[PDF] Advanced Financial Management Specimen Exam applicable from. September

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You must NOT write in your answer booklet until instructed by the supervisor. This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall. Professional 

ACCA P4 Advanced Financial Management Answer Bank Exam

ACCA P4 Advanced Financial. Management. Answer Bank. Exam Timed Attempt at the. Last Published Exam Paper September/December 2016 – Sample Questions.

Advanced Financial Management

This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall. Paper P. 4. Advanced Financial. Management. March/June 2016 – Sample Questions.

Advanced Financial Management

Specimen Exam applicable from. September 2018 the company has generated in the past three years over the average return on capital employed of the.

Examiners report

4 Jun 2012 Examiner's report. P4 Advanced Financial Management. June 2012. General Comments. The structure of the paper was similar to past papers with ...


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We encourage you to visit the ACCA Practice Platform in order to attempt up to date practice exams within the computer-based exam environment. Further.

PDF December 2018 answers

It is also possible that the management teams within Burgut Co and Opao Co had disagreements in the past and Opao Co's BoD may have believed the two management 


Professional Level – Options Module Paper P4. Advanced Financial Management. September/December 2016 Sample Answers. 1. (a) The owners or shareholders of a 

Advanced Financial Management (AFM)

7 Dec 2018 Chartered Certified. Accountants. AFM ACCA ... Over the last few years. Amberle Co has used a mixture of equity and debt finance for its ...

&$&M$!%%! M,"&! % )-% !,,/7%$ ( DIRNO %) GEHRPAO


7A 3978 ;A :PPAGLPA>

7A 3978 ;A :PPAGLPA>

Formulae and tables are on pages 8-12.

Do NOT open this question paper until instructed by the supervisor. This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall. r( Mw r( Mw " Mv*M""M$!M "&$Mdabk (% 33/#)!4)/. /& (!24%2%$ %24)&)%$ ##/5.4!.43

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Additional information relating to proposal one

hEwBHs@-oExchange-traded currency futures :0;=w@G5J3B;C


Exchange-traded currency options

Call OptionsPut Options

Exercise price3-month expiry6-month ex piry3-month expiry6-month expiry




Over-the-counter products

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As an alternative to paying the principal on the loan as one lump sum at the end of the fourth year, CMC Co could

pay off the loan in equal annual amounts over the four years similar to an annuity. In this case, an annual interest

rate of 2% would be payable, which is the same as the loan"s gross redemption yield (yield to maturity).

EjghgkPd log

This proposal suggested setting up four new branches in four different countries. Each branch would have its own

production facilities and sales teams. As a consequence of this, one of the two European-based production facilities

will be closed. Initial cost-benefit analysis indicated that this would reduce costs related to production, distribution

and logistics, as these branches would be closer to the sources of raw materials and also to the customers. The

operations and sales directors supported the proposal, as in addition to above, this would enable sales and marketing

teams in the branches to respond to any changes in nearby markets more quickly. The branches would be controlled

and staffed by the local population in those countries. However, some members of the BoD expressed concern that

such a move would create agency issues between CMC Co"s central management and the management controlling

the branches. They suggested mitigation strategies would need to be established to minimise these issues.

FTkhgfkT Ujge laT fgf,TpTRmlbnT SbjTRlgjk

When the proposals were put to the non-executive directors, they indicated that they were broadly supportive of the

second proposal if the financial benefits outweigh the costs of setting up and running the four branches. However,

they felt that they could not support the first proposal, as this would reduce shareholder value because the costs

related to undertaking the proposal are likely to outweigh the benefits. cmy5q2mlC

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3wtl qv 4pm m8kphvom.42hlml lm2q6h4q6m uh2sm430(15 marks)

)i,Omuwv3 42h4m pw7 NVN Nw kw5tl imvmnq4 n2wu 4pm 37hx wnnm2ml i9 amk5vqh Hhvs0(6 marks)

)k,Nhtk5t h4m 4pm uwlqnqml l52h4qwv wn 4pm twhv qn q4 q3 2mxhql qv my5ht huw5v43 hvl m8xthqv pw7 l52h4qwv khv im

53ml 4w umh352m 4pm 3mv3q4q6q49 wn 4pm twhv 4w kphvom3 qv qv4m2m34 2h4m30(7 marks)

)l,a2mxh2 m h umuw2hvl5u nw2 4pm iwh2l wn lq2mk4w23 )HwO, wn NVN Nw 7pqkpC

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)qq,Oq3k533m 3 4pm homvk9 q335m3 2mth4ml 4w x2wxw3ht 47w hvl pw7 4pm3m khv im uq4qoh4ml0(9 marks)

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Notes to NPV appraisal

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Further financial information



(a)Calcul ate the adjusted present value (APV) for the project, correcting any errors made in the net present

value estimate abo ve, and conclude whether the p roject should be accep ted or not. Show all relevant

calculations.(15 marks)

(b)Commen t on the corrections made to the original net present value estimate and explain the APV approach

taken in part (a), including any assumptions made. (10 marks) (25 marks) .&r)r%r

vVoD$Q=$wA$o$>Cp-wq-G$-wABsr$q=;>o@=rCqBw=<$=t$vwuv-G$BsqvvwABwqoBsr$s-sqB@==-sF$;oqvw=>C -o@$>@=rCqBA.$o<$oqBwDs$@sAso@qv$ o >@=rCqBA$B=$;o@ysB$?Cwqy-G1

Strand Co

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Financial information

Hav CoStrand Co

Year ended 30 April20X320X320X220X1

$ million$ million$ million$ million

So@ d=<0qC@@sQC@@s hvo@s$qo>wBo-$,"3J8A2Avo@s-B33:33:33:33 gsAs@DsA8.;CE5D:5BB5AE d=<0qC@@sQC@@s


Acquisition proposals

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Present Value Table



Where r = discount rate

n = number of periods until payment

Discount rate (r)


(n) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

1 0·990 0·980 0·971 0·962 0·952 0·943 0·935 0·926 0·917 0·909 1

2 0·980 0·961 0·943 0·925 0·907 0·890 0·873 0·857 0·842 0·826 2

3 0·971 0·942 0·915 0·889 0·864 0·840 0·816 0·794 0·772 0·751 3

4 0·961 0·924 0·888 0·855 0·823 0·792 0·763 0·735 0·708 0·683 4

5 0·951 0·906 0·863 0·822 0·784 0·747 0·713 0·681 0·650 0·621 5

6 0·942 0·888 0·837 0·790 0·746 0·705 0·666 0·630 0·596 0·564 6

7 0·933 0·871 0·813 0·760 0·711 0·665 0·623 0·583 0·547 0·513 7

8 0·923 0·853 0·789 0·731 0·677 0·627 0·582 0·540 0·502 0·467 8

9 0·914 0·837 0·766 0·703 0·645 0·592 0·544 0·500 0·460 0·424 9

10 0·905 0·820 0·744 0·676 0·614 0·558 0·508 0·463 0·422 0·386 10

11 0·896 0·804 0·722 0·650 0·585 0·527 0·475 0·429 0·388 0·350 11

12 0·887 0·788 0·701 0·625 0·557 0·497 0·444 0·397 0·356 0·319 12

13 0·879 0·773 0·681 0·601 0·530 0·469 0·415 0·368 0·326 0·290 13

14 0·870 0·758 0·661 0·577 0·505 0·442 0·388 0·340 0·299 0·263 14

15 0·861 0·743 0·642 0·555 0·481 0·417 0·362 0·315 0·275 0·239 15

(n) 11% 12% 13 % 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%

1 0·901 0·893 0·885 0·877 0·870 0·862 0·855 0·847 0·840 0·833 1

2 0·812 0·797 0·783 0·769 0·756 0·743 0·731 0·718 0·706 0·694 2

3 0·731 0·712 0·693 0·675 0·658 0·641 0·624 0·609 0·593 0·579 3

4 0·659 0·636 0·613 0·592 0·572 0·552 0·534 0·516 0·499 0·482 4

5 0·593 0·567 0·543 0·519 0·497 0·476 0·456 0·437 0·419 0·402 5

6 0·535 0·507 0·480 0·456 0·432 0·410 0·390 0·370 0·352 0·335 6

7 0·482 0·452 0·425 0·400 0·376 0·354 0·333 0·314 0·296 0·279 7

8 0·434 0·404 0·376 0·351 0·327 0·305 0·285 0·266 0·249 0·233 8

9 0·391 0·361 0·333 0·308 0·284 0·263 0·243 0·225 0·209 0·194 9

10 0·352 0·322 0·295 0·270 0·247 0·227 0·208 0·191 0·176 0·162 10

11 0·317 0·287 0·261 0·237 0·215 0·195 0·178 0·162 0·148 0·135 11

12 0·286 0·257 0·231 0·208 0·187 0·168 0·152 0·137 0·124 0·112 12

13 0·258 0·229 0·204 0·182 0·163 0·145 0·130 0·116 0·104 0·093 13

14 0·232 0·205 0·181 0·160 0·141 0·125 0·111 0·099 0·088 0·078 14

15 0·209 0·183 0·160 0·140 0·123 0·108 0·095 0·084 0·074 0·065 15



Present value of an annuity of 1 i.e.



Discount rate (r)


(n) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%V

VqVp∑yypV p∑yxpVp∑ywqVp∑yvrV p∑yurVp∑ytsVp∑ysuV p∑yrvVp∑yqwVp∑ypyV q

VrVq∑ywpV q∑ytrVq∑yqsVq∑xxvV q∑xuyVq∑xssVq∑xpxV q∑wxsVq∑wuyVq∑wsvV r

VsVr∑ytqV r∑xxtVr∑xryVr∑wwuV r∑wrsVr∑vwsVr∑vrtV r∑uwwVr∑usqVr∑txwV s

VtVs∑yprV s∑xpxVs∑wqwVs∑vspV s∑utvVs∑tvuVs∑sxwV s∑sqrVs∑rtpVs∑qwpV t

VuVt∑xusV t∑wqsVt∑uxpVt∑turV t∑sryVt∑rqrVt∑qppV s∑yysVs∑xypVs∑wyqV u

VvVu∑wyuV u∑vpqVu∑tqwVu∑rtrV u∑pwvVt∑yqwVt∑wvwV t∑vrsVt∑txvVt∑suuV v

VwVv∑wrxV v∑twrVv∑rspVv∑pprV u∑wxvVu∑uxrVu∑sxyV u∑rpvVu∑pssVt∑xvxV w

VxVw∑vurV w∑sruVw∑prpVv∑wssV v∑tvsVv∑rqpVu∑ywqV u∑wtwVu∑usuVu∑ssuV x

VyVx∑uvvV x∑qvrVw∑wxvVw∑tsuV w∑qpxVv∑xprVv∑uquV v∑rtwVu∑yyuVu∑wuyV y

VqpVy∑twqVx∑yxsVx∑uspVx∑qqqV w∑wrrVw∑svpVw∑prtV v∑wqpVv∑tqxVv∑qtuV qp

VqqVqp∑svxVy∑wxwVy∑rusVx∑wvpV x∑spvVw∑xxwVw∑tyyV w∑qsyVv∑xpuVv∑tyuV qq

VqrVqq∑ruuVqp∑uwuVy∑yutVy∑sxuV x∑xvsVx∑sxtVw∑ytsV w∑usvVw∑qvqVv∑xqtV qr

VqsVqr∑qstVqq∑stxVqp∑vsuVy∑yxvV y∑sytVx∑xusVx∑suxV w∑yptVw∑txwVw∑qpsV qs

VqtVqs∑pptVqr∑qpvVqq∑ryvVqp∑uvsV y∑xyyVy∑ryuVx∑wtuV x∑rttVw∑wxvVw∑svwV qt

VquVqs∑xvuVqr∑xtyVqq∑ysxVqq∑qqxV qp∑sxpVy∑wqrVy∑qpxV x∑uuyVx∑pvqVw∑vpvV qu

(n) 11% 12% 13 % 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%V

VqVp∑ypqV p∑xysVp∑xxuVp∑xwwV p∑xwpVp∑xvrVp∑xuuV p∑xtwVp∑xtpVp∑xssV q

VrVq∑wqsV q∑vypVq∑vvxVq∑vtwV q∑vrvVq∑vpuVq∑uxuV q∑uvvVq∑utwVq∑urxV r

VsVr∑tttV r∑tprVr∑svqVr∑srrV r∑rxsVr∑rtvVr∑rqpV r∑qwtVr∑qtpVr∑qpvV s

VtVs∑qprV s∑pswVr∑ywtVr∑yqtV r∑xuuVr∑wyxVr∑wtsV r∑vypVr∑vsyVr∑uxyV t

VuVs∑vyvV s∑vpuVs∑uqwVs∑tssV s∑surVs∑rwtVs∑qyyV s∑qrwVs∑puxVr∑yyqV u

VvVt∑rsqV t∑qqqVs∑yyxVs∑xxyV s∑wxtVs∑vxuVs∑uxyV s∑tyxVs∑tqpVs∑srvV v

VwVt∑wqrV t∑uvtVt∑trsVt∑rxxV t∑qvpVt∑psyVs∑yrrV s∑xqrVs∑wpvVs∑vpuV w

VxVu∑qtvV t∑yvxVt∑wyyVt∑vsyV t∑txwVt∑sttVt∑rpwV t∑pwxVs∑yutVs∑xswV x

VyVu∑uswV u∑srxVu∑qsrVt∑ytvV t∑wwrVt∑vpwVt∑tuqV t∑spsVt∑qvsVt∑psqV y

VqpVu∑xxyVu∑vupVu∑trvVu∑rqvV u∑pqyVt∑xssVt∑vuyV t∑tytVt∑ssyVt∑qyrV qp

VqqVv∑rpwVu∑ysxVu∑vxwVu∑tusV u∑rstVu∑pryVt∑xsvV t∑vuvVt∑txvVt∑srwV qq

VqrVv∑tyrVv∑qytVu∑yqxVu∑vvpV u∑trqVu∑qywVt∑yxxV t∑wysVt∑vqqVt∑tsyV qr

VqsVv∑wupVv∑trtVv∑qrrVu∑xtrV u∑uxsVu∑strVu∑qqxV t∑yqpVt∑wquVt∑ussV qs

VqtVv∑yxrVv∑vrxVv∑sprVv∑pprV u∑wrtVu∑tvxVu∑rryV u∑ppxVt∑xprVt∑vqqV qt

VquVw∑qyqVv∑xqqVv∑tvrVv∑qtrV u∑xtwVu∑uwuVu∑srtV u∑pyrVt∑xwvVt∑vwuV qu

ggg g





4!.$!2$ ./2-!, $)342)"54)/. 4!",%

0·000·010·02 0·030·040·05 0·060·070·08 0·09

0·00·0000 0·00400·00800·0120 0·01600·01990·0239 0·02790·03190·0359

0·10·0398 0·04380·04780·0517 0·05570·05960·0636 0·06750·07140·0753

0·20·0793 0·08320·08710·0910 0·09480·09870·1026 0·10640·11030·1141

0·30·1179 0·12170·12550·1293 0·13310·13680·1406 0·14430·14800·1517

0·40·1554 0·15910·16280·1664 0·17000·17360·1772 0·18080·18440·1879

0·50·1915 0·19500·19850·2019 0·20540·20880·2123 0·21570·21900·2224

0·60·2257 0·22910·23240·2357 0·23890·24220·2454 0·24860·25170·2549

0·70·2580 0·26110·26420·2673 0·27040·27340·2764 0·27940·28230·2852

0·80·2881 0·29100·29390·2967 0·29950·30230·3051 0·30780·31060·3133

0·90·3159 0·31860·32120·3238 0·32640·32890·3315 0·33400·33650·3389

1·00·3413 0·34380·34610·3485 0·35080·35310·3554 0·35770·35990·3621

1·10·3643 0·36650·36860·3708 0·37290·37490·3770 0·37900·38100·3830

1·20·3849 0·38690·38880·3907 0·39250·39440·3962 0·39800·39970·4015

1·30·4032 0·40490·40660·4082 0·40990·41150·4131 0·41470·41620·4177

1·40·4192 0·42070·42220·4236 0·42510·42650·4279 0·42920·43060·4319

1·50·4332 0·43450·43570·4370 0·43820·43940·4406 0·44180·44290·4441

1·60·4452 0·44630·44740·4484 0·44950·45050·4515 0·45250·45350·4545

1·70·4554 0·45640·45730·4582 0·45910·45990·4608 0·46160·46250·4633

1·80·4641 0·46490·46560·4664 0·46710·46780·4686 0·46930·46990·4706

1·90·4713 0·47190·47260·4732 0·47380·47440·4750 0·47560·47610·4767

2·00·4772 0·47780·47830·4788 0·47930·47980·4803 0·48080·48120·4817

2·10·4821 0·48260·48300·4834 0·48380·48420·4846 0·48500·48540·4857

2·20·4861 0·48640·48680·4871 0·48750·48780·4881 0·48840·48870·4890

2·30·4893 0·48960·48980·4901 0·49040·49060·4909 0·49110·49130·4916

2·40·4918 0·49200·49220·4925 0·49270·49290·4931 0·49320·49340·4936

2·50·4938 0·49400·49410·4943 0·49450·49460·4948 0·49490·49510·4952

2·60·4953 0·49550·49560·4957 0·49590·49600·4961 0·49620·49630·4964

2·70·4965 0·49660·49670·4968 0·49690·49700·4971 0·49720·49730·4974

2·80·4974 0·49750·49760·4977 0·49770·49780·4979 0·49790·49800·4981

2·90·4981 0·49820·49820·4983 0·49840·49840·4985 0·49850·49860·4986

3·00·4987 0·49870·49870·4988 0·49880·49890·4989 0·49890·49900·4990

This table can be used to calculate ($), the cumulative normal distribution functions needed for the Black-Scholes model

of option pricing. If $ > 0, add 0·5 to the relevant number above. If $ < 0, subtract the relevant number above from 0·5.

End of Question Paper

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dccq md 1y6$- ugrfmsr amlqrpsargle rfc XYmtc rXYico


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$OO"e63437mx 8;3N a28q62m8u32mx n6m2otq7. msq2o= u779q7 m2p 8tqu6 yu8usm8u32

Psjodjqbm·bhfou sfmbujpotijqt dbo cf pctfswfe xjuijo bo pshbojtbujpo cfuxffo ejggfsfou tublfipmefs hspvqt/ Xjui uif

qspqptfe csbodift mpdbufe jo ejggfsfou dpvousjft- uif qsjodjqbm·bhfou sfmbujpotijq xjmm cf cfuxffo uif ejsfdupst boe

tfojps nbobhfnfou bu CMC Cp jo Sxju-fsmboe- boe uif nbobhfst pg uif joejwjevbm csbodift/ Ahfodz jttvft dbo bsjtf

xifsf uif npujwbujpot pg uif csbodi nbobhfst- xip bsf joufsftufe jo uif qfsgpsnbodf pg uifjs joejwjevbm csbodift-

ejwfshf gspn uif nbobhfnfou bu CMC Cp ifbervbsufst- xip bsf joufsftufe jo uif qfsgpsnbodf pg uif xipmf pshbojtbujpo/

Tiftf jttvft nbz bsjtf cfdbvtf csbodi nbobhfst bsf opu bxbsf pg- ps bqqsfdjbuf uif jnqpsubodf pg- uif lfz gbdupst bu

dpsqpsbuf mfwfm/ Tifz nbz bmtp bsjtf cfdbvtf pg ejggfsfodft jo dvmuvsft boe ejwfshfou cbdlhspvoet/

Mjujhbujpo nfdibojtnt jowpmwf npojupsjoh- dpnqfotbujpo boe dpnnvojdbujpo qpmjdjft/ Amm pg uiftf nfdibojtnt offe

up xpsl j o b dpnqmfnfoub sz gbtijp o jo p sefs up bdijfwf hpbm dpohsvfodf- nvdi mjlf uif nfdibojtnt jo boz

qsjodjqbm·bhfou sfmbujpotijq/

Mpojupsjoh qpmjdjft xpvme jowpmwf fotvsjoh uibu lfz bjnt boe tusbufhjft bsf bh sffe cfuxffo bmm qbsujft cfgpsf

jnqmfnfoubujpo- boe sftvmut npojupsfe up fotvsf beifsfodf xjui uif psjhjobm bhsffnfout/ Xifsf uifsf bsf ejggfsfodft-

gps fybnqmf- evf up fyufsobm gbdupst- ofx ubshfut offe up cf bhsffe/ Xifsf efwjbujpot bsf opujdfe- uiftf tipvme cf

dpnnvojdbufe rvjdlmz/

Cpnqfotbujpo qbdlbhft tipvme fotvsf uibu sfxbse jt cbtfe po bdijfwfnfou pg pshbojtbujpobm wbmvf boe uifsfgpsf uifsf

jt fwfsz jodfoujwf gps uif csbodi nbobhfst up bdu jo uif cftu joufsftut pg uif dpsqpsbujpo bt b xipmf/

Cpnnvojdbujpo tipvme cf uxp.xbz- jo uibu c sbodi nbobhfst tipvme cf nbef gvmmz bxbsf pg uif pshbojtb ujpobm

pckfdujwft- boe boz dibohft up uiftf- boe ipx uif csbodi dpousjcvuft up uiftf- jo psefs up fotvsf uifjs bddfqubodf pg

uif pckfdujwft/ Fvsuifsnpsf- uif nbobhfnfou bu CMC Cp ifbervbsufst tipvme cf gvmmz bxbsf pg dvmuvsbm boe fevdbujpobm

ejggfsfodft jo uif dpvousjft xifsf uif csbodift bsf up cf tfu vq boe gvmmz qmbo gps ipx pshbojtbujpobm pckfdujwft nbz

ofwfsuifmftt cf bdijfwfe xjuijo uiftf ejggfsfodft/

,c38qN R6qpu8 ;uxx nq su:q2 r36 mx8q62m8u: q. 6qxq:m28 m44 63motq7 8 3 8tq omxo9xm8u327 . o3yyq287 m 2p


-$B "Oxx rus96q7 m6q u2 $ yuxxu32lqm62346A Sbmft sfwfovf (jogmbufe- 9% q/b/)35K9853K7:72K92 47K:3

Cptut (jogmbufe- 5% q/b/)(25K48)(34K86)(44K23) (2:K16)·················· ······Iodsfnfoubm qspgju 21K6129K:539K7: 28K98

Tby (X2)(1K61)(4K4:)(6K55) (4K58)

Xpsljoh dbqjubm (X3)(5K:8)(4K68)(4K93) 5K:98K49

Iowftunfou0tbmf pg nbdijofsz(49K11)5K11·················· ············Cbti gmpxt(53K:8)7K5422K8439K34 36K89

Djtdpvou gbdupst (23%- X4)21K 9:41K8:81K8231K 747·················· ············Psftfou wbmvft(53K:8)6K85:K4631K2127K 51·················· ············

Bbtf dbtf ofu qsftfou wbmvf jt bqqspyjnbufmz $9K73 njmmjpo/ #s00 *-+96)7 %6) -2 M 1-00-32 $)%6rsvw a=rAtuxC$85KB58EKFA:EKCF 8DKED


M08bb UYWkhTiOhTYd cYbbYed


l>A-x=v$rp?xCp;$At@DxAts3,At;tpBts-$AKFD;KBD;KE:,AKFE-,D K;E- >YdOdRYdWiYSTTUUTRji aBBDt$r>BCB$:3FE$G$"A:0FD50555,EDCKFA- ipG$Bwxt;s O==Dp;$CpG$At;xtuN$,"A:0FD50555$G$C5($G$5K58B$G$:5( - .$,"A:0FD50555$G$A5($G$5K5A$G$:5(-




DejT7Rl aXiasiXrgle rfc npcqclr tXiscq md rfc rXv qfgcib Xlb qsYqgbw Yclcdgrq- rfc Xllsgrw dXarmp sqcb gq YXqcb ml 6$ rm

pcdicar rfc lmpkXi Ymppmugle0bcdXsir pgqh md rfc amknXlw.

NircplXrgtciw- 3$ mp 3yA$ amsib Yc sqcb bcnclbgle ml rfc Xqqsknrgmlq kXbc. Opcbgr ugii Yc egtcl ufcpc rfcqc Xpc sqcb rm

cqrgkXrc rfc Xllsgrw dXarmp- ufcpc rfc Xqqsknrgml gq cvniXglcb. p=BFtA2 rp;rD;pCts2




?A>942CdBM1DB8=4BBMA8B:M8BM2>=B834A43s )RsxiC Fvihmx ;mpp fi km-ir jsv epxivrexm-i- vipi-erx i0$H (Ao bdrvjtjujpo dsfbuft tzofshz cfofgjut xifo uif wbmvf pg uif dpncjofe foujuz jt npsf uibo uif tvn pg uif uxp dpnqbojft"

wbmvft/ Szofshjft dbo cf tfqbsbufe joup uisff uzqft; sfwfovf tzofshjft xijdi sftvmu jo ijhifs sfwfovft gps uif dpncjofe

foujuz- ijhifs sfuvso po frvjuz boe b mpohfs qfsjpe xifo uif dpnqboz jt bcmf up nbjoubjo dpnqfujujwf bewboubhf< dptu

tzofshjft xijdi sftvmu nbjomz gspn sfevdjoh evqm jdbujpo pg gvodujpot boe sfmbufe dptut- bo e gspn ubljoh b ewboubhf pg

fdpopnjft pg tdbmf< gjobodjbm tzofshjft xijdi sftvmu gspn gjobodjoh btqfdut tvdi bt uif usbotgfs pg gvoet cfuxffo hspvq

dpnqbojft up xifsf ju dbo cf vujmjtfe cftu- ps gspn jodsfbtjoh efcu dbqbdjuz/

Io uijt tdfobsjp- uif gpmmpxjoh tzofshz cfofgjut nbz bsjtf gspn uif uxp dpnqbojft dpnjoh uphfuifs/ Fjobodjbm tzofshjft nbz

cf bwbjmbcmf cfdbvtf Susboe Cp epft opu ibwf uif gvoet up joopwbuf ofx qspevdut/ Oo uif puifs iboe- Hbw Cp ibt dbti

sftfswft bwbjmbcmf/ Iu nbz cf qpttjcmf up jefoujgz boe rvboujgz uijt tzofshz cbtfe po uif qspkfdut xijdi dbo cf voefsublfo

bgufs uif bdrvjtjujpo- cvu xpvme ibwf cffo sfkfdufe cfgpsf- boe uifjs dpssftqpoejoh ofu qsftfou wbmvf/ Fvsuifsnpsf- bt uif

dpnqboz jodsfbtft jo tj-f- uif efcu dbqbdjuz pg uif dpncjofe dpnqboz nbz jodsfbtf- hjwjoh ju beejujpobm bddftt up gjobodf/

Fjobmmz- uif bdrvjtjujpo nbz sftvmu jo b efdsfbtf jo uif dptu pg dbqjubm pg uif dpncjofe dpnqboz/

Cptu tzofshjft nbz bsjtf gspn uif mbshfs dpnqboz cfjoh bcmf up ofhpujbuf cfuufs ufsnt boe mpxfs dptut gspn uifjs tvqqmjfst/

Aoe uifsf nbz cf evqmjdbujpo pg gvodujpobm bsfbt tvdi bt jo sftfbsdi boe efwfmpqnfou boe ifbe pggjdf xijdi dpvme cf

sfevdfe boe dptut tbwfe/ Tiftf uzqft pg tzofshjft bsf fbtjfs up jefoujgz boe rvboujgz cvu xpvme cf npsf tipsu.mjwfe/ Tifsfgpsf-

jg uif nbslfut bsf hpjoh up cf qptjujwf bcpvu uif bdrvjtjujpo- Hbw Cp xjmm offe up tipx xifsf npsf mpoh.ufsn tzofshjft bsf

dpnjoh gspn bt xfmm bt uiftf/

Rfwfovf tzofshjft bsf qfsibqt xifsf uif hsfbuftu qpufoujbm gps hspxui dpnft gspn cvu bsf bmtp npsf ejggjdvmu up jefoujgz-

rvboujgz boe fobdu/ Gppe qptu.bdrvjtjujpo qmboojoh jt fttfoujbm gps uiftf tzofshjft up cf sfbmjtfe cvu uifz dbo cf tvctuboujbm

boe mpoh.mbtujoh/ Io uijt dbtf- Hbw Cp"t nbobhfnfou dbo ifmq nbslfu Susboe Cp"t qspevdut npsf fggfdujwfmz cz vtjoh uifjs

tbmft boe nbslfujoh ubmfout sftvmujoh jo ijhifs sfwfovft boe mpohfs dpnqfujujwf bewboubhf/ Rftfbsdi boe efwfmpqnfou bdujwjuz

dbo cf dpncjofe up dsfbuf ofx qspevdut vtjoh uif ufdiopmphjft jo qmbdf jo cpui dpnqbojft- boe qpttjcmz csjohjoh joopwbujwf

qspevdut up nbslfu rvjdlfs/ Tif tfswjdft pg uif tdjfoujtut gspn Susboe Cp xjmm cf sfubjofe up esjwf joopwbujpo gpsxbse- cvu

uiftf offe up cf ovsuvsfe xjui dbsf tjodf uifz ibe dpnqmfuf bvupopnz xifo uifz xfsf uif pxofst pg Susboe Cp/

Tif nbjo dibmmfohf jo fotvsjoh mpoh.mbtujoh cfofgjut jt opu pomz fotvsjoh bddvsbuf jefoujgjdbujpo pg qpufoujbm tzofshjft cvu

qvuujoh joup qmbdf joufhsbujpo qspdfttft boe tztufnt up hbjo gvmm cfofgju gspn uifn/ Tijt jt qspcbcmz uif hsfbufs dibmmfohf gps

nbobhfnfou- boe- xifo qppsmz epof- dbo sftvmu jo gbjmvsf up sfbmjtf uif gvmm wbmvf pg uif bdrvjtjujpo/ Hbw Cp offet up cf

bxbsf pg uijt boe nblf befrvbuf qspwjtjpot gps ju/ )RsxiC Fvihmx ;mpp fi km-ir jsv epxivrexm-i vipi-erx gsqqirxw erh wykkiwxmsrw, $N(Qe $484K1n

Awfsbhf dbqjubm fnqmpzfe; [(993 , 321 ·31:) , (949 , 319 ·291) , (912 , 2:9 ·251)a04 > $97:K4n

Eydftt boovbm wbmvf0boovbm qsfnjvn > 484n · (31% y $97:K4n) > $2::K2n Agufs.uby boovbm qsfnjvn > $2::K2n y 1K9 > $26:K4n PW pg boovbm qsfnjvn (bttvnf qfsqfuvjuz) > $26:K4n01K18 > $3-386K8n Addpsejoh up uijt nfuipe- uif nbyjnvn qsfnjvn qbzbcmf jt $3-386K8n jo upubm/ QeSusboe Cp ftujnbufe PE sbujp > 27K5 y 2K21 > 29K1
