[PDF] Politicians Strategies Regarding Their Visual Representations in

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DE?ERLEND?RME TERC?HLER?: SELÇUK ÜN?VERS?TES? TUR?ZM Anahtar Kelimeler: Bo? zaman aktiviteleri Rekreasyon


ile 10 ki?i) DGS'de tercihler s?nava girmeden önce yap?l?rd? Aç?k ö?retim lisans programlar?nda ba?ar?s?z olanlar?n üniversite ile ili?i?i kesilmez ...

YÜZÜNCÜ YIL ÜN?VERS?TES? (VAN) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

YÜZÜNCÜ YIL ÜN?VERS?TES? (VAN). 2016. 2015. 2014. 2013. 2012. ÖSYM Kodu. Fakülte. Yüksekokul Ad? Program Ad?. PUAN TÜRÜ EN KÜÇÜK KON.


OMÜ SPD 2015. Geli? Tarihi/Received : 26.08.2014. Kabul Tarihi/Accepted : 19.11.2014. DOI No: 10.17155/spd.67561. ÜN?VERS?TE Ö?RENC?LER?N?N BESLENME 

Politicians Strategies Regarding Their Visual Representations in

prior to June 7th 2015 Turkish General Elections-were Dr. Sibel Onursoy Anadolu University Faculty of Communication Sciences

Uzaktan E?itim Uygulamas?n?n Ö?renci Bak?? Aç?s?na Göre

cKarabük Üniversitesi Sa?l?k Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu Karabük. Öz. Bu çal??mada

Ö?rencilerin Bölme ??lemi Gerektiren Aritmetik Sözel Problemlerde

Ondokuz May?s Üniversitesi E?itim Fakültesi Dergisi 2015 34(1)


03-Jun-2015 Savunma Tarihi : 19 Haziran 2015 ... Y?ld?z Teknik Üniversitesi ... Tez çal??mam?n veri sa?lay?c?s? ve ayn? zamanda çal??t???m kurum olan ...


parçalad??? zaman gerçek par?lt?y? yani iyi ?iiri elde edebilir. (I) Birkaç üniversiteden ara?t?rmac?lar?n ortakla?a ... anlatmay? tercih ediyorum.


??s study exam?nes how photograph?c dep?ct?ons of pol?t?cal cand?dates publ?shed pr?or to the elect?ons are ut?l?zed. Photograph?c representat?ons of pol?t?cal can- d?dates, ?nvolve descr?pt?ve character?st?cs such as pos- ture, pos?ng, fac?al express?ons and cloth?ng style. At the

same t?me, non-verbal clues such as sm?l?ng and ra?s?ng eyebrows, wh?ch o?en have pos?t?ve e?ect, are some of

the factors a?ect?ng the?r phys?cal attract?ons. Such cha- racter?st?cs are essent?al when ?nd?v?duals' percept?ons are cons?dered, and they are s?gn?f?cant components of pol?t?cal commun?cat?on. ??s study exam?nes, how v?sual clues and compos?t?on elements ?n pol?t?c?ans' ?mages, readers ?nterpret and evaluates the f?nd?ngs and conclus?ons accord?ngly. Object?ve and ?ntu?t?ve ?nterp- retat?ons of four pol?t?cal party leaders - who were rep- resented through 121 photographs publ?shed on three h?gh-c?rculat?on newspapers ?n Turkey for three weeks pr?or to June 7th 2015 Turk?sh General Elect?ons-were sought by us?ng Q-sort and qual?tat?ve ?nterv?ew tech- n?ques. ?e research quest?on of the study ?s as follows: How do readers ?nterpret compos?t?on elements of pol?- t?c?ans' representat?ons and evaluate them?Keywords: V?sual Commun?cat?on, Aud?ence

Percept?on, Pol?t?cal Representat?ons, Q-sort

Öz d?klar?n? ?ncelemekted?r. S?yas? adaylar?n fotoÍraf?k zamanda gülümseme, kaı kald?rma g?b? olumlu etk? l?d?r ve s?yasal ?let?ı?m?n kapsam?ndad?r. Bu çal?ıma, yon elemanlar?n?, ?zley?c?n?n nas?l yorumlad?Í?n? araı- t?rmakta ve bulgularla sonuçlar? deÍerlend?rmekted?r. lan?larak, ?zley?c?ler?n 7 Haz?ran 2015 Türk?ye Genel lar? yakalanmaya çal?ı?lmaktad?r. Çal?ıman?n araı- tasv?rler?n?n deÍerl?Í?n? ve kompoz?syon elemanlar?n? nas?l yorumlamaktad?r?

S?yas? Tems?ller, Q-sort

Pol?t?c?ans' Strateg?es Regard?ng The?r V?sual Representat?ons ?n Med?a:

June 2015 Turk?sh General Elect?ons

Haz?ran 2015 Türk?ye Genel Seç?mler?Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Onursoy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S?bel Onursoy, Anadolu Un?vers?ty Faculty of Commun?cat?on Sc?ences, sonursoy@anadolu.edu.tr

Anadolu Un?vers?ty

Journal of Soc?al Sc?ences

Anadolu Ün?vers?tes?

Sosyal B?l?mler Derg?s?

Bavuru Tar?h?:

Kabul Tar?h?:

Pol?t?c?ans' Strateg?es Regard?ng The?r V?sual Representat?ons ?n Med?a: June 2015 Turk?sh General Elect?ons


Today, v?sual elements are cons?dered the bas?c com- ponents of pol?t?cal commun?cat?on. V?sual dep?ct?- ons of pol?t?c?ans ?mply certa?n clues about the per- cept?ons of potent?al voters regard?ng how rel?able and su?table the cand?dates are. S?nce these v?sual representat?ons ?nvolve both pos?t?ve and negat?- ve ?mpl?cat?ons about cand?dates, they a?ect voters' percept?ons and preferences to a great extent. Even they play a s?gn?f?cant role ?n understand?ng the?r pol?c?es (Grabe and Bucy, 2009; Haumer and Dons- bach, 2009). Profess?onal pol?t?c?ans are aware of the fact that v?sual med?a ?mages are essent?al ?n pol?t?- cal commun?cat?on (Blumler and Gurev?tch, 2000;

2007), and they shape the?r pol?t?cal ?mages accor-

d?ngly (Sch?ll 2012). ?ey del?berately a?m to appe- ar ?n publ?c more and to become more e?ect?ve and s?ncere than before (?ompson, 2005). At th?s po?nt, unfavorable or favorable dep?ct?ons ga?n ?mportance. Wh?ch v?sual clues make a v?sual ?mage unfavorable or favorable? Such quest?ons are concerns not only of pol?t?c?ans but also researchers conduct?ng research ?n the f?elds of pol?t?cal and v?sual commun?cat?on. ??s research focuses on v?sual commun?cat?on ?n ge- neral and the role of v?sual representat?ons ?n spec?f?c. Follow?ng an ?ntroduct?on about a theoret?cal back- ground, an analys?s of reader percept?ons about v?sual dep?ct?ons of the leaders of four pol?t?cal part?es publ?s- hed on newspapers pr?or to Turk?sh general elect?ons ?s presented. Depend?ng on pos?t?ve and negat?ve com- pos?t?on elements and clues, the study uses Q-sort (a card-sort?ng) techn?que and survey to obta?n object?ve and ?ntu?t?ve ?nterpretat?ons of the part?c?pants. D??e- rent methods of read?ng med?a texts have been used ?n v?sual research (Berger, 1973; Rose, 2012). Numer?cal content analyses are o?en used to detect and def?ne the real?t?es ?n med?a messages and espec?ally ?n mult?-me- an?ng v?suals. In th?s study, qual?tat?ve and quant?tat?ve research techn?ques are used together, Q-sort ?s used as a data collect?on method and the data collected ?s also appl?ed cluster analys?s.

V?suals and Pol?t?cal Commun?cat?on

Pol?t?cal commun?cat?on ?s bu?lt on an approach whe- re ?mages have pr?mary ?mportance and words and texts secondary (Grabe and Bucy, 2009). Pol?t?cal cand?dates and the?r adv?sors try hard to create the most e?ect?ve and strateg?c v?suals that are l?kely to stand for the?r a?ms and to bu?ld up a strong leader ?mage (Shea and Burton, 2001). V?sual elements are used carefully ?n advert?sements, speeches, press conferences and other commun?cat?- on forms (Jam?eson, 1988; Mo??t, 1999). Image-ma- kers gu?de the cand?date ?n many ?ssues such as what color to wear, who to take a photograph w?th and how (Hendr?x, 2001; Strother, 1999; Wray, 1999). V?sual ?mages have the potent?al of teach?ng (Barry, 2005). Also, ?t has a bas?c role ?n develop?ng ego and cons- c?ousness accord?ng to neurolog?sts (Damas?o, 1999). Images are perce?ved qu?cker than wr?tten and oral messages, eas?ly understood and v?v?dly memorable (Barry, 1997; Messar?s, 1997). Readers process v?sual ?nformat?on faster than wr?tten ?nformat?on and ot- her symbol forms (Graber, 1996b; Pa?v?o, 1979). In add?t?on, v?suals are more memorable when they are catchy and ?nclude new ?nformat?on (Graber, 1990; Graber, 1996b; Pa?v?o, 1979) and help ?nformat?on to be reta?ned (Berry and Bros?us, 1991; Bros?us et al.

1996; Edwards, 2004; Edwardson et al. 1981; F?ndahl

1981; K?pper, 1986) Accord?ng to pol?t?cal sc?ent?sts

(Nelson and Boyton, 1997), "persuas?on (?n a pol?t?- cal message) ?s ach?eved through presentat?ons, and presentat?ons are successful when accompan?ed w?th deta?ls", and v?sual elements, colors, movements, so- unds, mus?c and characters ?n a presentat?on are the "tastes" that are reta?ned ?n m?nds. ?e power of v?- sual commun?cat?on l?es ?n convey?ng such "tastes". ?e follow?ng f?nd?ngs were obta?ned ?n some related emp?r?cal stud?es: (1) People bel?eve ?n what they see more than what they read and hear (Schwe?ger and Adam?, 1999; Shea and Burton, 2001), (2) when v?sual and wr?tten messages conı?ct, ?nd?v?duals f?nd ?t hard to remember wr?tten ?nformat?on (Drew and Gr?mes,

1987; Gr?mes, 1991; Lang, 1995); (3) when presented

s?multaneously, other messages are o?en ?gnored (Kra- uss et al. 1981; Noller 1985; Posner et al. 1976). V?suals have the follow?ng funct?ons ?n pol?t?cs prov?d?ng per- suas?ve ev?dence; the agenda sett?ng; dramat?z?ng; st?- mulat?ng the emot?ons; bu?ld?ng an ?mage of the can- d?date; creat?ng an ?dent?ty; be?ng a document; assoc?- at?ng w?th soc?al symbols; transferr?ng to the v?ewer, serv?ng as an argument creat?ng uncerta?nty (Sch?ll,

2012), ?mportance depend?ng on s?ze, manag?ng appe-

ar?ng and dom?nat?on depend?ng on placement.

Prov?d?ng persuas?ve ev?dence. ?e most ?mportant

and pr?mary funct?on of "?mage" ?n pol?t?cal com- mun?cat?on ?s to have a rhetor?cal e?ect and prov?de persuas?ve ev?dence to the v?ewer (B?rdsell and Gro- arke,1996; B?rdsell and Groarke, 2007; Bla?r, 2004).

C?lt/Vol.: 18 - Say/No: 1 (29-48)

Anadolu Ün?vers?tes? Sosyal B?l?mler Derg?s?

Even ?f ?mages lack a v?sual pattern, they can convey sens?t?ve relat?onsh?ps among objects and br?ng these objects together to s?gn?fy casual relat?onsh?ps, d??e- rences and s?m?lar?t?es as well as general?zat?on. To ?llustrate w?th, a pol?t?cal cand?date can evoke a patr?- ot?c behav?or by stand?ng ?n front of h?s country's ıag (Barry, 1997). Fac?al express?ons and gestures are two ways to create an argument through an ?mage (Lan- zetta et al. 1985). Non-verbal commun?cat?on such as fac?al express?ons and gestures const?tutes 65% of commun?cat?on process (B?rdwh?stell, 1970) and ?t ?s stronger than or at least as e?ect?ve as verbal and wr?t- ten commun?cat?on (Argyle et al. 1972). Voters take fac?al express?on of the cand?date as reference when they dec?de on an ?dea about h?m or her (Ol?vola and Todorov, 2010). Phys?cal attract?on (competence, trustworth?ness) creates a Halo e?ect that ?ncreases leadersh?p talent (R?ggle et al. 1992). A phys?cally att- ract?ve cand?date ?s l?kely to rece?ve more votes than a cand?date who ?s not. (1) Agenda sett?ng. Accord?ng to agenda sett?ng theory, news med?a determ?nes the news to be h?ghl?ghted ?n the agenda by plac?ng an emphas?s on ?t and publ?sh?ng ?t more o?en (McCombs, 2004). V?suals w?th the?r catchy ?mages g?ve cand?dates and the?r campa?gns an opportun?ty to take the?r place ?n the news and control news agenda (Kl?jn, 2003; Wanta, 1988). (2) Dramat?z?ng. Another funct?on of v?suals regar- d?ng agenda sett?ng ?s dramat?zat?on. ?e nature of v?suals g?ves pol?t?cal cand?dates an opportun?ty to dep?ct the fact that they have already comm?tted themselves to pol?t?cs (Luntz, 2007). Aesthet?cal and qual?ty ?mages that are created through story-l?ke de- p?ct?on, stag?ng, character descr?pt?ons and dramat?- zat?on and are told ?n a s?mple way are ?dent?cal to human nature (F?sher, 1984). (3) St?mulat?ng the emot?ons and conv?nce. Symbol?c ?mages have the ?ncred?ble capac?ty to create emot?o- nal react?on ?n v?ewers (Lanzetta et al. 1985). ?ey can evoke strong emot?ons and prov?de w?th ?nformat?on that ?s able to tr?gger certa?n responses ?n v?ewers and mot?vate response norms to conv?nce (Pratkan?s and

Aronson, 2008). In add?t?on, mov?ng ?mages cause

more emot?onal arousal than stable ones (Sch?ll, 2012). (4) Bu?ld?ng an ?mage of the cand?date. Most ?nd?v?- duals have l?m?ted ?nformat?on about pol?t?cal leaders at the beg?nn?ng and they trust med?a to get some ?nformat?on about them. C?t?zens obta?n pr?mary ?n- format?on about leaders through the?r photographs (v?sual ?mage bu?lds up pol?t?cal ?mage) (Graber,

1987). Such ?mages, wh?ch attract people's attent?on,

g?ve some ?ntu?t?ve clues about the background of the leader as well as h?s personal?ty and att?tudes. In other words, they d?rectly shape a certa?n cand?date ?mage (Grabe and Bucy, 2009). For ?nstance, for those who adm?re "a?ect?on", the ?mages dep?ct?ng rel?g?ous symbols and be?ng together w?th ch?ldren, show?ng the cand?date ?n casual da?ly clothes or sports clot- h?ng and wh?le tak?ng part ?n an act?v?ty (collect?ng tea glasses, r?d?ng a b?ke or play?ng footballs etc.) are examples of such ?mages. (5) Creat?ng an ?dent?ty. S?nce v?suals qu?ckly create an argument and commun?cate w?th emot?ons, they have un?que role ?n establ?sh?ng an ?dent?ty. In other words, ?t helps to perce?ve the "s?m?lar?ty" between the pol?t?- c?an and the voter. In Burke's words (Burke and Stets,

2009), ?dent?ty ?s created when ?t matches w?th the na-

ture of ?nd?v?duals (such as the act?v?t?es shared, att?- tudes and ?deas) and ?f th?s s?tuat?on ?s supported w?th many resources, the cand?date w?ll be more advanta- geous ?n a?ect?ng more ?nd?v?duals, wh?ch ?s an ?m- portant ?ssue ?n pol?t?cs. It ?s eas?er to create an ?dent?ty through ?mages than other commun?cat?on forms. (6) Be?ng a document. V?sual are also documents and they ver?fy that an ?nc?dent has occurred or somet- h?ng has happened (Messar?s, 1997). ?rough do- cumentat?on, they funct?on as ev?dence for debated cla?ms. (7) Assoc?at?ng w?th soc?al symbols. V?suals are o?en used ?n pol?t?cal contexts s?nce they have the potent?al to touch emot?ons through ?con?c and soc?al symbols and to comb?ne these symbols w?th emot?onal power (Perlmutter, 1998; Spratt et al. 2005). Cand?dates are o?en dep?cted w?th the ıags of the?r countr?es ?n pho- tographs s?nce ıags have the advantage of be?ng patr?- ot?c, h?stor?cal and myth?cal symbol?sm (For c?t?zens, gather?ng under the ıag means comb?n?ng leadersh?p power w?th comm?tment to nat?onal un?ty and defen- d?ng the nat?on aga?nst potent?al enem?es) Another soc?al symbol ?s the use of sold?ers and o??cers ?n ?mages. Pol?t?c?ans v?s?ts ?njured sold?ers, take part ?n the funerals of martyrs, wear un?forms and v?s?t m?- l?tary fac?l?t?es. St?ll another common soc?al symbolsquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_9
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