[PDF] The Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm - UMass

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Principal pivot transforms: properties and applications

The principal pivot transform (PPT) is a transformation of the matrix of a linear system The matrices A and B are related as follows: If x = (xT.

Matrix Operations

If two matrices in row-echelon form are row-equivalent then their pivots are in exactly the same places. When we speak of the pivot columns of a general matrix 

2.5 Inverse Matrices

It fails to have two pivots as required by Note 1. Elimination turns the second row of this matrix A into a zero row. The Inverse of a Product AB.


Items 1 - 12 Pivots. The first non-zero element in each row of a matrix in row-echelon form ... For the matrices B and C there is no pivot in the last row.

Introduction to Linear Algebra 5th Edition

Which matrices have inverses? The start of this section proposed the pivot test: A?1 exists exactly when A has a full set of n pivots. ( 

An infinite family of Hadamard matrices with fourth last pivot n/2

An infinite family of Hadamard matrices with fourth last pivot n/2. C. Koukouvinos. National Technical University of Athens Greece. M. Mitrouli.


like matrices can be transformed into Cauchy-like matrices by using Discrete. Fourier Cosine or Sine Transform matrices.

Optimized LU-decomposition with Full Pivot for Small Batched

Implementations. Problem size: • Matrices of at most 32 rows or columns of any shape i.e. both rectangular and square. • Batches of 10 000 matrices.

Lecture Notes 1: Matrix Algebra Part C: Pivoting and Reduced

The Intermediate Matrices and Pivot Steps After k 1 pivoting operations have been completed and column ‘ k 1 (with ‘ k 1 k 1) was the last to be used: 1 The rst or top" k 1 rows of the m n matrix form a (k 1) n submatrix in row echelon form 2 The last or bottom" m k + 1 rows of the m n matrix form an (m k + 1) n submatrix whose rst ‘

Pivoting on a matrix element - Mathematics Stack Exchange

When we speak of the pivot columns of ageneral matrixA we mean the pivot columns of any matrix in row-echelonform that is row-equivalent toA It is always possible to convert a matrix to row-echelon form The stan-dard algorithm is calledGaussian eliminationorrow reduction Here it isapplied to the matrix 2 ?2 4 ?2 21 10 7 = (A 7)

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Aunitriangularmatrix is a triangular matrix (upper or lower) for which all elements on the principal diagonal equal 1 Theorem The determinant of any unitriangular matrix is 1 Proof The determinant of any triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal elements which must be 1 in the unitriangular case when every diagonal elements is 1

Math 2331 { Linear Algebra - UH

Pivot and Pivot Column Row Reduction Algorithm Reduce to Echelon Form (Forward Phase) then to REF (Backward Phase) Solutions of Linear Systems Basic Variables and Free Variable Parametric Descriptions of Solution Sets Final Steps in Solving a Consistent Linear System Back-Substitution General Solutions Existence and Uniqueness Theorem

The Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm - UMass

In the algorithm we’ll rst pivot down working from the leftmost pivot column towards the right until we can no longer pivot down Once we’ve nished pivoting down we’ll need to pivot up The procedure is analogous to pivoting down and works from the rightmost pivot column towards the left Simply apply row

Searches related to pivot matrice PDF

TLM1 MØthode du pivot de Gauss 3 respectivement la matrice associØe au syst?me le vecteur colonne associØ au second membre et le vecteur colonne des inconnues Ainsi la rØsolution de (S) Øquivaut à trouver Xtel que AX= B: En pratique on dispose le syst?me en matrice sans les inconnues La matrice augmentØe associØe au syst?me est

What is pivoting in a matrix?

However, the definition of pivoting, and what it entails, seems to vary depending on the context. In the context of inverting a matrix, for example, pivoting entails changing the pivot element to 1, and then all other elements in the same column to 0 (and appropriately adjusting the other elements in the same row/column.)

What is pivot in linear algebra?

Pivot refers to pivotingtechnique operations on the stiffness matrix used in linear algebra [1], which may be followed byan interchange of rows or columns to bring the pivot to a fixed position and allow the algorithmto proceed successfully, and possibly to reduce roundoff error. It is often used for verifying rowechelon form.

Can a matrix in echelon form have the same number of pivots?

Yes, but there will always be the same number of pivots in the same columns, no matter how you reduce it, as long as it is in row echelon form. The easiest way to see how the answers may differ is by multiplying one row by a factor. When this is done to a matrix in echelon form, it remains in echelon form.

How do you find a positive definite matrices without pivoting?

To show that requires an eigenvalue analysis. For positive definite matrices A, the naked LU decomposition without pivoting works, since the diagonal entries that are encountered are quotients of main diagonal minors, and all of them are positive. Symmetry results in U = D L ?, so that the A = L D L ? can be cheaply obtained.

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

The Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

Solving Systems of Real Linear Equations

A. Havens

Department of Mathematics

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

January 24, 2018

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions



Echelon Forms

Row Operations


2The Algorithm


The algorithm in practice

3Solutions of Linear Systems

Interpreting RREF of an Augmented Matrix

The 2-variable case: complete solution

4Answering Existence and Uniqueness questions

The Big Questions

Three dimensional systems

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Echelon FormsRow Echelon Form


A matrixAis said to be inrow echelon formif the following conditions hold1all of the rows containing nonzero entries sit above any rows whose entries are all zero,2the rst nonzero entry of any row, called theleading entryof that row, is positioned to the right of the leading entry of the row above it,Observe: the above properties imply also that all entries of a column lying below the leading entry of some row are zero.

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Echelon FormsRow Echelon Form

Such a matrix might look like this:

2 6



0 0 0c

0 0 0 0 0d3

7 775;
wherea;b;c;d2Rarenonzeroreals giving the leading entries, and `' means an entry can be an arbitrary real number.Note the staircase-like appearance hence the wordechelon (from french, for ladder/grade/tier).Also note that not every column has a leading entry in this example.

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Echelon FormsRow Echelon Form

A square matrix in row echelon form is called anupper triangular matrix. E.g.2 6

6641 2 3 4

0 5 6 7

0 0 8 9

0 0 0 103

7 775
is a 44 upper triangular matrix.A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Echelon FormsReduced Row Echelon Form


A matrixAis said to be inreduced row echelon formif it is in row echelon form, and additionally it satises the following two properties:1In any given nonzero row, the leading entry is equal to 1,

2The leading entries are the only nonzero entries in their

columns.We will often abbreviate row echelon form to REF and reduced row echelon form to RREF. Recall, we encountered the idea of reduced row echelon form of a matrix when we considered solving a linear system of equations using an augmented matrix.

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions Row OperationsConnection to Systems and Row Operations

An augmented matrix in reduced row echelon form

corresponds to a solution to the corresponding linear system.Thus, we seek an algorithm to manipulate matrices to

produce RREF matrices, in a manner that corresponds to the

legal operations that solve a linear system.We already encountered row operations, and these will be the

desired manipulations in building such an algorithm.Though our initial goal is to reduce augmented matrices of

the form"Ab —arising from a general real linear system, the algorithms we describe work for any matrixAwith a nonzero entry.

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Row OperationsThree Elementary Row Operations


Given any matrixAletRiandRjdenote rows ofA, and lets2R

be a nonzero real number. Then the elementary row operations are1We may swap two rows, just as we may write the equations in

any order we please. We notate a swap of theith andjth rows of an augmented matrix byRi$Rj.2We may replace a rowRiwith the row obtained by scaling the original row by anonzeroreal number. We notate this by sR i7!Ri.3We may replace a rowRiby the dierence of that row and a multiple of another row. We notate this byRisRj7!Ri.A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Row OperationsRow Equivalence


Two matricesAandBare said to berow equivalentif and only if there is a sequence of row operations transformingAintoB.Observation This notion is well dened and anequivalence relation. In particular, ifAis row equivalent toBthenBis row equivalent to A, since row operations are invertible. And ifAis row equivalent toB, andBis row equivalent toC, thenAis row equivalent toC, since we can concatenate sequences of row operations. (And of course, trivially, every matrix is row equivalent to itself.)

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

Row OperationsA Proposition


For a given matrixA, there is a unique row equivalent matrix in reduced row echelon form.For any matrixA, let's denote the associated reduced row echelon form byRREF(A).Proof.

The Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm!

Wait, what's that‽A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

PivotsLeading Entries and Pivot Positions


Apivot positionof a matrixAis a location that corresponds to a leading entry of the reduced row echelon form ofA, i.e., a

ijis in a pivot position if an only ifRREF(A)ij= 1.A column of a matrixAcontaining a pivot position is called a

pivot column.Apivot entry, or simply, apivotis a nonzero number in a pivot position, which may be used to eliminate entries in its pivot column during reduction.The number of pivot positions in a matrix is a kind ofinvariantof the matrix, calledrank(we'll dene rank dierently later in the course, and see that it equals the number of pivot positions)

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

PivotsPivoting Down

We are ready to describe the procedure forpivoting downward:Denition Letaijdenote the entry in theith row andjth column of anmn matrixA. Supposeaij6= 0. Topivot downwardon the (i;j)th entryaijofAis to perform the following operations: (i.) 1a ijRi7!Ri, (ii.)

F oreach integer k>i,Ri+kai+k;jRi7!Ri+k.

Said more simply, make the nonzero entryaijinto a 1, and use this

1 to eliminate (make 0) all other entries directly below the (i;j)th


A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

PivotsPivoting Up

In the algorithm, we'll rst pivot down, working from the leftmost pivot column towards the right, until we can no

longer pivot down.Once we've nished pivoting down, we'll need topivot up.The procedure is analogous to pivoting down, and works from

the rightmost pivot column towards the left. Simply apply row operations to use the pivot entries to eliminate entries in each pivot column above the pivots. This is an algorithmic way to accomplish back-substitution while working with matrices.

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions DescriptionOverview of the algorithm - Initialization and Set-Up We present an overview of the Gauss-Jordan elimination algorithm for a matrixAwith at least one nonzero entry. Initialize: SetB0andS0equal toA, and setk= 0. Input the pair (B0;S0) to the forward phase, step (1). Important: we will always regardSkas a sub-matrix ofBk, and row manipulations are performed simultaneously on the sub-matrix S kand on its parent matrixBk.A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

DescriptionOverview of the steps - Forward Phase

1Given an input (Bk;Sk), search for the leftmost nonzero

column ofSk. If there is none orSkis empty, proceed to the backwards phase, step (5), with inputBk.2After nding a nonzero column, exchange rows ofBkas necessary to bring the rst nonzero entry up to the top row of S k(Any exchanges in this step alter bothBkandSk). Label

the corresponding nonzero entry inBkbypk(for pivot).3Pivot downwards onpkinBkto form matrixBk+1.4Narrow scope to the sub-matrixSk+1ofBk+1consisting of

entries strictly to the right and strictly belowpk. Repeat the procedures in steps (1)-(3) with input (Bk+1;Sk+1).A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions

DescriptionCompleting the Forward Phase

So, one loops over the rst four steps until all pivot columns have been located and pivoting down has occurred in each pivot column. The matrixBkis in row echelon form, with leading 1s in each pivot position. This completes theforward phase. and so thebackwards phase commences with, step (5).

A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions DescriptionOverview of the steps - Backwards Phase

5Start at the rightmost pivot ofBkand pivot up. Call the

resultBk+1.6Move left to the next pivot column ofBk+1and pivot up. Incrementk, and repeat this step until there are no remaining pivots.7The matrixBkreturned by the previous step upon termination is the outputRREF(A).A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions The algorithm in practiceA familiar 34 ExampleWe'll work with the augmented matrix A=2 6

41 1 16

12 36

45 612

3 7 5 from last time.1The entrya11= 1, so we can pivot down, using the row operationsR2R17!R2andR34R17!R3. This transforms the matrix into the row equivalent matrix B 1=2 6

41 1 16

03 20

09 2123


5:A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm

DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions The algorithm in practiceA familiar 34 Example2Ignoring the rst row and column, we look to the 23 sub-matrix S

1=-3 20

9 212™

The top entry is nonzero, and so we may pivot downwards. We rst have to scale this entry to make it 1. In the matrix B

1we would apply the row operation13

R27!R2. Then we

eliminate the9 below our pivot usingR3+ 9R27!R3. The result is the matrix B 2=2 6

41 1 16

0 12=30

0 04123

7 5; which is row equivalent toA.A. HavensThe Gauss-Jordan Elimination Algorithm DenitionsThe AlgorithmSolutions of Linear SystemsAnswering Existence and Uniqueness questions The algorithm in practiceA familiar 34 Example3We now consider the sub-matrix S


the only thing to do in the pivoting down algorithm is to make the rst entry into a leading 1 by scaling, so we apply 14

R37!R3toB2. We now have an REF matrix row

equivalent toA, with leading 1s in each pivot position: B 3=2quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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