[PDF] Chapter 3 Interpolation - MathWorks

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Interpolation Interpolation

16-Sept-2013 are computed by the Matlab backslash operator d = A . Because most ... Full degree polynomial interpolation. Shape−preserving Hermite ...

Manipulator Trajectory Planning Based on the Algebraic

We write the procedure of algebraic-trigonometric Hermite blended interpolation spline in Matlab 7.0 which can obtain the displacement

A MATLAB Differentiation Matrix Suite

(d) Our suite does not include a function herint.m for weighted barycen- tric interpolation at Hermite points. The function polint.m should be used for this 

A Note on Robust Biarc Computation

02-Nov-2017 the solution of the G1 Hermite Interpolation Problem with two arcs. ... In both cases (b) and (d) Matlab selects a non-natural solution. As a ...


The Matlab function trapz also provides an implementation. An example with We haven't shown shape-preserving. Hermite interpolation but its area is 35.41667.

MATH 590: Meshfree Methods - Chapter 37: RBF Hermite MATH 590: Meshfree Methods - Chapter 37: RBF Hermite

Chapter 37: RBF Hermite Interpolation in MATLAB. Greg Fasshauer. Department of Applied Mathematics. Illinois Institute of Technology. Fall 2010 fasshauer@iit 

Interpolation i Matlab Interpolation i Matlab

31-Jan-2011 PCHIP Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial. PP = PCHIP(X ... D^2p(x) is probably not continuous; there may be jumps at the X(j) ...

A fast Hermite transform

interpolation step is required again forcing information to be thrown away ... Kortchagine

An adaptive high-order piecewise polynomial based sparse grid

09-Dec-2019 When the mesh is more refined the P3 interpolations (both Lagrange and Hermite) are slightly better than P2 interpolation. ... (d) Hermite P3.

Chapitre 5 Interpolation polynômiale et extrapolation

5.2 Interpolation d'Hermite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 En Matlab on utilise la fonction polyfit pour l'interpolation polynomiale. Cette.

Les outils MATLAB pour traiter les séries temporelles

Présentation succincte de MATLAB MATrix LABoratory (MATLAB). • Environnement de calcul matriciel ... Interpolation d'Hermite « cubic piecewise » ...

Chapitre II Interpolation et Approximation

Théor`eme 1.2 (formule de Newton) Le polynôme d'interpolation de degré n qui Une autre approche (utilisant l'intérpolation d'Hermite) sera l'objet d'un.

Analyse Numérique

le calcul de l'interpolation de Lagrange et d'Hermite. Implémenter une fonction Matlab appelée base_lagrange.m prenant en entrée un réel.

Analyse Numérique

appelle l'interpolation d'Hermite. Théorème 3.10 Il existe un et un seul polynôme de degré 3 satisfaisant (3.40). Il est donné par la formule de Newton.

MATLAB: Fonctions polynômes et orthonormalisation

Les polynômes sont traités comme des vecteurs de coefficients dans Matlab. Un tel polynôme sera appelé polynôme d'interpolation de Lagrange de f aux ...

Sans titre

3.3 Techniques de l'interpolation polynomiale . 3.6.1 Interpolation d'Hermite . ... 5.7.1 Fonctions Matlab utilisées pour l'intégration numérique .


3.6.1 Interpolation d'Hermite. 3.6.2 L'erreur de l'interpolation par spline. 3.7 Utilisation de Matlab .. 3.7.1 Opérations sur les polynômes.

Corrigé de lexamen du 29 Janvier 2015 Début du corrigé !

29 janv. 2015 Pour plus de détails on pourra consulter [BM03

Chapter 3 Interpolation - MathWorks

Interpolation is the process of de?ning a function that takes on speci?ed values atspeci?ed points This chapter concentrates on two closely related interpolants: thepiecewise cubic spline and the shape-preserving piecewise cubic named “pchip ” 3 1 The Interpolating Polynomial We all know that two points determine a straight line

Makima Piecewise Cubic Interpolation » Cleve’s Corner: Cleve Moler on

The Hermite interpolation problem has got a unique solution Proof The idea is the following: we use a modi˜cation of the Newton basis for Lagrange interpolation That will provide a basis of P m with respect to which the Hermite interpolation problem can be expressed as an invertible triangular system

1 Cubic Hermite Spline Interpolation

There are two methods of doing interpolation using cubic Hermite splines in Matlab The ?rst is the function pchip pp = pchip(x f(x)) pchip takes a vector of nodesxand the corresponding function valuesf(x) and produces a cubic Hermite spline in Matlab’s internal format One can then use ppval to evaluate the cubic Hermite spline over a

Hermite and spline interpolation algorithms for planar

D = {d Re(d) > 0 and d < 3} — i e they point in the direction of ?p and have magnitudes commensurate with ?p the “good” PH quintic corresponds to the ++ choice of signs in the solution procedure criterion for “good” solution — absence of anti–parallel tangents relative to the “ordinary” cubic Hermite interpolant


• Hermite interpolation passes through the f unction and its first derivatives at data points This results in a polynomial function of degree • Extrapolation is the use of an interpolating formula for locations which do not lie within the interval p N + 1 p + 1 N + 1 – 1

Searches related to interpolation d hermite matlab filetype:pdf

Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation §3 1 Piecewise Linear Interpolation §3 2 Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation §3 3 Cubic Splines An important lesson from Chapter 2 is that high-degree polynomial interpolants at equally-spaced points should be avoided This can pose a problem if we are to produce an accurate interpolant across a wide

How to compute Hermite derivatives in MATLAB?

    MATLAB already has two cubic Hermite interpolation methods (see Cleve's blog Splines and Pchips): 'spline' computes the derivatives by imposing the constraint of continuous second derivatives (this guarantees a very smooth interpolation result),

What is cubic Hermite interpolation?

    Cubic Hermite interpolation provides an efficient and simple method for numerical approximation. Let be a partition of an interval . For , the cubic Hermite interpolant is (1) where . It is known that and . In data-fitting problems, the values are given data and the derivatives remain to be determined.

How to perform Hermitian interpolation?

    With the package Element1D, you can compute the shape functions for one-dimensional Lagrangian- and Hermitian-type elements. You perform Hermite interpolation by fitting a curve to both an ordinate (field variable) and its slope (its derivative with respect to the local coordinate) at nodal points.

What is the Hermite interpolating polynomial?

    The generated Hermite interpolating polynomial is closely related to the Newton polynomial, in that both are derived from the calculation of divided differences. However, the Hermite interpolating polynomial may also be computed without using divided differences, see Chinese remainder theorem § Hermite interpolation .

Chapter 3


Interpolation is the process of defining a function that takes on specified values at specified points. This chapter concentrates on two closely related interpolants: the piecewise cubic spline and the shape-preserving piecewise cubic named "pchip."

3.1 The Interpolating Polynomial

We all know that two points determine a straight line. More precisely, any two points in the plane, (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), withx1̸=x2, determine a unique first- degree polynomial inxwhose graph passes through the two points. There are many different formulas for the polynomial, but they all lead to the same straight line graph. This generalizes to more than two points. Givennpoints in the plane, (xk,yk),k= 1,...,n, with distinctxk's, there is a unique polynomial inxof degree less thannwhose graph passes through the points. It is easiest to remember thatn, the number of data points, is also the number of coefficients, although some of the leading coefficients might be zero, so the degree might actually be less thann-1. Again, there are many different formulas for the polynomial, but they all define the same function. This polynomial is called theinterpolatingpolynomial because it exactly re- produces the given data:

P(xk) =yk, k= 1,...,n.

Later, we examine other polynomials, of lower degree, that only approximate the data. They arenotinterpolating polynomials. The most compact representation of the interpolating polynomial is theLa- grangeform

P(x) =∑

k j̸=kx-xj x yk.

September 16, 2013


2Chapter 3. Interpolation

There arenterms in the sum andn-1 terms in each product, so this expression defines a polynomial of degree at mostn-1. IfP(x) is evaluated atx=xk, all the products except thekth are zero. Furthermore, thekth product is equal to one, so the sum is equal toykand the interpolation conditions are satisfied.

For example, consider the following data set.

x = 0:3; y = [-5 -6 -1 16];

The command

disp([x; y]) displays

0 1 2 3

-5 -6 -1 16 The Lagrangian form of the polynomial interpolating these data is

P(x) =(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)

(-6)(-5) +x(x-2)(x-3) (2) (-6) x(x-1)(x-3) (-2)(-1) +x(x-1)(x-2) (6) (16). We can see that each term is of degree three, so the entire sum has degree at most three. Because the leading term does not vanish, the degree is actually three. Moreover, if we plug inx= 0,1,2, or 3, three of the terms vanish and the fourth produces the corresponding value from the data set. Polynomials are not usually represented in their Lagrangian form. More fre- quently, they are written as something like x


The simple powers ofxare calledmonomials, and this form of a polynomial is said to be using thepower form. The coefficients of an interpolating polynomial using its power form,

P(x) =c1xn-1+c2xn-2+···+cn-1x+cn,

can, in principle, be computed by solving a system of simultaneous linear equations x n-11xn-21···x11 x n-12xn-22···x21 ··· ··· ··· ···1 x c 1 c 2... c y 1 y 2... y The matrixVof this linear system is known as aVandermondematrix. Its elements are v k;j=xn-j k.

3.1. The Interpolating Polynomial3

The columns of a Vandermonde matrix are sometimes written in the opposite order, but polynomial coefficient vectors inMatlabalways have the highest power first. TheMatlabfunctionvandergenerates Vandermonde matrices. For our ex- ample data set,

V = vander(x)

generates V =

0 0 0 1

1 1 1 1

8 4 2 1

27 9 3 1

Then c = V\y' computes the coefficients. c =



-2.0000 -5.0000 In fact, the example data were generated from the polynomialx3-2x-5. Exercise 3.6 asks you to show that Vandermonde matrices are nonsingular if the pointsxkare distinct. But Exercise 3.18 asks you to show that a Vandermonde matrix can be very badly conditioned. Consequently, using the power form and the Vandermonde matrix is a satisfactory technique for problems involving a few well-spaced and well-scaled data points. But as a general-purpose approach, it is dangerous. In this chapter, we describe severalMatlabfunctions that implement various interpolation algorithms. All of them have the calling sequence v =interp(x,y,u) The first two input arguments,xandy, are vectors of the same length that define the interpolating points. The third input argument,u, is a vector of points where the function is to be evaluated. The outputvis the same length asuand has elements v(k)=interp(x,y,u(k)) Our first such interpolation function,polyinterp, is based on the Lagrange form. The code usesMatlabarray operations to evaluate the polynomial at all the components ofusimultaneously.

4Chapter 3. Interpolation

function v = polyinterp(x,y,u) n = length(x); v = zeros(size(u)); for k = 1:n w = ones(size(u)); for j = [1:k-1 k+1:n] w = (u-x(j))./(x(k)-x(j)).*w; end v = v + w*y(k); end To illustratepolyinterp, create a vector of densely spaced evaluation points. u = -.25:.01:3.25; Then v = polyinterp(x,y,u); plot(x,y,'o',u,v,'-') creates Figure 3.1.-0.500.511.522.533.5-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3.1.polyinterp.

Thepolyinterpfunction also works correctly with symbolic variables. For example, create symx = sym('x') Then evaluate and display the symbolic form of the interpolating polynomial with

3.1. The Interpolating Polynomial5

P = polyinterp(x,y,symx)

pretty(P) which produces P = (x*(x - 1)*(x - 3))/2 + 5*(x/2 - 1)*(x/3 - 1)*(x - 1) + (16*x*(x/2 - 1/2)*(x - 2))/3 - 6*x*(x/2 - 3/2)*(x - 2) / x\

16 x | - - 1/2 | (x - 2)

x (x - 1) (x - 3) / x \ / x \\ 2/ ----------------- + 5 | - - 1 | | - - 1 | (x - 1) + ------------------------

2\ 2 / \ 3 /3

/ x\ - 6 x | - - 3/2 | (x - 2) \ 2/ This expression is a rearrangement of the Lagrange form of the interpolating poly- nomial. Simplifying the Lagrange form with

P = simplify(P)

changesPto the power form P = x^3 - 2*x - 5 Here is another example, with a data set that is used by the other methods in this chapter. x = 1:6; y = [16 18 21 17 15 12]; disp([x; y]) u = .75:.05:6.25; v = polyinterp(x,y,u); plot(x,y,'o',u,v,'r-'); produces

1 2 3 4 5 6

16 18 21 17 15 12

and Figure 3.2. Already in this example, with only six nicely spaced points, we can begin to see the primary difficulty with full-degree polynomial interpolation. In between the data points, especially in the first and last subintervals, the function shows excessive variation. It overshoots the changes in the data values. As a result, full- degree polynomial interpolation is hardly ever used for data and curve fitting. Its primary application is in the derivation of other numerical methods.

6Chapter 3. Interpolation12345610

12 14 16 18 20 22

Full degree polynomial interpolation

Figure 3.2.Full-degree polynomial interpolation.

3.2 Piecewise Linear Interpolation

You can create a simple picture of the data set from the last section by plotting the data twice, once with circles at the data points and once with straight lines connecting the points. The following statements produce Figure 3.3. x = 1:6; y = [16 18 21 17 15 12]; plot(x,y,'o',x,y,'-'); To generate the lines, theMatlabgraphics routines usepiecewise linearin- terpolation. The algorithm sets the stage for more sophisticated algorithms. Three quantities are involved. Theinterval indexkmust be determined so that x

Thelocal variable,s, is given by


Thefirst divided differenceis

k=yk+1-yk x k+1-xk.

With these quantities in hand, the interpolant is

L(x) =yk+ (x-xk)yk+1-yk

x k+1-xk

3.2. Piecewise Linear Interpolation712345610

12 14 16 18 20 22

Piecewise linear interpolation

Figure 3.3.Piecewise linear interpolation.

=yk+sδk. This is clearly a linear function that passes through (xk,yk) and (xk+1,yk+1). The pointsxkare sometimes calledbreakpointsorbreaks. The piecewise linear interpolantL(x) is a continuous function ofx, but its first derivative,L′(x), is not continuous. The derivative has a constant value,δk, on each subinterval and jumps at the breakpoints. Piecewise linear interpolation is implemented inpiecelin.m. The inputu can be a vector of points where the interpolant is to be evaluated, so the indexkis actually a vector of indices. Read this code carefully to see howkis computed. function v = piecelin(x,y,u) %PIECELIN Piecewise linear interpolation. % v = piecelin(x,y,u) finds the piecewise linear L(x) % with L(x(j)) = y(j) and returns v(k) = L(u(k)). % First divided difference delta = diff(y)./diff(x); % Find subinterval indices k so that x(k) <= u < x(k+1) n = length(x); k = ones(size(u)); for j = 2:n-1

8Chapter 3. Interpolation

k(x(j) <= u) = j; end % Evaluate interpolant s = u - x(k); v = y(k) + s.*delta(k);

3.3 Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation

Many of the most effective interpolation techniques are based on piecewise cubic polynomials. Lethkdenote the length of thekth subinterval: h k=xk+1-xk. Then the first divided difference,δk, is given by k=yk+1-yk h k.

Letdkdenote the slope of the interpolant atxk:

d k=P′(xk). For the piecewise linear interpolant,dk=δk-1orδk, but this is not necessarily true for higher order interpolants. terms of local variabless=x-xkandh=hk:

P(x) =3hs2-2s3


3yk+1+h3-3hs2+ 2s3

h 3ykquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_10
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