[PDF] Big Data Analytics: Optimization and Randomization

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Big Data Analytics: Optimization and Randomization

10 de ago. de 2015 http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/˜tyng/kdd15-tutorial.pdf. Yang Lin

Big Data Analytics: Optimization

and Randomization

Tianbao Yang

†, Qihang Lin?, Rong Jin?‡

Tutorial@SIGKDD 2015

Sydney, Australia

Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa, IA, USA ?Department of Management Sciences, The University of Iowa, IA, USA ?Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University, MI, USA ‡Institute of Data Science and Technologies at Alibaba Group, Seattle, USA

August 10, 2015

Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 1 / 234 URL http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/ ˜tyng/kdd15-tutorial.pdfYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 2 / 234

Some Claims

NoThis tutorial is not an exhaustive literature survey It is not a survey on different machine learning/data mining algorithms YesIt is about how toefficien tlysolve machine lea rning/datamining (formulated as optimization) problems for big data Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 3 / 234


Part I: Basics

Part II: Optimization

Part III: Randomization

Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 4 / 234 Big Data Analytics: Optimization and Randomization

Part I: Basics

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Notations and Definitions

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Three Steps for Machine Learning

Model Optimization


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 iterations distance to optimal objective 0.5 T 1/T 2 1/T Data Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 7 / 234


Big Data Challenge

Big Data

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Big Data Challenge

Big Model60 million parameters

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Learning as Optimization

Ridge Regression Problem:min

w?Rd1n n i=1(yi-w?xi)2+λ2 ?w?22x i?Rd:d-dimensional feature vectory

i?R: target variablew?Rd: model parametersn: number of data pointsYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 10 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Ridge Regression Problem:min

w?Rd1n n i=1(yi-w?xi)2

Empirical Loss+

λ2 ?w?22x i?Rd:d-dimensional feature vectory

i?R: target variablew?Rd: model parametersn: number of data pointsYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 11 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Ridge Regression Problem:min

w?Rd1n n i=1(yi-w?xi)2+λ2 ?w?22????


i?Rd:d-dimensional feature vectory

i?R: target variablew?Rd: model parametersn: number of data pointsYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 12 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Classification Problems:min

w?Rd1n n i=1?(yiw ?xi) +λ2 ?w?22y i? {+1,-1}: labelLoss function?(z):z=yw?x 1. S VMs :(squa red)hinge loss ?(z) =max(0,1-z)p, wherep=1,2 2.

L ogisticRegression

:?(z) =log(1+exp(-z))Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 13 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Feature Selection:min

w?Rd1n n i=1?(w?xi,yi) +λ?w?1?

1regularization?w?1=?di=1|wi|λcontrols sparsity levelYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 14 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Feature Selection using

Elastic Net

:min w?Rd1n n i=1?(w?xi,yi)+λ?

?w?1+γ?w?22?Elastic net regularizer, more robust than?1regularizerYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 15 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Multi-class/Multi-task Learning:

min W1n n i=1?(Wxi,yi) +λr(W)W?RK×dr(W) =?W?2F=?Kk=1?dj=1W2kj: Frobenius Normr(W) =?W??=?

iσi: Nuclear Norm (sum of singular values)r(W) =?W?1,∞=?dj=1?W:j?∞:?1,∞mixed normYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 16 / 234


Learning as Optimization

Regularized Empirical Loss Minimization

min w?Rd1n n

i=1?(w?xi,yi) +R(w)Both?andRare convex functionsExtensions to Matrix Cases are possible (sometimes straightforward)

Extensions to Kernel methods can be combined with randomized approachesExtensions to Non-convex (e.g., deep learning) are in progress Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 17 / 234


Data Matrices and Machine Learning

The Instance-feature Matrix:X?Rn×dX=(

(((((((x ?1x?2· x ?n) )))))))Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 18 / 234


Data Matrices and Machine Learning

The output vector:y=(

(((((((y 1 y 2 y n)

)))))))?Rn×1continuousyi?R: regression (e.g., house price)discrete, e.g.,yi? {1,2,3}: classification (e.g., species of iris)Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 19 / 234


Data Matrices and Machine Learning

The Instance-Instance Matrix:K?Rn×nSimilarity Matrix

Kernel Matrix

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Data Matrices and Machine Learning

Some machine learning tasks are formulated on the kernel matrixClustering

Kernel Methods

Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 21 / 234


Data Matrices and Machine Learning

The Feature-Feature Matrix:C?Rd×dCovariance Matrix

Distance Metric Matrix

Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 22 / 234


Data Matrices and Machine Learning

Some machine learning tasks requires

the cova riancematrix Principal Component Analysis Top-k Singular Value (Eigen-Value) Decomposition of the Covariance


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Why Learning from Big Data is Challenging?

High per-iteration cost

High memory cost

High communication cost

Large iteration complexity

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BasicsNotations and Definitions




Notations and Definitions

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BasicsNotations and Definitions


Vectorx?RdEuclidean vector norm:?x?2=⎷x

?x=?? di=1x2i? p-norm of a vector:?x?p=??di=1|xi|p?1/pwherep≥11?


d i=1x2i2?


i=1|xi|3? ∞norm?x?∞=maxi|xi|Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 26 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions


Vectorx?RdEuclidean vector norm:?x?2=⎷x

?x=?? di=1x2i? p-norm of a vector:?x?p=??di=1|xi|p?1/pwherep≥11?


d i=1x2i2?


i=1|xi|3? ∞norm?x?∞=maxi|xi|Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 26 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions


Vectorx?RdEuclidean vector norm:?x?2=⎷x

?x=?? di=1x2i? p-norm of a vector:?x?p=??di=1|xi|p?1/pwherep≥11?


d i=1x2i2?


i=1|xi|3? ∞norm?x?∞=maxi|xi|Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 26 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Matrix Factorization

kkV?k: top-kapproximationPseudo inverse:X†=V-1U?QR factorization:X=QR(n≥d)Q?Rn×d: orthonormal columnsR?Rd×d: upper triangular matrixYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 27 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Matrix Factorization

kkV?k: top-kapproximationPseudo inverse:X†=V-1U?QR factorization:X=QR(n≥d)Q?Rn×d: orthonormal columnsR?Rd×d: upper triangular matrixYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 27 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Matrix Factorization

kkV?k: top-kapproximationPseudo inverse:X†=V-1U?QR factorization:X=QR(n≥d)Q?Rn×d: orthonormal columnsR?Rd×d: upper triangular matrixYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 27 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions


MatrixX?Rn×dFrobenius norm:?X?F=?tr(X?X) =??

ni=1?dj=1X2ijSpectral (induced norm) of a matrix:?X?2=max?u?2=1?Xu?2?A?2=σ1(maximum singular value)Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 28 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions


MatrixX?Rn×dFrobenius norm:?X?F=?tr(X?X) =??

ni=1?dj=1X2ijSpectral (induced norm) of a matrix:?X?2=max?u?2=1?Xu?2?A?2=σ1(maximum singular value)Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 28 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Convex Optimization

min x?Xf(x)Xis a convex domainfor anyx,y? X, their convex combination αx+ (1-α)y? Xf(x)is a convex functionYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 29 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Convex Function

?x,y? X,α?[0,1]f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y)?x,y? Xlocal optimum is global optimum Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 30 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Convex Function

?x,y? X,α?[0,1]f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y)?x,y? Xlocal optimum is global optimum Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 30 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Convex vs Strongly Convex

Convex function:

f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y)?x,y? X

Strongly Convex function:

f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y) +λ 2 ?x-y?22?x,y? X

Global optimum is uniquestrong convexity

constant Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 31 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Convex vs Strongly Convex

Convex function:

f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y)?x,y? X

Strongly Convex function:

f(x)≥f(y) +?f(y)?(x-y) +λ 2 ?x-y?22?x,y? X

Global optimum is uniquestrong convexity

constant Yang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 31 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Non-smooth function vs Smooth function

Non-smooth functionLipschitz continuous: e.g.absolute loss constantSubgradient:f(x)≥f(y) +∂f(y)?(x-y)-1-0.500.51-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 |x| non-smooth sub-gradientSmooth function e.g. constant -5-4-3-2-1012345-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 log(1+exp(-x)) f(y)+f'(y)(x-y) y f(x) Quadratic FunctionYang, Lin, JinTutorial for KDD"15August 10, 2015 32 / 234

BasicsNotations and Definitions

Non-smooth function vs Smooth function

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