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Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and

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Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road

Edited by

Bart Vanhercke, Dalila Ghailani and Slavina Spasova, with Philippe Pochet

Social policy in the

European Union 1999-2019:

the long and winding road Edited by Bart Vanhercke, Dalila Ghailani and Slavina Spasova, with Philippe Pochet Fugiam, quia aut in earibus plab inciat etur, velic to conecessim etur? Lestem lantum vent rat essinvel maio eum dolume cus, nim aspicip itaerisim eat aut ut doloruptatem nobisci endipsam et dolesto magnihita velendi te plit accum dis qui dolessi dolore, aut qui duntur siminctate at explat iduntem quia con nam ute asperum et voluptiis reprae maior reped ut mosandi tionsec totatios alisin post rem nus porem aute mosam est explaceat. Facernam ipicimin por sinto quame repuditem experum entotatatem est hitio optatquia veniendebis andiam dolut excerum doluptatem rerrovidis rerumque volorep udipist pratetur? Cum aut autem dia nos alibuscienia dolor ad eosam fugiatiusdam dionseq uatibus, nis deriat que dolore corempe lluptam fuga. Liquas sitas iunt doluptate sitas delest provit volora que vendae etur resequa spedita tiorerum quatem alic tectaque cori dolorio nseque cor suntibu sdaecto eiciis ex ea vendam quunt qui quam aut faccae conse voluptur alit hillorum, quo in plabor aute omnim comnimod quiae dolenihicium quo bea volum in pligendant quam assequi ius sus ea con nihil imi, alit a qui dolores editate porroremolum remqui tectatur? Is voluptat. Luptaspitem qui te voluptibusae rerepre nat eumet, autem. Nem fuga. Repeligenda velent excerspic torpore ptaturerum qui is nimi, tem quidi odit quodigendam iunt dit lani occus ni audit, soluptassum rendae libus comnima iorrum, se sitibusdae prae cus, quid que consed mossedit quibus ullitatur, si uta et autesequiae quatquodit poritatur solorrum duntemped ullab ipsam ratem exerspe rnatiam, cuptat. Imillatur moluptam, corestiat fuga. Et et repudis alistotaqui duciat occum core dolestia por ad et magnis num, quis sint esto ipitas mi, sum nitatiur, ut estia dolor mil in earum ium aut lautem ex et, sum autentia dolum aut fuga. Ditate volene eaquo inciaerum qui omnihitatur, sa estions ectorumque omnimus sin repudae rumqui simus dunt dolum eos velibus et es nobistemque voluptatur? Otatqui as aditat voluptatur? Quis aut essenda epratur sam, iliquide consed elestiur re aut


Trade Union Institute

Bd du Roi Albert II, 5

1210 Brussels


+32 (0)2 224 04 70
etui@etui.org www.etui.org


ISBN: 978-2-87452-549-0

Social policy in the European Union (1999-2019):

the long and winding roadEdi ted by Bart Vanhercke, Dalila Ghailani and Slavina Spasova, with Philippe Pochet Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road

Social policy in the

European Union 1999-2019:

the long and winding road

Edited by

Bart Vanhercke, Dalila Ghailani and Slavina Spasova with Philippe Pochet

European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

European Social Observatory (OSE)

Quoting this publication: Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.) (2020) Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road, Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 230 p. ETUI publications are published to elicit comment and to encourage debate. The views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily represent the views of the ETUI nor those of the members of its general assembly.

Brussels, 2020

© Publisher: ETUI aisbl, Brussels

All rights reserved

Print: ETUI Printshop, Brussels


ISBN: 978-2-87452-549-0 (print version)

ISBN: 978-2-87452-550-6 (electronic version)

Report commissioned from the European Social Observatory, asbl by the European Trade Union Institute and the European Trade Union Confederation.

The ETUI receives nancial support from the European Union. The European Union is not responsible for any

use made of the information contained in this publication. Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road 5



Philippe Pochet

Chapter 1

Twenty years of the publication 'Social policy in the European Union': what have we learned? .....13


......................................13 1. From the Treaty of Amsterdam to the Open Methods of Coordination: the 'social period' (1997-2005) ...........................15 2. From the enlargement to the crisis: from no European social dimension to a questioning of European social policies (2005-2015) ............................18 3.

A new start for the EU's social dimension? (2015-present) ..................................................................24



Amy Verdun and Valerie D'Erman

Chapter 2

Two decades of change in Europe: post-crisis social policymaking in the EU ....................................37


......................................37 1.

Social policymaking in the EU: key steps and debates ........................................................................

....40 2.

The institutional architecture of the EU a?er 20 years of EMU ...........................................................43


Ongoing challenges to 'Social Europe' ........................................................................



Sacha Garben

Chapter 3

Balancing fundamental social and economic rights in the EU: in search of a better method ....57


......................................57 1.

'Social sore spots': where social and economic rights clash ....................................................................58


Towards a better balancing of fundamental social and economic rights ..........................................65

Conclusion and outlook


6 Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road

Jean-Paul Tricart

Chapter 4

Once upon a time there was the European social dialogue


......................................71 1. The Delors Commissions (1985-1995): creation of a contractual relations area at

European level

........................74 2. The Santer and Prodi Commissions (1995-2004): a?rmation of the European social dialogue by collective negotiation and high-level concertation 3.

The Barroso Commissions (2005-2014): first tensions, then exasperation .....................................84

4. The Juncker Commission (2014-2019): uncertain times - expectations, hopes and disappointments


Bart Vanhercke

Chapter 5

From the Lisbon strategy to the European Pillar of Social Rights: the many lives of the

Social Open Method of Coordination


......................................99 1.

Experimenting: a proliferation of OMCs a?er Lisbon (2000-2004) .................................................101


Streamlining: rolling back and growing teeth for the Social OMC (2005-2006) ........................105

3. Capacity building: enhancing the OMC's learning tools in splendid isolation (2007-2009) ....107 4.

Marginalisation in the face of Europe 2020 and the Semester (2010-2011) .............................110

5. Reinvigoration: the Social Protection Committee 'saves' its process - initial socialisation (2011-2014) .........................111 6. Maturity: further socialising the Semester through the OMC toolbox (2015-2019) .........................114

Discussion and conclusions


Roberta Guerrina

Chapter 6

From Amsterdam to Lisbon and beyond: reflections on twenty years of gender mainstreaming in the EU .........125


....................................125 1.

Gender mainstreaming: a 'how to' guide ........................................................................

...........................126 2.

The EU's approach to gender mainstreaming........................................................................

....................128 3. Research on gender mainstreaming in the EU: twenty years of engagement and critique ......133 4.

Gender mainstreaming in practice: where is it in times of crisis? ......................................................134


.....................................137 Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road 7

Rob Cornelissen and Frederic De Wispelaere

Chapter 7

Sixty years of European social security coordination: achievements, controversies and challenges


....................................143 1. A chievements: a hidden ‘European welfare state" ............147 2. Contr oversies and challenges



Paolo Graziano and Laura Polverari

Chapter 8

The social impact of EU cohesion policy



....................................167 1.

Cohesion policy

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