[PDF] The 5 Best Core Exercises The 5 Best Core Exercises.

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Ab Roller Exercise Guide PDF - Core Balance

Do remember that ab wheel roll-out exercises are challenging for beginners. This is because it takes time to build a core foundation capable of supporting 

Includes over 70 exercises.

The Body-Solid Tools Ab Wheel is the perfect tool to strengthen and tone your abs shoulders




Chapter Five: Ab Wheel Exercises. Chapter Six: Ab Wheel Workouts. Chapter The Ab Roller or Ab Wheel


Carve your core and sculpt your arms. Kinetic Engine: The carbon steel spring turbo charges abdominal and arm workouts. Ultra-Wide Wheel: Stabilizes movement to 

Muscle Activation Pattern During Isometric Ab Wheel Rollout

maximal isometric contractions of the Ab Wheel. Rollout exercise keeping the knees fixed on the floor and the arms taut. To perform the exercise all subjects 

New Study Puts the Crunch on Ineffective Ab Exercises

Ab Roller. 105. 10. Hover. 100. 11. Traditional Crunch. 100. 12. Exercise Tubing Pull. 92. 13. Ab Rocker. 21. MEAN % OF. RANKING. EXERCISE. ACTIVITY. 1.

ab wheel - User Manual

Combine different exercises and listen to music to enjoy your workout even more. Cool-down. Just as a warm-up should be performed before each training.

Duo Ab Wheel


Abs exercises.pdf

Can also be done with an ab wheel or on your toes. Page 5. Abs exercises.doc. Page 5 of 24. Barbell torso twist. Exercise Data. Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals.

Ab Roller Exercise Guide PDF - Core Balance

Do remember that ab wheel roll-out exercises are challenging for beginners. This is because it takes time to build a core foundation capable of supporting 


Chapter Five: Ab Wheel Exercises The Ab Roller or Ab Wheel

Includes over 70 exercises.

Ab Wheel. Push-Up Bars. Exercise Booklet. Exercise DVD. See all of Body-Solid's great equipment at Bodysolid.com. CORE. CORE.

The 5 Best Core Exercises

The 5 Best Core Exercises. 6. Exercise #1: Wheel Roll Outs. The wheel roll out is a very demanding bodyweight exercise for the whole upper body.

Muscle Activation Pattern During Isometric Ab Wheel Rollout

electromyography (sEMG) activity during the isometric Ab Wheel Rollout exercise in different shoulder joint positions. METHOD: We recruited 8 young 

The 5 Ab Exercises Youre Missing!

Circuit exercise 1: Go for 20 reps per side; ouch! Ab Roller / Wheel Rollout / Kneeling. Roll Extensions. 8 reps. Circuit exercise 2: 8 reps = a solid burn!

Exercise and Calories Burned

This is influenced by factors such as body weight workout intensity

New Study Puts the Crunch on Ineffective Ab Exercises

two exercises the exercise also generated significantly less activity in the The Ab Roller was proven to be virtually no more effective than the tradi-.

Physical exercise increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis in

Feb 4 2016 3) are comparable to aerobic exercise (wheel running and endurance treadmill training) in terms of promoting AHN in male rats.

Effect of free running wheel exercise on renal expression of

activity performed as free running wheel exercise

The 5 Best Core Exercises 2

The 5 Best Core Exercises

For Extreme Core Strength


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The 5 Best Core Exercises 3

Copyright © 2014 - 2015, Nick Anton


All Rights Reserved

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, beyond that permitted by Copyright Law, without permission of the author, is unlawful. Disclaimer: The information presented in this report is for entertainment and educational purposes only and it is not intended to supplement professional medical advice. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician's approval before beginning this or any other exercise program. Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links in this report are affiliate links and I earn a commission if you make a purchase through them. Keep in mind that I only promote products, that I have used and I have gotten great results with.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 4

Table of Contents

Exercise #1: Wheel Roll Outs..........................................................................................................6

Exercise #2: Dragon Flag...............................................................................................................12

Exercise #3: L sit............................................................................................................................20

Exercise #4: Hanging Leg Raises..................................................................................................26

Exercise #5: Bridge........................................................................................................................32

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 5


Thank you for downloading this report! Herein you are going to find, what I consider to be, the five best core exercises. By training your core, you are going to improve your performance in every athletic activity. The exercises of this report are going to help you unlock the true strength potential of your core. All of them are bodyweight movements and require minimum to no equipment. Furthermore, the exercises presented in this report do not isolate the abdominal muscles, but rather train the whole body. Achieving these movements is not the end goal. The goal is to have a really strong and powerful core. Also, you should be aware that even though these exercises are advanced, they are by no means the most difficult. So even though you have completed all the movements, you should still train and increase the difficulty by training with even more difficult exercises.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 6

Exercise #1: Wheel Roll Outs

The wheel roll out is a very demanding bodyweight exercise for the whole upper body. For this reason, I wouldn't recommend the exercise to a complete beginner.


30 push ups with proper form. 20 hip bridges with proper form. You can find how to achieve these requirements here: Beginner Bodyweight Training-

Building The Foundation


1.From a standing position, bend forward and grab the wheel.

2.Roll the wheel forward, until you are fully extended.

3.Roll back in the bended forward position. That is one rep.

Only your toes and the wheel should be in touch with the ground. Your arms should be straight (elbows locked) and your legs together or closer than shoulder width. Your lower back is also straight.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 7

Progression #1: Knee Wheel Roll Outs

The instructions are similar to the regular wheel roll out, but instead of standing on your legs you stand on your knees. This decreases the leverage and, as a result, the exercise is easier. Only your knees and wheel is in touch with the ground. Remember to keep your back and arms straight, during the exercise. As you can see in picture 1.2 my arms are not completely straight, but they are wide open (almost locked). Not having your elbows locked is not considered bad form, but it makes the exercise easier. So, if you have to bend your arms, bend them slightly like I have done in Picture 1.2.

Goal: 30 reps with good form

© http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 1.2 : Knee Wheel Roll Outs

The 5 Best Core Exercises 8

Progression #2: Partial Wheel Roll Outs

After you have achieved 30 reps in the 1st progression, your shoulders and back are going to be ready to handle more weight. As the name suggests, with this progression you are going to extend only partially. You are going to need something to measure your extension's range of motion. You can use a wall to help you with that. To progress you just gradually increase the distance from the wall until you can't reach the wall. You will find more about that in the training plan. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 1.3 : Partial Wheel Roll Outs

The 5 Best Core Exercises 9

Wheel Roll Out Training Plan


The first step, you have to take, is to find you current level. Take the wheel (or any other equipment) and perform a sub-max set of knee wheel roll outs. → If you can easily do 30, you can start practicing for the standing wheel roll out. → If you can do 15-30, you should focus on building your numbers for at least a month. Since you are working mostly on endurance you can incorporate these exercises into a core circuit: A1: 15-30 wheel roll outs A2: 10-20 supermans/ bridge rotations variation A3: 30s/side side plank

3-5 circuits with 30-60s break between.

Use this circuit 3 times per week after your main workout or by itself in a different time. → If you can do less than 15, you should focus on developing your numbers for at least

3 months.

You can follow the circuit above with fewer reps.

Training for the Standing Wheel Roll Out

After you can complete 30 reps with ease, you can start practicing for the full wheel roll out. Choose a distance from the wall, where you can perform 5×5 reps with relative ease. You are going to progress by 2 cm (or 1 inch) in every workout, so you shouldn't choose a distance that is very challenging for you. Following this system, you are going to progress by 2 cm in every workout until you can't complete 5x5 reps. The 1st time you aren't able to complete the requirements for a given distance, decrease the ROM (range of motion) by 4cm from you last successful session and continue from there (e.g. If your last 5×5 was 160 cm, go back to 156 cm). If you are still stuck in the same distance twice, decrease the ROM by 4cm and start progressing by 1 cm instead of 2 cm. If you get stuck while progressing by 1 cm, it's time to decrease the requirement from 5×5 to 3×5 or 5×3 and finally to 3×3 [1].

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 10


Week1st day2nd day3rd day

#15×5: 130 cm5×5: 132 cm5×5: 134 cm #25×5: 136 cm5×5: 138 cm5×5: 140 cm #35×5: 142 cm5×5: 144 cm5×5: 146 cm #4 [deload]5×5: 134 cm5×5: 134 cm5×5: 134 cm #55×5: 148 cm5×5: 150 cm5×5: 152 cm Sample Training Plan. The cm measures the distance from the wall. Above you can see a sample of the first five weeks. This is how it is going to look like if you are able to progress successfully with the 5×5 rep scheme.

After week #5 you continue as in the 1st month.

During the deload week, decrease the distance by 8-12 cm (3-5 inches) and focus on control and proper form. Do not train the wheel on consecutive days, when following this approach. Instead, have a rest day in between or perform less strenuous exercises focusing on endurance (like the circuit in the Assessment). You may be tempted to start with an easier progression protocol, such us 3×5. I would recommend you not to do that, because the 5×5 is going to help you build both strength and endurance and you will be able to have better form later on, due to practice (more reps). Tips Here are some tips that can help you maintain proper form: Keep your butt and quads tight to help you maintain a straight back. Keep your chin tucked. Achieve enough tension before rolling out completely. Focusing on externally rotating the hands can help you maintain your elbows locked.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 11


This is a difficult exercise. You have to respect that. Do not go straight into the more advanced progressions, because you might injure your back or shoulders. If you lose the tension in the butt and abs and your lower back extends, do NOT finish that rep. Instead, fall on the floor and push up from there. If your lower back hurts during the exercise, you are either performing the exercise incorrectly or you have weak lower back. Go to the easier variations and start doing more hip bridges. If you have problems maintaining proper technique, focus on mastering easier progressions.

Moving Beyond

When you can do 5 proper wheel roll out there are things that you can do to go beyond that. Some of them are: Add isometric pauses at the bottom position for 5-30s. Start working for reps, with the goal of 20 or more. Use a weighted vest. Start working on the one arm wheel roll out, after you have achieved mastery with the 2 hands, following a similar approach.


There are many things, that you can use to perform this exercise. Personally I use an ab wheel like this. Even if it's cheap, I have used it for many years without any problem. You can construct your own wheels or use different objects.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 12

Exercise #2: Dragon Flag

© http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 2.1: A - Top position of DF

B - Bottom position of DF

The 5 Best Core Exercises 13

The second exercise is the dragon flag. This exercise is easier than the wheel roll out, because it's more focused on the core.


There are no strength requirements for this exercise. If you follow the progressions carefully, you are not going to have any problem.


1.Lie down on a bench (floor, bed, etc).

2.Grab something stable, that is behind/above your head, so that your upper body

stays in place.

3.Pull the rest of the body until your legs are straight above your head

[Picture 2.1 - A].

4.Come back down with control, keeping your body straight, until your butt is

almost in touch with the ground [Picture 2.1 - B].

5.Return with control to the starting position (3), while keeping your body straight.

That is one rep.

Only your upper back should be in touch with the ground throughout this movement.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 14

Progression #1: Tuck DF

Follow the instructions above, but instead have your knees bended and close to your chest. You can have your knees closer to your chest than I do in Picture 2.2. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 2.2: A - Top position of tuck DF

B - Bottom position of tuck DF

The 5 Best Core Exercises 15

Progression #2: Flat tuck DF

Straighten your back while you keep your knees bended. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 2.3: A - Top position of straight tuck DF

B - Bottom position of straddle tuck DF

The 5 Best Core Exercises 16

Progression #3: One leg extended DF

Extend one leg, while keeping the other tucked. Make sure to work both sides evenly. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 2.4: A - Top position of One Leg Extended DF

B - Bottom position of One Leg Extended DF

The 5 Best Core Exercises 17

Progression #4: Straddle DF

Hold your legs in a straddle position. The wider your straddle is the easier the exercise © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 2.5: A - Top position of Straddle DF

B - Bottom position of Straddle DF

The 5 Best Core Exercises 18

is going to be.

Progression #5: Full Dragon Flag

Start bringing your legs together, until you can do a full dragon flag.

Dragon Flag Training Plan

The Dragon flag might be the easiest skill presented in this report. 3-4 months or less are usually enough (depending off course on your current strength).

How to progress

Before starting out, you'll have to choose how you would like to progress through this movement. I recommend 2 options: 3×8 or 5×5. Both of the rep schemes are good for hypertrophy, but with the 3×8 you will build more endurance, while with the 5×5 approach you will be able to advance faster. Personally, I achieved this movement by following the 3×8 approach.


There is no need for assessment in this exercise. Just start training with the first progression and progress to the next one when you can complete 3×8 or 5×5 (based on your choice) with proper form.

Increasing reps

When you move into the next progression you will most likely not be able to complete the progression goal. So you need a way to effectively increase you reps. The fastest way, to do this, is to train with sub-max sets (1-3 reps before failure). During the last set you will be adding a very slow negative (10-30 seconds or more) after the last rep. By doing this, you will be able to add at least one rep per workout. Since this a strength movement I recommend you to practice it 3 times per week during your strength training days.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 19

Tips: Practicing the hollow body position can help you with this exercise. This video tutorial helped me a lot in achieving the dragon flag.


Do not put the weight on your neck, when you are in the vertical position. Instead, put the weight on your shoulders and upper back. If you lower back extends during the exercise, move to an easier progression.

Beyond the Dragon Flag

You can increase the difficulty of the exercise, by doing one or a combination of the following: Add weight to your ankles. Add isometric pauses at different angles during the exercise. Train with a slower tempo. Start practicing the front lever. Go for reps.


To practice this exercise, you are going to need something steady to grab from (ex. Bed, bench, etc).

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 20

Exercise #3: L sit

The L-sit is a little different from the previous two exercises, because firstly it is a static exercise and secondly it requires a lot of hamstring flexibility.

Strength Requirements:

No requirements.


1.Sit down and place your hands on the floor.

2.Push with your hands so that your butt is off the ground and then raise your legs.

3.Keep that position for at least 30 seconds.

In the final position, only your hands should be in touch with the ground. Your legs are fully extended and together. Your elbows are locked and your body forms an L shape. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 3.1: L-sit on fingertips

The 5 Best Core Exercises 21

Progression #1: Tuck L-sit

Follow the instructions, but instead have

your knees bended and close to your chest.

To do this progression you have to

practice on an elevated surface like I do in

Picture 3.2 or use equipment, such as

chairs. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 3.2: Tuck L-sit

The 5 Best Core Exercises 22

Progression #2: Extended Tuck L-sit

Start to extend your legs gradually. It is important to extend your legs at a specific angle so that you can track your progress. Also, you should be able to maintain the same angle throughout the whole workout. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 3.3: Tuck L-sit extended

The 5 Best Core Exercises 23

Progression #3: L-sit

This is the final step, where your legs are finally straight. When you are able to do this, it's time to start training on the floor. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 3.4: L-sit elevated

The 5 Best Core Exercises 24

L-sit Training Plan

Since the L-sit is a static exercise, the training plan is going to look a little different than the previous ones.


Start with the first progression and test if you can hold it for 1 minute. If you can hold it, take a break of 3-5 minutes and then test the next progression for 1 minute. Repeat until you reach a progression where you can't complete the whole minute. This is going to be the progression with which you are going to start your training.


To progress to the next level of difficulty you should be able to hold a position for 1 minute. When you are increasing the difficulty, you should be able to complete 1 minute in 3 sets, with 3-5 min rest in between. If you can't, then you will have to decrease the amount of progression. When you start training a new progression, you should be aware of the angle of your feet, so that you can keep it the same during your training session and train with the same angle before increasing the difficulty. I recommend you to complete at least 1 minute in every workout session with 2-4 sets. Gradually try to increase the total time of your holds and decrease the number of sets, that are required to complete 1 minute. Tips: Working the triceps can help a lot with this exercise. Start incorporating dips and bodyweight triceps extensions in your routine. You can elevate your hands (e.g. with push up handles) to make the exercise easier. Working on your hamstring flexibility is going to help a lot. You can stretch your hamstrings between sets. More tips: L-Seat Progression Pt.1 | L-Seat Progression pt.2 | L-Seat Progression pt.3

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 25


Always perform active hip stretches after this exercise. Use a bridge variation that you are comfortable with.


Increase the time of the hold. Practice on rings. Start doing L sit walks. Start training for the V sit. Put weight on your ankles.


You can use push up handles to help you with the progressions, but they are not necessary. Also, you will have to use a timer to measure your holds.

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 26

Exercise #4: Hanging Leg Raises

The HLR is a great exercise. This movement is similar to the L-sit, but it requires more flexibility.


Be able to hold yourself on a pull up bar for 60 seconds or more.


1.Hold onto a pull up bar, that is high enough for you to be completely off the


2.Your arm position should be shoulder width apart or closer with an overhand grip.

3.From there pull your shoulder blades down and slowly start bringing your legs

towards the bar, while keeping them straight.

4.When your toes touch the bar, start lowering your legs slowly under control. This

is one rep. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 4.1: Hanging Leg Raise

The 5 Best Core Exercises 27

Progression #1: Lying Leg Raises

1.Lie down on the floor with your hands by your side.

2.Bring your legs upwards until you form a 90-degree angle.

3.Then lower your legs until they are just above the ground (without touching it).

This is one rep.

Try to keep your legs straight throughout the whole movements. Your lower back should be in touch with the ground, like in the [hollow bod y position ]. If you can't do them with straight legs, try bending them.

Goal: 3×20, with straight legs.

Progression #2: Hanging Knee Raises

Follow the HLR instructions, but this time have your legs bended. Try to touch your chest with your knees.

Goal: 3×15

© http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 4.2: Hanging knee raises

The 5 Best Core Exercises 28

Progression #3: Hanging Knee Raises extended

Start to slowly extend your legs.

As in the L-sit, you should be aware of the angle progression so that you can track your progress. Also maintain the same angle throughout the workout.

Goal: 5×5

© http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 4.3: Hanging Knee Raises extended

The 5 Best Core Exercises 29

Progression #4: Full HRL

In the picture above you can see that I don't have yet the necessary flexibility to complete a full HLR. You should train with straight legs as much as possible during the last progression, even if you are not able to keep them straight at the top of the movement. The closer your legs are to the bar, the more difficult is going to be to keep them straight. Not due to inadequate core strength, but due to inadequate hamstring flexibility. You can train having your toes pointing forward [Picture 4.1] or not [Picture 4.4]. © http://AllThingsStrength.com Picture 4.4: Full HRL

The 5 Best Core Exercises 30

HRL Training Plan


Test if you can complete 3×20 of lying leg raises. → If you can't, you can train with a simple plan like the one I describe here: •The Best Core Exercises for Beginners → If you can, then 2 days later test yourself for 3×15 of hanging knee raises. If you can't complete the necessary reps, test with the program shown in the link above, but instead of training lying leg raises, train with hanging knee raises. → If you can complete both tests, then you can start training for the HRL as described below.

Training for the HRL

Similarly to the wheel roll out training plan, you are going to train with the 5×5 rep scheme. You are going to increase the extension of your legs gradually while being able to complete 5×5 reps with that extension. You should aim to train with the same extension for the whole 5×5 session. However, this can be difficult, because it's not so simple to keep track of your legs' extension and you might increase the extension too much while progressing. For this reason, I recommend you to complete the 5×5, even if you have to decrease the angle of your legs during the last sets. Tips: Work actively on your flexibility, so that it will be easier for you to progress. (You can stretch your hamstrings between sets). You might experience shoulder pain during the first days. This is normal. After a while your shoulder will get stronger. If the pain doesn't stop or becomes worse, rest for one week (doing non-hanging core training).


Always perform active hip stretches after this exercise. Use the bridge variation that you are comfortable with.

Moving Beyond

Similarly to the previous exercises, you can increase the difficulty by doing certain

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The 5 Best Core Exercises 31

modifications. Some of them can be: Adding weight to your ankles. Training for high reps. Working on the one arm HLR. Adding an isometric hold of 5-30s in the L (90-degree angle) position.


A pullup bar, that is high enough for you to hang without touching the ground. If you have a pullup bar that is adjusted to the door, then your feet will probably touch the floor on full extension.quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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