[PDF] assessment management and support for people living with

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“Ancillary Certificates” means a certificate other than a statutory certificate of The list of elements for inspection is non- exhaustive and other relevant ...

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assessment management and support for people living with

20 Jun 2018 The recommendations in this guideline represent the view of NICE ... Health Education England and Skills for Care (2015) Dementia Core.

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Healthcare professionals are expected to take NICE clinical guidelines fully into in Appendix C GRADE tables in Appendix F and excluded studies list in.

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Brussels 12 October 2015. EudraLex. Volume 4. EU Guidelines for. Good Manufacturing Practice for. Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use.

i STAT CG4+ and CHEM8+ cartridges for point-of-care testing in the

testing in the emergency department. Medtech innovation briefing. Published: 9 September 2015 www.nice.org.uk/guidance/mib38. Summary.

Demen tia: assessment, "::" : !:NICE guideline

Published r86rJuner867-r


4nice4org4uk5guidance5ng'?r© NICE 2023

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Y our responsibility The r

ecommendations in this guideline represent the view of NICE, arrived at after careful considerationrofrt

herY ellowrCardrScheme4r


ecommendationsrwher everrpossible4rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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About t

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y is it needed? 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444:r


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.1 Involving people living with dementia in decisions about their care 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444477r

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Putting t

his guideline into practice 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444449'r


7r1 Case management 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.

7rDementia: assessment, management and suppor

t for people living with dementia and theircar ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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3 Anticholiner

gic burden 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.8r


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erinformationr44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.,rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor

ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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This guideline r

eplaces CG42, ESUOM41 and ESUOM40. Thisrguidelinerpar herbasisrofrQS,6randrQS7-.4rOv erview This guideline co vers diagnosing and managing dementia (including Alzheimer's disease). Itraimsrt oducedrarguidelineronrmid3lif W ho is it for? • Healt


eoplerlivingrwithrdementia2rtheirrfamiliesrandrcarersrDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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A bout this guideline Dementia is a t erm used to describe a range of cognitive and behavioural symptoms that canrincludermemor essingrandrcooking4rThermostrcommonrtypesrofrdementiarare rAlzheimerysrdisease2rv Arr


choticrPrescribingrAuditrf hy is it needed? Pr oviding care and support is very complex, because of the number of people living with dementiarandrt yrinclude r¥rcoor dinatingrcarerandrsupportrbetweenrdifferentrservicesrDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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• whatrsuppor



hat does it cover? This guideline addr esses how dementia should be assessed and diagnosed. It covers person3centr easrwhere r¥rt


verdementia4rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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H ow has it been developed? This guideline has been de veloped by a multidisciplinary guideline committee, using an e ecommendationsrinrthisrarea4rG ecommendationsrforrfuturerr esearchrz H ow does it relate to statutory and non-statutory #

7:The guideline complement

s existing legislation and guidance. It describes how services andrpr erysrChallengeronrDementiar8686rset sroutrtherUKrGovernmentysrstrategyrf orrtransformingrdementiarcarerwithinrtherUK4rTheraimsrofrtherstrategyrinclude r¥rimpr ed4rTherCar erActr867.rcr eatedrarnewrlegislativerframeworkrforradultrsocialrcare2rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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and also giv es carers a legal right to assessment and support. R elevant legislation and statutory guidance • NHSrEnglandrz867,ifirAccessiblerInf ormationrStandardr¥rCar erActr867.r¥rHealt tmentrofrHealthrz867.ifirCarerActr867. rStatutoryrGuidancerforrImplementationr¥rDepar tmentrofrHealthrz867.ifirPositiverandrProactiverCare rReducingrtherneedrforrr estrictiverinterventionsr¥rHealt



srActr7''-rR elevant policies and non-statutory guidance • Inf egulationr¥rNHSrEnglandrz867?ifirDementia rGoodrCar rainingrFramework4rThisrframew orkrwasrcommissionedrandrfundedrb

tmentrofrHealthrz867.ifirAdultrSocialrCarerOutcomesrFrameworkr867,rtor867:rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor

ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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P erson-centred care This guideline off ers best-practice advice on care and support for people living with dementiarandrt t r¥rt heirrfamiliesrandrcarersr¥rt heirrinput4rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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R ecommendations P eople have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions aboutrt heirrcare2rasrdescribedrinrNICEysrinf e4r


xplainsrhowrweruserwordsrtorshowrtherstr eguarding4rNICErhasralsorpr oduced r¥rarguidelineronrdecisionrmakingrandrmentalrcapacity2rwhichrpr ovidesrfurtherrdetailsronrho hrsevererdementia4r 1.1 I nvolving people living with dementia in !!:#":" : :I nvolving people in decision-making 1 .1.1 Encourage and enable people living wit h dementia to give their own viewsrandropinionsraboutrt heirrcare4r1 .1.2 If needed, use additional or modified wa ys of communicating (for e .1.3 Consider using a structur ed tool to assess the likes and dislikes, routines Dementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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and personal hist ory of a person living with dementia. Pr oviding information 1 .1.4 Pr ovide people living with dementia and their family members or carers zasrappr herstagerofrtheirrcondition4r1 .1.5 Be awar e of the obligation to provide accessible information as detailed inrt herNHSrAccessiblerInf ormationrStandard4rF orrmorerguidanceronrpr herNICErguidelinesronrpatientre xperiencerinradultrNHSrservicesrandr peopleysre 1 .1.6 A t diagnosis, offer the person and their family members or carers (as appr opriateifiroralrandrwrittenrinformationrthatrexplains r¥rwhatrt ogressesr¥rwhichrhealt erandrhowrtorcontactrthemr¥rifrappr


heyrar erworkingrorrlookingrforrworkr¥rho wrtherfollowingrgroupsrcanrhelprandrhowrtorcontactrthem r- localrsuppor trgroups2ronlinerforumsrandrnationalrcharitiesr- financialrandrlegalradvicerser vicesr- adv ocacyrservices4r1 .1.7 If it has not been document ed earlier, ask the person at diagnosis: Dementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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• f amilyrmembersrorrcarersifir¥rwhatrinf .1.8 Aft er diagnosis, direct people and their family members or carers (as appr ecommendationsr74947randr74948ronrcar ercoordinationifi4r1 .1.9 F or people who do not want follow-up appointments and who are not usingrot erdate4r1 .1.10 Ensur e that people living with dementia and their carers know how to get mor .1.11 T ell people living with dementia (at all stages of the condition) about r dvance care planning 1 .1.12 Off er early and ongoing opportunities for people living with dementia and peoplerin volvedrinrtheirrcarerzseerrecommendationr7474?ifirtordiscuss r¥rt airsrdecisionsifir¥ranradv egardingrtheirrfuturercarer¥radv ancerdecisionsrtorrefusertreatmentrDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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• t ementsrandrdecisionsrtheyrhavermade4r1 .1.13 A t each care review, offer people the chance to review and change any adv ancerstatementsrandrdecisionsrtheyrhavermade4r1.2 D iagnosis I nitial assessment in non-specialist settings 1 .2.1 A t the initial assessment take a history (including cognitive, behavioural andrpsy eifi r¥rfr • ifrpossible2rfr 1 .2.2 If dementia is still suspect ed after initial assessment: ¥rconductrarph ysicalrexaminationrand • under erdeclinerand • usercognitiv ertesting4r1 .2.3 When using cognitiv e testing, use a validated brief structured cognitive instrumentrsuchras r


her:3itemrscreenerr¥rt herMemoryrImpairmentrScreenrzMISifirDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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• t herMini3Cogr¥rT estrYourrMemoryrzTYMifi4r1 .2.4 Do not rule out dementia solely because t he person has a normal score onrarcognitiv erinstrument4r1 .2.5 When taking a hist ory from someone who knows the person with suspect .2.6 R eferrt yrclinicrorrcommunityroldragerpsychiatryrserviceifirif r¥rr erimpairmentrfromrmedicinesrassociat vestigatedrand • dementiarisrstillrsuspect ed4r1 .2.7 If t he person has suspected rapidly-progressive dementia, r eferrt hemrtorarneur .2.8 F or more guidance on assessing for dementia in people with learning disabilities2rseert herNICErguidelineronrmentalrhealt hrproblemsrinrpeoplerwit hrlearningrdisabilities4r D iagnosis in specialist dementia diagnostic services 1 .2.9 Diagnose a dementia subtype (if possible) if initial specialist assessment zincludingranrappr .2.10 If Alzheimer's disease is suspect ed, include a test of v erbalrepisodicrmemor yrinrt herassessment4rDementia rassessment2rmanagementrandrsuppor ersrzNG'?ifi© NICE 2023

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1 .2.11 Consider neur opsychological testing if it is unclear: ¥rwhet • whet • whatrt hercorrectrsubtyperdiagnosisris4r1 .2.12 Use v alidated criteria to guide clinical judgement when diagnosing dementiarsubtypes2rsuchras rquotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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