[PDF] Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process.

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Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process.

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Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects

the production process. A study about content creators usage of norms, methods, and rules to appeal to the target audience.

Madeleine Persson

Examen: Kandidatexamen 180 hp Examinator: Òscar Coromina Huvudområde: Medieteknik Handledare: Jakob Svensson konversationer, till exempel hur tittarna uppfattar content olika beroende på plattformarna Media Sedan togs denna insamlade data och analyserades tillsammans med informationen som samlats YouTube, Twitch, Produktion, Medielogik, Innehållsskapande. This study examines how Media Logic of YouTube and Twitch affects individual creators who works with creating content on the two platforms. It touches upon the different structures of Media Logic that exists over social media platforms and a little bit on how they have changed over the years. Most importantly it examines what a content creators work process and structure looks like and how that is affected by the different Media Logic structures. This subject is original since there is not previously made another likewise study around this particular subject. This not only makes it an exploratory study but more importantly starts the conversation about the subject. By

writing about this subject, it gives creators a voice that could both help other creators in the future,

but also make creators feel heard. In society there is a lot of content creators on both platform and growing industry. So, when talking about their creative process and how the platforms in any way impacts that, it can open up for even more conversations such as how viewers perceive content differently depending on the platforms Media Logic of how creators perceive themselves on the platform. The study has an overall abductive approach and to gather the information, five semi-structured interviews took place. Within these interviews it was possible to get a preliminary insight into how a few content creators feel about their jobs and the platforms they use in their work. The collected data was gathered and analysed together with information collected about the platforms and theory of choice, Media Logic. It was then possible to reach a tentative conclusion. The results showed that even though the creators were not previously aware of Media Logic they all indirectly were affected by it. They could be affected through the way they choose to structure and plan their videos or in how they decided to express themselves online; all five of the content creators that participated in the study were in one way or another affected by the logics of the platforms YouTube and Twitch during their content creation process. In collecting this it created a stable ground for future researchers that wants to investigate the area. YouTube, Twitch, Production, Media Logic, Content creating.

1 Introduction chapter .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Research question .......................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Delineations ................................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Target Group ................................................................................................................. 3

2 Method .................................................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Research strategy - Interviews ...................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 Construction of interview guide ............................................................................ 5

2.1.2 Conduction of interviews ...................................................................................... 5

2.1.3 Presentation of respondents ................................................................................... 6

2.1.4 Selection of respondents ........................................................................................ 7

2.2 Method of analysis ........................................................................................................ 8

2.2.1 Interview analysis .................................................................................................. 8

2.3 Method discussion ......................................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Conducting interviews digitally ............................................................................ 9

2.3.2 Source criticism ................................................................................................... 10

2.3.3 Research ethics considerations ............................................................................ 11

3 Theory ................................................................................................................................. 13

3.1 The principles of Media Logic .................................................................................... 13

3.1.1 Media logics on social media .............................................................................. 14

3.1.2 Social media interactions .................................................................................... 14

3.1.3 Other social Media Logic structures ................................................................... 15

3.2 Operationalization ....................................................................................................... 16

4 Desk research ...................................................................................................................... 17

4.1 YouTube ...................................................................................................................... 17

4.1.1 Community guidelines ........................................................................................ 18

4.1.2 Copyright laws .................................................................................................... 20

4.1.3 Subscribers and Members ................................................................................... 20

4.1.4 Partnership ........................................................................................................... 21

4.1.5 Algorithms ........................................................................................................... 21

4.2 Summary YouTube ..................................................................................................... 22

4.3 Twitch ......................................................................................................................... 22

4.3.1 Community guidelines ........................................................................................ 23

4.3.2 Copyright laws .................................................................................................... 24

4.3.3 VOD Video on Demand ................................................................................... 24

4.3.4 Subscriptions and Followers ............................................................................... 24

4.3.5 Partnership ........................................................................................................... 25

4.3.6 Monetization........................................................................................................ 26

4.4 Summary Twitch ......................................................................................................... 26

5 Results of Interviews ........................................................................................................... 27

5.1 YouTube Production ................................................................................................... 27

5.1.1 Video performance .............................................................................................. 28

5.1.2 Algorithms - YouTube ........................................................................................ 29

5.1.3 Structuring of thumbnails and titles .................................................................... 29

5.1.4 Summary YouTube ............................................................................................. 31

5.2 Twitch Production ....................................................................................................... 31

5.2.1 Algorithms - Twitch ............................................................................................ 32

5.2.2 Boosting features ................................................................................................. 33

5.2.3 Summary Twitch ................................................................................................. 33

5.3 Thoughts on Media Logic ........................................................................................... 34

5.4 Comparison ................................................................................................................. 35

5.5 Communications.......................................................................................................... 36

6 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 37

6.1 Structure ...................................................................................................................... 37

6.1.1 Design and Titles ................................................................................................. 38

6.2 Production ................................................................................................................... 38

6.3 Communication ........................................................................................................... 39

6.3.1 Communities ....................................................................................................... 39

6.4 Features ....................................................................................................................... 40

6.5 Media Logic impact .................................................................................................... 40

6.5.1 Guidelines and rules ............................................................................................ 41

6.5.2 Expressions.......................................................................................................... 41

6.5.3 Trends .................................................................................................................. 42

6.5.4 Collaborations and Growth ................................................................................. 42

6.6 The limitations of the study ......................................................................................... 42

7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 43

7.1 Further development options ....................................................................................... 43

Reference list ................................................................................................................................. 1

Appendix 1 Interview question guide ........................................................................................ 5

Media Logic: Media Logic can shortly be defined as how information or content are communicated online to be something of interest to the receivers. Factors that play a big part here are norms and rules of a platform, but also user connectivity and popularity. In s day and logic on a platform over time. However, the term Media Logic, and its connected theories, will be further explained in this essay. Content Creator: A content creator is a person that makes content as a job or as a hobby and shares it on a platform such as YouTube. There are different types of content creators, one being those who only publishes premade videos, video creators, and another being those who live stream what they are doing, streamers. Streamers can technically stream whatever they like, as long as it is not violating the platforms community rules. Some stream themselves cooking a meal, playing a video game, or just sitting and talking to the camera. The same goes for video creators, they can post a video of anything but under similar conditions as streamers. It is not allowed to violate the guidelines. A content creator is not just exclusively a creator, they are also users, meaning that they also watch and interact with other content. Algorithms: Oxford Languages describes algorithms as in calculations or other problem- (Oxford Languages, u.d.). In the Cambridge dictionary the term is described as instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a (Cambridge Dictionary, u.d.). Thumbnail: YouTube describes their thumbnail function as this. A video thumbnail let viewers see a quick snapshot of your video as they are browsing YouTube. After your video is finished uploading, you can choose a thumbnail from the three options YouTube automatically generates or upload your own (Add video thumbnail, 2021). Clickbait: a text or a thumbnail link that is designed to

attract attention and to entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the linked piece

of online content, with a defining characteristic of being deceptive, typically sensationalized or misleading. Mediatization: Mediatization is a theory that attends to how the media shapes and frames the processes and discourse (conversation) of communication as well as the community and society where this communication occurs. Some would however argue that mediatization is a non-media centric theory. Shadow banned: Shadow banned is when a user gets banned without their knowledge, this could for example affect video performances since they are not recommended to the public. Discord: Discord is a communication platform where people can create servers for others to join, here they can communicate in different channels within that server. A few examples of channels can be general, announcements, rules, gaming, chatting (usually a voice call) and self-promo. It is common for content creators to create servers for their community to interact with each other. View duration: This is the average percentage of time that the viewers has watch a video or live stream, the most optimal is anything above 50%. Click duration: This is the average percentage of the number of times people have clicked the video or stream after seeing it in their recommended list, the optimal number here is the same as above meaning 50%. Raid: A raid on Twitch means that the live streamer ends their stream with sending their viewers to another streamers channel, streamers do not always do this to end their stream and when they do, they usually send the viewers to their channel. First, it is important to inform readers that this in an undergraduate bachelor thesis withing Media ion side of content creating and then developed into a study about how a platforms Media Logic affect content creators during their production process. The study started in February of 2021, here the main idea for the study came to be and a project plan was conducted. The study was initially meant to be done at the end of May 2021, but due to some complications it got pushed forward to instead be done in the middle of June 2021. The author of the essay would like to thank their supervisor Jakob Svensson for helping with providing useful information and giving great and functional feedback during the writing process. Furthermore, the author wants to say a huge thank you to the content creators that have helped making this study happen, without them some crucial information would have been lost. They gave me information that would not have been able to find online or elsewhere. With their personal experience about both platforms that information became more detailed, helpful, and relevant. At last, the author would loke to thank her family and friends for supporting her during the entire process and for helping her with reading through the essay and helping with spell checking. Without you this study would have been a lot more work. Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process. 1

1 Introduction chapter

The first chapter will discuss the background, purpose, and the research question. This chapter is also the basis on which the study lies.

1.1 Background

It is no secret that streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney+ or HBO have become immensely popular over the last few years, especially last year when these streaming services just kept growing (Bacon, 2020). But there are streaming platforms, such as YouTube and Twitch, that offer a slightly different type of content. Those platforms offer content that are predominantly created and provided by its users. So how popular have those types of platforms become lately? YouTube and Twitch are both web platforms that offer different types of video services. Whether that is creating or watching videos, the two platforms have a lot to offer to many people depending

on what their interest are. By pure statistics, Twitch is the largest streaming platform in the world

with around 3.8 million unique streamers in 2020 and an average of 1.33 million viewers every month (Iqbal, 2020). Kit Smith (2020), states in a marketing report that by just looking at the statistics YouTube is the second most popular social media platform, it places just below Facebook who claims first place as the most popular platform. In total YouTube has around 1.9 billion users and every minute approximately 500 videos are uploaded on the platform. It has been estimated that all the users combined, in average, watch over 1 billion hours of video content on

YouTube every day (Smith, 2020).

What might impact the production of the content on the two platforms are their Logics. Media Logic is not easily described because of its constantly changing nature. David Altheide and Robert Snow were the first to ever write about the term Media Logic in 1976. They described Media Logic as a way of figuring out how to structure information in the most required format for it to be something of interest, in this case it is the chosen platforms (Altheide & Snow, 1979). Media Logic is something where there are specific norms, rules, or methods for creating something of relevance (Asp, 1990). But as mentioned above Media Logic is something that is constantly changing, which might be the results of why there right now, are few studies made around the subject. While there is a lot of statistics about YouTube and Twitch available to the public there is a limited number of scientific studies done about how the logics of YouTube and Twitch influences the content production. Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process. 2

1.2 Purpose

The main purpose of this study is to research how the logics of YouTube and Twitch influences its content creators and in turn their production processes. Specifically, this means that the purpose is to study how the content creators are affected by the platforms logics and how they structure their content depending on how they want it to be perceived by their viewers.

1.3 Research question

The main research question for this study is: How much does the platforms Media Logics affect

In order to

answer this question, the Media Logics of the chosen platforms will first have to be deciphered. This will be done by attending to the following question: What are the Media Logics, in terms of norms, rules and methods, of YouTube and Twitch, and how do these affect content creators on the platforms? By studying official documents such as terms and issues, but also guidelines and offered functions it will be possible to answer that question. After that, interviews with five content creators will take place. These will focus on the logics of the platform but from focusing on their creation (production) process. After the interviews and the desk research it will be possible to make a comparison between the platforms, this will be answered with the help of the following question: What are the biggest similarities and differences between the platforms regarding planning, time, and production?

1.4 Delineations

There are a couple of different platforms with the same purpose as YouTube and Twitch; to provide entertainment and a work environment for people. Some of these are Daily Motion, Vimeo, Mixer, and even Facebook Watch. The reason behind not choosing any of those platforms are that YouTube and Twitch are bigger and more well-known platforms to the public (Stoll,

2021; Brown, 2021). It is also easier to find creators on both YouTube and Twitch that would be

available to participate in the study, since its user and creator rate is quite high. Regarding the respondents that participated in the study they are narrowed down to the area of Sweden and the United Kingdom. This is because that the author of the essay knew more content creators in those areas, and it was therefore easier to get in contact with them. The end sample of respondents are small, with only 5 participants, so to make up for this the interviews where of the longer calibre. Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process. 3

1.5 Target Group

The first potential target group for this study might be individuals that want to dive further into how Media Logic influences a content creators production process. Since this is an exploratory study, it might not come out with a fully finished conclusion, but it might be of help in future studies on the subject. Another potential target group could be individuals that work or will work as content creators, who because of that are interested in the Media Logic of the platform and how that will affect them. Although the interview samples are smaller than optimal, the content creator target group

might want to take the results more lightly. A third potential target group are other media

researchers that would want to get a better understanding about the two platforms and their impact on its users and creators and how that affects the content on the platforms. Besides those three target groups the other sub target groups will be students and teachers within the technology and society faculty. Twitch vs YouTube - How Media Logic affects the production process. 4

2 Method

In this chapter all necessary information about the methods used in the study will be revised along with how the method was chosen and used. Besides that, there will be a method discussion over for instance the execution of methods used and ethical considerations.

2.1 Research strategy - Interviews

When choosing a method to use for collecting data for this study it was important that it would be able to help analyse the content experiences with Media Logic. The most optimal choice would be to do qualitative interviews with the content creators, but there is a lot to think about before being able to start creating interview questions. a (2019) describes the method as something that focus on the meaning instead of the statistics of a study. A qualitative method is often complex, and the point is that different actions impact the situation in which respondents are associated with. (Alvehus,


Dag Ingvar Jacobsen (2017) on the other hand describes the qualitative method as something that focuses on collecting information in a more specific and direct way unlike a quantitative method. The quantitative method focuses on collecting information that is from a broader perspective. There are a lot of ways that a qualitative method could be performed, the most common way is through an interview. Although there are other options such as focus groups and observations (Alvehus, 2019). Jacobsen (2017) mentions that the interview is the most common choice and that there are different types of interviews that can be done. When picking what structure to usequotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50
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