[PDF] The income inequality of France in historical perspective

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Economic and Social Conditions in France During the 18th Century

Until about 1840 French agriculture still bore a close resemblance to that of the ancien régime. We see then

Isolation and Economic Life in Eighteenth-Century France Share

under the terms and conditions applicable to Open Access Policy Articles or “influence” of “the Atlantic economy… on eighteenth-century France” is a.


France in the eighteenth century was essentially a rural society. Economic and social conditions – this source from 1927 is still useful for its facts ...

The income inequality of France in historical perspective

so the data present a problem because the number of families living in each such a limited knowledge of France's eighteenth century economy corre-.

The Quality of Life in Historical Perspective France: 1695-1990

seventeenth century a large majority of all French were members of households typifying the family-based economy. The organization.

Apprenticeship in 18th and 19th-century France: Surviving the End

When they married 45% of apprentices had parents who were alive and living outside Lyon

Parrainage et integration dans une population coloniale : lile

Située dans l'actuelle Acadie l'île Royale représente pour la France

Medical Evidence Related to English Population Changes in the

pre-industrial societies (such as eighteenth century France and colonial America) the association between sickness and bad living conditions.

Eighteenth-Century Life in France

Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France (University Park: The Pennsylvania not a "typical" (76) situation they are not told how common it was. Several.

Furniture Sociability


European Review of Economic History, 4, 59-83. Printed in the United Kingdom © 2000 Cambridge University Press

Th e incom e inequalit y o f Franc e i n historica l perspectiv e








de Paris I, 36
chemin Desvallieres, 92410 Ville d'Avray, France. % 5, rue des Chaudronniers, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France. Franc e present s a n unusua l cas e because unlik e severa l othe r


n countries ther e ar e n o estimate s o f th e incom e distributio n fo r th e eighteent h an d nineteent h centuries Thi s i s a seriou s deficienc y becaus e i t limit s th e abilit y t o understan d ho w a n importan t dimensio n o f th e socio-economi c fabri c change d durin g th e year s precedin g an d coincidin g wit h th e beginnin g o f


s industria l development I n thi s articl e w e provid e estimate s tha t us e ta x dat a an d th e socia l table s o f th e eighteent h an d nineteent h centuries Whil e thi s dat a doe s no t provid e a basi s fo r a perfectl y accurat e assessmen t o f th e incom e distribution i t doe s permi t a n evaluatio n o f th e genera l magnitud e o f inequalit y an d ho w i t varie d i n tha t period Th e result s sugges t tha t inequalit y durin g th e eighteent h centur y wa s larg e bu t decrease d durin g th e revolutionar y perio d (1790-1815)


an d i n accordanc e wit h


hypothesis whe n industrialisatio n bega n abou t 1830
inequalit y increase d unti l sometim e i n th e 1860
s whe n i t bega n it s slo w declin e toward s greate r equalit y tha t characterise s th e twentiet h century .1. Introduction


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9 creatio n o f th e OEC D (OEE C a t th e time) membe r countrie s agree d t o prepar e nationa l account s o n a standardise dquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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