[PDF] Your APA paper should include five major sections: the Title Page

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Antioch University

8 janv. 2020 Abstracts are not usually required for student papers. Check with your instructor to see if an abstract and/or keywords are required for your.


A TEMPLATE SHOWING HOW TO USE APA FORMAT. 2. Abstract APA format (which can be used for any type of writing assignment) and to provide an example.

Abstract and Keywords Guide APA Style 7th Edition

NOTE: Abstracts and keywords are not typically required for student papers. It provides an overview of the paper and helps readers decide whether to ...


29 févr. 2020 below the abstract which are important points of research study used as ... taken place in the referencing style of the APA since its ...

Your APA paper should include five major sections: the Title Page

ABSTRACT. • An abstract page should include the page header. On the first line of the abstract page center the word “Abstract” (no bold

Heading Levels Template: Professional Paper APA Style 7th Edition

22 mars 2022 The following template demonstrates how to use heading levels in an APA Style professional paper. Please note that the page numbers in this ...


13 avr. 2022 SAMPLE APA-7 PAPER FOR GRADUATE/DOCTORAL STUDENTS. 5. Abstract. Begin your abstract at the left margin. This is the only paragraph that ...

APA Paper Formatting 2018-2019

28 août 2018 APA Formatting 2018-2019 2. ABSTRACT. See pp. 25-27 41

1 Writing in APA Style: A Sample Student Paper Lisa Blackwell Wan

1 août 2020 Commented [LBW9]: Begin the abstract using left- justification. Always use double-spacing. Commented [LBW10]: See the APA Manual p. 38.

Writing an Empirical Paper in APA Style

The title and abstract usually come last. Page 2. University of Washington. Psychology Writing Center http://www.psych.uw 


Your APA paper should include five major sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Paper, Paper Format and References And Citations. See the timeline handout for important due dates.


Your paper should begin with a title page that follows APA format. The info at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ is great for APA citation. Your title should be interesting and inform the reader of your topic.


An abstract page should include the page header. On the first line of the abstract page, center the word "Abstract" (no bold, formatting, italics,

underlining, or quotation marks). Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do not indent.) An abstract should summarize your research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.

3. MAIN PAPER (will have four distinct parts):


In general, all papers should begin with an introduction that includes a thesis statement (see handout on a good/bad thesis). The purpose of the introduction is the same as any research paper: in one to two paragraphs, briefly introduce and state the issue to be examined

The introduction

always states what you are trying to prove/disprove in the paper. II.


The most important part of your introduction is this statement. The thesis statement is the direction of your paper. Your thesis must always be underlined in everything you turn in. III. BODY Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence. Your topic sentences must always be underlined in everything you turn in. I repeat: Underline each topic sentence of each paragraph. Paragraphs have no less than four but no more than six sentences. Topic sentences explain/summarize what will be addressed in the para graph These topic sentences also act as transitions to create a coherent argument Transitions link paragraphs together and unite the overall position of your argument Paragraphs support the particular thesis statement with evidence/examples. The body of your paper should clearly show that your argument /critique/analysis is moving in a certain direction (the direction outlined in your introduction


Bring cohesion to your paper by clearly reiterating your main points.

Summarize your themes and sub-points.

Explain what was suggested in the body of your paper. Tie up your argument and drive home your thesis statement. You should attempt to show that your thesis has been proven.


Paper length: Micro honors and Econ 230 honors 9-11 pages (not including title and reference pages)

12 point font with 1 inch margins


Headings (where appropriate)

Your paper's turnitin.com originality score of no less than 15% and no more than 25%

Uses a single source no more than five times.

Your paper is due May 13


Your thesis always underlined.

Your topic sentences always underlined.


Main resource materials:

Primary source documents e.g., books such as The Wealth of Nations and JSTOR scholarly articles--no less than three must come from the 30 economic journals athttp://faculty.maxwell.syr.edu/whorrace/journals.htm and my handout on them.

Ancillary resource materials:

Cited think tanks (e.g. Cato.org, Brookings Institute) Popular writings (e.g. NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, other media). No more than three (and they should not be the focal point of your paper's evidence). wiki's and blogs are not acceptable sources. How many sources should you have? No less than seven and no more than eleven. Note: you may only use two of the in-class readings as direct sources. I strongly suggest that any single source not be overly relied on.

In-Text Citations (APA Format)

Rather than footnotes or endnotes, APA Format uses in-text citations. Avoid plagiarizing through the use of in-text citations that identify ideas, information or words from a particular source. APA still requires a bibliography! For help: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ TIPS This is a social science paper not an opinion piece. As a general rule you should avoid writing in first or second person subject or possessive (singular or plural).

Instead w

rite in the third person.

For example, use "it" not "I" or "we or you";

For example, "The evidence" suggests Barack Obama is the greatest president ever verses "I think" Barack Obama is ...or "We believe" Barack

Obama is....)

Think critically.

Always outline before you begin

Analyze the readings and stay organized

Is your thesis always underlined in everything you turned in?

Are your topic sentences always underlined?

Do not use contractions (cannot = ; can't = )

Suggest other areas of research

Start early, use Turnitin.com for my feedback

Proofread for clarity, punctuation and spelling

Do not end sentences with a preposition

Avoid colloquial language and clichés!

Is your Turnitin originality score of no less than 15% and no more than 25%
Did your paper overly rely on a one or two source documents? Your paper's word count (proportions) should breakdown, roughly along the following lines: Intro and Thesis 20%; Body 70%; Conclusion 10% Thank you Professor Ware for providing this outline...quotesdbs_dbs10.pdfusesText_16
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