[PDF] The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook.pdf

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Presentation Skills

Aug 23 2018 The exceptional presenter (First Ed.). Austin


content/uploads/2008/09/Presentation%20phrasebook.pdf. Effective powerpoint Successful Presentations: DVD and Student's Book Pack.-. Oxford University ...

Presentation Skills/Techniques

What is this book? This is basically a collection of prints combining handouts from two courses on presentations for graduate students and researchers run 


illustrated from a brief book on the work problems of the professional presentation of a performance. Typically these staging cues come from

Dynamic Presentations

The book comes with two audio CDs and video presentation extracts are also available on a separate DVD. The course is accompanied by full trainer's notes 

Presentation of Data Ch.-4 (Ver-5).pmd

of presentation is more suitable. Look at the following Generally table numbers are whole numbers in ascending order if there are many tables in a book.

PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines

This media (PPT) is designed to ENHANCE your presentation not BE the presentation. – Used for book

DP Prel Views Fin Stmt Presentation.book

This discussion paper Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation is published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for comment 


But we do know how they will be reached: through improved communication especially through improved presentation skills. Join us. Help us. Be part of the 


I've been reading some books on presentation and looking at some blogs. I think what I need to do is replace these slides with ones that are way more visual— 

The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook.pdf

This book is for anyone who has to give a presentation of any sort to any kind of audience. Never let presentations or public speaking worry you or.

perfect-presentations (1).pdf

In twenty chapters this book reveals the fundamentals of good presenting practice. It highlights the major guidelines followed by successful presenters.


dramaturgical problems of presenting the activity before others. The issues dealt with by a cultivated understanding of the book she poses in her hand;.

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and

Because this is a book about presenting better with slides. I thought it would be appropriate to show via e-mail

Presentation Skills

Through engaging workbook activities and videos this Presentation Skills Book an Appointment any time by going to the Student Success Center website:.

PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines

when preparing PowerPoint presentations for In order for your presentation to fit on most screens ... Used for book

DP Prel Views Fin Stmt Presentation.book

This discussion paper Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation is published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for comment 

The Craft of Scientific Presentations

flounder. To this end this book considers ten critical er- rors that undermine scientific presentations at confer- ences


Design a presentation to make your friends interested in the book that you have read recently. Ensure that you use animation and slide transitions. Use 


London and Philadelphia






How to Understand and Reach

Your Audience for Maximum

Impact and Success

Publishers note

Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and authors cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or any of the authors. First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2008 by Kogan Page


Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criti- cism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses:

120 Pentonville Road 525 South 4th Street, #241

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© Suzy Siddons, 2008

The right of Suzy Siddons to be identified as the author of this work ha s been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN 978 0 7494 5037 3

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

ACIP record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Siddons, Suzy.

The complete presentation skills handbook / Suzy Siddons. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-0-7494-5037-3

1. Public speaking. I. Title.

PN4129.15.S56 2008




Typeset by Saxon Graphics, Derby

Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt Ltd ii ?iii




1. Why Give a Presentation At All?5

Are presentations worth the effort?5

Benefits of a successful presentation7

2. Setting Expectations11

The delegates kit12

Booking venues15

Greeting the delegates16

3. Researching Your Audience20

4. Audience Behaviours25

Learning preferences25







5. How People Remember, What They Forget38

The four stages of memory38

Associations and differences41

Numerical information43

Primacy and recency effect45

6. Selecting Your Subject and Organizing Your Information 47

Setting SMART objectives 48

Organization methods 51

7. Writing the Script 54

Structuring a script 55

Scriptwriting rules 58

Style and vocabulary 60

8. Visuals 65

Brightness and afterimage 65

Layout, templates and typefaces 69

Using presentation software to the full: the power of hyperlinks 70

How to prepare a hyperlinked show 72

Adapting information for slide shows 74

9. Staging the Presentation 76

Space 76

The presentation area 79

Lecterns 80

Lighting 80

Acoustics 81

Optional extras 81

10. Voice and Performance Skills 82

The voice itself 86

Does my accent matter? 96

11. Nerves and Body Language 98

Charisma, authority and influence 100

Use of space 101

Learning to observe 101

Proxemics 103

Displacement activities 104

Creating rapport 105

Spot the liar 105

Putting body language together 106

12. Using Microphones and Autocues 107

What you need to know before you use a microphone 107

Types of microphone and how to use them 109

Autocues 111ivContents

13. Rehearsals113

14. Equipment and Visuals120

Clicker/Wireless Pocket Presenter/Presentation Remote 120

USB flash drive121

Image banks121

Presentation checklist121

After the presentation124

15. The Question-and-Answer Session126

Preparing for the question-and-answer session127

Types of questions to expect130

Tracking the question-and-answer session133

16. Delivering the Presentation135

First impressions135

Credibility ... what the audience believes135

The charisma recipe137

Starting with a bang138

Your final bow140

17. Technical Presentations and Demonstrations141

Technical presentations141

Setting demonstration objectives144


The sales cycle151

18. Controlling the Audience155

Handling interruptions157

19. Handling the Media158

Just before an interview ... taking control162

Preparing for an interview ... the five-step preparation process 163

Getting help before an interview163

The actual interview166

Handling discussions167

Other hints and tips169

20. Training People to Give Presentations170

Training yourself170

Training others173Contentsv

21. The Role of the Master of Ceremonies177

The MCs duties before the presentation177

The opening welcome and introduction179

22. Following Up the Presentation183

23. Alternatives to Presentations186

Successful meetings186

Tasks necessary for any meetings187

Attendees checklist for meetings190

Leaders checklist191

Attendees personal checklist191

Organizers checklist192

Teleconferencing and video conferencing192

24. Handling Disasters194

Appendix: Templates, Checklists and Reminders196

Master checklist196

Personal profile198


Feedback sheets200

Delegate kit204

Evaluation form205

Sample course questionnaire206

Rehearsal checklist207


Hints and tips on preparing presentations217

Flip chart questions and answers219




I would like to thank Samantha Warner for her invaluable help with the information about the latest technology in Chapter 14. My thanks also to the staff at Reflex Limited, who have for years provided me with information about projectors and screens. Also, heartfelt thanks to my husband David Nickson, without whomƒ viii





This book is for anyone who has to give a presentation of any sort to any kind of audience. Never let presentations or public speaking worry you or your company again. Heres the complete solution. Whether its presenting your company internally or externally, giving good or bad news, selling, persuading, training or handling the media, this compendium of skills covers sound working practices, exercises, checklists and case studies to make sure that organizing and giving presentations and public speaking of any kind becomes a pleasure and not a burden. Each section will contain: an introduction to the subject; background information on the subject; best practice; hints and tips; step-by-step guides; case studies and exercises where appropriate. Sample documents, slide and handout formats are in a separate appendix, as is a list of useful publications.

The three essential ingredients of a


The audience

Why are they there? What do they want from the presentation? How do they listen? What will they remember? What will turn them on or off, make them comfortable or uncomfortable? What language do they speak? How much do they know? What questions will they ask? What will they find hard to listen to? What are their business needs? How do you find out about them? Can you analyse their response? What might make them hostile? How will you get feedback from them?

You - the presenter

Why are you there? What do you want to achieve? What do you look like, what do you sound like? What will you do about nerves? How will you rehearse? How will you remember what to say? What is charisma? How will you handle questions? What will you do if they are hostile? How will you keep your energy up? If you are being interviewed, how will you handle this? Do you need a Chairman or Master of Ceremonies? How will you introduce yourself? Is there an efficient way of handling the technology?

The presentation itself

What is it trying to achieve? What is it about? What are its limits? What visuals or handouts will be needed, what technology is available? How long should it be? Will it need following up? How will the information it contains be remembered? Which parts will be difficult or hard to under- stand? How will the script be prepared? What about the location and staging? Each of these three ingredients is vital to a successful presentation ... like a three-legged stool, when all the legs are there it is stable, but remove or shorten one of them and the whole thing collapses. No matter how well- constructed the presentation is, if it is badly delivered it will fail; no matter how well-delivered the presentation is, if it doesnt make sense then it will fail. Most importantly of all, even if the presentation is perfect and the presenter inspired and charismatic, if the audience isnt interested or engaged, then the presentation will certainly fail. All these factors and many more will be covered in this book. By the end you will have a tool kit for success, and presenting will never be the same. Before you read on, here is a questionnaire about how you feel you perform when presenting. Bear this in mind as you read on.


Look at the categories below and give yourself a score to show how good you consider your skills to be in each area.2The complete presentation skills handbook


GoodFairPoorOh dear!



Interest to the audience

Presentation of benefits

Positive start

Powerful ending

Good, concrete examples


Balance between theory and reality

Table 0.1Self-assessment: structure of the presentation

GoodFairPoorOh dear!



Eye contact with the audience

Personal appearance

Use of the presentation area

GoodFairPoorOh dear!



Number of slides

Added value

Equipment handling

Table 0.2Self-assessment: stance and posture

Table 0.3Self-assessment: visual aids





Why Give a Presentation

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