[PDF] Bibliography on poverty and vulnerability in ancient Greece

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Bibliography on poverty and vulnerability in ancient Greece

poverty and socio-economic vulnerability (including legal vulnerability) in the Lycurgue vieillard idéal et la vieillesse au pouvoir à Athènes 338-323.

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This bibliography (in progress) is part of the Marie-verty, vulnerability, and family in ancient -IF 101031550- PVF-AG). It seeks to gather the main works that address

poverty and socio-economic vulnerability (including legal vulnerability) in the ancient Greek world in

order to provide a starting point for those interested in this field of study. The bibliography includes both specific works on poverty in the Greek world and related issues (such as economic inequality, hunger and lack of resources, the living conditions of poor sections of the

population, etc.), and studies that explore vulnerability and poverty at the household level, especially -

but not limited to- those addressing the situation of children and women, particularly orphans and

widows, as well of the elderly. Studies that do not specifically deal with vulnerability and poverty, but

wich are interesting because provide an insight into the socioeconomic and legal situation of these groups, are also included.

Most of the works listed here focus on the situation of citizen families in Athens. However, works that

address vulnerability and poverty in other territories and/or in non-citizen households are also

compiled. Slavery-related studies, with some exceptions, have not been listed here for several reasons: firstly, because there is already an up-to-date bibliography on slavery in Antiquity and in the Classical

World; secondly, because the Greeks themselves tended to link poverty with citizenship (although the

written sources also connect poverty and debt slavery, and it is clear too that not all poor people would

be citizens); and thirdly and lastly, because slavery, although often entailing a situation of

vulnerability, is not always a synonym of poverty. Aasgaard, R. (2017). How close can we get to ancient childhood? Methodological achievements and new advances. In C. Laes & V. Vuolanto (Eds.), Children and everyday life in the Roman and late Antique world (pp. 318-331). London-New York: Routledge.

___ (2006). Children in Antiquity and Early Christianity: research history and central issues. Familia


SA, Spain), 33, 23-46.

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Aguilar, R. Mª. (2003). La figura de Télefo en la literatura y en el arte griegos. CFC(G), 13, 181-193.

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