[PDF] DARWIN EU – early evolution Classified as public by the

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MPR 3 /2009

Genetic research provides the strong- est proof of evolutionary theory to- day. Charles Darwin could not have even guessed at such things. Indeed the door to a 

Darwin la (R)ÉVOLUTION continue

Campus : Dans quelle mesure les travaux de Darwin marquent-ils une rupture dans l'his- toire des sciences? Denis Duboule: Les travaux de Darwin représentent une.

The Evolution of Nature: Von Humboldt Darwin


DARWIN EU – early evolution

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency. 02 - Webinar Agenda. Introduction to. DARWIN EU®. Data Analysis and Real World. Interrogation Network.

La théorie de la sélection naturelle présentée par Darwin et Wallace

1 déc. 2009 par Darwin et Wallace » Bibnum [En ligne]

Darwins Methodological Evolution

This essay focuses on Darwin's development of an innovative cog- nitive strategy that I refer to as Darwinian Thought Experiment. Pre- viously in Lennox 1991


views and erroneous grounds of opinion of Lamarck in his "Zoonomia" (vol. I pp. 500-510)

Darwin and Wagner: Evolution and Aesthetic Appreciation

evolution expressed in The Origin of Species and Tristan and Isolde? (2) What driving force in both Darwin's theory and Wagner's music is most stimu-.

The Relationship of Charles Darwin to the Ideas of his Grandfather

In order to define and protect his iden new evolutionary theory it was essential tha from grandfather and Lamarck. Darwin's historical comments were first. " 

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[PDF] La théorie de la sélection naturelle présentée par Darwin et Wallace

1 déc 2009 · Exprimée dans sa forme la plus claire par Darwin cette théorie considère que l'évolution des espèces se fait par des variations aléatoires 

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Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection A new theory of biological species Waseda University SILS Introduction to History and Philosophy of 

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27 mar 2010 · « ( ) d'innombrables formes toujours belles et plus merveilleuses n'ont cessé d'évoluer et aujourd'hui encore évoluent » Charles Darwin ( 

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[PDF] Darwin la (R)ÉVOLUTION continue - Université de Genève

Campus : Dans quelle mesure les travaux de Darwin marquent-ils une rupture dans l'his- toire des sciences? Denis Duboule: Les travaux de Darwin représentent une

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DARWIN : LE HASARD ET L'EVOLUTION Bibliographie sélective dans le cadre des conférences « Un texte un mathématicien » Sylvie Méléard Mercredi 23 janvier 

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29 jan 2009 · Dans le cadre du bicentenaire de la naissance de Darwin le Centre National de l'Histoire des Sciences a le plaisir de présenter cette 

[PDF] What is Darwins Theory of Evolution? - Esalq

The theory of evolution by natural selection first formulated in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 is the process by which organisms change 

  • Quel est la thèse de Darwin ?

    La théorie de Darwin est une partie d'une théorie scientifique, celle de l'évolution des esp?s. Selon lui, les esp?s animales et végétales ont dû changer pour survivre, elles ont dû s'adapter aux variations de leur environnement.
  • Quelle est la découverte de Darwin ?

    La théorie de l'évolution suggère que toutes les esp?s vivantes sont en perpétuelle transformation et subissent au fil du temps et des générations des modifications morphologiques comme génétiques. Ce concept a été présenté par Charles Darwin dans son ouvrage L'origine des esp?s publié le 24 novembre 1859.
  • Comment expliquer l'évolution des espèces ?

    L'évolution des esp?s se traduit par des changements de leur phénotype (par exemple leur morphologie, leur physiologie, leur comportement…) dus à des changements génétiques. Ces changements peuvent mener à la disparition d'esp?s ou à la formation de nouvelles esp?s.
  • Les principaux sont : le transformisme de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, qui dit que les organismes s'adaptent à leur milieu ; l'évolutionnisme de Charles Darwin, qui avance que l'évolution se fait par sélection naturelle.
DARWIN EU – early evolution

An agency of the European Union

An agency of the European Union

24 February 2022

10:30-12:00 CET



information webinar Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

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Webinar agenda

2 01 06 02 03 04 05


Emer Cooke, Executive Director of EMA, co-chair of the DARWIN EU® Advisory Board

Karl Broich, President of BfArM, Chair of HMA Management Group and co-chair of the DARWIN EU® Advisory Board

Introduction to DARWIN EU®

Xavier Kurz, EMA

Use cases for Real World Evidence

Gianmario Candore, EMA

Setting up the DARWIN EU®Coordination Centre

Peter Rijnbeek, Erasmus MC

Outlook for 2022

Andrej Segec, EMA


Panel of experts and stakeholders

Peter Arlett

Webinar Chair

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

01 -Webinar Agenda


Emer Cooke, Executive Director EMA, co-chair of the

DARWIN EU Advisory Board

Karl Broich, President of BfArM, Chair of HMA

Management Group and co-chair of the DARWIN EU

Advisory Board

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

02 -Webinar Agenda

Introduction to


Data Analysis and Real World

Interrogation Network

Xavier Kurz, EMA

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

By 2025 the use of Real-World

Evidencewill have been enabled

and the valuewill have been established across the spectrum of regulatory use cases -European Medicines Regulatory Network (EMRN) strategy to 2025 - Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 6



Electronics health











In silico














Real-World Evidence (RWE):

information derived from analysis of real-world data

Real-World Data (RWD): routinely collected data

relating to patient health status or the delivery of health carefrom a variety of sources other than traditional clinical trials

What is real-world data and evidence?

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

How to increase the generation and use of RWE?

Organisation, Processes

and Governance

Skills, Methods &

Technology (incl.


Data Discoverability

and Characterisation

Data driven

decision making

Others: EC, HTA

bodies and payers,

EU health agencies


EMA scientific committees

and working parties:


7 Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 8

DARWIN EU® is a federated

networkof data, expertise and servicesthat supports better decision-making throughout the product lifecycle by generating reliable evidence from real world healthcare data SAWP CHMP PRAC


Data stays local

Use of Common Data Model (where applicable)

to perform studies in a timely manner and increase consistency of results Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 9

What will DARWIN EU® do?

Conductscientificstudiesandanalyseson behalf of the EMRN and EMA scientific committees Provide scientific expertise in formulating and executing studies and analyses Maintain a catalogue of known, relevant data holders, continually ensuring the discoverability & quality of data held by data holders Maintain & expand the federated network of data partners, assisting new data holders in conforming with required standards for usage in regulatory context Deliver training, governance, support of business services Enable the EMRN, EMA and the scientific committees to make use of the EHDS Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 10 What analyses and studies will DARWIN EU®deliver?

Category of observational

analyses and studies


Routine repeated

analyses Routine analyses based on a generic study protocol

Periodical estimation of drug utilisation

Safety monitoring of a medicinal product

Estimation of the incidence of a series of adverse events

Off-the-shelf studies

Studies for which a generic protocol is adapted to a research question Estimate the prevalence, incidence or characteristics of exposures

Health outcomes

Describe population characteristics

Complex Studies

Studies requiring development or customisationof specific study designs, protocols and Statistical Analysis

Plans (SAPs), with extensive collection or extraction of data

Etiological study measuring the strength and determinants of an association between an exposure and the

occurrence of a health outcome considering sources of bias, potential confounding factors and effect modifiers

Very Complex Studies

Studies which cannot rely only on electronic health care databases, or which would require complex methodological work Studies where it may be necessary to combine a diagnosis code with other data such as results of laboratory investigations, or studies requiring additional data collection Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 11 What is the DARWIN EU®process for conducting studies?




(NCA/EMA may be consulted)

Data Partners

(may include




Identify question

that may impact committee decision

Define the research


Evaluate feasibility

Create protocol & code

Contact Data partners

Manage study


Receive and run

the code on their own databases

Send aggregated

data to the



Receive, check, analyse

aggregated data

Compile results in study


Share aggregate data &

reports with requester (support integration/ assessment)

Integrate within EU

regulatory decision- making process Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 12

Which data sources will DARWIN EU®use?

Data sources collecting health data routinely and representative of the different types of real-world data in terms

of data elements, setting (primary & secondary care), population, origin (e.g. electronic health care records,

claims) Data sources which collectively provide a broad geographical cover

Data sources containing patient-level data with a unique patient identifier linking all records relating to a given


Medicinesprescribed or dispensed identifiable with quantities (e.g. doses, package size) and datesallowing to

calculate cumulative doses and duration of use and linked to individual but unidentifiable patients

Clinical events formally coded, with accurate datesand linked to individualbut unidentifiable patients

Data already converted or planned to be converted into a common data model Data sources will be onboarded over time taking into account the following criteria: Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency 13

Who will benefit from DARWIN EU®?

Drug developmentdisease

epidemiology, unmet need, historical controls, planning

Authorisationcontribution to benefit-

risk, controls, extrapolation to general and/or special populations


monitoring, extension of indication, risk minimisation measures

DARWIN EU®will increase the capacity of

the EMRN to undertake high-quality observational studies based on RWD and reduce the time per study

EU patients and healthcare professionals

Faster access to innovative medicines and safe and effective use

European Commission

Key use case for the European Health Data Space

National competent authorities

Support health policy and delivery of healthcare systems

HTA bodies and payers

Support better quality decisions on cost-effectiveness

EU and international health agencies

Use cases specific for other EU Agencies such as ECDC

Academia and research organisations

Increase use of RWE, methodology development, and better data quality


Enable better evidence supporting decision-making, increase receptiveness for RWE in MA submissions, and reduce time & cost of drug development

EU medicines regulators

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03 -Webinar Agenda

Use cases for Real

World Evidence

Gianmario Candore, EMA

Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency Why can RWD analyses generated by DARWIN EU® be useful? Ultimate goal: better informed and more efficient regulatory decision-making

To help fill knowledge gaps

Providing additionalinformation needed for decision-making such as more recentdata or additional sensitivity analyses,

or access to more and different databases (e.g. those established and maintained by public health authorities)

Transparent and tailored analyses

Transparent andtrusted sourcesof RWD

Faster evidence generation, avoiding the procedural steps for imposing and supervising MAH sponsored studies

Ability to study multiple substances of the same class avoiding unnecessary duplication and inefficiency that might be feature

of studies done by industry 15 Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency Three main areas for which RWD analyses can support committees' decision-making

Understand the clinical


Support the planning

and validity of applicant studies 12


associations and impact 3 16 Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

Support the planning &

validity of applicant studies

Design and feasibility of

planned studies

Representativeness and

validity of completed studies

Use case


Use case

objective Inform recruitmentin pre and post authorisation studies Number of incident and/or prevalent patients per year (for diseases and/or drugs) Geographical variation of incident and/or prevalent patients Examplewaiveror paediatric investigation plan modification Are clinical studies in young children with a rare haematological conditions feasible? Examine impact of planned inclusion/exclusion criteria on

Patient recruitmentand its feasibility

Compositionof study population vs. real-world target population 1 17 Three main areas of committeesdecision-making for which RWE can be requested Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

Support the planning &

validity of applicant studies

Design and feasibility of

planned studies

Representativeness and

validity of completed studies

Use case


Use case


Evaluate external validity

Measure the representativenessof the CT population (treatment and control arm) vs. the real-world target population Evaluate whether the standard of care used in the control arm of a CT is comparable with the current real-word standard of care 1 18 Three main areas of committeesdecision-making for which RWE can be requested Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

Understand clinical


Disease epidemiology

Drug utilisation

Use case


Use case

objective Support the evaluation of incidence and prevalence of diseases Exampleprevalence for orphan designation or maintenance Do recent data and from a broader set of databases support the maintenance of an orphan designation? Support better understanding of the disease and its progression Baseline factors at diagnosis and post-diagnostic characteristics 2 Clinical managementGenerate evidence on the actual clinical standards of care and compare in different populations

How are patients diagnosedand treated?

Medicines used according to the authorised indication or off-label

Treatment patterns

19 Three main areas of committeesdecision-making for which RWE can be requested Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

Understand clinical


Disease epidemiology

Drug utilisation

Use case


Use case


Characterisationof real-world drug use

Incidence& prevalenceof use


Amountand durationof exposure

Switchingof drug use over time

Example contextualise risk of a possible contamination with a medicinal product What is the use of the medicinal product and how has it evolved over time? What other medicinal products are available, have they been used? 2

Clinical management

20 Three main areas of committeesdecision-making for which RWE can be requested Classified as public by the European Medicines Agency

Investigate associations

and impact

Effectiveness and safety


Impact of regulatory actions

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