[PDF] Chapter 11 The SWOT ANALYSIS

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Lanalyse SWOT

Analyse SWOT ou FFOM. ? SWOT : strengths weaknesses


afin d'aider à la définition d'une stratégie de développement. Encadré 1 – Logique de l'analyse SWOT. Positif. Négatif. Interne. Forces. Faiblesses. Externe.

Chapter 11 The SWOT ANALYSIS

?SWOT analysis looks at your strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats your business faces. SWOT can help your company face.

SWOT Analysis in Strateg?c Management and a Sample Applicat?on

Oct 18 2015 Strategic management represents a case of an academic field whose consensual meaning might be expected to be fragile


Feb 27 2014 adaptations ont été apportées à l'outil SWOT pour traduire de la manière la ... definition et une analyse de la consociation au Burundi


Feb 27 2014 adaptations ont été apportées à l'outil SWOT pour traduire de la manière la ... definition et une analyse de la consociation au Burundi


SWOT analysis is used to identify the relevant internal (the strengths The benefit of a SWOT is defined by the value of the strategies it generates.


2.1 L'analyse SWOT: un outil à la définition d'une stratégie de développement. L'analyse SWOT Strengths (forces)


Example of a SWOT analysis for AMS readiness in a health-care facility . . . . . . . . . 19 Stewardship is defined as “the careful and responsible.

Rapport - Analyse du marché et perspectives pour le secteur de l

4 Analyse SWOT (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities – Threats) – outil de diagnostic permettant 11 Définition du SELL ; https://www.sell.fr/le-sell.

An Essential Guide to SWOT Analysis - State of the Planet

SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities & Threats SWOT analysis is a methodological tool designed to help workers and companies optimize performance maximize potential manage competition and minimize risk SWOT is about making better decisions both large and small

  • What Is A SWOT Analysis?

    A SWOT analysis is a technique used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your business or even a specific project. It’s most widely used by organizations—from small businesses and non-profitsto large enterprises—but a SWOT analysis can be used for personal purposes as well. While simple, a SWOT analysis is a powerful to...

  • When Should You Use A SWOT Analysis?

    You won’t always need an in-depth SWOT analysis. It’s most useful for large, general overviews of situations, scenarios, or your business. A SWOT analysis is most helpful: 1. Before you implement a large change—including as part of a larger change managementplan 2. When you launch a new company initiative 3. If you’d like to identify opportunities ...

  • SWOT Analysis Example

    One of the most popular ways to create a SWOT analysis is through a SWOT matrix—a visual representation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The matrix comprises four separate squares that create one larger square. A SWOT matrix is great for collecting information and documenting the questions and decision-making process. Not only ...

  • How Do You Write A Good SWOT Analysis?

    A SWOT analysis can be conducted in a variety of ways. Some teams like to meet and throw ideas on a whiteboard while others prefer the structure of a SWOT matrix. However you choose to make your SWOT analysis, getting creative with your planning process allows new ideas to flow and results in more unique solutions. There are a few ways to ensure th...

  • Why Is A SWOT Analysis Important?

    A SWOT analysis can help you improve processes and plan for growth. While similar to a competitive analysis, it differs because it evaluates both internal and external factors. Analyzing key areas around these opportunities and threats will equip you with the insights needed to set your team up for success. A SWOT analysis isn’t only useful for org...

What is a SWOT analysis?

SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats. SWOT analysis is a methodological tool designed to help workers and companies optimize performance, maximize potential, manage competition, and minimize risk. SWOT is about making better decisions, both large and small.

What are opportunities in SWOT?

Opportunities in SWOT result from your existing strengths and weaknesses, along with any external initiatives that will put you in a stronger competitive position. These could be anything from weaknesses that you’d like to improve or areas that weren’t identified in the first two phases of your analysis.

What are weaknesses in SWOT?

Weaknesses in SWOT refer to internal initiatives that are underperforming. It’s a good idea to analyze your strengths before your weaknesses in order to create the baseline of success and failure. Identifying internal weaknesses provides a starting point for improving those projects. Which initiatives are underperforming and why?

What are the 4 components of SWOT?

SWOT consists of four components--SStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. These four components are organized into two categories--internal and external. That is, look internally

  • Past day

Chapter 11


and Basic Components

Presented by: KameliaGulam


Chapter Outline

What is SWOT analysis?

Basic Elements of The SWOT Analysis

Aim of SWOT analysis.

Who need SWOT analysis?

SWOT Analysis for Individuals

How to conduct SWOT analysis?

Pitfalls of SWOT analysis.

Tips for SWOT analysis.


What is SWOT analysis

‰A technique that enables organisations or individual to move from everyday problems and traditional strategies to a fresh prospective.

‰SWOT analysis looks at your strengths and

weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats your business faces.SWOT can help your company face its greatest challenges and find its most promising new markets. 3 ‰The SWOT Analysis framework is a very important and useful tool to use in marketing Management and other business applications

‰A clear understanding of SWOT is required for

business majors. 4

Basic Elements of The SWOT Analysis


Strengths (internal, positive factors)

* Characteristics of the business or individual that give it an advantage over others in the industry. * Positive tangible and intangible attributes, internal to an organization or individual. * Beneficial aspects of the organization or the capabilities of an organization, process capabilities, financial resources, products and services, customer goodwill and brand loyalty. Examples -Abundant financial resources, Well-known brand name, Lower costs [raw materials or processes], Superior management talent, Better marketing skills, Good distribution skills, Committed employees. 6

Weaknesses (internal, negative factors)

Characteristics that place the firm or individual at a disadvantage relative to others. * Detract the organization from its ability to attain the core goal and influence its growth. * Weaknesses are the factors which do not meet the standards we feel they should meet. However, weaknesses are controllable.

They must be minimized and eliminated.

Examples -Limited financial resources, Very narrow product line, Limited distribution, Higher costs, Weak market image, Poor marketing skills, Limited management skills, Under-trained employees.7


Are external attractive factors that represent reasons your business is likely to prosper. * Chances to make greater profits in the environment -External attractive factors that represent the reason for an organization to exist & develop. * Arise when an organization can take benefit of conditions in its environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable. * Organization should be careful and recognize the opportunities and grasp them whenever they arise.. Examples -Rapid market growth, Rival firms are complacent, Changing customer needs/tastes, New uses for product discovered, Economic boom, Government deregulation, Sales decline for a substitute product . 8

Threats (external, negative factors)

* External elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business -External factors, beyond an organization's control. * Arise when conditions in external environment jeopardize the reliability and profitability of the organization's business. Examples -Entry of foreign competitors, Introduction of new substitute products, Product life cycle in decline, Changing customer needs/tastes, Rival firms adopt new strategies, Increased government regulation, Economic downturn. 9 10 S W T O

To help decision makers

share and compare ideas.

To bring a clearer

common purpose and understanding of factors for success. * To organize the important factors linked to success and failure in the business world. * To help individual or organization to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

It promotes strategic

thinking 11

Job Holder

When supervisor has issues with

work output

Assigned to a new job

New financial year -fresh targets

Job holder seeks to improve

performance on the job 1

Business Unit

2When the team has not met its targets

Customer service can be better

Launching a new business unit to

pursue a new business

New team leader is appointed


When revenue, cost & expense

targets are not being achieved

Industry conditions are unfavorable

Launching a new business venture


Who needs SWOT Analysis?


Workshop Sessions

Strategic Planning

Product Evaluation

Competitor Evaluation

Personal Development


Decision Making

Product Launch

Changing Jobs

Who needs SWOT Analysis?

SWOT Analysis is also required for / during...

Brainstorm meetings

Problem solving



SWOT Analysis for Individuals

Those with keen understanding of their strengths and needs are in much better position than those with limited or faulty self-knowledge.

Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind

Personal SWOT analysis is a great tool to assess

yourself in order to plan your career. You can use it to assess yourself, compare yourself against your peers/competitors and also use it to find career growth opportunities.14

Personal SWOT

Self-assessment tool

Strategic planning activity

In light of an individual's personal mission statement

Their vision of where they see themselves in the

future 15

When to do a personal SWOT analysis ?

When going to an interview So you can focus on your strengths and talk about them more. It will help in preparing the CV as well. If you have a very good idea about the job requirements beforehand you can modify the CV to match them as well.

When applying for a promotion helps you to assess

yourself against other candidates. Youll have a good understanding of your strengths against your competitors so you can focus on them rather than your general strengths. 16

Before a career switch helps you to figure

out whether your skills match the opportunities in your new career or whether they are much suited for your current job. 17

3. Prepare Action Plans

2. Perform SWO T


1. Analyse Internal &

External Environment

How to conduct SWOT Analysis?


1. Analyse Internal & External Environment


1.SO strategiesuse a firms internal

strengths to take advantage ofexternalopportunities. (LEVERAGE)

2. WO strategiesare aimed at

improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage ofexternalopportunities. (CONSTRAINTS)

3. ST strategiesuse a firms strengths

to avoid or reduce the impact ofexternalthreats. (VULNERABILITIES)

4. WT strategiesare defensive tactics

directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoidingexternalthreats. (PROBLEMS) 20 21

2. Perform SWOT Analysis & Document (1)

Establish the objectives -Purpose of conducting a

SWOT may be wide / narrow, general / specific.

Select contributors -Expert opinion may be required for SWOT

Allocate research & information gathering tasks -

Background preparation can be carried out in two stages Exploratory and Detailed. Information on Strengths &

Weaknesses should focus on the internal factors.

Create a workshop environment -Encourage an

atmosphere conducive to the free flow of information.22

2. Perform SWOT Analysis & Document (2)

Evaluate listed ideas against Objectives -With

the lists compiled, sort and group facts and ideas in relation to the objectives.

List Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, &


Carry your findings forward -Make sure that the

SWOT analysis is used in subsequent planning.

Revisit your findings at suitable time intervals.


3. Prepare Action Plan

Once the SWOT analysis has been completed, mark

each point with:quotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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