[PDF] 21.12.2020 Biologie végétale translationnelle Site EN

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Cours de biologie végétale pour L1 BOUZID salha.pdf

COURS DE BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. Destiné aux étudiants de 1ère année tronc commun. Réalisé par : Dr BOUZID Salha. Année universitaire 2017-2018 

Master Biologie végétale

The Master in Plant Biology is a double degree from the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and the University of Milan (UniMi). In the 1st year all students 


Le précédent rapport de conjoncture de la section. 28 présentait un état des lieux très détaillé de la recherche en Biologie Végétale qui reste d'actualité 

Biologie végétale

b) seule cellule reproductrice (à l'origine des deux gamètes mâles) une cellule végétative et deux cellules prothalliennes. c). Page 4. IV. Biologie végétale.

21.12.2020 Biologie végétale translationnelle Site EN

Dec 21 2020 Teaching activities: This includes theory courses and the organisation of practical work sessions in relation to the.

Le Laboratoire de Biologie végétale de Fontainebleau: création et

Gaston Bonnier gave the Laboratoire de Biologie vegetale its rigourous and ope· plus tard Biologie végétale ct Ecologie forestière.


dans le domaine de la biologie végétale en situant ses principaux enjeux pour le CNRS et la communauté scientifique française dans son ensemble.

Travaux pratiques et travaux dirigés de biologie végétale

La biologie végétale est une science nécessaire pour la compréhension dirigés comprend l'étude de la cellule végétale des tissus végétaux

L1 agro Biologie Végétale- M07.pdf

Les tissus formeront des organes tels que les racines les tiges

La Biologie végétale

La Biologie végétale n'est qu'un petit cha- pitre assez secondaire de la branche de l'Histoire naturelle qui s'occupe des végétaux c'est-à-dire de la 

Faculty of Sciences

Full time academic vacancy in the field of Translational Plant Biology.

Start date: 1 September 2021

Description of the course load:

A full time, indivisible position in the field of Translational Plant Biology, within the Department of

Life Sciences. This post includes teaching, research and services to the Community.

Teaching activities:

This includes theory courses and the organisation of practical work sessions in relation to the Department's teaching programmes in the Bachelor's in Biological Sciences, the Bachelor's in Veterinary Medicine and the Master's in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology, as well as the Master's in Bioinformatics and Modelling. This represent a workload of approximately 180 to 200 hours/year (theory, repetitions and practical work). Courses may be given in French or English, depending on the course and level of study. In addition to these courses, the successful applicant will supervise students doing placements in laboratories. As an example, the course load could include the following courses: - Biology I (Block 1, BA-VT, 38+36h) - Genetics and molecular biology (Block 3, BA-Bio, 20h+10h) - Genetic engineering (Block 1, M-BBMC and M-BIM, 20h+0h) - Introduction to quality assurance (Block 2, M-BBMC, 10h+5h) - Training in scientific communication (Block 3, BA-Bio, 0h+40h) - Philosophy and bioethics (Block 3, BA-Bio, 5h+0h)

Research Activities:

The research developed by the candidate will focus on the study of flowering plants and their response to changes in the abiotic environment. The experimental approach will make use of "OMICS" methods (e.g., genomics, transcriptomics or proteomics) and will aim to transfer knowledge from model species, in a context of solving current problems. Additional experience with other photosynthetic organisms will be positively considered during the selection process. These activities will consolidate research in Plant Biology carried out within the Department of

Life Sciences and, ideally, will participate in the development of the infrastructures for

experimental crops available in the "PhytoSYSTEMS" CARE. Candidates must demonstrate a high quality scientific production in accordance with the standards of the discipline. They will also be expected to apply to external bodies in order to obtain relevant funding.

Services to of the Community:

The successful applicant will be involved in community service activities, such as promoting their field of research, science in general and ULiège to the general public and potential students. They will also play an active role in the life of the PhytoSYSTEMS CARE, the Department, the

Faculty of Sciences and the Institution.


· Must hold a doctorate;

· Applicants will be expected to demonstrate strong research potential and a high level of autonomy; · In addition, applicants must demonstrate excellent teaching skills (teaching and mentoring doctoral students); · They should demonstrate an aptitude for teaching general biology, genetics and molecular biology (including genomics) at Bachelor and Master's level;

· Provide evidence of international research experience in the field of plant biology in

particular based on "OMICS" technologies: · Fluency in French for Bachelor's level courses; · Fluency in English for Master's level courses. A long-term post-doctoral research stay abroad is a major asset.

Selection procedure:

The selection procedure will be in accordance with the regulations applied within the University of



Applicants are requested to submit their applications electronically, to the following address:

Postesacademiques@uliege.be with a copy to francoise.motte@uliege.be no later than 28

February 2021.

Required documents:

 Applications should be submitted (with a cover letter), accompanied by a complete curriculum vitae (see the procedures on the website of the Faculty of Sciences at: https: //www.sciences.uliege.be/emploi-sciences) ;  A report on past and current research activities and a research plan, including the envisaged integration within the University of Liège;  A teaching file including a report on any prior teaching activities and a teaching plan;  A copy of any publications (electronic version).

Conditions of recruitment:

The position shall be assigned either from the outset on a permanent basis or for a fixed term of four years, which may lead to the permanent appointment of the person concerned. In the case of a four-year appointment, an evaluation of the person concerned will be carried out at the end of the third year. - If the evaluation is negative, the person concerned will complete the four-year term but will not be able to extend it. - If the assessment is positive, the person concerned shall be appointed on a permanent basis. Our institutional policy is based on diversity and equal opportunities. We select candidates on the

basis of their qualities whatever their age, sexual orientation, origin, beliefs, disability or



Any further information can be obtained from Ms Françoise Motte - tel: +32 4 366 36 52 - francoise.motte@uliege.be


Salary scales and how they are applied are available from the human resources department of the University: Ms Ludivine Depas - tel.: +32 4 366 52 04 -


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