[PDF] Archetype and Heros Journey in Herman Hesses Demian Ellsa

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HERMANN HESSE - Siddhartha

présentée au public français. Une Cependant au moment même où il affirmait ses doutes au sujet du sérieux de la littérature

« Affronter le mal pour grandir »

10 juin 2020 Parmi les ouvrages qui s'inscrivent dans cette perspective l'un d'entre eux m'apparaît particulièrement précieux : Demian d'Hermann Hesse.


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« Affronter le mal pour grandir »

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« Affronter le mal pour grandir »

Demian d'Hermann Hesse. Sans doute peut-on approcher les tourments d'une âme adolescente aux prises avec l'inquiétude de grandir


Hermann Hesse avait passé la. Page 5. 5 quarantaine et il était un écrivain étiqueté. Il ne reconnut la paternité de Demian qu'après la sixième édition. On ne 


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HERMANN. HESSE. •. DEMIAN. *. Translated by W. J. Strachan DEMIAN is important eternal

Archetype and Heros Journey in Herman Hesses Demian Ellsa

Ellsa Aringga Bahari. English Literature Faculty of Languages and Arts


personality development of Emil Sinclair in Hermann Hesse's Demian novel (1919) by Psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud. This study belongs to qualitative.

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Was sind die wichtigsten Werke von Hermann Hesse?

Wichtige Werke von Hermann Hesse. Die Erzählung Demian (1919) beschreibt die Suche nach einem eigenen Weg, nach einer Bestimmung und danach, wie man diese auch gegen Widerstände verfolgt. Geschildert werden die Kindes- und Jugendjahre des Protagonisten Emil Sinclair aus dessen Sicht.

Was ist die Demian-Erzählung von Hermann Hesse?

Hesse schildert in seiner Erzählung das Heranwachsen und die Identitätsentwicklung des Emil Sinclair. Die Königs Erläuterung zu Hermann Hesse: Demian ist eine verlässliche und bewährte Textanalyse und Interpretationshilfe für Schüler und weiterführende Informationsquelle für Lehrer und andere Interessierte: verständlich, übersichtlich und prägnant.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Demian und Hesse?

Demian ist eine innere Eigenschaft Sinclairs, die Hesse als Person wirken lässt. Er stellt Sinclairs inneres Selbst dar, das ihn mahnt und ihm als geistiges Bild vom idealen Selbst vorschwebt. Demians Ausschaltung des Bösen (Kromer) ist so betrachtet Sinclairs geistige Neutralisierung seines Peinigers durch Erkennen und Akzeptieren des Bösen, das

Welche Bücher hat Hermann Hesse geschrieben?

Große Teile seiner Leserschaft verstanden Hermann Hesses Bücher wie »Demian« oder » Der Steppenwolf « als Lebenshilfe. Schriftlich wandten sie sich mit persönlichen Fragen an den Autor. Hermann Hesse beantwortete alle Briefe gewissenhaft. Im Suhrkamp Verlag hat Volker Michels eine Werkausgabe mit Briefen herausgegeben.

Archetype and Heros Journey in Herman Hesses Demian Ellsa Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s DemianEllsa Aringga BahariEnglish Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabayaellsabahari16020154005@mhs.unesa.ac.idAbstractThis study aims toanalysethe contributions ofarchetypesinEmil Sinclair's journey and illustrate thestages he has gone through during his journey. Archetypal andHero"s journey by Joseph Campbellarethetheory used toanalysethisstudy.It focuses on the textual information on the novel which made this studyadescriptive qualitative studyThe primary data is taken fromDemianby Herman Hesse and journal articles assupporting data. The main focus of this research is Emil Sinclair's Journey in finding his true identity.Themechanism of this study is byanalysingthe contribution of Archetypes on Sinclair's journey with theArchetypal theory and what stages Sinclair has gone through on the Hero's Journey stages. The results of theanalysis show that five archetypes contributed to Sinclair'sjourney. Sinclair is a representation of a hero whilethe Mentor and Herald provide support and strength to Sinclair during their adventures. The rest provided achallenge for Sinclair to learn to understand his life and be confident in his abilities. The research also foundthat Sinclair underwent three stages and twelve phases based on understanding the hero's journey.Through thecontribution of the archetypes and the stages that Sinclair had in advance, it can be concluded that eacharchetype has a significant role in thestages of Sinclair's journey to help him reach the end of the story and findhis true identity.Keywords:Hero"s Journey, Archetypes, Self-identity, Journey Stages.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kontribusi dari arketippada perjalananEmil Sinclair sertamengilustrasikan tahapan yang telah ia lalui selama perjalanannya di dalam novel ini. Archetypal dan Perjalananpahlawan oleh Joseph Campbelladalah teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis penelitian ini. Penelitian iniberfokus pada informasi tekstual dalam novel yang menjadikan penelitian ini sebagai studi kualitatif deskriptif.Data utama diambil dari Demian oleh Herman Hesse dan artikel jurnal sebagai data pendukung. Fokus utamapenelitian ini adalah Perjalanan Emil Sinclair dalam mencari jati dirinya. Mekanisme penelitian dilakukandengan menganalisis kontribusi Arketipe pada perjalanan Sinclair dengan teori Archetypal serta tahapan apasaja yang telah Sinclair lalui pada teori Hero's Journey. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada limaarketipe yang berkontribusi pada perjalanan Sinclair. Sinclair menjadi representasi dari pahlawan. SementaraMentor dan Herald memberikan dukungan dan kekuatan untuk Sinclairselamamelaluipetualangannya. Sisanyamemberikan tantangan untuk Sinclair agar dia belajar memahami kehidupannya dan yakin dengankemampuannya sendiri. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa Sinclair mengalami tiga tahapan dan dua belasfase berdasarkan pemahaman perjalanan pahlawan.Melalui kontribusi arketipe dan tahapan yang telah di laluSinclair, dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap arketipe memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap tahapan-tahapanperjalanan Sinclair untuk membantunya mencapai akhir cerita dan menemukan jati dirinya.Keywords:Perjalanan Pahlawan, Arketipe, Jati diri, Tahapan perjalanan.INTRODUCTIONNearly all literary works, such as poem,novel and drama deal with the main character'sjourney as a hero. Some of them are related to thetheme of the search for identity. In literature"sworld, relationship between the hero's journey andsearching identity of the main character is not anew theme.In this study, the authors use JosephCampbell's monomyth of the Hero's journey todescribe travel and recovery from the Hero's life.Campbell draws on the conscious and unconsciousthemes found in myths and legends to create ametaphor of the heroic human struggle for growth

and transformation(Lawson , 2005). It describesthat Archetypes are presented as an important partof the Hero's journey to begin and complete hislife's achievements. Campbell described a series ofchallenges that the Hero must face whilecompleting his journey. How Hero responds to hisjourney and what he learns about himself andothers along the way is based mainly on theachievement of his journey. A journey is a vehicle,or opportunity, for personal change, psychologicalgrowth, and psychospiritual transformation(Bray,2018).

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

Meanwhile, Hero's journey was firstintroduced by Joseph Campbell in his seminalbook,The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the hero"sjourney is found in myths all over the world andpopulated by archetypal characters who representuniversal human qualities(Ascough, 2018). Hero"sJourney was Campbell"s all-embracing metaphorfor the deep inner journey of transformation thatheroes in every time and place seem to share(Vogler, 2003). Campbell mentions that there areseventeen stages in hero"s journey and sevenarchetypes which has function to understand themeaning or purpose of each character expressedimplicitly and explicitly by the author (As-syauqi,2017). in this study, the writer will discussthe contribution of the archetypal character inEmil"s Journey and illustrating the journey stagesof Emil as a Hero to find his self-identity.The Campbell template was applied toHerman Hesse"sDemianin this study to show howthe hero's journey can be used to analyze thecontributions of archetypes and the stages of anadventure of the hero's journey.Demianis one ofthe literary works written by a famous Germanwriter, Herman Hesse, in 1919.This noveltellsabout the life of the main character, Emil Sinclair,along with the problems he experienced. As aprotagonist, Emil experiences physical and mentalupheaval while living his childhood andadolescence. He became friends with an eccentricand somewhat mysterious young boy named MaxDemian. His life began to change after knowingDemian. This Nobel-winning novel is familiar withthe search for identity, dreams, mythology, andpsychological problems.Herman Hesse'sDemianis used as thestudy object because this book has an interestingstoryline and also steals the reader's attentionbecause of the greatness of the writer telling aunique chronicle of the main character's journey onthe winding, treacherous road toward maturity.Moreover,Demianis a novel of individuation parexcellence, the stages of the journey to self-realization are the various chapters produced by theunconscious. With each one of them in turn doesSinclair identify himself, and in each does herecognize an aspect of his own soul, thusassimilating and integrating the projections of theunconscious (Maier,1999).DemiandescribedSinclair's personal journey to a sincereunderstanding of his deep inner self. This novel hasa thick theme of the search for identity. EmilSinclair as the main character becomes aware ofhimself after going through various stages andencountering various human characters. Thatstimulate Emil"s Changing in the endof the story.Emil has gone through many criticalstages during his journey, and the contribution ofthe archetypal character also plays a significant role

for him in completing his journey and helping tofind what he is looking for. In this study, the writeruses the hero's journey and archetypes by JosephCampbell to analyze the topic of the journey of themain character while finding his identity.METHODThe data source used in this study is aliterary work. The writer uses reading the novel,quoting, and classifying data based on proposedquestions to analyze the problem. The first step isreading, including highlighting and understandingevery problem or moment in the novel. The nextstep is collecting the data, the data are dialogues,opinions, andactions based on the novel, whichwill be classified based on the problems of thisstudy. The data that has been obtained will be usedfor analysis. Campbell"s Archetypeis used toanalyze the archetypes contribution to Emil'sjourney in finding his self-identity.The Hero"sJourney stages alsoused to help analyze whatstages he has taken during his journey whilesearching for his self-identity.ArchetypeArchetypesitselfismodels of people,behaviors, or personalities and archetypes wereinborn tendencies that play a role in influencinghuman behavior(Jung, 1980). Archetypes itself hasfunction to understand the meaning or purpose ofthe characters expressed implicitly and explicitlyby the author (As-syauqi, 2017).Joseph Campbell in his book,The Herowith Thousand Facesaid that archetypes arestructuring patterns of the human psycheandthatarchetypes are structuring patterns of the humanpsyche(Campbell, 1968). Archetypes describe thefunction or role a character plays in a story.Thecharacters in terms of their archetype will allowyou to see whether they"re pulling their weight, orif they"re useless extras(Winkle, 2014).JosephCampbell hasmentioned about several archetypesthat related to hero"s journey in a literary worksuch as:

Figure 1.1:Archetypes ModelSource:https://multicuriouslife.wordpress.com/2018/06/11/the-archetypes-the-8-types-and-who-they-are/

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

The Hero"s JourneyA hero ventures forth from the world ofcommon day into a region of supernatural wonder:fabulous forces are there encountered and adecisive victory is won: the hero comes back fromthis mysterious adventure with the power to bestowboons on his fellow man (Campbe ll, 1968 ) as adefinition of the hero's journey as a pattern orstructure in literary work. It then become theconcept of that focused on symbols, signs, andmyths which represent in the characters, called asarchetypal criticism (As-syuqi, 2017).In his book,Campbell split the hero"s journey stages into threechapter andseventeenstages, namely;

Figure 1.2: The Hero"s Journey ModelSource:https://mediakron.bc.edu/avatar/joseph-campbells-monomythDISCUSSIONA.The Archetype ofDemianIn this chapter, the seven archetypes basedon Joseph Campbell's understandingwill beanalyzed by comparing related scenes or dialogs inDemian. This study alsowill reveal that archetypesnot only can be identified from the humancharacters but creatures, moments, and symbolsmay also be archetypes that contribute to Emil'sjourney in finding his self-identity. These scenes ordialogs help this study to identifycharacters,creatures, moments, or symbols in Emil's attempt tofind his self-identity.The Herois usually the main characterwho finally separated from their ordinary world totravel and answer the challenge for themselves.The hero can be anything who has experienced thebattle with their past personal and achieve whatthey want, usually human forms(Campbell, 1968).As the story of the novel started, a character namedEmil Sinclair was introduced as a main character

who attempts to find his true identity. Sinclair feltdubious about the world he had to follow,whetherthe light world or dark world. It then becomes thebeginning of Emil"s Journey that he mustdetermine which world he must follow and the factthat this novel is about his life's journey reinforcesthat Emil Sinclair is a representation ofThe Hero.I begin my story with an experience fromthe time I was ten years old-(Demian,2000, Pg. 3)The technique that Hermann Hesse usesin introducing the character to this kind of methodcan be called as bildungsroman, where it directsthe reader to personal enrichment on Sinclair'sjourney from childhood to a higher level ofmaturity.Demianalso deals with a young or naiveEmil"sgrowth and development into maturity, theform traces the journey of the protagonist fromadolescence to adulthood.Mentorroleisto guidethe herowhileachieving what his are looking for. The hero meetsthe Mentor to gain confidence, insight, advice,training, or magical gifts to overcome the initialfears and face the threshold of the adventure(Rahman , 2014).Sinclair won"t do his journeywithout anyone"s help when he decides to acceptsthe challenge to start a journey.Sinclair met twoMentorfigureswho influential in guiding andhelping him. The first mentor is a transfer studentnamed Max Demian. Sinclair then befriends withDemian after he has succeeded in making FranzKromer stop bothering and bullying him.Demian had accustomed me to look on, and tointerpret the stories and the articles of faith in afreer; I always followed the interpretations hesuggested to me gladly and with enjoyment-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 38)Sinclair stating thatDemian makes himadmit whatever he said with an interpretation thatdiffered from the views of most people, this thengives the impression that Demian had influencedSinclair a lot. In this case, Sinclair always followthe interpretations Demian suggests to him gladlyand with enjoyment. The mentor's duty to guide thehero, but he also has success inEmil"s mindbyinterpreting things with different views that makelittle Sinclair amazed.Another mentor whom Sinclair met on his journeyis a man he met at achurch, Pistorius. Pistorius"srole maybedoesnot as crucial as Demian, but hehad guided Sinclair a lot. Pistorius appeared in themiddle of the story when Sinclair lost Mentor's rolebecause Demian was not with him. Then Sinclairlearned a lot from Pistorius.

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

His office, perhaps, was to help guidepeople to themselves, as he had done forme.-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 83)Sinclair tells about how Pistorius hassucceeded in guiding him to himself. Hesse tries togive a depiction to the reader that, a guide willescort someone to a particular destination. Insteadof a destination place, Hesse uses "Themselves",which means he proposes to show how a mentortries to escort someone to continue to search forand questioning themselves until the person hasfound hisown identity.Heraldcan make appearances anytimeand anywhere during the journey, but it usuallyappears at the beginning of the story to announcethe challenges the hero will face(Vogler, 2003).InDemian, there a scene where Demian tells apossibility of how the story of Cain (Referring toCain and Abel) can be understood from a differentperspective. Sinclair is a son of a religious family,and they are committed Christians. Referring to theteachings ofChristianity, the story of Cain andAbel is the story of two sons from Adam and Evewho later known that Cain killed Abel because hefelt jealous. God then said unto him, thereforewhosoever slayeth Cain, Vengeance shall be takenon him sevenfold. And theGod set a 'mark" uponCain, lest any finding him should kill him(Genesis4:15, Douay-Rheims Version).This matter of Cain, the murder, and themark was the point of origin of all myattempts at gaining knowledge, formulatingdoubts, and examining things critically-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 20)Demian says thatCain"s markis notsomething terrible, the only reason why it is seenas bad bypeople is because of the fear.Demianthen tells thatCain"s markshould be a privilegeand a sign of courage.Demian's thoughts, which heuttered to Sinclair concerning the story of Cain,murder, and the "mark" then become a startingpoint for Sinclair to begin to understand thingswith a critical mind as Demian did and representstheHeraldarchetype.The shapeshifteristhere to ask questionsand deceive the hero, making them doubt whatthey had gone through.mask misleads the hero byhiding a character"s intentions and loyalties(Vogler, 2009).In the middle of the story, Knauertrying to approach him and says many things toSinclair. Knauer believes that Sinclair has magicalabilities that make him able to understand themystical and spirit world. Knauer then conveysSinclair that he sees something special aboutSinclair and asked for his help to guide Knauer tounderstand himself better.

I became taciturn and felt humiliated becausesomeone was seeking advice from me and Ihad none to give.-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 76)All the questions Knauer said makesSinclair doubt his abilities and unsure of himself.Sinclair felt that he still did not have the ability,strong knowledge, or a valuable experience to beable to help and guide someone. Sinclair's attitudeshows that Sinclair is not a person who easily togive advice or guide someone before he feels anexperience that can be used as a lesson for.Sinclair's situation of being unable to help givingKnauer advice, makes Sinclair feel useless.Knauer's presence then makes Sinclair feel that hishas not been able to help others and Knauer thenrepresentShapeshifterarchetype becauseShadowarchetypehas the function tochallenge the hero and teach him a lesson alsorepresents a dark side, unexpected, anger, andrejected qualities (Wicaksono, 2019).In the middleof Sinclair's journey to find his true identity, he hadparted ways with Demian because Sinclair decidedto go toa male dormitoryand makes him feelhaunted by feelings of solitude without Demian.The Mentor who has guided him is gone and hefeels that he cannot control himself. In thissituation Sinclair felt that he could not live withoutguidance from Demian.I was afraid of being alone for longperiods; I stood in fear of the numeroustenders. One thing I missedabove all-afriend-(Demian, Chapter four, Pg. 49)Sinclair's life becomes chaotic because hisGuide is no longer with him. Sinclair then beginsto changes, he becomes a drunkard and often goesto the tavern. Sinclair completely lost his way andneeded Demian's guidance to continue his life.Sinclair is in the lowest situation in his life, wherehis life begins to change drastically. Afeeling ofsolitude without Demian become something thatSinclair is afraid of. This feeling of fear makesSinclair feel a deep loneliness. At the end of thesentence, Sinclair said the word "a friend", thisword is believed to refer to Demian, someone whoSinclair could not live without. Sinclair"s chaoticlife due to the loss of Demian as his guiderepresents theShadow.B.Emil"s Journey inDemianThis chapter provides evidence of thestages of Emil Sinclair's Journey as a hero toHerman Hesse's Demian. This study uses the hero'sjourney stages by Joseph Campbell to explain thestages of Emil's journey to find his self-identity.Scenes and dialogues inDemianwill be used tosupport identifying the stages in Emil's journey.

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

Separation/DepartureDeparture is the first stage of Campbell"shero journey where he hero departs from the worldthey know, leaving their home, a family forstrangers(Leopold, 2019). Departure also showsthe background of the hero lives. InDemian,EmilSinclair is a boy who lives between two differentworlds, light and dark world. Sinclair describeslight world a place where his religious parentsraised him with devoted Christian teachings. As forhim, dark world contains everything that is notunder what religion and his family teaches.the first phase in Departure isCall ofadventurewhere the hero gets the announcement tostart the adventure in the special world. Call toadventure may appear in many forms:fantasies,dreams, visions or anythingelse (Wicaksono,2019) . InDemian, this phase happened whenSinclair met with Franz Kromer. His life haschanged slowly since he meets with Kromer whoseknown as a boy from a family that famous is with abad reputation.I made up an elaborate tale of thievery,making myself the hero. I took refuge in thisstory from the dangers of the moment-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 6)When Sinclair was ten years old, he oftenplayed with Kromer. He then makes a story aboutlying theft that he never did just to impressKromer.He then felt satisfied after lying to hisfriends. Because of Sinclair's fake theft story andmeeting with Kromer, then become a starting pointfor him to slowly enter into dark world. Therefore,His experience identical to the initial call of Emil toparticipate in an adventure illustrated by Sinclair'slies, which then leads him to the dark world.The hero often may refuse the call toadventure because of many factors.Refusal calliswhere the hero ignores the call given to him.Refusal does not implythe end of the journey butan extra phase that the hero may or not take (GPalacios, 2019).My condition in that period was a sort ofinsanity.I was living as frightened andtormented as a ghost-(Demian, 2000,Pg. 15)After falling into a lie, Sinclairslowlyenters dark world. Hesse mentions "Insanity"(Pg.15) as Sinclair's self-frustration because he hasentered the new world, then he felt tortured bywhat he experienced. In this situation, He is not asubject but an object asking for help to be savedfrom suffering and fear after entered dark world,Kromer's arrival in his life represents the dark

world. This scene represents Sinclair's refusal ofthe call to begins his adventure in dark world.Supernatural Aidis the phase where thehero meets someone that can guide him in hisjourney. That person then will become their mentorand give them what they need to overcome fear andstart an adventure (Vogler, 2009). Mentor providesguidance and insight for the hero to start hisadventure. InDemian, thisphase happened whenSinclair meets Demian for the first time. Laterknown that Demian caught Sinclair attentionbecause he feels that Demian different from otherkidsIn the midst of our childish crowd, hemoved about like a stranger, as mature asa man or, rather, a gentleman. The onlything about him the rest of us liked wasthe self-confident,-(Demian , 2000, Pg.16)Demian made a deep impression forSinclair. Hesse depicts Demian as a mature boycompereto his peers. Hesse also describesDemian"smaturity by his firm and confident wayof speaking which make Sinclair even more curiouswith him. Demian also had saved Sinclair fromKromer's pressure. He gives Sinclair a lot of newknowledge and had influenced Sinclair's thought alot.The hero will be tested whether he isworthy to enter the special world facing theguardian figures that may appear and block thehero's path (Campbell, 1968).The crossing of thefirst thresholdis the phase when hero has theavailability of changing his quality and attitude toadapt to his new world. After meeting Demian,Sinclair learned many things that could be seenfrom different perspectives.It was not into the Church that I was nowready to be received, but into a selectsociety of thought and personality whichhad to exist somewhere on earth (Demian,2000, Pg. 41)Sinclair indirectly said he is willing andready to cross into a new world that he does notknow at all. "into something quite different" (Pg.41) refers that Sinclair ready to be accepted to thegroup ofpeople who have different thoughts andpersonalities like Demian did. In other words, thesepeople are referring to a community that Demianbelongs to. Therefore, it can be concluded thatDemian has succeeded in influencing and guidingSinclair to accepthis call of adventure and dares tochange his attitude to enters the dark world.Hero will be faced with several challengesand tests that must be passed by the hero inBelly of

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

the Whale(Campbe ll, 1968 ). One d ay's Sinclairmoves to a male dormitory andSeparated withDemian. After he influenced Sinclair and changedhis life, Sinclair now completely changed. Sinclairlater lost Demian as a mentor figure.I, who was proud in mind and shared someideas with Demian! that's how I looked, anoutcast, drunk andfilthy. It was with disgustand rage that I still heard my own laughter, adrunken. that's who I was!-(Demian, 2000,Pg. 47-48)Sinclair's activities in his newenvironment became out of bounds after hisseparation with Demian. He becomesa drunkardand goes to the tavern. In this transition, he wasabandoned by Demian, making he loses directionduring his journey. He then fells lonely andpessimistic achieving his goals.InitiationAfter passing through a sequencedeparture stages the hero must move to the furtherstages of curiously fluid, ambiguous forms,wherein these stages he must survive a set of trials(Campbe ll, 1968 ). This s tage sh ows t hat Sinclairfully enters the new world to complete his questand signifies that he is starting to be testedfor hisstrength and commitment to his goals.The meeting with goddessis the phasewhen the hero meets a female figure who willtouch his heart, help the hero on his journey and'affection' to gain morale and supports (Campbell,1968). Sinclair went through the toughest days inhis new environment then he accidentally met witha beautiful girl named Beatrice. She attractsSinclair's attention and makes him liked Beatricefor the first sight.The impression she made was stronger thanon my prior occasion,and the influencethis infatuation had on my life waspowerful-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 51)Beatrice has brought a significant changefor Sinclair. He becomes excited and begins toabandon lousybehavior, Beatrice's strong charismahadsucceededhelping Sinclair to rife from hisdownturn. The influence of his madness onBeatrice made Sinclair realize the right way in hisjourney to find self-identity.Atonement with fatheris where the heromeets with a father figure who provides supportand strength for him (Campbell, 1968). The herotakes the fight against the figure of father whichsymbolizes the power or authority that dominatesthe hero. InDemian, this happens when Sinclairmeet with Pistorius, a mentor when Demian left

him. One day, he felt a feeling of rejection ofPistorius as his mentor.God had spoken to me through him. Fromhis lip dreams had come back to me.Andnow, I gradually felt increasing resistanceof him.-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 81)"God had spoken to me through him"(Pg. 81) interprets that Sinclair believes Pistoriuscould provide support and strength for him throughthe words he said. Because of Pistorius, Sinclairthen returning has the courage to continue hisjourney. However, Sinclair feels sincere rejectionof Pistoriusfor all of knowledge and advice fromhim. He gradually felt Pistorius' words were tooinstructive, does not fully understand all parts ofSinclair's self and he rejects or opposes the figureof Pistorius who has provided support and strengthfor Sinclair.Apotheosisis the phase where the heromust prepare himself to face many of thechallenges in hardest part of his journey to achievewhat he seeks (Campbell, 1968). So, hero will geta greater understanding and become mature. Aftermet Beatrice, Sinclair's life has changed and headmires Beatrice more deeply until one day hepainted her self-portrait and realize that he lookedlike Demian. He believes that Beatrice is arepresentation of Demian. His admiration andpaintings are kinds of his expression ofmissing ofDemian.I still often ran across the girl I calledBeatrice. I no longer felt any agitationwhen I did, but always a gentle harmony ofminds: you are linked to me, you are aportion of my fate-(Demian , 2000 , Pg.54)Sinclair then realized that Beatrice is asymbol of destiny for him and remembrance ofDemian represented by "you are linked to me, butnot yourself, only your picture" (Pg . 54 ) whichexplains how Beatrice's appearance has remindedhim to Demian. Because of her, Sinclair hassuccessfully passed the test and survive until he gota higher level for survival.The ultimate boonis a phase when herogets the wisdom after a long journey. Sinclairfound a note sticking out of his book and believethat note is the answer from Demian. After goingthrough the various test, In the end, He had reachedhis destination by knowing the meaning ofthephrase in his bookThey all helped to strip dead skins off me, tocrush eggshells; after each one I raised myhead a little higher until my yellow bird out

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

of the shattered globe-(Demian, 2000, Pg.70)Sinclair then can understand that thephrase in his notes is a symbol of himself. Sinclairhas struggled to break out of his world, which isrepresented as an "eggshell" (Pg. 70) while "bird"(Pg . 70)is a symbol of him. After all, Sinclairrealized that 'abraxas' is enlightenment for him toachieve his own comprehensionReturnAfter a long journey and successfullyfaced tests and challenges, the hero will returnhome bringing the different identity.Sinclair hadsurvived from many tests, but his journey has notover. Sinclair must finish his journey for reachedthe endpoint of his adventureMagic Flightis the first phase in return. Itis a moment where after hero managed to win fromthe enemy, he will return to their ancient world ortheir home (Campbell, 1968). After a long journey,in the end Sinclair reunited with Demian and at thesame time, he alsomet with Frau Eva, Demian'smother."How happy I am!" I told her, kissing hishands. "I think that all my life I"ve alwaysbeen on journey-and now I"ve arrivedhome"-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 92)When Sinclair met again with Demian, Henow mastered an understanding of himself. Sinclairthen thought that Frau Eva led him to believe she ishis true destiny after meeting her for the first time.Sinclair then falls in love with her and makesconsidered that he returning home. Sinclair doesnot return to his realhome, where he lived with hisparents. But to Demian and Frau Eva's house,where he believes that house is the end of his longjourney.Master of the two worldis when the heromastersthe new world and the ordinary world byusing his 'boon' (Campbell, 1968). In last chapter,when Sinclair misses Frau Eva but cannot meether, he tried to do some meditation with father allpower of his soul while thinking about her, so shecould feel it. Through his inner strength, he exertedhis force to summon Frau Eva and he succeeded."My dear Sinclair, you summoned metoday. I don"t forget: now you know how tocall me, and whenever you need someone,call again"-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 106)Now Sinclair has learned and masteredabout controlling his soul. With hissuccess incalling Frau Eva through an inner call, he hadproven that he had almost succeeded in completinghis journey. this success also supported by how

Frau Eva could feel Sinclair's inner calling.Sinclair has proven that he can control himselfaftergoing through a lot of learning on his journey.Freedom to liveis the last phase in hero'sjourney when hero will choose to be what theywant to become after he uses his experience fromcompleting his journey to accomplish certainthings or restart a newjourney (Campbell, 1968).In the end, Sinclair and Demian have separatedagain because both of them must go to war. Untilend story, he once met with Demian in his dreamto ask permission to leave when he injures on thebattlefield. Demian's departure meant death.Everything that has done to me since then hashurt. But whenever I find the key at times,and descend all the way into myself, wherethe images of the destiny slumber in the darkmirror, I need only lean over the black mirrorto see my own image,which now looksexactly like him, him, my friend and guide-(Demian, 2000, Pg. 109)Sinclair has reached the last stage in hisjourney with the fact he finally parted forever withDemian. However, Sinclair finally got his identitythat has been revealed. "black mirror" (Pg . 109)describes his fear. All he needs to do is face hisfears, and when he does, he will see his own imagethat symbolizes his true identity. he also repeated"him" which referred to Demian that hadinfluenced him a lot. In the end, Sinclair has foundthe identity he had been searching for; that identitylooked similar to Demian because he was thebeginning and end of Sinclair's journey.CONCLUSIONThrough the discussion and analysis, thisstudy sums up that there are five archetypalrolesbesides on Joseph Campbell"s understanding thatcan be found in Herman Hesse"sDemian.Eacharchetype in this novel has a significantcontribution to Sinclair's journey. Every archetypehas its role in helping Sinclair achieve his self-identity. Somearchetypes provide support andstrength for Sinclair to start his journey until theend, such as mentor and herald. other archetypesgiving challenges and test to make Sinclair learnmore deeply and confident in his abilities.This study also finds Sinclair passed threestages and twelve phases based on JosephCampbell's hero journey understanding.Based onthe finding, the writer concludesDemianhas asuitable storyline with Campbell's Hero's Journeytheory. Even though Sinclair does not pass allphases, the storyline in this novel is almost perfectand suitable if analyzed with Hero's journeytheory.With the help of Hero's journey stages,Sinclair succeeded in his adventure and found hisself-identityin the form of self-awareness that he

Archetype and Hero"s Journey in Herman Hesse"s Demian

had changed alot because of the influence ofDemian. At the end of story, Sinclair's identity hasbeen portrayed as a self-reflection, similar to whathe had seen in Demian's figure.This study concludes that Herman Hesse'sDemianis indeed by Joseph Campbell's archetype& hero's journey.The writer also found that eacharchetype helps Sinclair a lot to achieve his self-identity.The hero's journeyiscompatible with thisnovel, although Sinclair did not pass all stages.Thewriterexpectedthat this studybe able to contributein the development of literary analysis,concerningarchetypal and the stages of the main Character"sjourney in literary work in several important ways.This study also expectedto enlighten and provideadditional references for English Departmentstudents from literature, especially those who areinterested in the hero's journey & archetypestheories. For future researchers, many literaryworks can be analyzed using the concept of JosephCampbell's monomyth. This study also suggeststhat various aspects can still be developed anddiscovered from Herman Hesse'sDemian. Theresearcher hopes that more research will focus onthis issue and literary work.REFERENCESAscough, H. (2018). Once upona time: using thehero"s journey in development stories.Canadian Journal of Development Studies,39(4), 533-549.https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.2018.1479634Bray, P. (2018). The Hero-Journey, Hamlet andPositive Psychological Transformation.Journal ofHumanistic Psychology,58(5),525-555.https://doi.org/10.1177/0022167816689357Campbell, J. (1968).The Hero With ThousandFace.Literary Imagination,19(2), 180-193.https://doi.org/10.1093/litimag/imx025Challoner, R. (2002). The Holy Bible-Douay-Rheims Version. https://doi.org/220.520B41hJung, C. G. (1980).The Archetypes and TheCollective Unconscius.Bollingen Series XX(Second Edi). Princeton University Press.Lawson, G. (2005). The Hero"s Journey as aDevelopmental Metaphor in Counseling.TheJournal of Humanistic Counseling,Education and Development,44(2), 134-144.https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2164-490x.2005.tb00026.xLeopold, R. (2019). The Player Character"sJourney: The Hero"s Journey in Moldvay"sDungeons & Dragons.Electronic Theses and

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