use as bogus, fraudulent and Harām. Muslims must launch a do- or-die struggle to have the gold Dinār and Silver Dirham recognized as 'legal tender' (i.e., lawful for buying and selling). When this becomes possible, the masses of people would soon abandon the money which they now use, and which constantly loses value. ?e Qur'an has prohibited whatever reduces people's wealth, and hence money that is vulnerable to in?ation is Harām. 3

Bookstore: www.imranhosein.com ? Website: www.imranhosein.org ? YouTube Channels: www.youtube.com/user/khalid5288; www.youtube.com/user/SheikhImranHosein ? Email: inhosein@hotmail.com

bok. sy. m

Sūrah al-Kahf and the

Modern Age

Edition, 2007

ISBN: 978-976-95683-2-7

No. of pages: 282

Price (GBP):

15.00 An analytical study of Sūrah al-Kahf that seeks to explain the reality of a modern age in which power is used to wage an unjust war on Islam, and to oppress Muslims as well as Orthodox Christians, while pursuing a sinister global agenda on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. ?is book directs attention to the neglected subject of 'multi- dimensional time' in Islam - neglected because of the current war being waged on the spiritual heart of Islam, i.e., Tasawwuf or al-Ihsān. ?e subject of Dajjāl cannot be penetrated without a grasp of 'multi- dimensional time' ?e Sūrah not only provides evidence that internal intuitive spiritual insight is a valid source of knowledge, but illustrates the importance of such insight for interpreting events in an End-time when 'appearance' and 'reality' would be opposite to each other. Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age does more than simply introduce such major signs of the Last Day as Dajjāl the false Messiah, and Gog and Magog, rather, this book (as well as other books of this writer) describes the entire historical process from the time they emerged, up to the time of their ?nal destruction. Several chapters of the book are devoted to such crucially important subjects in the Sūrah as 'the Young Men and the Cave', 'the Rich Man and the Poor Man, 'Khidr and Mūsa (peace be upon them) and the 'Journeys of Dhūl Qarnain'.quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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